Quote Originally Posted by logroller View Post
I could say the same thing for mandating a minimum number of instructional minutes. The old adage, you can lead to a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink, applies well here. Schools, govt et al, are bound by certain constitutional limitations, esp. due process/equal protection. The amount of paperwork and subsequent time required to do anything on a case-by-case basis leaves all but the most extreme cases unattended-- so you get sweeping legislation instead. Not because its functionally more effective, but because its more efficiently created. Again, this is a critique of institutionalization, and another reason why the Feds shouldn't fund educational institutions. But that's not to say feeding kids is without merit; it just needs to be addressed at the state level, with independent monitoring by the feds. I thought that's how a republic was supposed to operate.
So you're against the governmentally imposed monopoly on education as well?