Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
Glad to heat things are better for ya in the health department!!

As for ideas...

Well, asking the wrong one here, as my first recommendation would be a big ass steak! Or a big prime rib of course!

But you could always get some Halibut of we're talking Alaska. Best fish I ever tasted in my life I think! Sharon made it when I was there. And it was free! But I would imagine expensive to get from there, but not sure about local prices as I have never tried.

And then we can talk King crab! You can almost have an entire meal out of just one long leg and a claw! But of course like 4-6 of them would fit nicely. But them fu***rs are expensive too! But boy what a treat they are!!

Next time I go you are definitely having to bring your butt up there!! Oh man, in addition to all the fun and sights is the great food!
The box I'm getting is salmon, halibut, prawns, and some other white fish. It's flash frozen at sea and sustainable.