Were I, Born To Tread Upon A Cold, Sadden Earth

Were I, born to tread upon a cold, sadden earth
Walk naked upon barren and dark dusty plains
Strive only for wealth-never for my true self worth
Would I ever have anything but futile gains?
Were I, to yield to Fate, its cursed flaming breast
Accept living in its shadowy subterfuge
Begging and pleading well that my dreams give me rest
Wallow in the sorrows of Hell's pouring deluge?
Were I, to live and be damn'd to such a Fate
Would my fallen soul be naught but a chained slave
In such blindness only my evil lusts then sate
Existing but in darkness, well within hell's gate?
Were I, to such state, a prisoner born to be
No more than a destined walking bag of bones
Unable to love Nature, its true beauty see
Sentenced to break my teeth eating world's black-stones?

Shall I, wake to live, love and sweet life truly find
Thereby deny the world's darkness its wicked hold
Learn to dance and in calmness let love so remind
There is remedy for world's lies I have been told?
Shall I, another path dare to so boldly take
Seeking peace and joy a man desperately needs
Begin to understand tis greed one must forsake
As one replants with divinely inspired seeds?
Shall I, each new morn rise to a beautiful day
Enter the world but deny its foul, wicked breath
Stop to kneel down and in all sincerity pray
For divine light and courage to face mortal death?
Shall I, live thus to in God's true blessings partake
Of the gifts and joys such a new life thereby gives
Walk anew, a spirit reborn - world's dark mold break
Live as free and happy as man was meant to live?

Were I, to such light given knowledge dare to bow
Dare I, kneel to this light, this great truth, this hope pray
Shall I, with judicious thought rise to do so now
Know I, tis the light that casts the darkness away!

Robert J. Lindley, 12-08-2020
Rhyme, ( From Faith, Light and Truth cometh knowledge )

Note- This new poem was inspired by my having read Greg Barden's
poems Titled, --
1… The white tomb trembles - part 1
2… Sea of Trees

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020