Quote Originally Posted by icansayit View Post
The U.S. is not going to sink all the way as you seem to hope. We have LIFE LINES called Patriots that are NOT Democrat Radical, China, Russia slaves taking orders from the ELITE BIG MONEY Hildeburg group.

WE THE PEOPLE who honestly care. WILL NEVER BEND, OR GIVE IN to the SLIMY SWAMP creatures who are pressing for SOCIALISM...Which is just a DISGUISE for COMMUNISM, MARXISM, and DEMOCRAT STUPIDITY.

You sound like a fan of Fascism (secretly) also disguised as Anti-Whatever You think you can convince us you aren't.
YOUR NEGATIVITY is dangerous, and only FOOLS hang around, or listen to NEGATIVE People because THEY BECOME NEGATIVE TOO!
It's just sentences and even odd paragraphs of a bunch of bullshit. One can claim to know more than others but I know complete and utter bullshit when I read it. Just a bunch of jumbled sentences and apparent claims that have little to nothing to do with what it is replying to. Trying to impress but failing horribly. Not worth much time.