Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
After hearing about this and reading the OP's link, before I read a single comment, what you said above was exactly what I was thinking.

Little rocket man has come a long way so far I'd say, he's quit shooting off rockets, he's meet with Pompeo already and he's planning to blow up nuke sites, etc, hell, don't push the guy right now. Why fuck up something that appears to be going good and it's historic beyond measure? Just postpone the damn exercises indefinitely. We been doing this shit with SOKO for decades, don't we have a pretty damn good idea how it go by now?

I think it's stupid to hold those military exercises right now. I would have certainly recommended against it. It certainly doesn't seem to fit in with any "art of the deal" narrative in my opinion.

Could it be that this is the essence of the "Art of the Deal"? No meeting has been held, no agreements have been reached and closing down a facility that had a mountain fall on it is giving away nothing. Keeping the pressure on Kim demonstrates that this isn't just another US President desperate for a deal who will reward him for delaying and ultimately going back on his word. Kim sees that China was the first nation to speak up and say that he should go ahead with the June Summit. In addition they have kept all banking and trade embargoes in place in exchange for a telecom deal with Pres Trump. So what did Kim witness in the past week? Play ball like the Chinese and you get favorable treatment. Cancel a planned Summit, like Judge Smails said: