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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    That's not what it's looking like... and morris is just a frothing at the mouth clinton hater. Of course he's going to shake his poms poms for hussein.
    No, you are right, that is not what it is looking like, but it is still a long way to November and even the conventions. You can't honestly believe that Democrats will abandon Barack Obama over this little bump in the road. Can you? Hillary is defeated so badly that even the evil witch of the Northeast won't be able to pull this rabbit out of the hat or should I say fire.

    Just look at TM and realize that there are 60 million or more Democrats just as dedicated to her cause as she is and they are not going to give up on Obama.

    When the Democratic War Machine begins focusing on John McCain, people will begin asking, "Jeremiah who?"

    For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9

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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    much of what Wright says is incindiary. Do I agree that white man created AIDS to kill blacks? No. But I do believe there is an excellent chance that AIDS got started by white men experimenting with polio vaccines made from monkeys on african children. Do I believe that whites built prisons to incarcerate blacks? No...but I do know that blacks are incarcerated in our white built prisons in alarming numbers. Do I agree that the white man is THE reason that blacks cannot succeed? no...but I understand the obstacles to blacks that are in place in a society that has long been run by a white power structure.
    So, what gives you this idea "whites" used some experimental vaccine on blacks in Africa, and that's where Aides came from? You have any proof of this? A link? I'd like to see that. And so you think that's where wright got his this idea? And even if this were true... is it the white mans fault blacks in Africa breed like rabbits hut hoping when the sun goes down? Weak argument mfm... very weak. Then the prisons... blacks do out number all other races in prisons. Why? Is the white man "framing" all the blacks? Is the white man able to "get them in trouble" and get them sent to prison even though they're innocent? Give me a break here man. If you break the law, you go to prison. Blacks are violent by nature. More violent than any other race. More blacks pimp whores, more blacks sell drugs, more blacks steal, rape and murder. THAT is why more of them are in prison, and it's got NOTHING to do with whites. And now, we have a black that's making a good run for President of the United States, and you're going to tell me that blacks can't achieve in America, and it's white people's fault? mfm.... c'mon man... I consider you an intelligent guy... but you're really building straw men here bud. Your reasoning is all..... phony.

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    And Obama (please quit calling him Hussein...that is just inflammatory for no real constructive purpose) did not say that he had not heard Wright preach any of that....he said he had not heard Wright preach those sermons that had been circulated and that had caused the commotion.
    His name is hussein. His first name is barrack, second hussein, third obama. They're ALL islamic sounding. One no worse than the other. How can you pick one of his names that all sound alike and demand no one ever speak it? That's just foolish.

    And now the frothing at the mouth racist rants of hussein's preacher OF TWENTY YEARS. Hussein FIRST said, he'd never heard ANY of it. We now know that was a LIE mfm.... a LIE! He's admitted that he's heard these rants before. He also KNEW this was coming, A YEAR AGO! Thing is, he didn't plan very well for this inevitable situation. He's on damage control now, and so is his church. The church has pulled down ALL the BLACK this, and the BLACK that. It's ALL GONE! And hussein has dropped wright as a supporter of his campaign.... wink, wink. Sorry man... but if you're buying all this horse shit and lying.... you're losing some of my respect.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
    No, you are right, that is not what it is looking like, but it is still a long way to November and even the conventions. You can't honestly believe that Democrats will abandon Barack Obama over this little bump in the road. Can you?
    The intelligent ones will.

    Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
    Hillary is defeated so badly that even the evil witch of the Northeast won't be able to pull this rabbit out of the hat or should I say fire.
    Here you're just a tad wrong. Actually, this morning, hitlery was up on hussein. His racist preacher is hurting him, bad. Watch the news.

    Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
    Just look at TM and realize that there are 60 million or more Democrats just as dedicated to her cause as she is and they are not going to give up on Obama.
    I honestly can't say I'd use TM as an example for anything other than someone who is in dire need of being committed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
    When the Democratic War Machine begins focusing on John McCain, people will begin asking, "Jeremiah who?"

    It always plays out that the republican war machine is every bit as formidable as the dems. I would bet that whoever the dem nominee is, they're in for a new orifice.
    Last edited by Pale Rider; 03-20-2008 at 12:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
    I think this will affect Obama's numbers but only temporarily.

    There is another thread just started by Mr. P giving a piece written by Dick Morris that says that this will not hurt Obama. I agree with that. Obama's numbers have dropped, but they will bounce back up when the nomination is complete. The Democrats will rally behind him, moderates will chose him over McCain and possibly even many Republicans will vote for Obama because they can't stand John McCain. I won't vote for John McCain even if Barack Obama came out and said to me specifically that he would tax 100% of my income for the rest of my life, but then, I suppose, I would simply leave the country just to survive.

    I think it is very possible that unless something dastardly comes out about Barack Obama before November, America will see its first black President.

    There is an excellent chance Obama will be the Democratic nominee but his chance in the general election has passed with his speech and continued association with Rev. Wright.

    If the Rev. Wright news had hit before the run he would have been eliminated long ago... the white vote is no longer there for him... look at the national polls that indicate the Independents have moved to McCain and they won't be back... even worse the "old white females and males" that voted for Hillary will not rally to a guy that supports a church that wishes to overthrow the government or have it change to the vision of the black ethic...

    I think some people just don't get it... Obama says he agrees with what the church stands for and the church stands for blacks standards and socialism... well I know most Democrats support socialism but the church demands it by black standards.

    Had the Rev. Wright thing happened early we wouldn't be debating... he would be long gone and every honest person would admit it. The people are going to be constantly reminded what their vote will buy... the majority must adjust to the black standard and give up their standard... they aren't coming back in the general election.
    "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
    ---Thomas Jefferson (or as Al Sharpton calls him: Grandpappy)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    So, what gives you this idea "whites" used some experimental vaccine on blacks in Africa, and that's where Aides came from? You have any proof of this? A link? I'd like to see that. And so you think that's where wright got his this idea? And even if this were true... is it the white mans fault blacks in Africa breed like rabbits hut hoping when the sun goes down? Weak argument mfm... very weak. Then the prisons... blacks do out number all other races in prisons. Why? Is the white man "framing" all the blacks? Is the white man able to "get them in trouble" and get them sent to prison even though they're innocent? Give me a break here man. If you break the law, you go to prison. Blacks are violent by nature. More violent than any other race. More blacks pimp whores, more blacks sell drugs, more blacks steal, rape and murder. THAT is why more of them are in prison, and it's got NOTHING to do with whites. And now, we have a black that's making a good run for President of the United States, and you're going to tell me that blacks can't achieve in America, and it's white people's fault? mfm.... c'mon man... I consider you an intelligent guy... but you're really building straw men here bud. Your reasoning is all..... phony.

    His name is hussein. His first name is barrack, second hussein, third obama. They're ALL islamic sounding. One no worse than the other. How can you pick one of his names that all sound alike and demand no one ever speak it? That's just foolish.

    And now the frothing at the mouth racist rants of hussein's preacher OF TWENTY YEARS. Hussein FIRST said, he'd never heard ANY of it. We now know that was a LIE mfm.... a LIE! He's admitted that he's heard these rants before. He also KNEW this was coming, A YEAR AGO! Thing is, he didn't plan very well for this inevitable situation. He's on damage control now, and so is his church. The church has pulled down ALL the BLACK this, and the BLACK that. It's ALL GONE! And hussein has dropped wright as a supporter of his campaign.... wink, wink. Sorry man... but if you're buying all this horse shit and lying.... you're losing some of my respect.

    I saw an interesting PBS special about this theory. It was pretty convincing.

    I never saw Obama say he never heard any of it... I'd like a link to THAT transcript.

    I must say that your statement that blacks are more violent by nature than any other race is frighteningly racist.

    you say:

    The church has pulled down ALL the BLACK this, and the BLACK that. It's ALL GONE!

    I disagree. Here is a quote I just pulled from their website:

    "We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community."

    get your facts straight.

    I belong to a UCC church myself. Here is what the president of our denomination has to say:

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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post

    I saw an interesting PBS special about this theory. It was pretty convincing.

    I never saw Obama say he never heard any of it... I'd like a link to THAT transcript.

    I must say that your statement that blacks are more violent by nature than any other race is frighteningly racist.

    you say:

    The church has pulled down ALL the BLACK this, and the BLACK that. It's ALL GONE!

    I disagree. Here is a quote I just pulled from their website:

    "We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community."

    get your facts straight.

    I belong to a UCC church myself. Here is what the president of our denomination has to say:
    unfortunately your president got Romney wrong, he lost primarily because many don't trust mormons. his religion came up quite a bit.

    further, this is different than mere religion, TUCC entered the political scene. they are fair game and you know it. how many times has (that guy from the 700 club or something, his son took over) been bashed in the news for his political views.....many, far more than obama's black church.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
    unfortunately your president got Romney wrong, he lost primarily because many don't trust mormons. his religion came up quite a bit.

    further, this is different than mere religion, TUCC entered the political scene. they are fair game and you know it. how many times has (that guy from the 700 club or something, his son took over) been bashed in the news for his political views.....many, far more than obama's black church.

    Bash away. Bashing churches is such a noble pursuit, isn't it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post

    I saw an interesting PBS special about this theory. It was pretty convincing.
    Interesting... but, just a theory, much like evolution, never been proven.

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    I never saw Obama say he never heard any of it... I'd like a link to THAT transcript.
    Here ya go, you can... "get your facts straight."

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    I must say that your statement that blacks are more violent by nature than any other race is frighteningly racist.
    Don't be a typical liberal and call names when they aren't warranted mfm. I'm not calling you names. Blacks are very violent as a race. It's not my statement, it's a fact....

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    you say:

    The church has pulled down ALL the BLACK this, and the BLACK that. It's ALL GONE!

    I disagree. Here is a quote I just pulled from their website:

    "We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community."

    get your facts straight.

    I belong to a UCC church myself. Here is what the president of our denomination has to say:
    The "10-point vision" that used to be on the site said "black" this and "black" that. Yes, they took it all down. It was racist, and you know it.
    Last edited by Pale Rider; 03-20-2008 at 01:04 PM.

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    none of your links state that the black race is more violent by nature.

    your statement was that TUCC had removed it ALL (capitalization yours)

    I showed you that you were wrong.

    and DO take the time to read the link I gave you. You might find it instructive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    none of your links state that the black race is more violent by nature.
    EVERY - SINGLE - ONE - OF - THEM - DOES.... you are really pushing it...

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    your statement was that TUCC had removed it ALL (capitalization yours)

    I showed you that you were wrong.

    and DO take the time to read the link I gave you. You might find it instructive.
    OK mfm... I'm done with you... I can see now that if we're not talking about lobsters from maine or patting your back for your last recipe, you're just as bad a liar and charlatan as hussein himself.

    Whatever... I can't talk with someone that denies stark, bold, facts staring them right in the face. Just incredible.... I've lost a lot of respect for you this day... in fact... all of it.
    Last edited by Pale Rider; 03-20-2008 at 01:18 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Classact View Post
    There is an excellent chance Obama will be the Democratic nominee but his chance in the general election has passed with his speech and continued association with Rev. Wright.

    If the Rev. Wright news had hit before the run he would have been eliminated long ago... the white vote is no longer there for him... look at the national polls that indicate the Independents have moved to McCain and they won't be back... even worse the "old white females and males" that voted for Hillary will not rally to a guy that supports a church that wishes to overthrow the government or have it change to the vision of the black ethic...

    I think some people just don't get it... Obama says he agrees with what the church stands for and the church stands for blacks standards and socialism... well I know most Democrats support socialism but the church demands it by black standards.

    Had the Rev. Wright thing happened early we wouldn't be debating... he would be long gone and every honest person would admit it. The people are going to be constantly reminded what their vote will buy... the majority must adjust to the black standard and give up their standard... they aren't coming back in the general election.
    If... if... if Classact. The fact is that Mr. Wright was not exposed until Obama had the convention sewn up. Now, that he does the Democrats will band together and support him at all costs. (This is just my humble opinion.) Any and all who oppose him, will be made to look like racists. You could be McCain's favorite nephew and if you come out in support of John McCain they will accuse you of doing so because you are a racist.

    I honestly don't think McCain has what it takes to win. As I have said, I won't vote for him, come hell or high water. I will say, I am no prophet, but I just see the cards being stacked in Obama's favor and that when the next campaign gets going, McCain is going to get creamed.

    For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
    If... if... if Classact. The fact is that Mr. Wright was not exposed until Obama had the convention sewn up. Now, that he does the Democrats will band together and support him at all costs. (This is just my humble opinion.) Any and all who oppose him, will be made to look like racists. You could be McCain's favorite nephew and if you come out in support of John McCain they will accuse you of doing so because you are a racist.

    I honestly don't think McCain has what it takes to win. As I have said, I won't vote for him, come hell or high water. I will say, I am no prophet, but I just see the cards being stacked in Obama's favor and that when the next campaign gets going, McCain is going to get creamed.

    Every match up they made this morning on the news had McCain winning, against both dems. He had hitlery by a nose, but he was slaughtering hussein.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Immanuel View Post
    If... if... if Classact. The fact is that Mr. Wright was not exposed until Obama had the convention sewn up. Now, that he does the Democrats will band together and support him at all costs. (This is just my humble opinion.) Any and all who oppose him, will be made to look like racists. You could be McCain's favorite nephew and if you come out in support of John McCain they will accuse you of doing so because you are a racist.

    I honestly don't think McCain has what it takes to win. As I have said, I won't vote for him, come hell or high water. I will say, I am no prophet, but I just see the cards being stacked in Obama's favor and that when the next campaign gets going, McCain is going to get creamed.

    I would have totally agreed with you before the Rev. Wright thing... Now I see Obama stepping down, taking VP or losing because of the Rev. Wright impact.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    Every match up they made this morning on the news had McCain winning, against both dems. He had hitlery by a nose, but he was slaughtering hussein.
    I've seen that and agree... if the election were held tomorrow, it would be over. Today, is March 20th, the first day of Spring. It is a long way until winter.

    Three weeks ago, Obama was America's sweetheart to all but the most devout Republicans. Today he is seen as a man who at the very least worshipped a devout racist. Tomorrow the Democrats will be convincing the world he is the second coming of Christ.

    You may be right though, the Republican War Machine may not be as rusty as I think.

    For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Classact View Post
    I would have totally agreed with you before the Rev. Wright thing... Now I see Obama stepping down, taking VP or losing because of the Rev. Wright impact.
    Maybe... but we'll see.

    For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9

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