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  1. More tolerance from the left (1 replies)
  2. The right has everything they do protested. Violence is NOT acceptable in any manner (0 replies)
  3. Another muslim killing group, worse than Boko Haram... (1 replies)
  4. Trump Derangement Syndrome and the Lack of Civility (1 replies)
  5. Maga hat attacker arrested, faces jail time (9 replies)
  6. 1st the black community & now the hispanic community - unemployment records (0 replies)
  7. Consider It a 6th Trimester Abortion (5 replies)
  8. U.S.-Iran Tensions Rise Over Oil Route As EU Tries To Save Nuclear Deal (0 replies)
  9. China: ‘We’re Ready To Retaliate Against U.S. Tariffs’ (4 replies)
  10. World Trade Organization Concerned Over Trump Admin. Trade Policies (3 replies)
  11. Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, To Be Removed Next Week (1 replies)
  12. Assassinations of Philippine mayors (0 replies)
  13. Pompeo To Visit Mexican President-Elect; Discuss Immigration, Trade (2 replies)
  14. Exclusive: China Presses Europe For Anti-U.S. Alliance On Trade (2 replies)
  15. China Issues U.S. Travel Warning Amid Trade Tensions (2 replies)
  16. Obama Traded U.S. Passports For Nuclear Deal With Iran (3 replies)
  17. Hundreds Of Migrants Are Being Sent Back To Central America Under The Trump Admin. (1 replies)
  18. Nunes Slams Schiff (3 replies)
  19. WHITE Brits Soon To Be MINORITY In Birmingham, U.K. (0 replies)
  20. Coast Guard Opens New Forward Operating Base (2 replies)
  21. Why you NEED an AR15 - if you blame the weapon, you should praise it too (4 replies)
  22. Adios, Brian Ross, with your "erroneous" report. (2 replies)
  23. Trump urges passage of FART Act (0 replies)
  24. Mexicans: We want a worse economy and a more controlling and corrupt government! (9 replies)
  25. Love Those Eastern European Politicians (22 replies)
  26. Antifa's Glass Jaw (12 replies)
  27. African dust forecast to move into South Texas (11 replies)
  28. Indigenous Mexicans Spurn Presidential Vote With Blockades, Bulldozers (2 replies)
  29. Calling Out Prejudice By Being A Bigot (1 replies)
  30. Iranian Mullahs Discover the Key to Support from Europe (0 replies)
  31. Canada Hits Back On U.S. Tariffs; Mnuchin Denies Trump Wants To Quit WTO (0 replies)
  32. Capital Gazette shooting - 5 Dead (0 replies)
  33. Democrats gear up for a fierce and probably losing fight against Trump’s court pick (9 replies)
  34. US traffic Enforcement is awful (12 replies)
  35. Harley-Davidson (5 replies)
  36. Antwon Rose shooting (2 replies)
  37. Try to off yourself in NYC? (1 replies)
  38. I See The 2018 BET Awards Are On... (2 replies)
  39. Familiar Names Investigated Russia’s World Cup Bid: Steele, Comey, Mueller (1 replies)
  40. USCG, China Team up. (0 replies)
  41. Sarah Sanders asked to leave Virginia restaurant (43 replies)
  42. Trump flips again, says North Korea is an "extraordinary threat" (15 replies)
  43. Wilkommen auf Deutchland (3 replies)
  44. Surprise, Surprise Fake News Busted In Less Than 24 Hours (3 replies)
  45. World Bank Endorses Anti-White Land Reform In South Africa (0 replies)
  46. RICO Suave (0 replies)
  47. It's Official, Europe Has Gone to the Dogs (1 replies)
  48. Crowds put up with heat, electrical outage to see Trump in Duluth (17 replies)
  49. Today's teens less likely to smoke, drink, take drugs or have sex (51 replies)
  50. Trump says he'll be 'signing something' on detained children (35 replies)
  51. Office of First Lady calls secret service on Peter Fonda. (16 replies)
  52. Hungary Leads the Way (2 replies)
  53. More Trump/Russia Collusion? (1 replies)
  54. Pundits, activists celebrate harassment of female DHS secretary (4 replies)
  55. The border (faux) outrage continues (8 replies)
  56. The 5 Worst Illegal Immigration Arguments (0 replies)
  57. Mexico: U.S. ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy Violates Human Rights (6 replies)
  58. David Hogg Relaunches Advertiser Boycott Against Laura Ingraham (7 replies)
  59. Report: FBI Agent Peter Strzok Escorted Out of Headquarters (6 replies)
  60. Kylie Jenner accused of being "transphobic" (9 replies)
  61. Confederate general name will be changed to Barack Obama Elementary (16 replies)
  62. Liberals triggered when Trump hugs American flag (2 replies)
  63. Faux liberal outrage over border detentions (2 replies)
  64. U.S. approves $1.3 billion sale of artillery to Saudi Arabia (7 replies)
  65. McCabe Refuses to Testify at Senate Judiciary Hearing (1 replies)
  66. The toll of illegal alien criminals (1 replies)
  67. The media and "mistakes" about Trump (1 replies)
  68. Democrats and Black America (3 replies)
  69. Outrage grows as families are separated. Will Trump change his policy? (43 replies)
  70. An example of a potential 'Hate Crime' .. ?? (8 replies)
  71. The Swamp Rules To Protect The Swamp (0 replies)
  72. List of Peter Strzok's criminal acts (2 replies)
  73. Children at borders - impoverished American children (2 replies)
  74. 71% of liberals would rather see NK peace fail, because Trump would gain popularity (3 replies)
  75. Black woman busted lying about cop sexually assaulting her (2 replies)
  76. Why Fox News Is No. 1 (3 replies)
  77. Obama’s silky lie and FBI bias in the Clinton investigation (2 replies)
  78. MSNBC: Law Enforcement Officers Are Nazis and Trump Is Running Concentration Camps (6 replies)
  79. Great International Effort in Rescue! (4 replies)
  80. Where were the dems and media when... (2 replies)
  81. Drone on foreign soil does it's job again! (0 replies)
  82. Does Sarah Sanders make policy? (6 replies)
  83. Comey Used Private G-Mail... (15 replies)
  84. Let Me Clear Up an Issue (4 replies)
  85. John Cusack - Trump a ‘Fascist’ and ‘They’re Putting Kids in F**king Cages’ (0 replies)
  86. Report: Peter Strzok Vowed ‘We’ Would ‘Stop’ Trump from Becoming President (9 replies)
  87. Lawmakers disagree over how to solve family separation at the border (0 replies)
  88. Man Arrested After Bringing Meth To Police Station To Have It Tested By Cops (2 replies)
  89. Well, Here's Another Issue .... (11 replies)
  90. Sarah Sanders, Raj Shah planning to depart the White House (13 replies)
  91. Taliban Claim U.S. Violated Their Free Speech (3 replies)
  92. Comey Broke From FBI Procedures in Clinton Probe, Watchdog Finds (10 replies)
  93. Immigration Power Struggle Going On Within EU (1 replies)
  94. Mexico more corrupt than ever (2 replies)
  95. Have You Seen The Video Trump Showed Kim? (3 replies)
  96. Connection? (11 replies)
  97. Question for Gunny (4 replies)
  98. Gay Americans are arming themselves to stay alive (6 replies)
  99. Joy Behar interrupts Meghan Mccain's tearful Krauthammer tribute to slam Mcconnell (2 replies)
  100. North Korea’s Chamber of Horrors: Oppression, Slavery, and Starvation (5 replies)
  101. Michael Cohen expects to be arrested soon (3 replies)
  102. Bode Miller loses his 19 month old daughter (2 replies)
  103. ‘Defecating’ school superintendent requests full surveillance video of alleged deed (0 replies)
  104. America's happiest seaside town: Ocean City, N.J. (0 replies)
  105. Charitable giving in US tops $400 billion for first time (1 replies)
  106. Juanita Broaddrick responds to Bill Clinton on sexual assault (1 replies)
  107. WhatsApp tragedies (0 replies)
  108. Kim flies his toilet over to Singapore with him... WTF? (21 replies)
  109. Bill Clinton: Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed (0 replies)
  110. Pompeo says Trump can offer North Korea security assurances unlike any in the past (0 replies)
  111. First Lady Melania Trump (4 replies)
  112. Driver allegedly poops on another man in fit of road rage (5 replies)
  113. Twitter CEO apologizes for eating chicken (3 replies)
  114. Ramadan Rage: Jihadists Have Killed, Injured 1,365 with One Week to Go (0 replies)
  115. 5 Women Who Lied About Being Raped (4 replies)
  116. Bill Maher: We Need a Recession to Save Us from Trump (5 replies)
  117. I told Gunny not to screw around with snakes. (30 replies)
  118. Should We Feel Sorry For George Soros? (6 replies)
  119. Anschluss II, No Thanks Says Austrian Chancellor (6 replies)
  120. Justify! (8 replies)
  121. Iranian Regime Admits to Facilitating 9-11 Attacks on US (8 replies)
  122. G7: Trump isolated on trade and Russia as leaders meet (2 replies)
  123. Exclusive: Nearly 1,800 Families Separated At U.S.-Mexico Border In 17 Months Through (6 replies)
  124. Charles Krauthammer reveals he has weeks to live (7 replies)
  125. RIP: Anthony Bourdain - Dead from Suicide (8 replies)
  126. Pompeo: Kim Jong Un told 'me personally he is prepared to denuclearize' (8 replies)
  127. Warren Buffett on Strong Economy (1 replies)
  128. The Art of Virtue Signalling a Non-Apology (1 replies)
  129. Trump chides Trudeau about Canada burning down the White House in 1812 (2 replies)
  130. ICE raids Ohio lawn and garden business, arrests 114 (29 replies)
  131. Obama Soothed. Trump Stirs. How 2 Presidents Have Tackled Racial Flare-Ups. (0 replies)
  132. What REALLY Happened to Melania Trump? (3 replies)
  133. Worlds oldest person wishes she was dead (4 replies)
  134. Would you hire a child molester? (24 replies)
  135. Over 1,000 Shot in Gun-Controlled Chicago Year-To-Date (1 replies)
  136. Media Calls Supreme Court 7-2 Decision in Favor of Christian Baker a “Narrow Win” (3 replies)
  137. Ayatollah Khamenei Threatens to “Eradicate” Israel... (2 replies)
  138. CNN’s Don Lemon Reacts To Record Low Black Unemployment By Taking A Swipe At Trump (8 replies)
  139. You go, Israel (0 replies)
  140. Wasserman Schultz screamed at house officials to kill hacking probe... (5 replies)
  141. Boulder Just Banned Ownership of AR-15 Rifles (8 replies)
  142. Greatest Challenge Civilized World Faces Today’ Comes from ‘Militant Islamic States’ (1 replies)
  143. Supreme Court - Rules in favor of bakery against homozealous hateful states (8 replies)
  144. Israeli policeman strangles a child to death (11 replies)
  145. Trump-Names-Douglas-Fears-as Homeland-Security-adviser (0 replies)
  146. Report: WH To Call On Latin American Nations To Ban Venezuela From OAS (1 replies)
  147. Five people die in US romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak (0 replies)
  148. US tariffs: Allies retaliate with levies on jam, lamps and sleeping bags (9 replies)
  149. German Muslims Accuse Bavaria Of Double Standards Over Crucifix Order (0 replies)
  150. Sally field. (15 replies)
  151. UN Envoy Haley To Block ‘Morally Bankrupt’ Anti-Israel Resolution (1 replies)
  152. Political Islam Rising In U.S. Amid European Calls To De-Islamize (0 replies)
  153. US demands of NK (11 replies)
  154. Barr Was Right About Soros Being A Nazi... (23 replies)
  155. Ironic - Man tries to kill unborn baby (3 replies)
  156. Russians knock off another Kremlin critic (5 replies)
  157. Ramadan Rage (13 replies)
  158. Romney: Trump's Policies Better Than Expected, But He's No Role Model (3 replies)
  159. 'Roseanne' Canceled at ABC Following Racist Tweet (42 replies)
  160. Hate-Filled Liberals Attack Ivanka Trump For Posting Picture With Her Son (4 replies)
  161. Teen Tyrant David Hogg Targets President Trump With Proposed Die-In at a Trump Hotel (13 replies)
  162. Hamas - terror attacks into Israel (4 replies)
  163. On off On again NK talks (0 replies)
  164. Yup, we saw it coming, ban the knives! (28 replies)
  165. Gunman Kills Female Police Officers - Allegedly Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ (3 replies)
  166. France grants honorary citizenship to hero 'Spider Man' migrant who saved 4 year old (1 replies)
  167. news we get here is libs/leftists destroying history (3 replies)
  168. Media Slams Trump for Tweet! (3 replies)
  169. Oklahoma Shooting (6 replies)
  170. Berlin far-right supporters outnumbered by counter-protest (6 replies)
  171. Palestinian President Abbas Hospital Stay Extended (0 replies)
  172. Texas shooter's father wants his son seen as "a victim" (2 replies)
  173. Texas Town Crowdfunds Rebuilding Effort for Damaged Veterans Memorial (2 replies)
  174. South Africa’s ‘White Genocide’ Is A Mass-Migration Lesson To California (0 replies)
  175. Iran Threatens To Pull Out Of Nuclear Deal If Economic Incentives Not Protected (0 replies)
  176. Assange's refuge in Ecuadorian embassy 'in jeopardy' (0 replies)
  177. BREAKING: Shooter Killed by Armed Citizen... (4 replies)
  178. International Probe: Kremlin Complicit In Downing Of MH17 Over Ukraine (3 replies)
  179. President Trump Cancels Rocket Man Summit (98 replies)
  180. Air Force members guarding nukes took and dealt LSD (18 replies)
  181. Get your concealed carry permit. (1 replies)
  182. Stolen Valor - Stolen Money. Bad guys get caught (1 replies)
  183. Woman: Cop sexually assualted me! Penetrated me! BodyCam: Nope. (4 replies)
  184. Texas School Shooter (15 replies)
  185. FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION On the Rise in the UK (20 replies)
  186. Why North Korea is destroying its nuclear test site (12 replies)
  187. U.S. Toughens Stance On Iran, Lists Sweeping Demands (1 replies)
  188. Afrikaners Aim To Counter Gov’t Land Grabs, White Genocide (8 replies)
  189. U.S. Will Not Recognize President Maduro’s Reelection, May Sanction Venezuela (0 replies)
  190. Boater: File a Float Plan! (4 replies)
  191. China Launches Satellite to Explore Dark Side of the Moon (4 replies)
  192. J.J. Watt... (2 replies)
  193. Pyongyang Rescinds Invitation To S. Korea Journalists Covering Test Site (7 replies)
  194. The ROYAL Wedding (40 replies)
  195. U.S. Pushes Mexico To Accept Asylum Seekers (2 replies)
  196. Turkish Banker Sentenced To Prison For Helping Iran Evade U.S. Sanctions (0 replies)
  197. Top eu officials agree joint stance on iran deal, u.s. Trade (0 replies)
  198. Sharp Increase Of Violent Crime In Europe Despite Strict Gun Control (0 replies)
  199. EU, Iran Meet To Preserve Nuclear Deal — Europe Vows To Keep Deal Alive (1 replies)
  200. WATCH: South African Black-Majority Gov’t To Seize White-Owned Urban Properties (5 replies)
  201. The Difference Between Christians and Muslims (1 replies)
  202. White cop profiles black driver - caught on video (1 replies)
  203. And Here We Go With NK? (29 replies)
  204. at least 52 Palestinians killed by Israelis as embassy opens in Jerusalem (27 replies)
  205. Finland: 23yo can have sex with 10yo and it's not rape. No proof 10yo was "forced" (13 replies)
  206. The Suicide of Europe (2 replies)
  207. Iran Threatens To Do What The Lap Dog Media Refuses To Do (5 replies)
  208. Surabaya church attacks: Indonesian family of bombers 'had been to Syria' (0 replies)
  209. Volcano in Hawaii (6 replies)
  210. Rhetoric Over U.S. Exit From Iran Deal Rises Amid Sanctions Threat (0 replies)
  211. ISIS Claims Responsibility For Deadly Stabbing Spree In Paris (0 replies)
  212. Mullen: Chance Of Military Conflict Increases If Summit Talks Fail (0 replies)
  213. Can't A Brother Catch A Break In This Racist Country? (6 replies)
  214. Singapore Prepares For North Korea Summit (6 replies)
  215. Trump DHS Secretary Schools Democrat Senator On Immigration: “It’s A Law…” (1 replies)
  216. The broken record speaks, and a shocker... (3 replies)
  217. Sexuality “Expert” Says Babies Should Give Consent for Diaper-Nappy Changes (1 replies)
  218. Woman Kicked Off Harry Potter Ride for Being Too Fat (14 replies)
  219. Release of hostages was staged (35 replies)
  220. Gina Haspel Has The Most Insane CIA Resume Of All Time (7 replies)
  221. Five Most Wanted ISIS Leaders Captured (12 replies)
  222. Not Proportional: Good! (6 replies)
  223. Dead Whales Washes Ashore In San Fran Bay. (1 replies)
  224. UK Proposes Six Year Prison Sentences for Online Posts Against Religion, Transgender (26 replies)
  225. ‘God Bless America, the Greatest Nation in the World’ (0 replies)
  226. Awkward: NYT Rips Pompeo for Being AWOL (4 replies)
  227. Boy Scouts Lose Almost HALF A MILLION Members... (7 replies)
  228. Obamas Have Slammed Trump A Dozen Times Since Leaving The White House (7 replies)
  229. What if our congress did this? (3 replies)
  230. Sally Kohn on Trump Supporters: ‘No One Is Just Who They Voted for’ (17 replies)
  231. What Next for Iran? (2 replies)
  232. Are muslims liberals? (11 replies)
  233. The Latest: Pompeo returning with 3 Americans detained in NK (5 replies)
  234. From the files of: Grown-ups who are dumber than a box of rocks. And liars (2 replies)
  235. From the files of: she needs to die. Mother pimps out 5,6 y/o daughters (9 replies)
  236. Trump decides to exit nuclear accord with Iran (106 replies)
  237. Another scumbag busted lying (0 replies)
  238. Watch the lava flow in Hawaii (1 replies)
  239. Everyone should take implicit bias training (0 replies)
  240. McCain is pretty much done (43 replies)
  241. ‘If Mueller Doesn’t Have Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion Shut it Down Now’ (0 replies)
  242. New York AG resigns (11 replies)
  243. The FBI Is in Crisis. It's Worse Than You Think (0 replies)
  244. Oliver North to Become NRA President (0 replies)
  245. Trump To Announce Decision On Iran Nuclear Deal Tuesday (2 replies)
  246. Berkeley Task Force Blames Victims for Violence at Riots Last Year (1 replies)
  247. Alyssa Milano - what a hypocritical shithead (4 replies)
  248. Devin Nunes Says He's Pressing to Have AG Jeff Sessions Held in Contempt of Congress (0 replies)
  249. Losing black voters? Let's lets brainwashed kids vote! (0 replies)
  250. Immigration is a right - #noborders (3 replies)