I love it! Gonna share his direct quotes in case someone doesn't actually visit the twitter stuff.

Normally I would recommend to any business to stay out of politics as all they are going to do is alienate 50% or so of their potential customers. But in this case, most lefties are against guns and aren't their best sales, if at all. Then, they via support and votes are directly responsible for putting a man in office that does in fact want to kill his business.

So I guess 50% of your business is better than no business at all! But I would argue that by blocking them (*if it were to really work) they are most likely blocking a hell of a lot less than 50%.

* - If someone that did vote for Biden truly still wanted to purchase from there, all they would need do is delete cookies and revisit the site and lie about the answer. But it still works as intended IMO, which is to get his stance out and heard, and I would say loud and clear! And not to mention standing by their principles as stated.


We've had a few potential customers call this morning to ask why they have to check a box stating they did not vote for Joe Biden in order to purchase our ammunition.
First question - are we serious?

Yes, we are serious. Joe Biden ran on a campaign built on the most radical gun control platform a major party candidate has ever had, including banning the online sale of ammunition. Essentially, a plan to bankrupt our company.
Second question - couldn't I have voted for him for other reasons?

Sure, that's possible, but if you did, you should immediately sell any firearms you own out of solidarity.
Third question - are you really willing to walk away from a paying customer simply because they voted for Joe Biden?

Yes, yes we are. We're dead serious.
We don't want your money, and you shouldn't want us to have it because we're going to use it to make more ammo, sell it to the citizenry, and do everything in our power to prevent Joe Biden's administration from usurping the rights of Americans.
We have no problem talking to Biden voters and educating them on what they did, but they have to be willing to acknowledge their ignorance at the very least. We're not going to sit here and debate with you.

We're a 2A company and these are our first principles.