Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain View Post
Where's your bacon, Marine??

Take 2 strips of high quality pepper bacon, wrap the burger in them side-by-side, put 2 toothpicks to keep them wrapped around the burger.

And yeah, the cheese holding the onion in place works very well, and helps seal in the onion flavor. And here I thought I was the world's first to discover this bit of genius. Are you tapped in to one of Jim's hidden cams he placed around my house for Bill Gates?
I'm not partial to bacon on my burgers. I'm going to try that though. My daughter likes it.

Here's more genius, if you don't know: When I clean the grill, I cut a white onion in half and use the onion to clean the cooking grill. Not something I would think of (forget where I learned it) but it works remarkably well as a cleaning "tool" and the only residue taste-wise is onion. Then you can slice off the part you cleaned with and throw the rest on the grill.

I thought I invented the cheese, onion-holder. That onion needs to stay right where I put it for each and every bite