Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
We shouldn't make rules for all based on the few.

There's plenty of stupid all around on this one.
Preaching to the choir, bro.

Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
Yep, the whole trend of catering to the few, at the expense of the many is wrong. I do believe that minority rights should and are protected by the Constitution, that's not what we are addressing here. This is tyranny of the minorities, eliminating the rights of the majority.

I had 0 issues with masks pre-vaccine or immediate aftermath. I had the vaccine pretty much when it became more easily available where I live. Had some concerns, but the disease warranted the risk, imo.

I respect the opinion of others to take greater risk and not get the vaccine. I do think that the rationale now that we, the vaccinated should mask up to protect those who choose not to get the vaccine is off base. Yes, I understand those that can't take the vaccine and those that may still be vulnerable due to other health issues. At this point in time though THEY are the ones that need to be in locked down, to protect themselves. I would not have a problem if they are considered disabled for the duration of virus, which is going to be a generation or more.

Those of us that are now vaccinated, those who chose to skip it, we should be left to deal with the consequences our choices.
Just to make this personal, we are having a surge or whatever they're calling it in COVID cases here. My daughter's a public school teach and I have 3 kids that will be in public school next month.

As a teacher, I'm sure I don't have to tell you kids are grody little germ magnets. Picking their noses, coughing in people's faces, snot running down their faces, yada, yada, yada.

Children under 12 cannot receive the vaccine. Not sure what I think of that one yet except it is erring on the side of caution. I got shot up with every immunization the military had when I was 2.

There is no option for online schooling this time around. Children WILL attend school. Or you can opt to home school which most are not prepared to do.

Given the above circumstances, I consider masks and social distancing common sense for public schools, and in the best interest of the community and most of all the unvaccinated students.

But no. We now have a law that says local government cannot mandate masks. Smacks a WHOLE LOT of Democratic party control freakness; yet, it is the policy of the power and money behind Gregg Abbott. They believe their individual rights are more important than the Rights of the general public. And these elitists aren't part of the general public no subject to the consequences of their decisions for others.

And anyone that thinks they are not responsible to a degree to the society they suck off of, can bring their game. This is tyranny, as previously stated.