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    Default Just more proof that these dem/libs are batshit crazy

    FOX News
    Charlie Kirk discusses email he says he accidentally received from CNN
    Duration: 03:28 10 hrs ago

    California Gov. Gavin Newsom pledged to house and feed the world’s homeless population this week during a whirlwind “Comeback California” tour that is designed to stave off a September recall by angry voters.

    The Golden State is already cracking under the weight of the nation’s largest homeless population and one of the worst economic climates post-COVID-19. With millions of middle-class residents and business owners fleeing to red states, those left behind have seen a burgeoning lower class emerge.


    Gasoline is pushing $5 a gallon, 18 million homeless pack into all the blue cities, and dilapidated freeways are strewn with trash.

    Even the Atlantic outlined the hostile economic environment in a lengthy article titled “The California Dream is Dying.”

    It’s against this backdrop that Newsom held a press conference Monday pledging $12 billion to combat homelessness on top of billions that have already been spent. People will be taken care of, and anyone who wants to avail themselves to the California dream is welcome, he said in response to a reporter who asked whether he expected the nation’s homeless to descend upon California with this new expenditure.

    “It’s about getting people off the streets, out of incidents of crisis, and meeting people where they are and to the extent that people want to come here for new beginnings and all income levels, that’s part of the California dream,” Newsom said. “We have a responsibility to accommodate and enliven and inspire, and California’s dream is still alive and well.”

    Newsom added: “I’m proud of people from around the world looking at California again for opportunity, and that, again, that should not just be for certain people. All people should aspire to that California dream regardless of their income level and regarding their lot in life.”

    California is the highest-taxed state in the nation, and buying a home is out of reach for the average resident. Newsom did not mention this but rather pointed to an $80 billion budget surplus that he said is enough money to help all achieve the American dream.

    Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva listened to Newsom’s message and was not pleased with what he heard.

    “As a private citizen, I support the [Newsom] recall,” he said.

    Villanueva has tried to stand in the gap of rising crime and increased homelessness despite a $145 million “defund the police” cut to his budget in the current year.

    “Those comments blew us away, we are trying to keep our heads above water, and he goes and says that?” Villanueva told the Washington Examiner. “When he invites the rest of the nation’s homeless to California, that is the death wish.”

    Homicides in Los Angeles County are up 58% from last year, and newly elected District Attorney George Gascon refused to file a record 5,900 criminal cases brought by detectives this year, Villanueva said. Gascon ran on a platform of less prosecution and more community assistance for lawbreakers.

    “With [Gascon’s] privileged upbringing, this doesn’t impact him,” Villanueva said. “I have homeless with mental illness on the streets who attack residents, set their houses on fire, and run over them with cars. Just the sheer level of violence that comes with the increase in population of homeless is like pouring gasoline on the fire.”

    "At the end of the day, we have to take accountability, responsibility, and do more, do better," Newsom said during the press conference.

    “And that’s what this budget intends to do, it’s about results," he added.

    Washington Examiner Videos

    Tags: News, Gavin Newsom, California, recall, Homelessness

    Original Author: Tori Richards

    Original Location: Gavin Newsom invites world's homeless to California
    They already have cities were the people are allowed to piss and shit in the streets.
    And this socialist/marxist dem idiot invites in more of that...
    This is just more proof of what the dem party truly is...
    Always for the dark , the filthy, the criminal, the perverted, the illegals, the lazy, the druggies, those that leech off of government/ society.
    Yet media covers for them and makes it appear(at election time) that they are the good guys!
    It is truly mind blowing how damn blinded and dumbed down the masses are--thanks to the dem/lib engineered public education system.
    I doubt that this nation can be saved..... as these vermin have power and are not ever going to stop engineering further decay.
    As decay is one of their most deliberate agenda and primary creations.. --Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    They already have cities were the people are allowed to piss and shit in the streets.
    And this socialist/marxist dem idiot invites in more of that...
    This is just more proof of what the dem party truly is...
    Always for the dark , the filthy, the criminal, the perverted, the illegals, the lazy, the druggies, those that leech off of government/ society.
    Yet media covers for them and makes it appear(at election time) that they are the good guys!
    It is truly mind blowing how damn blinded and dumbed down the masses are--thanks to the dem/lib engineered public education system.
    I doubt that this nation can be saved..... as these vermin have power and are not ever going to stop engineering further decay.
    As decay is one of their most deliberate agenda and primary creations.. --Tyr
    Well, he's USING them and other things right now to prevent getting recalled. It's ass kissing time and change subject time.

    Pelosi destroyed parts of San Fran in my opinion, or sure as shit did nada for her constituents and things festered.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

  4. Thanks Gunny, Tyr-Ziu Saxnot thanked this post

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