Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
The mask is an exercise in herd control. They are not going to let it slide away that easily.
As it represents herd control and FEAR!!!

They want and need both... as their agenda needs both..
The masses must appeal to them for relief--for salvation.

This is not about any medical need or priority.
It is political. It is them representing as the the great and mighty saviors--the almighty --OZ...!!

Question is-will we as a nation wake up to the scam...??-Tyr
An interesting wild card in this dynamic is the role of corruption or even only a self-serving interest in getting paid. We are in an upside-down world when spending time in Mexico is a pursuit of freedom. Lefties are turning out to be more of a threat than drug cartels. Pay no attention to internet information regarding Mexican travel restrictions. If you attempt to cross the land border, no one will stop you.