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    This AG has done more to fuck over our country in the time he's been in this position then the past AG's...............

    Fixed that for ya...
    A man once said to me "you can get used to anything when money is involved".

    He used to stuff weasels up his ass for twenty bucks a throw.

    -Spyder Jerusalem

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    The process is to long by then President Bush will be out of office and a new Attorney General appointed.
    Not if Bush gets impeached too.

    That's whats really needed.

    Eject this cadre of criminals and put'em in a cell where they belong.

    Nobody is beyond the law in America.
    A man once said to me "you can get used to anything when money is involved".

    He used to stuff weasels up his ass for twenty bucks a throw.

    -Spyder Jerusalem

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder Jerusalem View Post
    Not if Bush gets impeached too.

    That's whats really needed.

    Eject this cadre of criminals and put'em in a cell where they belong.

    Nobody is beyond the law in America.
    Do you understand how long it will take to impeach President Bush if they get the courage to actually try it? He will be long out of office and the next President will already be in office long before he can be impeached. It would be a waste of time and money. They have more important issues to deal with. People just need o suck it up there is only a little over a year left anyways.

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bluestatesrule View Post
    I think I understand why the Bush administration has long protected the stooge of an attorney general! Bushes refusel to fire the incompetent, prevaricating Alberto Gonzales serves him by drawing attention away from his own short commings! At least Gonzales has successfully redefined the role of the U.S attorney general: No longer is it a postion of the nations highest law enforcement officer....but rather...a position where a political flunky is only concerned with shielding his patron! I don't think this guy is capable of telling the truth! Did someone say purjury???

    Please do not hold back and tell us how you really feel. This is not the Daily Kos or the Dem Underground where you can let it rip

    Libs do not have a single shred of evidence of a crime was committed - they have nothing but talking points to a manufactured scandel

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    Please do not hold back and tell us how you really feel. This is not the Daily Kos or the Dem Underground where you can let it rip

    Libs do not have a single shred of evidence of a crime was committed - they have nothing but talking points to a manufactured scandel
    They will make it up if they don't have any solid evidence.

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nevadamedic View Post
    They will make it up if they don't have any solid evidence.
    You can't expect the left to rely on facts can you? If that happened they would have nothing to say

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    and the liberal media is doing all they can to pour gasoline on the fire set by the kook left

    Bozell Column: Chuck Schumer's Media
    By Brent Bozell | July 31, 2007 - 21:34 ET
    Senator Charles Schumer is a legendary pursuer of television cameras. But look at the way the national media are covering Schumer’s heavy-breathing pursuit to make Attorney General Alberto Gonzales cry uncle and resign. It makes you wonder just how hard Schumer has to work to get press attention. The media look Schumer-owned and operated.

    One interview really captures how the press looks more like a Democratic goon squad than a nonpartisan observers of the national scene. On ABC’s “Good Morning America,” news anchor Christopher Cuomo, son of Mario Cuomo, asked this pushy question on July 27: “Is Alberto Gonzales out of a job at end of business today?” Cuomo wanted the Attorney General whacked, and he wanted it now. He was asking the question to George Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton lie-spinner. At least George bluntly explained the game: the Democrats’ price for confirming a new Attorney General would be “very, very high.”

    The Democrats are trying to set up a game of damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t, and most of the liberal media are playing along with them, refusing to cover the naked politics of it. If our political press were truly nonpartisan, they might be pushing Schumer back about his record: a partisan double standard for truth-bending politicians and cabinet officers, and a sudden hunger for a special prosecutor after years of opposing the same under a Democratic regime.

    Start at the top. How many Senate Democrats voted to remove Bill Clinton from office for lying under oath in a sexual-harassment investigation? Did they favor special prosecutors then, or treat them like unelected tyrants? Charles Schumer, for example, had the unique historical distinction of voting against Clinton’s impeachment in both houses of Congress: first as a lame-duck House member in December of 1998, and then later as a freshman Senator in 1999.

    How many Democrats would suggest that Hillary Clinton should resign, or should have never run for office, for hiding Rose Law Firm documents from the special prosecutor in the Whitewater investigation for several years (until they were discovered near her private office in the White House quarters)? Special prosecutor Robert Ray found Hillary Clinton provided factually false statements to the special prosecutor in the Travel Office case. Neither Rep. Schumer nor Sen. Schumer cared.

    And no one in the “news” media cares, either.

    This controversy is supposedly about the dismissal of seven U.S. Attorneys. So where was Chuck Schumer when the Clinton administration dismissed all 93 U.S. Attorneys in 1993? Back then, it was perfectly fine. Now he’s outraged. No one in the “news” media cares about the hypocrisy.

    How many Democrats suggested that Attorney General Janet Reno should resign after she took responsibility for the fiery deaths of cult members in the fiasco at Waco months later? They didn’t need to, as long as the national media was doing their bidding and hailing her as a hero. Time put her on the cover with the word “Reno: The Real Thing,” like she was as appealing as Coca-Cola, noting she was “cheered on both sides of the aisle in Congress.” They dismissed her Republican predecessors in the office as “25 watt” dim bulbs by comparison. CNN called her a “rock star celebrity.”

    Journalists also cheered Reno when she lied to the family members of Elian Gonzales in order to conduct a surprise raid on their Florida home in the middle of the night to send the six-year-old boy back to Fidel Castro. Tom Friedman of the New York Times raved on PBS about how she would be the toast of lawless towns: “What people in Bogota, Colombia would give for five minutes of Janet Reno!”

    Nine summers ago, Reno adamantly refused to name a special prosecutor in the Asian-foreign-contributions scandal, despite it being urged by her own appointed investigator, Charles LaBella, a recommendation endorsed by FBI Director Louis Freeh. Neither Schumer nor the Schumer-sympathetic media found any reason to ask her to resign.

    Chuck Schumer and Co. aren’t really sticklers for honest testimony, but they are partisans seeking to win more Senate seats and the White House by any means necessary. They pose now as the avatars of accountability, after spending the Clinton years raging against prosecutors and congressional oversight probes. Sadly, you would never know that if you relied on TV news as the only source of your political information. They’re doing the very same poses.

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nevadamedic View Post
    Nope, he just let our Embassies get blown up and is the only President in history after one of our Naval Vessels got attacked didn't do anything about it because he was a coward. Slick Willy didn't have the gut's to goto War, he is a bitch just like his wife.
    Nevada, The USS Cole was attacked in October of 2000, The CIA finished their analysis on "who done it?" in January of 2001???

    President Bush was inaugerated as President, the third week of January 2001.

    "Bitch" Bush, (playing on your bitch clinton ), didn't have the insight to respond against the perpetraitors of the USS Cole attack, he and his Deputy of Defense and National Security Advisors, sat on their rear ends and twiddled their fingers, or were actually messing around with planning a way they could get the usa to attack Saddam, until we were attacked on September 11th.

    The Bush Administration is who "sat back" and did nothing regarding the USS Cole.

    Let's NOT rewrite History here.

    The Embassy thing, I agree with you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe View Post
    Nevada, The USS Cole was attacked in October of 2000, The CIA finished their analysis on "who done it?" in January of 2001???

    President Bush was inaugerated as President, the third week of January 2001.

    "Bitch" Bush, (playing on your bitch clinton ), didn't have the insight to respond against the perpetraitors of the USS Cole attack, he and his Deputy of Defense and National Security Advisors, sat on their rear ends and twiddled their fingers, or were actually messing around with planning a way they could get the usa to attack Saddam, until we were attacked on September 11th.

    The Bush Administration is who "sat back" and did nothing regarding the USS Cole.

    Let's NOT rewrite History here.

    The Embassy thing, I agree with you!
    Libs have been rewriting history about the Clinton years even when he was in office. Clinton did nothing in repsonse to the 5 attacks that killed Americans, and gave OBL the idea Amercia was a paper tiger

    The USS Cole happened while Bill was Pres. he bit the lower lip and issued threats - nothing else

    We got 9-11 because of Bill's inaction

    Of course Bill was to busy with other affairs to pay attention to terrorism.

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    Libs have been rewriting history about the Clinton years even when he was in office. Clinton did nothing in repsonse to the 5 attacks that killed Americans, and gave OBL the idea Amercia was a paper tiger

    The USS Cole happened while Bill was Pres. he bit the lower lip and issued threats - nothing else

    We got 9-11 because of Bill's inaction

    Of course Bill was to busy with other affairs to pay attention to terrorism.
    good morning rsr,

    So tell me WHY Bush and Cheney did NOTHING about the USS Cole attack EITHER? Why, after they got the assessment from the CIA in january of 2001, they DID NOTHING, just as you say Clinton did nothing?

    If, the Bush administration had retalliated for the USS Cole, once the perps were identified that Jan of 2001, would 9/11 still have happened? Who really knows?

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe View Post
    good morning rsr,

    So tell me WHY Bush and Cheney did NOTHING about the USS Cole attack EITHER? Why, after they got the assessment from the CIA in january of 2001, they DID NOTHING, just as you say Clinton did nothing?

    If, the Bush administration had retalliated for the USS Cole, once the perps were identified that Jan of 2001, would 9/11 still have happened? Who really knows?
    Good Morning

    I do rememebr those first months of the Bush administration. Pres Bush was trying to get his administration set up and running - and Dems were blocking all his nominees for the jobs

    Dems were blocking what he wanted to do. No matter what Pres Buhs wanted top do or who he wanted to hire - Dems blocked it. Clinton had more time to respond to the 5 attacks and he did nothing

    Libs love to give Bill a pass and prefer to bash Bush instead

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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