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    Default SCOTUS Ruling On Abortion

    Hard to say how this will shake out, but man! It's really looking like this abomination is about to get reigned in. Alito appears to be siding with the conservatives... maybe a 7-2? That would be stunning and a great defeat for liberals anxious to murder more babies.

    This is behind a paywall that I have access to, so I'll paste a few paragraphs.

    On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case that will decide the constitutionality of a 2018 Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks gestation.

    The state of Mississippi is asking the Supreme Court to strike down a lower court’s decision blocking its 15-week abortion ban from taking effect.

    This outcome of the case would not lead to the full abolition of Roe v. Wade, but is a first step in sending the issue back to the states. Even if Roe were overturned tomorrow, abortion would still be legal — at least for a while — in all 50 states. But at least the issue would be restored to the legislative process, rather than judicial, and residents of the several states would once again be free to choose.

    What makes Dobbs worrisome to the left is that it could be the first time the Court has banned abortion before fetal viability outside the womb, which abortion advocates see as a slippery slope that could eventually lead to the end of legalized abortion — at least nationally.

    Justice Clarence Thomas, now the Court’s senior justice, has in some ways been anticipating this case since he was appointed three decades ago. He has long been an outspoken opponent of Roe: “Our abortion precedents are grievously wrong and should be overruled,” he wrote just last year. “The Constitution does not constrain the States’ ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion.”

    Instead of covering the arguments objectively on their live blog, the New York Times is already bashing Thomas.

    With the Court theoretically split 6-3 in favor of conservatives, the chances the Mississippi law will be upheld appear strong. Another abortion case, Texas’ SB 8, which blocks abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, already awaits a decision; the number of abortions in the state immediately fell sharply by half in its aftermath.

    “I think the Texas law, which tries to evade the requirements of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey by using private lawsuits for enforcement, is vulnerable to obvious critiques and liable to be abused. It’s not a model I would ever cite for pro-life legislation,” columnist Ross Douthat wrote in a lengthy Tuesday New York Times piece, before adding, “There is no way to seriously deny that abortion is a form of killing. At a less advanced stage of scientific understanding, it was possible to believe that the embryo or fetus was somehow inert or vegetative until so-called quickening, months into pregnancy. But we now know the embryo is not merely a cell with potential, like a sperm or ovum, or a constituent part of human tissue, like a skin cell. Rather, a distinct human organism comes into existence at conception, and every stage of your biological life, from infancy and childhood to middle age and beyond, is part of a single continuous process that began when you were just a zygote.”

    One need not be religious to understand that edicts against the slaughter of innocents go back thousands of years. No previous society has adopted abortion as a moral good, as American “progressives” have.

    Yet Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen released a cliche-laden statement about a “revolution” if the left doesn’t get their way.

    “I’ve lived the consequences of the pre-Roe era – I had friends in college who were forced to seek dangerous back-alley abortions because women across the country were denied access to critical family planning services,” she claimed. “We cannot allow Republican lawmakers to turn back the clock on women’s reproductive health and rights, which is precisely what the Mississippi case seeks to do. It is time to sound the alarm.”

    Undoubtedly the left, which depends on narrowly-decided court decisions to get what it cannot achieve via congressional legislation or at the voting booth, will “sound the alarm hard,” no matter how many unborn children must be murdered.

    Meanwhile, Wednesday morning, Justice Sandra Sotomayor — the most radical and least impressive justice — is already clashing with Mississippi Solicitor General Scott Stewart, bashing religion, declaring that three-quarters of women in America are poor, denying that science has changed over the last few decades, and playing politics.

    When Chief Justice John Roberts questioned Center for Reproductive Rights lawyer Julie Rikelman about why a ban on abortion after 15 weeks doesn’t give women enough time to choose to terminate a pregnancy — and the U.S. is in the company of North Korea and China in allowing late-term abortions — Rikleman argued that “states will rush to ban abortion at virtually any point in pregnancy” and abortion is critical for a woman’s rights and participation in society.

    Justice Samuel Alito tangled with Rikleman and explained that women have the same interest in ending a pregnancy after the viability line is crossed, and “the fetus has an interest in having a life,” both before and after viability.

    Another good article :

    Perhaps I should revisit my earlier skepticism about oral arguments on Dobbs v Jackson Womens Health. Chief Justice John Roberts will hold the key as to whether the Supreme Court reverses nearly 50 years of precedent in Roe and Casey, and he seems focused in part on the politics as well as the law and Constitution. In this case, though, that may be bad news for the abortion industry:


    As always, one has to bear in mind that oral arguments are designed to be Socratic. The questions are crafted to test and probe, not necessarily reveal the position of the questioner, although they certainly can. Roberts’ question might be Socratic in nature, but its departure from legal/constitutional or practical enforcement matters certainly seems like a signal that the Main Decider has deep concerns over the extreme manner in which abortion has proliferated in the US.

    One interesting development so far from listening to argument and reading the indirect reading of reactions is that the justices appear to have largely dispensed with the narrower question under which cert was granted. The debate has turned into an all-or-nothing over Roe as well as Casey, mostly. However, Philip Klein thinks Roberts may still be looking for a middle ground:

    As Ramesh notes, both sides seem to agree that the only way that Mississippi law can be upheld is to overturn Roe/Casey. But Roberts seems to at least be entertaining some middle ground. His questions about whether Mississippi’s 15-week ban still offers women a sufficient period of choosing, and citing similar international laws, suggest that he’s at least exploring possibility of some sort of standard that would shorten the time frame from viability, while drawing a new line. Obvious disclaimers apply about reading too much into oral arguments, especially given Roberts’ history.

    Interestingly, the abortion clinic’s attorney Julie Rikelman apparently wants to leave no middle ground to find, Dan McLaughlin believes:

    Rikelman tells Gorsuch, with a specific nod to Roberts, that a standard other than the current one would not work. That is a maximalist position that gives any on-the-fence Justices no room but to embrace or overturn Roe. Now she is digging in, at Alito’s invitation, on “no half measures.” This seems to me like terrible strategy for where she needs to end up.

    This looks ominous for Rikelman, too. The court’s other clear establishmentarian seems intent on getting this question out of the courts altogether. Or did Brett Kavanaugh merely summarize the pro-life argument?
    Much more :
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    Liberals like to push "follow the science" and the science has shown over the last 50 years that viability is sooner than previously known. So, if the ethical and moral argument fails hopefully the "science" will prevail.

    On a conspiracy note.... government Mandates don't want anyone using the "my body my choice" argument so Roe might disappear.
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    This should be a preferred outcome. "Pro-Choice" advocates should advocate the ability of the states through the legislative process represented by the people, to choose on abortion policy.

    This outcome of the case would not lead to the full abolition of Roe v. Wade, but is a first step in sending the issue back to the states. Even if Roe were overturned tomorrow, abortion would still be legal — at least for a while — in all 50 states. But at least the issue would be restored to the legislative process, rather than judicial, and residents of the several states would once again be free to choose.
    Let’s Go Brandon

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    Wow, this is really looking good. Thank God for Trump & McConnell delivering Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and especially Amy Coney Barrett!

    And, as usual, Roberts is his get-along self trying to please liberals for some bizarre reason. Completely useless.
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    One thing I heard not to long ago is that abortion is legal longer by weeks than anywhere in Europe. Interesting if true; Land of the enlightened elites even has shorter limits than us.
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    Best to pay absolutely no heed at all to those offering diversionary info...
    As we know the types that chime that spill in to divert away from the real point, divert away from the truth.
    (At least we here do- except one it seems)
    Abortion is murder. That baby is--a baby..
    It is not some seed that is going to become a tree, a plant or an animal......
    Our SCOTUS is going to decide based upon this nation's laws and our Constitution, not some bull spouted about other nations..
    Which is just utter rot and adds nothing to the subject at hand, imho.--Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Some of Justice Barrett’s questions today.

    Justice Amy Coney Barrett presented questions about adoption and safe haven laws during arguments concerning the Mississippi abortion case at the Supreme Court on Wednesday.“I have a question about the safe haven laws,” Coney Barrett said to Julie Rikelman, the senior director of the Center for Reproductive Rights. “So Petitioner points out that in all 50 states, you can terminate parental rights by relinquishing a child … and I think the shortest period might have been 48 hours if I’m remembering the data correctly.”

    “So it seems to me, seen in that light, both Roe and Casey emphasize the burdens of parenting, and insofar as you and many of your amici focus on the ways in which forced parenting, forced motherhood, would hinder women’s access to the workplace and to equal opportunities, it’s also focused on the consequences of parenting and the obligations of motherhood that flow from pregnancy.”
    “Why don’t the safe haven laws take care of that problem? It seems to me that it focuses the burden much more narrowly.”
    She added, “And so it seems to me that the choice more focused would be between, say, the ability to get an abortion at 23 weeks or the state requiring the woman to go 15, 16 weeks more and then terminate parental rights at the conclusion. Why — why didn’t you address the safe haven laws and why don’t they matter?”

    She added a short while later, “as I read Roe and Casey, they don’t talk very much about adoption. It’s a passing reference that that means out of the obligations of parenthood. But, as I hear this answer then, are you saying that the right as you conceive of it is grounded primarily in the bearing of the child, in the carrying of a pregnancy, and not so much looking forward into the consequences on professional opportunities and work life and economic burdens?”
    Let’s Go Brandon

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    Quote Originally Posted by fj1200 View Post
    One thing I heard not to long ago is that abortion is legal longer by weeks than anywhere in Europe. Interesting if true; Land of the enlightened elites even has shorter limits than us.
    Yep, WaPo checked and was a bit dismayed:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Yep, WaPo checked and was a bit dismayed:
    Even Thomas getting in the mix.
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    Oh dear. Bernie unexpectedly develops severe tranny problems :


    You hate to see it. You really do.





    Hell hath no fury like a pretend-woman scorned. They're hammering him quite viciously.
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