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    I tell you Mundame, if your the epitome of feminist. Give me a good hard working, attractive, mother, and wife any day of the year. Ohh wait I already have that......

    You can take your feminist ideals and shove them up your ass, they do nothing but belittle the greatest job any woman can have and that is their children. Feminist denigrate woman for making that choice in life and when a woman chooses to do both they belittle and berate them for it. All because they have the audacity to have it all NOT just the career. You are jealous plain and simple she has it all final........
    Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want." -Dr. Randy Pausch

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    Look on the bright side mundane, if McCain gets elected you can have four years of bitching about Sarah.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by krisy View Post
    Where do you get that she is a man pleaser? And if she looks like eye candy to what? Is she supposed to wear her best sweats and gym shoes to go out campaigning for vice president?! She is a naturally pretty woman. How she looks as far as clothes,make up,so on is no different than Hillary. They both wore make up and dressed's part of the job.
    because to be a feminist you have to be ugly....

    "I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is."

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    Mundame, the reason Hillary does not trade on her looks is becase she doesn't really have any. I have no doubt that if she were beautiful or sexy, she would be batting her lashes with the best of them. She has grown up emphasizing other qualities.

    Except for the beauty pageant gig, I do not see Palin the way you see her. I think she dresses quite appropriately for her job, much like I used to when I was practicing law. I was trying to look professional and stylish, not like a bimbo, or whatever else you've called the Gov.

    What is unfortunate is that when a woman is attractive, some men and even some women fail to see her as anything else. Right on this board we have seen even conservative men reduce Palin to a sex object the minute her candidacy was announced. It's a fact of life, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post

    What is unfortunate is that when a woman is attractive, some men and even some women fail to see her as anything else. Right on this board we have seen even conservative men reduce Palin to a sex object the minute her candidacy was announced. It's a fact of life, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

    She dresses all right. My objection to her is not her looks but her history: beauty pageants?? NOT respectable.What, she lets people show her body off like showing a dog or a horse??

    And more than the soft-porn stuff, I really object to the astounding stupidity she shows in the quotes we have of her. It's no wonder to me they won't let her off the leash; she could blow up this campaign in a moment by exposing her amazing lack of relevant education.

    I think it's clear John McCain chose her for the cheesecake factor; and that's a terrible insult to women, in my opinion, and that was The End of him for me. I feel really betrayed by this. He could have shown more decency and respect for the nation and the office than to choose someone like that.

    I want women to be in politics --- but decent, smart, well-educated women. Not women chosen for their eccentricities and the male drool factor! With no consideration given to whether they are fit to serve because no one cares about that, just about how big their cup size is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nukeman View Post
    And this differs from Hillary and Bill how???

    Do you know this for a FACT or are you espousing your "views and thoughts"

    What makes a woman a "smart feminist"? Is that the ugly hag that hates all men and despises the fact that sometimes woman get further with their looks than with a nasty word. Who's smarter, the one that knows how to get what she wants or the one that screams look at me I'm smart, pay attention to me I'm a "faminist", because if you don't I will sue you for discrimination!!!!

    Here's the problem with SOME feminist, they look at Sarah Palin and they think she is a step backwards when in fact she is the big step forward that they need. She is intelligent, pretty, a mother, and down to earth. All those things the feminist want but so many will never have because they DON'T know how to be a woman!!!!!!!!! Thay want to be like the men and it just doesn't work like that..........
    Well said!
    "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
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    Here's a pretty cute list of questions for the next debate from a WaPo columnist. I bolded the ones about Sarah Palin.

    A Few Debate Questions

    By Richard Cohen

    With the final presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday and the previous two having revealed absolutely nothing about the candidates, I have taken it upon myself to suggest some questions for CBS' Bob Schieffer, who will do the moderating chores. I assure you that the candidates have not seen the questions in advance nor, when the time comes, will they want to answer them. I flipped a coin and Senator Obama goes first.

    Senator Obama, you are sooooooooo cool. Can you tell us, please, the last time you lost your temper and what about? You have two minutes.
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--OAS_AD('Block');//--></SCRIPT>
    Senator McCain, I'd like to ask you why you've attacked Senator Obama for associating with the former domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, even though you have befriended G. Gordon Liddy, who was jailed for what amounts to subversion of the Constitution. Liddy also once told his radio listeners to deal with ATF agents by shooting them -- "a head shot," he recommended. What's the difference between Liddy and Ayers? Take as much time as you want.

    Senator Obama, did you ever tell Bill Ayers to his face that what he did was wrong?

    Senator McCain, I have a question regarding Sarah Palin: How could you?

    Senator Obama, in 2007, your former church and its then-minister honored the Reverend Louis Farrakhan, an anti-Semite. Why didn't you say something in protest? Have you ever heard the Latin dictum "Qui tacet consentire videtur," silence is consent?

    Senator McCain, what lessons should we have learned from the Iraq War? Should it have been fought? Should we have stuck to Afghanistan? What are our limits as a great power?

    Senator Obama. Sir, if your plan for troop withdrawal in Iraq had been adopted, the U.S. troops would now be almost out of the country. That being the case, what do you think we'd have there now? Civil war? A peaceful country? An Islamic republic next door in Jordan?

    Senator McCain, do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if history will forgive you for Sarah Palin?

    Senator Obama, do you ever wake up in the middle of night for anything?

    Senator McCain, with the situation in Afghanistan worsening, why don't we switch our troops right away from Iraq, which didn't attack us, to the country from where Osama bin Laden and his Taliban supporters did?

    Senator Obama, given the problems facing our country -- a worldwide financial crisis, a looming recession, the prospect of nukes in Iran and North Korea, and Pakistan, which already has nukes, coming apart -- isn't it reckless of you to think that, at your young age with your limited experience, you can manage it all?

    Senator McCain, virtually the same question to you. But in your case, given your age, isn't this all too much for you?

    Senator Obama, have you ever been in therapy? If so, how did it make you feel?

    Senator McCain, in May, you allowed a restricted number of reporters to review your medical records for a limited amount of time. Some people think you're hiding something. Are you? If not, why not make all the records public?

    Senator Obama, we all know that lobbyists are not the problem in Washington; it's the incessant need of politicians to raise campaign funds. Yet you broke your pledge to accept public financing for your campaign. By doing that, didn't you contribute to this problem? And a follow-up, if I might: If you broke your word on this, how can we be sure you won't break your word again?

    Senator McCain, reportedly, you have been told to avoid looking at Senator Obama during debates because he infuriates you and you could lose your temper. Is this because of Obama's age or his manner or something else entirely?

    Senator Obama, what's a credit-default swap?

    Senator McCain, can you explain short-selling?

    Senator Obama, is Senator McCain right?

    Senator McCain, you are 72 and have had skin cancer several times. Given that -- not to mention the usual exigencies of life -- how could you pick a running mate who is so dismally qualified for the presidency? And please, for the sake of your own reputation, not to mention your mortal soul, don't say anything about the Alaska National Guard.

    Senator Obama and Senator McCain, you both favor NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. Please tell us how you would explain to an American soldier why he or she would have to fight for either country. Please explain why defending Georgia is in our national interest.

    Gentlemen, that's it for now. Over to you, Bob.

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    Mundame, the reason Hillary does not trade on her looks is becase she doesn't really have any. I have no doubt that if she were beautiful or sexy, she would be batting her lashes with the best of them. She has grown up emphasizing other qualities.
    Hillary Clinton was a good-looking woman in her youth ------------ of course she went to Wellesley and did not do cheesecake, very appropriately. She didn't have to sell her LOOKS, she had brains and ability. That's what Palin doesn't have.

    She's a good-looking woman at 61, too ---- but AS a 61-year-old woman. She's not supposed to look like some young floozy.

    People who think she ought to look like a 20-year-old pole-dancing exhibitionist for their titillated pleasure are best described by one short word:


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    Quote Originally Posted by mundame View Post
    She dresses all right. My objection to her is not her looks but her history: beauty pageants?? NOT respectable.What, she lets people show her body off like showing a dog or a horse??

    And more than the soft-porn stuff, I really object to the astounding stupidity she shows in the quotes we have of her. It's no wonder to me they won't let her off the leash; she could blow up this campaign in a moment by exposing her amazing lack of relevant education.

    I think it's clear John McCain chose her for the cheesecake factor; and that's a terrible insult to women, in my opinion, and that was The End of him for me. I feel really betrayed by this. He could have shown more decency and respect for the nation and the office than to choose someone like that.

    I want women to be in politics --- but decent, smart, well-educated women. Not women chosen for their eccentricities and the male drool factor! With no consideration given to whether they are fit to serve because no one cares about that, just about how big their cup size is.
    You hate Palin because she's prettier than you both inside and out. Got it.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mundame View Post
    Here's a pretty cute list of questions for the next debate from a WaPo columnist. I bolded the ones about Sarah Palin.

    A Few Debate Questions

    By Richard Cohen

    With the final presidential debate scheduled for Wednesday and the previous two having revealed absolutely nothing about the candidates, I have taken it upon myself to suggest some questions for CBS' Bob Schieffer, who will do the moderating chores. I assure you that the candidates have not seen the questions in advance nor, when the time comes, will they want to answer them. I flipped a coin and Senator Obama goes first.

    Senator Obama, you are sooooooooo cool. Can you tell us, please, the last time you lost your temper and what about? You have two minutes.
    <SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--OAS_AD('Block');//--></SCRIPT>
    Senator McCain, I'd like to ask you why you've attacked Senator Obama for associating with the former domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, even though you have befriended G. Gordon Liddy, who was jailed for what amounts to subversion of the Constitution. Liddy also once told his radio listeners to deal with ATF agents by shooting them -- "a head shot," he recommended. What's the difference between Liddy and Ayers? Take as much time as you want.

    Senator Obama, did you ever tell Bill Ayers to his face that what he did was wrong?

    Senator McCain, I have a question regarding Sarah Palin: How could you?

    Senator Obama, in 2007, your former church and its then-minister honored the Reverend Louis Farrakhan, an anti-Semite. Why didn't you say something in protest? Have you ever heard the Latin dictum "Qui tacet consentire videtur," silence is consent?

    Senator McCain, what lessons should we have learned from the Iraq War? Should it have been fought? Should we have stuck to Afghanistan? What are our limits as a great power?

    Senator Obama. Sir, if your plan for troop withdrawal in Iraq had been adopted, the U.S. troops would now be almost out of the country. That being the case, what do you think we'd have there now? Civil war? A peaceful country? An Islamic republic next door in Jordan?

    Senator McCain, do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if history will forgive you for Sarah Palin?

    Senator Obama, do you ever wake up in the middle of night for anything?

    Senator McCain, with the situation in Afghanistan worsening, why don't we switch our troops right away from Iraq, which didn't attack us, to the country from where Osama bin Laden and his Taliban supporters did?

    Senator Obama, given the problems facing our country -- a worldwide financial crisis, a looming recession, the prospect of nukes in Iran and North Korea, and Pakistan, which already has nukes, coming apart -- isn't it reckless of you to think that, at your young age with your limited experience, you can manage it all?

    Senator McCain, virtually the same question to you. But in your case, given your age, isn't this all too much for you?

    Senator Obama, have you ever been in therapy? If so, how did it make you feel?

    Senator McCain, in May, you allowed a restricted number of reporters to review your medical records for a limited amount of time. Some people think you're hiding something. Are you? If not, why not make all the records public?

    Senator Obama, we all know that lobbyists are not the problem in Washington; it's the incessant need of politicians to raise campaign funds. Yet you broke your pledge to accept public financing for your campaign. By doing that, didn't you contribute to this problem? And a follow-up, if I might: If you broke your word on this, how can we be sure you won't break your word again?

    Senator McCain, reportedly, you have been told to avoid looking at Senator Obama during debates because he infuriates you and you could lose your temper. Is this because of Obama's age or his manner or something else entirely?

    Senator Obama, what's a credit-default swap?

    Senator McCain, can you explain short-selling?

    Senator Obama, is Senator McCain right?

    Senator McCain, you are 72 and have had skin cancer several times. Given that -- not to mention the usual exigencies of life -- how could you pick a running mate who is so dismally qualified for the presidency? And please, for the sake of your own reputation, not to mention your mortal soul, don't say anything about the Alaska National Guard.

    Senator Obama and Senator McCain, you both favor NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. Please tell us how you would explain to an American soldier why he or she would have to fight for either country. Please explain why defending Georgia is in our national interest.

    Gentlemen, that's it for now. Over to you, Bob.
    Senator Obama, you are sooooooooo cool
    the defense rest...............

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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    Sounds about right to me, bkp. She has some enormous need to be the center of attention. And she is some eye candy for those who can't do better. I think the eyeglasses help in that respect.

    Yeah...that whole "naughty librarian" vibe gets me moist. Mmmmm...I need to be alone for a few minutes.
    Fascism has come to America, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. His name is Trump.
    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - George Orwell...The New GOP motto.

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