Quote Originally Posted by crin63 View Post
Hey All! It's been years since I posted on here. I mostly just stopped by to see if everyone was still here and doing ok. This seemed the most benign way to do it. Looks like the gang is mostly still here. I'm glad to see that.

All is well here in Los Angeles. I'm still at the same church I've been at for 20 years. I'm still married to my wife of 21 years. My kids are pretty much grown. My 20 year old daughter starts Chiropractic college is September. My younger son spends his time hanging out with celebrities and people of influence around the country plus he is developing an app and has an IT business. My older son is still managing a store. I bought and sold 2-1/2 years later a vacation rental cabin in ski resort town.

While I have only entered 2 larger Chili Cook-Offs it is my plan to enter several next year. I won People's Choice at a city wide event last year. I then joined the International Chili Society and competed against approximately 16 world champions (their wins in red chili, green chili and salsa) where I scored 5 points with one judge giving me a 1st place nod and two other judges giving me 3rd place nods. It wasn't enough points to place but it did get me a round of applause from the whos-who of chili. I learned a lot and had a great time with my wife as my sous chef. Now that I know what the judges are looking for I expect to make it to the world championship next year after I win a regional event.

Any of you all compete in Chili Cook-offs?
Just wanted to say that it's good to see you, been a bit. Hope all's well!!