Another Biden failure. The State of Texas is having to enforce the US Border for him. How many trillions is it again the Dems +GOP traitors are wasting on Never Never Land bullshit? All that alleged infrastructure money and they can't even build a damned fence

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:31 PM PT – Friday, September 3, 2021

Texas state lawmakers are closer to clinching funding for the wall at the southern border. The Texas state Senate recently voted overwhelmingly in support of the nearly $2 billion border security bill. More than half of the budget will reportedly go towards wall and fence construction.
Additionally, the rest of the money will be used to prosecute illegal immigrants, human and drug smugglers, along with other legal proceedings related to border security.
“Cartels and smugglers are profiting off the chaos as they overwhelm and divert our nation’s resources so they can smuggle drugs, weapons, criminals, and other contraband across our border,” said Renae Eze, press secretary for Abbott. “While the Biden administration may not prioritize the sovereignty of our nation or the safety of our people, Americans clearly do.”

Lawmakers have stressed local, state and federal law enforcement agencies have exhausted resources in order to try to keep up with the spiraling border crisis.
The bill is expected to head to Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) desk, where he is likely to sign it into law. Meanwhile, reports said private donations for border wall funding totaled more than $54 million in the month of August.