"12-year-old stabbed in neck while waiting in line at McDonald’s, Pennsylvania cops say.."

"A 12-year-old boy waiting in line at a McDonald’s restaurant was stabbed in the

neck Saturday, according to Pittsburgh police.

Police initially said the boy was in critical condition, but he was upgraded to stable

condition, according to WTAE.

It’s unclear what led to the stabbing on Saturday afternoon. Police say the boy

was standing in line with his family when 51-year-old Charles Edward

Turner tackled and slashed his neck, according to WPXI.

Turner also bit one of the boy’s family members who was trying to help, according

to police, WPXI reported."
Key>> Hates Police....
**Turner later punched and kicked officers as he was taken into custody, according to WTAE."

51-year-old Charles Edward

Turner ..More Info here than woke "Yahoo"
