Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
Of course it was Yoko's fault . Witch is right. Never followed Lennon nor her nor anything they did after the Beatles split. Only song I know of he did post-Beatles was Imagine.

I was a Beatles fan. Had a couple of McCartney & Wings albums. He got a little too pop for my taste late 70s-early 80s. I'll still listen to the Beatles occasionally, and Wings.

What was that song Ringo had? No, no, no, I can't do that no more ... I'm tired of waking up on the floor
Speaking of Yoko = Witch, many many years ago I went to see a paychic who was highly recommended to me as “the real deal”. I drove about 30 miles to some rural town in NJ, at night, to see him. I had to go into the back entrance of a house that was off by itself in a farmland/wooded area. From what I could see in the darkness, anyway.

The psychic was dressed all in black, with a black turtleneck. Kind of unusual around here, anyway. And something about him made me feel uneasy.
He proceeded to tell me three legal-sized pages of predictions. (No recordings allowed). Capped off by telling me if I get invited somewhere associated with a specific word, I definitely should go. That word turned out to be my (future) husband’s last name. We weren’t dating or anything yet. I didn’t even know his last name. And it is a pretty unusual last name, btw. We are about to celebrate our 32nd wedding Anniversary. So in my opinion, the guy had some actual psychic powers.,

What about Yoko? Literally the only decoration in this room, besides a few books, was a signed photo of Yoko. Also dressed all in black. I asked him if he knew her personally, and he said yes, in a tone that clearly meant don’t ask me any questions.

I never went back to him or any psychic.
I am convinced since that night that both he and Yoko were in some kind of witchcraft or Satanist group.