He's a fucking buffoon.

Understand, I'm one of the country's best veterans service advocates, so I'm expert at legal and web research. And in my work, I've access to many deep web search engines and databases. But I didn't have to rely on those for us to reach a settlement. For example, I didn't have to search to see if you've ever been arrested or convicted of anything, like solicitation. No, because it was easy enough to match your past addresses with some of your web posts, which took about two minutes. What do you suppose I'd find if I spent an hour on such research? But I'd rather not.

"I didn't have to rely on those" means: "I didn't have to use those tools exclusively" in my book. I wonder if his employer would like him admitting blatant misuse of whatever 'deep web search engines and databases' he used for things NOT WORK RELATED. At best he's threatening to misuse whatever the fuck he claims to have access to.

But he's full of shit. Everything about that message is full of shit. it's like people who say "I can't tell you what I did in the Army - it's Classified!"