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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Hopefully this will either lead somewhere or close this up:
    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    You know, I'm willing to accept defeat - if it's fair. But worst case scenario, if indeed Trump somehow lost even though gaining 11 million+ voters from '16 to '20, this stench of massive fraud needs to be settled.

    All of us have been hearing about this for years. I'm willing to take the L as long as shit gets addressed. But this had better be addressed and Pronto!

    Where the HELL is the FBI? 73 MILLION VOTERS are friggin pissed! Every democrat and RINO saying to just accept it, I'll be damned if I will.

    If we don't have confidence in our elections, we are no better than a banana republic.
    The FBI is too busy ignoring the Hunter Biden laptop to worry about such trivial things.

    Romp in the house. 11 million more votes. Biden barely leaves his basement and doesn't barely campaign, and yet wins? It doesn't add up, but it also doesn't change without a massive amount of proof.

    And same here, I don't mind losing. Kind of figured as much about 2-3 days after the election. Then a little of being hopeful but expecting the worst. And with all of the claims by Sidney and Giuliani, I simply haven't seen. Nothing on a large scale anyway.

    But there WAS a lot of fraudulent activity, all I've covered/mentioned. And all of that was bad enough - but the worst was finding out more and more about the software and machines used for our elections. Proof or not of anything, it's gotta go IMO. I've seen enough to know what it's capable of, and the amount of "glitches" it's had, to know it's garbage and needs to be replaced and mighty quickly IMO.

    Right now, while I admittedly don't see enough to turn over the election - I have zero confidence in our system from beginning to end. This includes years leading up to them as well, IMO.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    I'm not attempting to change anyone's minds, but I've got to throw this out there. One, I think there are a lot of people that think Trump is so great, how could he NOT win? Seriously underestimating how many have never accepted him, truly think he's been awful, (though I guarantee you, they are so totally unaware of his successful policies domestic and foreign.) Yes, he got more votes than 2016, but Biden got even more, (enough to make the challenges more than likely larger than fraud-though it does remain to be seen.)

    The weirdest part of this election and talking about 'fraud' is the down ballot results.' While the missing votes, the found votes, etc., all gave the President a few more votes, they also created even more of the red wave down ballot. It really looks to me that Trump lost, rather narrowly, but 'the people' definitely did not want democrat control.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    I agree that something must be done to make the election process cleaner. Unfortunately the best way imo, is also the simplest and retro. Go back to registering in a specific location, not DMV. Only have 'absentee' ballots by request and by a certain date, (if sick or whatever, too bad). Ballots marked on paper, with pen or sharpee, dropped into locked box by voter. Count by hand or scantron. If it takes until the next day, so be it. Much better than what has been happening for years, culminating in this shitshow.
    100% voter ID would have solved this.

    The fact that democrats fight this common sense method of protecting our election integrity says it all.

    Coincidently, the mafia are 100% against RICO.
    Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

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    I just heard that the GSA has released funds for Biden, saying it has ascertained that he won. Leaving open his options, the President said while he will continue his legal routes, he didn't want the GSA head or employees to be seen in a bad light. (Acting in response I'm certain to the 'rehabilitation' and 'no employment for this administration's paid employees demanded by many of the Progressives. Lest anyone think that it's only 'this administration' that has behaved 'untraditional' in this election-not too mention what these same loons put this administration through even before the inauguration.)

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Found this:

    Michigan Canvassing Board Certifies Biden’s Victory; Update: GSA Chief Finally Orders Formal Transition, Releases Funds To Biden; Update: Trump Supports
    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 5:40 pm on November 23, 2020

    This isn’t the death blow for Trump’s overall post-election effort, as there’s still litigation pending in the Third Circuit to try to make something happen in Pennsylvania.

    But it is the death blow for the White House’s halfhearted effort to convince state legislators to throw out the results of their election on some thin pretense of fraud and award Trump their electors, which would amount to a de facto coup against the incoming administration. It was the speaker of the house and the senate majority leader of Michigan’s state legislature who visited Trump at the White House last week to be pitched on the idea, making Michigan a test case for whether any Republican might actually go along with it. After that meeting the two issued a statement saying that they planned to do things by the book in awarding electors, which was reassuring but easier said than done. After all, the state canvassing board charged with certifying the results was composed of two Republicans and two Democrats. If they deadlocked — and at least one of the two Republicans had said earlier that he was inclined to vote no — despite Biden’s margin of 150,000 votes, that would trigger a court fight in Michigan and signal to other Republican officials that the time had come for all-out resistance.

    Remember that the canvassing board in Wayne County had also deadlocked briefly last week before voting to certify — and then the two Republicans on the board insisted that they wanted to oppose certification after all. The odds of similar chaos among the state board were high, with graver consequences.

    There was genuine anxiety about this in Michigan and in some parts of the national commentariat this morning, with op-eds swirling that refusing to certify legitimate votes would amount to a felony. The board finally voted this afternoon: 3-0-1 for certification, with the Republican who said he might vote no choosing to abstain instead. The other Republican voted yes:

    The abstainer, Norman Shinkle, “cited a debunked conspiracy theory aired by Trump that voting machines made by a company called Dominion deleted thousands of Trump votes” in telling WaPo last week why he was inclined to vote no. Shinkle and other Republicans also pointed to discrepancies in some precincts between the official vote count and the number of votes logged in polling books. But that sort of clerical error is routine. In fact, it was more prevalent four years ago when Trump won the state by the far narrower margin of 10,000 or so votes and had no difficulty having his victory certified.

    Out-of-balance precincts can occur for several reasons. A machine may fail to scan the name of a voter on an absentee ballot envelope. A voter can make a mistake on a ballot and request a new one, or sign into the poll book but leave before casting a ballot.

    This fall, 179 Detroit precincts, or 28 percent of the total, had discrepancies of at least one ballot, accounting for at least 433 votes, according to state and county data.

    Four years ago, when Trump won the state by a narrow margin, the number of out-of-balance precincts was larger: 392 Detroit precincts, or 59 percent of the total, had discrepancies of at least one ballot, accounting for at least 916 votes, the data show.

    This afternoon, less than an hour after Michigan made it official, Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander issued this statement:

    Note the last line. Alexander is retiring, but I think that bit about people remembering your last act is aimed more at Trump and his potential 2024 hopes than at himself.

    Pennsylvania is set to certify its results this evening unless the Third Circuit intervenes, which would be surprising. If PA goes ahead and pulls the trigger, that’ll be a significant moment for the transition: It’ll mean that even if the remaining closely contested swing states of Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada were to flip to Trump somehow, Biden would still have 279 electoral votes. There’s no earthly reason why the GSA should continue to resist “ascertaining” Biden’s victory under those circumstances, unless the standard they’re now following is that he can’t be ascertained the “apparent” winner so long as litigation is pending somewhere, no matter how frivolous. Democrats are leaning heavily on her today to make a move:

    Today was the deadline set last week by a House committee for GSA chief Emily Murphy to brief them on why she hasn’t begun the transition. Today GSA agreed to brief the committee — a week from now. And it won’t be Murphy but a deputy who shows up to do it. That’s not going to cut it for Dems; the committee responded that it wants a briefing from Murphy herself no later than tomorrow. Conceivably she’ll moot the entire dispute by ascertaining Biden’s victory after Pennsylvania certifies tonight, particularly with Trump’s legal effort seemingly falling to pieces. If not, I assume the next move will be Team Biden suing GSA to try to force it to begin the transition. It’s unlikely yet somehow true that Trump’s most stalwart ally inside the administration in trying to buy time for him to overturn the election is a no-name apparatchik at a bean-counting agency.

    In lieu of an exit question, read this story about the Secret Service reportedly feeling out agents to see if they’d accept a transfer to Palm Beach in the expectation that that’ll be Trump’s residence soon.

    Update: The Trump “legal effort” is one part legal and 99 parts PR, as this new Jenna Ellis statement illustrates. She can keep on filing lawsuits to show MAGA Nation that Trump is still “fighting” but unless something very surprising happens in Pennsylvania tonight the deal is sealed.

    Update: And there it is. Murphy didn’t bother waiting for Pennsylvania.

    She’s careful not to say that he won the election, that only the constitutional process can determine that, but she’s releasing the money appropriated for the transition to his team. The money’s less important than the fact that members of the Trump administration, starting with the COVID team, now have the political cover they needed to start cooperating with members of the Biden transition. The question now is whether Trump will try to stop them.

    Update: This is surprising. It’s clearly not his own voice — the reference to “initial protocols” is bureaucratic-speak — but he must have signed off, no doubt with lots of encouragement from Senate Republicans. Does this mean Trump officials can cooperate with Biden officials openly?

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Joe Digenova:

    The Trump campaign statement about Sidney Powell reflected a mutual decision; Powell must pursue

    her case regarding Dominion Voting Systems, while Trump's attorneys litigate 14th amendment

    violations of due process and equal protection.

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    Sidney Powell is registered as a military attorney who can prosecute treason at a tribunal

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    The FBI is too busy ignoring the Hunter Biden laptop to worry about such trivial things.

    Romp in the house. 11 million more votes. Biden barely leaves his basement and doesn't barely campaign, and yet wins? It doesn't add up, but it also doesn't change without a massive amount of proof.

    And same here, I don't mind losing. Kind of figured as much about 2-3 days after the election. Then a little of being hopeful but expecting the worst. And with all of the claims by Sidney and Giuliani, I simply haven't seen. Nothing on a large scale anyway.

    But there WAS a lot of fraudulent activity, all I've covered/mentioned. And all of that was bad enough - but the worst was finding out more and more about the software and machines used for our elections. Proof or not of anything, it's gotta go IMO. I've seen enough to know what it's capable of, and the amount of "glitches" it's had, to know it's garbage and needs to be replaced and mighty quickly IMO.

    Right now, while I admittedly don't see enough to turn over the election - I have zero confidence in our system from beginning to end. This includes years leading up to them as well, IMO.
    I have zero confidence in the election system as it is now set up.
    The dems have always fought against any method that would make it -MORE SECURE!
    Any decent, sane person would know why they fight that so hard.
    Has long been proven very effective for them for many decades.
    Increasing that effectiveness is and always has been their goal.
    If the dem party is not brought to justice over this-- mark my words= this nation is doomed.
    As of now, by far the worst enemy this nation has is- the dem party, imho..
    That is just a sad, tragic and an all too real reality.--- Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 11-24-2020 at 08:15 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
    100% voter ID would have solved this.

    The fact that democrats fight this common sense method of protecting our election integrity says it all.

    Coincidently, the mafia are 100% against RICO.
    Yups. And did you notice how this year it was an afterthought, not even discussed among the potential issues?

    Deny deny deny deny and continue to do as they do, and there it remains. Having photo ID is the easiest and smartest thing to do when it comes to security and identification & assurances. But that has not meant a dang thing to the left for years and years. And why? It's something that appeases others & allows for potential needed votes for them.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    I have zero confidence in the election system as it is now set up.
    The dems have always fought against any method that would make it -MORE SECURE!
    Any decent, sane person would know why they fight that so hard.
    Has long been proven very effective for them for many decades.
    Increasing that effectiveness is and always has been their goal.
    If the dem party is not brought to justice over this-- mark my words= this nation is doomed.
    As of now, by far the worst enemy this nation has is- the dem party, imho..
    That is just a sad, tragic and an all too real reality.--- Tyr
    Just mentioned that with photo ID. And my donuts are now being bet that they will fight tooth and nail against any changes to software or tabulation correction going forward. And I should have read your post first rather than repeating you!! But I believe the same, that they fight against beefing up security - in order to appease all kinds of people that can then vote & allows dems to vote for them.

    I want to see action after this election to continue to investigate Dominion and more, even if at the least it's a way to change things on the back end. I think there needs to be immediate action with major social media operations. Any of them going public should have to fit under certain rules - and for starters it will go to not allowing them to censor the news from legit agencies. And so so much more. And then something needs to happen with the media altogether, broadcast TV and cable alike. Censoring and putting out a full court press on blacking out stories or people entirely - not good for America. I know it's a fine line, but one that needs addressing.

    And if not, things are liable to go from Alzheimer's Joe to Slept my way to VP Harris. And if folks are nervous about the senate going democrat and them having full power - then imagine that with Harris in charge...
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Unfortunately there is more than a little truth here. While the first days made sense, things seemed to quickly change to lots of noise, big promises of things to come, little substance. I think we all agree that there were more than a few shananigans, but alas not the proof needed to change the results. Like the rest here, I'm unsure whether there was enough to in fact change results, but sure that there was much more that could have been raised, but because of what transpired both in public, later in courts, no chance:

    PA Supreme Court Tosses Five More Trump Election Challenges
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 8:42 am on November 24, 2020

    Chalk up five more losses for Team Trump in Pennsylvania, where the campaign had to reverse the state’s election in any legal scenario for a successful election challenge. In all five cases, the state supreme court ruled that the irregularities in the ballots cited by the campaign did not amount to the kind of widespread election fraud that would justify tossing out an entire election. However, clean-election advocates might take some comfort in the dissents — even if Team Trump won’t find much to cheer there either:

    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Monday issued opinions rejecting five lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign aimed at invalidating 8,329 ballots cast in the 2020 presidential contest over technical concerns.

    Three justices wrote in the majority that, “no allegations of fraud or illegality” came up in examination of the ballots.

    “Failures to include a handwritten name, address or date in the voter declaration on the back of the outer envelope, while constituting technical violations of the Election Code, do not warrant the wholesale disenfranchisement of thousands of Pennsylvania voters,” Justice Christine L. Donohue wrote for the majority.

    The court also threw out a similar challenge in Allegheny, one involving a little over 2300 ballots. In all, only 10,678 ballots were in question … in a state where Joe Biden topped Donald Trump by almost 81,000 votes. Even if the state supreme court had thrown out these ballots in all five cases, Biden would still lead by 70,000 votes.

    The decision to keep the ballots was unanimous, as the dissenters also argued against throwing the ballots out — at least in this election. Four justices dissented in part to underscore that these ballots did have irregularities, and that the state legislature needed to address those issues before the next election. While these ballots should count now, the justices strongly hinted that the statutes need review and revision to give better direction to the counties about ballot operations:

    In a second concurring, dissenting opinion, Justice Kevin M. Dougherty, joined by Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor and Justice Sallie Updyke Mundy, wrote that the justices agreed the deficient ballots should be counted this year and that ballots missing “fill out” information, such as printed name or address, should not be voided due to technical faults. However, Justice Dougherty noted that “the terms “date” and “sign” — which were included by the legislature — are self-evident,” and that they “do not view the absence of a date as a mere technical insufficiency we may overlook.”

    So the challenge has served at least one purpose — highlighting ambiguities and arbitrary policies in the various counties. That’s a matter for the state to clean up later, but it’s not a reason to throw out an entire election. Unfortunately for the Trump campaign, that’s precisely how its legal team insisted on fighting this in court and in public, and now they’re left with egg on their faces … again.

    ABC News notes that Trump’s A-team hasn’t been involved in the post-election challenges, and it shows:

    Trump’s lead attorney, Jay Sekulow, has been a fixture throughout the Mueller investigation, the impeachment inquiry and trial against the president, and the two cases seeking the president’s financial records brought by House Democrats and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

    Along with Sekulow, Trump has relied on Marty and Jane Raskin, two longtime federal prosecutors who assisted Sekulow with each of these probes. But neither Sekulow nor the Raskins have been involved in the 2020 election dispute. White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, another close ally, has also stayed away. Sources close to that veteran team say all of them assessed early on that the effort to challenge the election lacked legal merit.

    “What we said was, it would be a Herculean effort and every domino would have to line up and fall in place,” said one source familiar with those early discussions. “Not a likely result.”

    As a result, what we have seen from Trump’s legal team are bad legal arguments made in public, and political arguments made in court. That resulted in the rebuke from Judge Matthew Brann over the weekend on their explicit effort to block the state from certifying the election. The Third Circuit will hear an appeal on that today, but only regarding Brann’s decision to dismiss it with prejudice rather than allow the campaign to file a third version of the same lawsuit. A win there is also “not a likely result.”

    Team Trump can appeal the decisions in these five cases in federal court, but there’s not going to be much point to that, either. Even if they win on appeal, all they can possibly get is throwing out those specific ballots, which means Joe Biden still leads by 70K-plus votes. Better to take the moral victory of “at least we highlighted some problems” rather than chase that rabbit down the hole again.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    This won't help in the battle either.

    I will find this hard to believe as time goes on, that this is what the vote count truly showed or would have been. And that Biden barely left his basement and barely ran a campaign. What happened everywhere else. So many things don't add up. But none of it matters unless you have something solid to prove otherwise. That's a tall hurdle to overcome.

    So I don't know what to fully believe. But I do know I will have more confidence if a handful of things are to be corrected. Then even if Biden wins again I'll have a little more confidence in our system.

    So correction of these things would be the logical next step - and I have a feeling we'll just see round 2 of blockage and censorship.


    Biden certified as winner of Pennsylvania presidential vote

    Pennsylvania officials say Democrat Joe Biden has been certified as the winner of the presidential vote in the state

    Biden certified as winner of Pennsylvania presidential voteBy MARK SCOLFOROAssociated PressThe Associated PressHARRISBURG, Pa.

    HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Democrat Joe Biden was certified Tuesday as winner of the presidential election in Pennsylvania, culminating three weeks of vote counting and a string of failed legal challenges by President Donald Trump.

    Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf first disclosed in a tweet that the Department of State had certified the vote count for president and vice president.

    Wolf sent a “certificate of ascertainment” to the national archivist Washington with the slate of electors who support President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

    Pennsylvania’s 20 electors, a mix of elected Democrats, party activists and other staunch Biden backers, will meet in the state Capitol on Dec. 14.

    One of them, state Democratic Party chair Nancy Patton Mills, said she will also lead the Electoral College’s meeting in Harrisburg next month.

    Rest -
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    This won't help in the battle either.

    I will find this hard to believe as time goes on, that this is what the vote count truly showed or would have been. And that Biden barely left his basement and barely ran a campaign. What happened everywhere else. So many things don't add up. But none of it matters unless you have something solid to prove otherwise. That's a tall hurdle to overcome.

    So I don't know what to fully believe. But I do know I will have more confidence if a handful of things are to be corrected. Then even if Biden wins again I'll have a little more confidence in our system.

    So correction of these things would be the logical next step - and I have a feeling we'll just see round 2 of blockage and censorship.


    Biden certified as winner of Pennsylvania presidential vote

    Pennsylvania officials say Democrat Joe Biden has been certified as the winner of the presidential vote in the state

    Biden certified as winner of Pennsylvania presidential voteBy MARK SCOLFOROAssociated PressThe Associated PressHARRISBURG, Pa.

    HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Democrat Joe Biden was certified Tuesday as winner of the presidential election in Pennsylvania, culminating three weeks of vote counting and a string of failed legal challenges by President Donald Trump.

    Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf first disclosed in a tweet that the Department of State had certified the vote count for president and vice president.

    Wolf sent a “certificate of ascertainment” to the national archivist Washington with the slate of electors who support President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

    Pennsylvania’s 20 electors, a mix of elected Democrats, party activists and other staunch Biden backers, will meet in the state Capitol on Dec. 14.

    One of them, state Democratic Party chair Nancy Patton Mills, said she will also lead the Electoral College’s meeting in Harrisburg next month.

    Rest -
    His staying in his basement was a brilliant move, seen in hindsight. Truly it was, 'More chaos or quiet?' For too many it was 'quiet.' If not for Covid, the results would have been different, probably down ballot too.

    It was near impossible to miss the anti-Trump wave, which is real if one gets beyond a conservative echo chamber. It's why folks are so over the top in reaction to FOX now. They don't and didn't want to hear just how so many others felt negative about Trump, when those were the very qualities he holds that attracted them.

    Now if Biden had come out of the basement or Obama people had spoken up more OR the Progressives talked more than they did, it may well have overcome the Biden lead. But they didn't. They kept quiet. Trump got to be Trump. Most people look at the man, not the policies or even the results beyond themselves. Biden promised 'return to normalcy,' Trump promised more of the same he'd delivered, which was Trump being Trump-most unaware of what was going on in Middle East or even the economy in midst of pandemic. His repeating, 'Got to open it up, got to.' Instead of letting some surrogate go over the details of dealing with county-by-county and differences between draconian states and those more flexible.

    The little Biden et al did talk about was 'COVID' and mishandled. Few details, actually just copying what already had been done.

    Now today, folks are beginning to look at the cabinet announced. Hearing the governors, mayors, hypocrisy. Suddenly they're noticing. They knew in some sense though, keeping the Senate is imperative, but no ignoring what happened with House elections or another R governor.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Just mentioned that with photo ID. And my donuts are now being bet that they will fight tooth and nail against any changes to software or tabulation correction going forward. And I should have read your post first rather than repeating you!! But I believe the same, that they fight against beefing up security - in order to appease all kinds of people that can then vote & allows dems to vote for them.

    I want to see action after this election to continue to investigate Dominion and more, even if at the least it's a way to change things on the back end. I think there needs to be immediate action with major social media operations. Any of them going public should have to fit under certain rules - and for starters it will go to not allowing them to censor the news from legit agencies. And so so much more. And then something needs to happen with the media altogether, broadcast TV and cable alike. Censoring and putting out a full court press on blacking out stories or people entirely - not good for America. I know it's a fine line, but one that needs addressing.

    And if not, things are liable to go from Alzheimer's Joe to Slept my way to VP Harris. And if folks are nervous about the senate going democrat and them having full power - then imagine that with Harris in charge...
    With dem party, media and Biden in- all investigation of the voter fraud will be squelched.
    In fact, they will devise even better ways of doing it.
    As it is now- I suspect that there will not be another Republican president ever...
    If Biden goes in-- they will do that final fix, imho...-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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