Trinity I missed ya posting here. Yeah some Ex-husbands can be very inconsiderate when it comes to recognizing all the work you have put into raising the child you both brought into the world. Your son sounds old enough to understand the concept of bickering parents. I know what joyfyl bee means and when my kids were little I was careful about badmouthing or fighting with ex in front of them too, but as they get older it doesn't scar them for life, its reality. The truth be told your son will probably be exposed to more from the ex husband then you anyway, it sounds like the ex has a bad temper. My ex had a zillion live in girlfriends and was always going to get engaged to them , and if the girlfriends had kids of their own sometimes they would call my ex husband dad and that used to bug my kids alot, because they knew their dad would be breaking up with the lady in a few months. Neither of my kids ever wanted to live with him. But my oldest went through a phase of wanting to live at her grandma's ( my mom's house) it didnt last long because I let her. LOL then she wanted to come home. Sometimes the grass looks greener elsewhere, sounds like you did a great job being a mom, your son will probably want to come back in a few months once he see's how your ex really is and the honeymoon is over.