How much is it again we pay these asshats to keep our checkbook balanced? If the US government was a person, they'd all be doing time.

I certainly am rooting for the progressive demdonkeys to sink the Dem plan.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:31 AM PT – Wednesday, September 29, 2021

House Democrats are looking to jam a bill to suspend the debt ceiling through the lower chamber. On Wednesday, the House Rules Committee is expected to hold a meeting to advance the bill, which would suspend the debt limit through December 16, 2022. Additionally, the measure could raise the debt limit beginning December 17, 2022.
The bill is expected to advance through the committee along party lines and pass through the full House of Representatives on Wednesday. However, experts warn the bill will likely be blocked by GOP opposition in the Senate.

In the meantime, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) appears to be pushing back on Republican calls to raise the debt ceiling through reconciliation. While speaking to the press Tuesday, the Democrat said it’s too risky to include such a provision in the spending package.
On Monday, Republicans voted against a motion to move forward with a government funding bill and raise the debt limit. Schumer said Democrats should look into other avenues to ensure the government stays funded.

Schumer added, he will be putting forward a bill meant to prevent a government shutdown “very soon”. The deadline to pass a bill funding the government is on Thursday.