The simple fact that you felt it necessary to remind Abbey, or the rest of us is very telling. And nearly proves my statement about how YOU are what you accuse the rest of us to Be.

In my long experience, growing up with, going to school with, living with, and serving in uniform with Black Americans...I have learned WHO the actual Racists are...from nearly every race I have communicated with, and sadly. The most difficult, unwilling fellow Americans LIKE YOU, who refuse to allow me, or others to talk about race in any way...ARE LIKE YOU, refusing to allow us to talk about race in any manner....because YOU insist...we have never walked in your shoes.

Well, I'm here to tell you now. I have walked in your shoes...because I am a white man who has been threatened, warned, and shouted down by RACIST Black Americans who DO NOT WANT RACE PROBLEMS in America to be solved, or even discussed civilly because it will take away your demands for victimhood from the SLAVERY DAYS, when America didn't observe HUMAN RIGHTS as we do today. still don't want me to talk that way...if it takes away your victimization Thunder as one of the RICH, POOR, VICTIM, BLACK AMERICANS I OWE NOTHING TO FOR ANYTHING.