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    Default How Deep and Wide The Covid Coverups?

    Zooming In China’s one-hour documentary movie follows investigative reporter Simone Gao’s inquiry into critical questions about the pandemic: What did the Chinese Communist leadership do at the early stages of the outbreak? What significant truth have they concealed from the world, and why did they do that? The documentary also casts light on who has let the the CCP run rampant, and what can be learned from the western world’s history of dealing with Communist China. – Zooming In China is an in-depth, investigative program produced and hosted by the award-winning journalist, Simone Gao. The program focuses on China and US-China relations. It is known for never shunning tough, controversial issues or complex stories. Exclusive interviews and reports from China, insight from top experts on the U.S. and China, good storytelling, and engaging visual presentations make Zooming In one of a kind. This channel features three types of programs: a monthly documentary on China, called Movies; Simone’s in-depth interviews with China experts, called Chat; and Simone’s own analysis, called Tea Time. The latter two formats are produced every week.

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    Default Gain of Function Research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology—Dr. Nicole Saphier on La

    At the Wuhan Institute of Virology, “they have published data that they were actually introducing furin cleavage sites,” says Dr. Nicole Saphier, Director of Breast Imaging at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. That mutation would make a virus much more dangerous, she said. In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Nicole Saphier to discuss the Wuhan lab leak theory, Dr. Fauci’s newly released email trove, and her new book, “Panic Attack: Playing Politics With Science in the Fight Against COVID-19.” “When you have the CDC coming out saying young children still need to be wearing masks outdoors, even when they’re physically distancing, until they’re vaccinated—this makes no sense,” Dr. Saphier said.

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    Default Is Covid-19 the Result of an Out of Control Gain of Function Experiment Leaked from l

    We all know that so far the world has not identified the intermediate host for the virus to jump from bats to humans and became covid-19, China has not identified patient zero either. What does that mean? Is that significant? More importantly, how are these facts possibly related to the gain of function research that’s performed at the Wu Han Institute of virology? And what exactly is the relationship between the Wuhan p4 lab and the Chinese liberation army.

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    Default Live Q&A: Fauci Emails Suggest Lab Coverup; Gain of Function Research Enters Spotligh

    Live Q&A: Fauci Emails Suggest Lab Coverup; Gain of Function Research Enters Spotligh

    The public release of emails from Dr Anthony Fauci have revealed that top US leaders dealing with policy on the COVID-19 virus may have conspired to prevent investigations into a possible lab origin in China. And amid the revelation, US officials are calling for additional investigations including into US funded research with China on gain of function research. In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience.

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    Nice to see a Falun Gong follower joining the discussion. Are you peddling Epoch Times subscriptions?

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    Default Virus-Origin Investigation Blocked by U.S. Elites? Politicians, Experts, Media Back C

    On the edge of a village, deep in China’s South-West mountains, is an abandoned copper mine. Ten years ago, six miners contracted a mysterious disease—Three of them died. Could this be the origin of the pandemic that has killed more than 3.8 million people worldwide? Did samples taken from the mine leak from the Wuhan lab in 2019 after infecting researchers there? More than a year and a half on, the push is finally on for a serious investigation of the Wuhan Lab. But, why have America’s elites—politicians, researchers, and media, until now, been diverting us from this action? Epoch Times contributor and novelist, Roger Simon gives his insights on why U.S. elites seem more loyal to Beijing than to America. “A lot of them don’t want to upset Beijing… Because they don’t want to bite the hand that will potentially feed them.” —Roger Simon

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Nice to see a Falun Gong follower joining the discussion. Are you peddling Epoch Times subscriptions?
    Thank you.
    But any comment is welcome because the issue is serious, a matter of life and death. Don't you agree? .

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    I do not buy the lab escape conspiracy theory. I do not think the science for it makes any sense

    First off to know whether a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2 is reasonable, the two things one needs to look at are the:genome of the disease, and the ecological modeling of how that disease should behave in the wild. When that has been done, to date all theories of how this virus would have arisen in a lab can not explain the properties inherent in the virus-they just do not match up.

    Based on the case records of COVID-19, the first cases arose in Hubei province in October of 2019 and not from a lab.

    We also kniw SARS first emerged in 2002/2003, and scientists knew already bats spread similar corona viruses.

    In December of 2019, the evidence appears to indicate that the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, advised Dr. Shi their leading bat virus expert that the Wuhan CDC had detected a novel strain of coronavirus in two hospital patients with an unusual form of pneumonia, and she was told to investigate and she did. In her investigation she had to rule out the virus could have come from her lab so she went through her lab’s records to check the genetic sequences from all of the viruses in her lab and found none of them matched SARS-CoV-2 and the closest match she could find at 96% was a coronavirus found in horseshoe bats in Yunnan which is three provinces away from Hubei where the Wuhan lab is.

    The results of those findings were publically published in February of 2020.

    Further to the above while it is true scientists been able to create processes to insert novel genetic sequences too many other things can happen to make that process replicable let alone stable to use to insert into others. For example you may or may not get a successful protein out of such a process but even if you did there is no guarantee it could work, let alone work well enough to create a complete viral organism.

    When scientists have tried to create viruses such as corona ones. what theyend up with may or may not replicate successfully in the target cells of interest in a body and where even these created viruses c ould successfully infect target cells in tissue the cultures of these viruses still may not be successful in the context of a host with a complex, fully functional immune system.

    Next even if you did get one that got past all those hurdles it would then have to adapt to its new host which is improbable and its transmissibility would probably be altered, rendering it being easily-spread unlikely because; a-there is no certaint it would pose a lethal threat.

    To date what most scientists agree on world wide is that Covid 19 was a naturally occurring virus and leapt from bats to another animal years or even decades ago, and then to humans, naturally, in 2019. That is what the genetic sequences clearly support.

    So if anything the researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who were allegedly infected early on then it is more probable they were probably infected the same way all the other people in Wuhan got infected, through airborne contact with another infected person.

    With due respect China probably covered up the fast spreading virus and its full extent and killed certain communist party officials when they failed to get the spread of the virus under control. They also hid the full extent of the spread. That is life in China. Any news that can undermine the efficiency of central government control is covered up.

    China however has had wide spread epidemics as long as its existed. Any country with high populations condensed in small spaces will.

    Add to that filthy market conditions with zero health regulation, you get the perfect petry dish for cultivating and spreading not just viruses but fungii and bacteria.

    Bottom line is you handle meat left in the heat with your bare hands be prepared to become ill and spread disease. As for eating things like bats, rats, dogs, cats, squirrels, anything with meat that moves, which is the case in China, you have a cultural issue.

    Look we eat hot dogs in North America. They are as vile as it gets but we package the gook in little plastic casings and give it a pinkish brown colour and people love them. Most of their vile contents germs are boiled or micro waved out but every hot dog you eat is full of rat hair and excrement, cockroach parts, human skin and fingernails and hair.

    We humans are just nasty.

    The following web-site below among others raises the points I made. I am summarizing evidence and did not cite it for the sake of brevity. Ethan Seigel
    Last edited by Mika-El; 06-19-2021 at 12:06 PM.

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    Just an Fyi, @Mika-El , doesn't seem like our friend that comes here ever replies to anything. Sure says a mouthful at times though!
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Default Many in Scientific Community Fell Into Communist China’s Trap—Laura Harth on Wuhan La

    Many in Scientific Community Fell Into Communist China’s Trap—Laura Harth on Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

    Much of Europe and North America has become dependent on China for critical products, from rare earths to pharmaceuticals. Europe’s “green transition” is intimately linked to human rights atrocities in China, says human rights advocate Laura Harth. How could the Chinese regime exploit these strategic dependencies? And if the lab leak theory turns out to be true, what will that mean for Beijing? In this episode, we discuss how the Chinese regime has strangled freedom in Hong Kong, expanded its encroachments and censorship globally, and is working to rewrite the international corpus on human rights. Laura Harth is the Campaign Director for Safeguard Defenders and the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China’s regional liaison for Italy.

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    Default (Exclusive)Source: Defector Said Virus Was Part of BioWeapon Prog.|Why Biden Search f

    (Exclusive)Source: Defector Said Virus Was Part of BioWeapon Prog.|Why Biden Search for Virus Origin
    <font color="#191E1E"><span style="font-family: Roboto">

    According to a source, the Defense Intelligence Agency has kept the CCP #defector#DongJingwei for four months under protective custody. #ZoomingIn with SimoneGao ’s Simone Gao conducted an interview with Republican National Committeeman Solomon Yue who has information about DongJingwei. The State Department, White House, and other intelligence agencies just got to know about this in the recent weeks. The source confirmed Dong’s Identity as Deputy Minister of Public Security; Dong revealed U.S. companies and officials help hide the virus origin...
    Last edited by Et Soh; 06-28-2021 at 08:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Just an Fyi, @Mika-El , doesn't seem like our friend that comes here ever replies to anything. Sure says a mouthful at times though!
    DP's own "5 O'Clock Charley" from MASH. For those who remember

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    Default Timeline of China’s COVID Vaccine Development Raises Serious Concerns

    Timeline of China’s COVID Vaccine Development Raises Serious Concerns
    Cheng Xiaonong, Contributor
    July 5, 2021

    Ever since the CCP virus began spreading in China around the fall of 2019, its vaccine development was once ahead of the rest of the world. However, as one analyzes the timeline of the R&D process of Chinese-made vaccines, a series of anomalies occur, prompting the international community to question the origin of COVID-19. Moreover, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) vaccine production plan reveals the regime’s attempt of profiting from the pandemic.

    The Starting Date of China’s Vaccine R&D

    According to official data, the first case of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, was identified on Dec. 1, 2019; and by Jan. 21, 2020, only 440 people were confirmed to have contracted the virus. On Jan. 15, 2020, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission’s 8th public health report stated that “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission has been found so far.” If this information was accurate, then it appears the regime did not expect the virus to spread globally and weren’t prepared for such an event.

    However, on March 25 this year, an article in the state-run media Beijing Daily blew the narrative in the opposite direction. This report mentioned that the CCP had formulated five R&D strategies for vaccine developments in early 2020 and began to roll out various prototypes; and one of these five vaccine technologies came from Major General Chen Wei, the chief expert of the CCP’s military biochemical weapons, and her team. This news is both suspicious and thought-provoking.

    According to Chinese state media, immediately after scientists in Hubei Province isolated suitable virus strains on Jan. 9, 2020, local authorities created a joint team between Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and Wuhan Institute of Biological Products to develop vaccines against the CCP virus.

    Among all the vaccine R&D teams involved, specific starting dates were publicized for two companies: Sinopharm’s vaccine R&D was officially approved and started on Jan. 19, 2020, and Tianjin-based CanSino Biologics’ COVID-19 vaccine project was approved and started on Jan. 20, 2020.

    Three questions can be discerned from this.

    First, if the initial virus sequence really evolved from natural origins (for example, all the harm is to be blamed on a few bats) as the CCP said, and it is not transmissible between people, then why did the CCP mobilize all available forces, including its military biological warfare units for the large-scale research and development of vaccines?

    Second, the CCP set off the research and development of multiple vaccines before the Wuhan lockdown on Jan. 23, 2020, indicating that it was very clear to the CCP that the virus would spread on a global scale. That being the case, why would they fabricate lies on how the virus is not easily contagious? Such nonsense will only let the virus spread even faster across the world.

    Third, at the beginning of 2020, all types of vaccines at that time have entered the application-oriented stage (not all were commercialized). Why wasn’t Wuhan locked down then? Wouldn’t the number of infections and deaths be minimized this way? People with common sense can deduce that the CCP’s actions in the early stages of the pandemic were questionable, which exposed that the regime was not trying to contain the virus and prevent it from spreading around the world.

    Were Chinese Vaccines Already Prepared Before Pandemic?

    Prashant Yadav, a healthcare supply chain expert at the Center for Global Development, an international think tank, pointed out that “vaccine manufacturing is an endeavor where an almost infinite combination of things have to work perfectly.”

    “There’s variability in the raw materials, the microorganisms needed to grow vaccine products, the conditions of the culture in which those microorganisms are grown, and more,” Yadav told USA today.

    Therefore, it usually takes several years to design a vaccine prototype and then develop new vaccines. However, China seemed to be very familiar with the development of this vaccine.

    It is common knowledge that vaccine prototypes used in clinical trials must first be developed over a lengthy time. The Pfizer vaccine began research and development on March 20, 2020 and it took them at least four months to produce a feasible prototype; Chinese state media reported the Sinopharm vaccine began its R&D on Jan. 19, 2020, and started clinical trials on April 12 in the same year.

    Sinopharm was faster at creating a vaccine than Pfizer, which implies that the CCP was prepared for a pandemic before it all began, including getting a head start on the vaccine.

    How China Swiftly Mass Produced COVID Vaccines

    There are currently at least seven vaccine producers in the world, including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J/Janssen, Sinopharm, Sinovac, and Covishield. When the American vaccines were launched at the end of 2020, the production capacity of the Pfizer vaccine was quite small at that time; only until today has their manufacturing rate reached 100 million doses per month. However, Chinese vaccines have been made at a pace preceding Pfizer’s by almost one year.

    The Pfizer vaccine in the United States began research and development in late March last year; they then moved forward with prototypes, the three phases of clinical trials until the final approval and market launch. This process took them about nine months. The Pfizer team itself couldn’t even believe how fast this happened. It took the company another few months to get the production speed up to 100 million doses a month. So, it took Pfizer about a year from initiating their vaccine program to the full scale market launch.

    China joined the World Health Organization’s “COVAX” in early October 2020, providing vaccines and funding for the purchase of vaccines for 92 low- and middle-income countries. When China joined the plan, Zheng Zhongwei, head of the vaccine R&D team of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the CCP State Council, said that by the end of 2020, China’s annual vaccine production capacity could reach 610 million doses. In other words, as early as the end of summer and early autumn of 2020, the production capacity of Chinese vaccines would be close to the monthly output of hundreds of millions of doses. This is why in the first few months of this year, only the Chinese vaccines dominated the world’s vaccine supply. Vaccines in Europe and the United States started being manufactured only by the end of 2020, and it would take them three more months to mass-produce them. Compared with the Chinese vaccine, European and American vaccines had a late start in the world, and the supply of their vaccines was far behind domestic and foreign demand. This left a window of almost six months for the Chinese vaccines to become ubiquitous in the world.

    Even if China’s vaccine research skills and manufacturing capacity have reached the same level as that of the United States, the cultivation process of the microorganisms required for clinical trials and vaccine production cannot be compressed or accelerated. Therefore, the shortest time required for China to achieve mass production of vaccines on a large scale should be roughly the same as the United States, which was about one year. However, considering that China’s vaccine had reached the scale of 100 million doses per month in early autumn last year, the CCP must have begun preparation work for microorganism cultivation, screening, testing, and packaging by the fall of 2019.

    Chinese authorities claimed that the first patient who was infected with the virus was reported in Wuhan on Dec. 1, 2019, but this lie was overturned by its timeline showing rapid mass production of vaccines. Based on the above information, in the autumn of 2019, the CCP not only had the novel coronavirus in its hands, but also mastered a number of vaccine types that could be used, and even began to prepare for mass vaccine production. It must have made the assumption that the epidemic would soon spread from China to other countries, wreaking havoc around the globe.

    CCP Prioritizes Vaccine Exports, Delays Domestic Vaccinations

    When the Chinese vaccines were produced at a massive scale, they were not used in China. On the one hand, China stocked hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine, and on the other hand, the vaccines were sent to other countries for clinical trials, opening up the gate for large-scale vaccine export. As early as July 2020, the Sinopharm vaccine started Phase III of clinical trials in the United Arab Emirates. This clinical trial included 40,832 people in the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan. Sinovac’s CoronaVac vaccine also started a Phase III trial in Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, and Chile on July 21, 2020. At that time, the United States was still at the initial research stage for vaccine development.

    Why didn’t the CCP preemptively announce in June 2020 that it was ready for mass production for Chinese-made vaccines when it was set to arrange clinical trials in other countries?

    ..... [to read more see link/PDF below]

    Cheng Xiaonong is a scholar of China’s politics and economy based in New Jersey. Cheng was a policy researcher and aide to former Chinese Communist Party leader Zhao Ziyang. He also served as chief editor of Modern China Studies.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Et Soh View Post
    Timeline of China’s COVID Vaccine Development Raises Serious Concerns
    Cheng Xiaonong, Contributor
    July 5, 2021

    Ever since the CCP virus began spreading in China around the fall of 2019, its vaccine development was once ahead of the rest of the world. However, as one analyzes the timeline of the R&D process of Chinese-made vaccines, a series of anomalies occur, prompting the international community to question the origin of COVID-19. Moreover, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) vaccine production plan reveals the regime’s attempt of profiting from the pandemic.

    The Starting Date of China’s Vaccine R&D

    According to official data, the first case of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, was identified on Dec. 1, 2019; and by Jan. 21, 2020, only 440 people were confirmed to have contracted the virus. On Jan. 15, 2020, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission’s 8th public health report stated that “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission has been found so far.” If this information was accurate, then it appears the regime did not expect the virus to spread globally and weren’t prepared for such an event.

    However, on March 25 this year, an article in the state-run media Beijing Daily blew the narrative in the opposite direction. This report mentioned that the CCP had formulated five R&D strategies for vaccine developments in early 2020 and began to roll out various prototypes; and one of these five vaccine technologies came from Major General Chen Wei, the chief expert of the CCP’s military biochemical weapons, and her team. This news is both suspicious and thought-provoking.

    According to Chinese state media, immediately after scientists in Hubei Province isolated suitable virus strains on Jan. 9, 2020, local authorities created a joint team between Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and Wuhan Institute of Biological Products to develop vaccines against the CCP virus.

    Among all the vaccine R&D teams involved, specific starting dates were publicized for two companies: Sinopharm’s vaccine R&D was officially approved and started on Jan. 19, 2020, and Tianjin-based CanSino Biologics’ COVID-19 vaccine project was approved and started on Jan. 20, 2020.

    Three questions can be discerned from this.

    First, if the initial virus sequence really evolved from natural origins (for example, all the harm is to be blamed on a few bats) as the CCP said, and it is not transmissible between people, then why did the CCP mobilize all available forces, including its military biological warfare units for the large-scale research and development of vaccines?

    Second, the CCP set off the research and development of multiple vaccines before the Wuhan lockdown on Jan. 23, 2020, indicating that it was very clear to the CCP that the virus would spread on a global scale. That being the case, why would they fabricate lies on how the virus is not easily contagious? Such nonsense will only let the virus spread even faster across the world.

    Third, at the beginning of 2020, all types of vaccines at that time have entered the application-oriented stage (not all were commercialized). Why wasn’t Wuhan locked down then? Wouldn’t the number of infections and deaths be minimized this way? People with common sense can deduce that the CCP’s actions in the early stages of the pandemic were questionable, which exposed that the regime was not trying to contain the virus and prevent it from spreading around the world.

    Were Chinese Vaccines Already Prepared Before Pandemic?

    Prashant Yadav, a healthcare supply chain expert at the Center for Global Development, an international think tank, pointed out that “vaccine manufacturing is an endeavor where an almost infinite combination of things have to work perfectly.”

    “There’s variability in the raw materials, the microorganisms needed to grow vaccine products, the conditions of the culture in which those microorganisms are grown, and more,” Yadav told USA today.

    Therefore, it usually takes several years to design a vaccine prototype and then develop new vaccines. However, China seemed to be very familiar with the development of this vaccine.

    It is common knowledge that vaccine prototypes used in clinical trials must first be developed over a lengthy time. The Pfizer vaccine began research and development on March 20, 2020 and it took them at least four months to produce a feasible prototype; Chinese state media reported the Sinopharm vaccine began its R&D on Jan. 19, 2020, and started clinical trials on April 12 in the same year.

    Sinopharm was faster at creating a vaccine than Pfizer, which implies that the CCP was prepared for a pandemic before it all began, including getting a head start on the vaccine.

    How China Swiftly Mass Produced COVID Vaccines

    There are currently at least seven vaccine producers in the world, including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J/Janssen, Sinopharm, Sinovac, and Covishield. When the American vaccines were launched at the end of 2020, the production capacity of the Pfizer vaccine was quite small at that time; only until today has their manufacturing rate reached 100 million doses per month. However, Chinese vaccines have been made at a pace preceding Pfizer’s by almost one year.

    The Pfizer vaccine in the United States began research and development in late March last year; they then moved forward with prototypes, the three phases of clinical trials until the final approval and market launch. This process took them about nine months. The Pfizer team itself couldn’t even believe how fast this happened. It took the company another few months to get the production speed up to 100 million doses a month. So, it took Pfizer about a year from initiating their vaccine program to the full scale market launch.

    China joined the World Health Organization’s “COVAX” in early October 2020, providing vaccines and funding for the purchase of vaccines for 92 low- and middle-income countries. When China joined the plan, Zheng Zhongwei, head of the vaccine R&D team of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the CCP State Council, said that by the end of 2020, China’s annual vaccine production capacity could reach 610 million doses. In other words, as early as the end of summer and early autumn of 2020, the production capacity of Chinese vaccines would be close to the monthly output of hundreds of millions of doses. This is why in the first few months of this year, only the Chinese vaccines dominated the world’s vaccine supply. Vaccines in Europe and the United States started being manufactured only by the end of 2020, and it would take them three more months to mass-produce them. Compared with the Chinese vaccine, European and American vaccines had a late start in the world, and the supply of their vaccines was far behind domestic and foreign demand. This left a window of almost six months for the Chinese vaccines to become ubiquitous in the world.

    Even if China’s vaccine research skills and manufacturing capacity have reached the same level as that of the United States, the cultivation process of the microorganisms required for clinical trials and vaccine production cannot be compressed or accelerated. Therefore, the shortest time required for China to achieve mass production of vaccines on a large scale should be roughly the same as the United States, which was about one year. However, considering that China’s vaccine had reached the scale of 100 million doses per month in early autumn last year, the CCP must have begun preparation work for microorganism cultivation, screening, testing, and packaging by the fall of 2019.

    Chinese authorities claimed that the first patient who was infected with the virus was reported in Wuhan on Dec. 1, 2019, but this lie was overturned by its timeline showing rapid mass production of vaccines. Based on the above information, in the autumn of 2019, the CCP not only had the novel coronavirus in its hands, but also mastered a number of vaccine types that could be used, and even began to prepare for mass vaccine production. It must have made the assumption that the epidemic would soon spread from China to other countries, wreaking havoc around the globe.

    CCP Prioritizes Vaccine Exports, Delays Domestic Vaccinations

    When the Chinese vaccines were produced at a massive scale, they were not used in China. On the one hand, China stocked hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine, and on the other hand, the vaccines were sent to other countries for clinical trials, opening up the gate for large-scale vaccine export. As early as July 2020, the Sinopharm vaccine started Phase III of clinical trials in the United Arab Emirates. This clinical trial included 40,832 people in the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan. Sinovac’s CoronaVac vaccine also started a Phase III trial in Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, and Chile on July 21, 2020. At that time, the United States was still at the initial research stage for vaccine development.

    Why didn’t the CCP preemptively announce in June 2020 that it was ready for mass production for Chinese-made vaccines when it was set to arrange clinical trials in other countries?

    ..... [to read more see link/PDF below]

    Cheng Xiaonong is a scholar of China’s politics and economy based in New Jersey. Cheng was a policy researcher and aide to former Chinese Communist Party leader Zhao Ziyang. He also served as chief editor of Modern China Studies.

    China's head start was because they developed the virus to that stage and were developing a vaccine for it.
    It was a part of their biological weapons research.
    So yes -the next question must be did it escape into the population accidently or was it released on purpose?
    We must realize that China can not feed its own population- so if 200 million died -they the communist government would see that as a blessing.
    Especially is most of those deaths were from those of advanced age, poor health already-etc. and thus useless as workers!
    Meanwhile letting the virus hit worldwide helps them too.
    As it disrupted those other countries and their economies-while China had the answer-the vaccine early on-thus could avoid most of the deaths as it saw fit.
    It is a perfect strategy to come out far ahead of the rest of the world.
    And from China's recent aggressive stance-- it fits that perhaps they did the deed with full scale planning ahead.
    As they suffered far less than have western nations.
    In so much that, we now see this new severe and very aggressive stance they have taken..
    As in their sudden joining Russia to oppose USA an issue threats to our government.
    Too many things make sense for this not to be the case, imho.
    What many are citing as negligence on China's part -is/was planning --and very deliberate, imho.-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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