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    A pal of mine who passed away last year, he got a wrong number and ended up dating this rich heiress for many years. She came and lived with him, he payed for everything for months, then they went to meet her mother, that's when he found out she's this rich millionaire heiress.

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    I don't know what's the weirdest way I ever met a broad, I've met so many, so who can keep track. But I usually just start kissing them and then grab them by the pussy, carry them out of the bar like a six pack, they let me do that because I'm a star. When it comes to broads me and the president are amigos, we both operate the same, we're both great operators.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GravyBoat View Post
    I don't know what's the weirdest way I ever met a broad, I've met so many, so who can keep track. But I usually just start kissing them and then grab them by the pussy, carry them out of the bar like a six pack, they let me do that because I'm a star. When it comes to broads me and the president are amigos, we both operate the same, we're both great operators.
    Well, you've not gone from a joke, to pathetic... to just a pathetic disgusting troll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    This thread popped up.

    Anyone with a story to add?
    A female physician at MCRD San Diego. Physical time. Yay . You get most of the grunt work done by a Corpsman. Then he tells me to drop trou and SHE will be with me in a minute. I was like ? SHE? The Corpsman of course is enjoying this because I routinely whipped his ass at basketball. He said no problem, SSgt, I will tell her you'd rather have a guy stick his finger up your rear ....

    So, THAT is how I "met" Dr Lu, a petite, cute little Filipino FEMALE Navy LT.
    Last edited by Gunny; 12-26-2017 at 06:49 PM.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    I met this woman in the Montana Bar one time in Las Vegas, not a bad looking older blond. I started talking with her and she had some fantastical stories about being from a rich family, oil money, and she got a monthly allowance of sorts to just stay out of their hair. She went so far as to show me her check book that had random entries and looked like a grade schooler was making hap hazard entries in it, but the balance near as I could see was in the hundreds of thousands. I didn't care and I didn't believe her. We got a little toasty and I took her to my place and she spent the night. The next morning she said just take me back down to the bar which I did. I never saw her again, but when I got back home I noticed she had slipped a check for $5,000 under a glass on the night stand next to my bed. I almost threw it away, but I took it to the credit union on base at Nellis... and it was good.

    That was the oddest thing that ever happened to me with a woman.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 12-26-2017 at 06:59 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    I met this woman in the Montana Bar one time in Las Vegas, not a bad looking older blond. I started talking with her and she had some fantastical stories about being from a rich family, oil money, and she got a monthly allowance of sorts to just stay out of their hair. She went so far as to show me her check book that had random entries and looked like a grade schooler was making hap hazard entries in it, but the balance near as I could see was in the hundreds of thousands. I didn't care and I didn't believe her. We got a little toasty and I took her to my place and she spent the night. The next morning she said just take me back down to the bar which I did. I never saw her again, but when I got back home I noticed she had slipped a check for $5,000 under a glass on the night stand next to my bed. I almost threw it away, but I took it to the credit union on base at Nellis... and it was good.

    That was the oddest thing that ever happened to me with a woman.

    Wow! Sounds like Harry Chapin a bit: "I stashed the bill in my shirt".
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Wow! Sounds like Harry Chapin a bit: "I stashed the bill in my shirt".
    I was ready to be embarrassed for bringing the check to the teller, and have her tell me no, this is bogus.

    I looked for her after that. I asked around if anyone had seen her before or knew her name but all in vane. She was nice, pleasant, and seemed lonely. I kinda liked her. I wouldn't have accepted a check had she tried to hand it to me. I'd have thought it wasn't any good anyway. I also would have been slightly insulted to think she felt she had to PAY me to be with me anyway. That ain't me. I spent time with her because I WANTED to. Vegas might be a fun town for a vacation and to party but it can be a lonely cruel place. I couldn't wait to get out of there after just shy of 4 years.

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    Summer of 1977, I was divorced and working construction. A friend came over one weekend to deliver a message to me about one of my ex-girlfriends, a pretty gal I had dated the year before. Seems the month before her boyfriend had slapped her around quite bit and promised to kill anybody she dated after their split. She had told my friend her story and asked him to find me and remind me a promise I once made her.
    That I would protect her.
    Well, that was intended to be as we dated but she was in trouble and beating he hell out the guy seemed like it just might be great fun.
    So I checked out her story with others and it was true, the guy was a real asshole and a brute.
    I went to meet her and we spoke and she asked me again- If I would keep my promise. I replied, yes but just this
    one time as we are no longer together.
    She then asked me to beat the living hell out of the guy, I agreed to do just that. She gave me his name, address and other information.
    I drove 50 miles to the town he lived in and did a bit of scouting around. For four days, each day I went to his house and knocked on the door--always got no answer and there was no car in the driveway.
    Fifth day, a Saturday I went there again and lo and behold in the driveway was a nice new blue mustang. This made me happy as I thought finally(!) he must be home!
    Wrong! It was not him --but that is how I met Renee---his extremely beautiful sister!
    Seems he had traveled to California and would be gone a couple months or so. I having never told her the real reason I was looking for her brother, was able to date her! She was a real stunner and so nice, truly a great person.
    We got along fabulously and we were both very, very serious about our relationship!
    About 9 weeks of pure bliss had flown by and I swear I was thinking about marrying this beautiful 22 year old lady!
    Then it happened! Her ffing lousy brother came back to town. I caught him at a local tavern and I beat the living hell out of him.
    I called her the next day to try to explain my action but she after hearing my story --told me to get lost , never try to contact her again
    and asked me this, after our dating why didnt I abandon my original plan?
    My answer to her was this simple-- I gave my ex-girlfriend my word and my father taught me to be a man one must keep their word ,especially a promise made.
    She replied, hope you have a great future with your word!
    Tell you the truth that was the hardest decision I ever made in a relationship, as I was really into that beautiful lady!
    Question was do I break my word and keep her or keep my word and almost certainly lose her?
    As I look back at my life I regret losing her but I never regret my having kept my word and the fact that the ass stomping given ended her brother's harassment of my ex-girlfriend that he was victimizing.
    But that lady was off the charts beautiful and I was in love...
    But Love lost out to honor....
    Besides it was so damn much fun beating the hell out of that cowardly bastard! -Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 12-27-2017 at 09:30 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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