"Wearing masks outside is insanity" and makes it clear that the virus spreads when in indoor locations with many others and limited air and movement. But outside, doing your own thing, especially in the sunlight - there is no need for a mask. I never did so from the beginning. People are wearing them in their own vehicles, alone in the park and just bike riding or whatever. Does nothing much more than limit your breathing and not serving it's purpose, IMO. I also believe that unless in a medical environment, there is certainly no need for double or triple masking and as Rand stated, nothing more than theater. I have seen doctors/dentist wearing an N95 with a surgical mask on top of that, but again, that's in a medical environment and more so for my protection.

The other thing that stood out was the average death age of covid is 78.6 years old. And the US average death age was already - 78.6 years old.

And back to the CDC and their original release that only 6% of covid patients dies of covid alone, and no other comorbidities. They don't wanna talk about that, only build fear.