Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
I'm sorry, no one, and I mean NO ONE, will ever convince me that they want their soldiers to be like this. I don't give a fuck how you were born, but if you strap yourself around another man like this in public, you ain't on any team of mine.

Unless something;s changed recently, he's done. More than likely, EXACTLY what he wants. PDA's in the Marine Corps even between normal people (man and woman) aren't allowed, much less this vile, abnormal crap. That idiot's a disgrace to the uniform.

Engaging in homosexual acts is a violation of the UCMJ. He can be court martialed and kicked out. The way the left, via its Washington cronies forces its social experimentation on the US military though, who knows if they'll enforce it. Claiming to be a homosexual, getting pregnant for a woman, and or admitting to being a drug user are were the three biggest excuses used to get an administrative separation from the service when I was in.