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  1. Minsk Protest - maybe a good idea? tax the under-employed (0 replies)
  2. Too Many White Students (8 replies)
  3. Is Islam different from other religions? This author suggests it may be. (0 replies)
  4. A Liberal, Obama Staff member SPILLS it all. IGNORE if you hate TRUTH. (0 replies)
  5. ...... bikini airlines (1 replies)
  6. Congress gives ISPs the right to sell your web browsing and app storage history (11 replies)
  7. `.......Three less democrat liberals to vote in the next election` (3 replies)
  8. The Debt Ceiling Fast Approaches. Another Govt. Shut Down? (0 replies)
  9. Which was the better president? Obama, or Bush? (229 replies)
  10. WTF is this trend of harpy Anglo woman bosses killing work-from-home ? (19 replies)
  11. Huma Abedin ‘Working Hard’ to Save Marriage with Anthony Weiner (8 replies)
  12. Ex-terrorist who led Women’s March just received a big fat dose of American justice.. (4 replies)
  13. ‘Virtually Uncovered’–NYT Admits CNN And MSNBC Are Ignoring Rockville Rape (1 replies)
  14. I Am SOOO Glad (1 replies)
  15. No gender (18 replies)
  16. Commercial spectator sports: what's the psychology behind the success? (18 replies)
  17. "Springfield homeowner pulls gun on armed invaders....." (3 replies)
  18. Marine Veteran Becomes First Double-Amputee Cop (10 replies)
  19. I figured it out!! (22 replies)
  20. Women's rights - Shariah law (28 replies)
  21. Hollywood & Healthcare (1 replies)
  22. Trump honors medal of honor winners (3 replies)
  23. Convicted Terrorist Who Organized “Day Without Women” To Be Deported (1 replies)
  24. Atlanta family battling state over right to name daughter Allah (4 replies)
  25. It's Not Healthy Being A Putin Critic (1 replies)
  26. Smartphones dirtier than toilets (4 replies)
  27. Russia, China and refugees (9 replies)
  28. The Ally That Isn't (12 replies)
  29. Now London suffers its latest terrorist attack (39 replies)
  30. The Blaze Suspends Tomi Lahren (9 replies)
  31. Latest Snowflake Outrage: Wonder Woman Has No Armpit Hair (12 replies)
  32. Mark Cuban - healthcare is/should be a right (7 replies)
  33. Half of Canadians want illegal border crossers deported (5 replies)
  34. US Pays 22.1% of NATO Budget; Germany 14.7%; 13 Allies Pay Less Than 1% (5 replies)
  35. Amy Schumer Blames 'Alt Right' (0 replies)
  36. Leftist students to silence their opposition (16 replies)
  37. Hail! Hail! Chuck Berry: Remembering a Rock ‘n’ Roll Legend Dies (6 replies)
  38. He was a good boy...and wanted to be a Doctor.... (2 replies)
  39. Teacher quits after Islamic students threaten to behead her (2 replies)
  40. Trump immigration ban trumped again (14 replies)
  41. Snoop Dogg pushes your buttons (24 replies)
  42. GOP Intel chair: No evidence of wiretapping (33 replies)
  43. Admiral arrested in "sex for secrets" scandal (2 replies)
  44. Red, White & Blue is racist once again (22 replies)
  45. Powerful...sent by a friend: (0 replies)
  46. RIP Captain Dara Fitzpatrick (1 replies)
  47. It is interesting. What will happen in the USA? 'Prohibition of debts in America' (4 replies)
  48. Current situation on Russian forums (boards) as to the forthcoming film about Putin (3 replies)
  49. Judge rules that Syrian refugee can enter US in first defiance of Donald Trump's new (4 replies)
  50. Welcome to "HOLLANDISTAN"....... (6 replies)
  51. Head shot: SAS sniper kills ISIS decapitation boss with single bullet to the head.... (8 replies)
  52. Good News For US/AK Not So Much For ME (17 replies)
  53. Why to vote Democrat: Book Of Blank Pages (9 replies)
  54. Iran Has Been Put ‘On Notice’; Time to Show U.S. Means Business (4 replies)
  55. President Temer Lauds Women's Supermarket Skills on IWD - Viva Brasil! (3 replies)
  56. Starbucks Stock Rating Drops 80 Points After Announcing Opposition to President Trump (19 replies)
  57. Anyone Have Thoughts On Wikileaks and Intelligence Releases? (73 replies)
  58. Trumpcare! (53 replies)
  59. O.K. This I DO NOT Like! (69 replies)
  60. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuse himself from campaign probes, Russia questions (27 replies)
  61. China to cut 500,000 steel and coal jobs this year (2 replies)
  62. Dumb....Just Dumb! (2 replies)
  63. Father of slain Navy Seals wants investigation into "stupid mission" (40 replies)
  64. Da Oscars (7 replies)
  65. About That Radioactive Cloud Traversing Across Europe (2 replies)
  66. If you want to see Communist indoctrination first hand, here's a source (0 replies)
  67. Not Just Climate Change: Fake Science (5 replies)
  68. You can't make this stuff up (8 replies)
  69. ......Muslim Preschool Teacher FIRED for Tweeting “Kill Some Jews” (3 replies)
  70. Provide Hope - really thank you... (33 replies)
  71. Fox News Channel's Alan Colmes has passed away at age 66 after a brief illness. (28 replies)
  72. Sharia Law MF'ers harrass good folks in Minnesorta (6 replies)
  73. How to avoid immigration arrests (0 replies)
  74. Live free or die... (3 replies)
  75. Germany to Tap Migrant Phones to Tackle Asylum Fraud (4 replies)
  76. Obama Presidential Library... (6 replies)
  77. Milo Yiannopoulos. Well (34 replies)
  78. Russia's ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin dies (0 replies)
  79. Venezuelans now waiting in lines to eat garbage - see photos in news story (2 replies)
  80. Last night in Sweden... (59 replies)
  81. Day without immigrants (3 replies)
  82. “Muslim Terrorism” Does not Exist (8 replies)
  83. Exposing Soros : US Taxpayer Funds to Create Liberal Thugs (0 replies)
  84. McCain bashes Trump (6 replies)
  85. KKK leader killed (10 replies)
  86. Clinton reminds us why we’re lucky she lost the election (0 replies)
  87. What would some choose here? Capitalism or Socialism? (77 replies)
  88. Drug lord Chapo's sons say ex-ally attacked them (0 replies)
  89. Julian Assange may get evicted... (39 replies)
  90. Syria’s Assad tells Yahoo News some refugees are 'definitely' terrorists (0 replies)
  91. Well It Looks Like EU Might Have A Problem (4 replies)
  92. Sessions confirmed (5 replies)
  93. Remember folks testing 2nd amendment carry? (1 replies)
  94. Police Officer: Speak out on Migrant Crime: get investigated (5 replies)
  95. Coffee Shops to hire veterans (9 replies)
  96. Betsy DeVos confirmed 51-50 (21 replies)
  97. Third World salaries paid to Russian workers (8 replies)
  98. Atomic Weapons 101 (10 replies)
  99. "Any negative polls are fake news" (56 replies)
  100. ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference (2 replies)
  101. Planned Parenthood Staff Members Admit Ultrasounds ‘Only for Abortions’ (3 replies)
  102. Trump Hammers Iran With New Sanctions (75 replies)
  103. Easing of US sanctions paves way for setting up anti-terror coalition (0 replies)
  104. background check for mentally ill repealed (55 replies)
  105. South Dakota Republicans repeal anti-corruption law (1 replies)
  106. Iran’s missile launch gives the Russian-U.S. honeymoon its first crisis (1 replies)
  107. Russia's secret shield: Perimeter, aka Dead Hand (0 replies)
  108. Putin: Kiev needs money, aggravates situation in Donbass to show itself off as victim (3 replies)
  109. Boy Scouts Cave In to Fags (56 replies)
  110. Lavrov expresses hope for better Russian-US relations in message to Tillerson-source (0 replies)
  111. Administration: Iran Is 'On Notice' (36 replies)
  112. Thousands of dossiers on French presidential contenders available in archives (0 replies)
  113. Iran and The 'Travel Ban' (15 replies)
  114. Stoltenberg says NATO, US want dialogue with Russia 'based on strength' (1 replies)
  115. Russian aviation watchdog regrets MH17 crash investigators delay probe deadlines (0 replies)
  116. Iranian 'Trial Run' On US Ship Attack? (9 replies)
  117. Tsk tsk, those unfeeling Italians (7 replies)
  118. Putin Taking On Ukraine Again (23 replies)
  119. More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S. (8 replies)
  120. Russian top diplomat comments on first Putin-Trump conversation (4 replies)
  121. Putin and Trump may meet before July G20 summit in Hamburg (8 replies)
  122. Kremlin says 'it's not our business' to comment on Trump's entry ban (1 replies)
  123. Crimea for Dummies (0 replies)
  124. Conversation btw Putin, Trump may give head-start to Russia-US dialogue, says expert (0 replies)
  125. Real Hotel Keys and Paper Ballots (1 replies)
  126. Proposal would establish California as separate nation (20 replies)
  127. Lavrov warns West will have to pay dearly for stoking revolutions in Middle East (1 replies)
  128. Lost his Marbles: (0 replies)
  129. Sperm, Craigslist, Lesbians & Welfare : What Could Go Wrong? (4 replies)
  130. Trump willing to work with Russia against ISIS (0 replies)
  131. Balu worry about your own country (22 replies)
  132. Analyst believes China’s missiles near Russian borders targeted against US (5 replies)
  133. U.S. Army Deployment to Europe Encounters Logistical Challenges LOL (12 replies)
  134. US Sent $221 Million to Palestinians in Obama's Last Hours (4 replies)
  135. Russia’s anti-ballistic missile defense system to be upgraded by late 2017 (23 replies)
  136. Rogozin calls "dangerous incident" UK botched missile launch (4 replies)
  137. Trump discussed Iran with Benjamin Netanyahu , invited BN TO EARLY FEB. VISIT (1 replies)
  138. Texas governor threatens funding cut over sanctuary cities (63 replies)
  139. Probable hypothetical - Trump. (48 replies)
  140. This is Bullshit! (4 replies)
  141. Trump's Press Secretary Slams the MSM (36 replies)
  142. Ashley Judd (47 replies)
  143. More People At National Mall For Women’s March Than Attended Trump Inauguration (33 replies)
  144. Russia hopes Trump administration will send Mideast expert to Astana talks (1 replies)
  145. President Trump's speech (43 replies)
  146. Russian expert calls Trump’s statement on nuclear disarmament impromptu (1 replies)
  147. Lavrov says EU countries’ leaders openly interfered in US election campaign (0 replies)
  148. Russia’s new active protection system to shield T-72, T-90 tanks from US TOW missiles (12 replies)
  149. Upgraded Night Hunter's weapon systems to surpass all foreign counterparts — designer (3 replies)
  150. Iran strongly opposes US participation in Syria talks in Astana — leader’s advisor (4 replies)
  151. Ukraine’s Savchenko expelled from Rada security, defense committee (0 replies)
  152. Russian observers to monitor elections in France, Serbia (8 replies)
  153. Russia, Turkey conducting first joint air operation against Islamic State (0 replies)
  154. Obama: Constructive Relationship With Russia Is in America’s Interest Good Joke. LOL (0 replies)
  155. Kremlin: Issue on Crimea status not matter of discussion for Moscow (1 replies)
  156. Chinese Foreign Ministry: Beijing ready to boost cooperation with Moscow (9 replies)
  157. Crimea’s head invites French presidential contender Le Pen to visit peninsula (0 replies)
  158. Putin: Those who ordered fake report on Russia’s Trump dossier worse than prostitutes (0 replies)
  159. NBC hacked the election (1 replies)
  160. Authorities: Trooper was shot by driver he sought to help (3 replies)
  161. Impeachment (79 replies)
  162. Lavrov believes US wanted to use IS, Jabhat al-Nusra to overthrow Assad (1 replies)
  163. Putin accuses outgoing US administration of attempting to undermine Trump’s legitimac (0 replies)
  164. Russia's space agency to replace Soyuz spacecraft that will be launched to ISS (0 replies)
  165. Russian combat engineers defuse over 20,000 munitions in Aleppo (0 replies)
  166. Topol-M missile fired from Plesetsk hits hypothetical target in Kamchatka (3 replies)
  167. A tempting offer? -Wikileaks (19 replies)
  168. Kremlin does not confirm reports that US invited to Astana talks on Syria (0 replies)
  169. Kremlin agrees with Trump that NATO is 'vestige of past' (0 replies)
  170. Kremlin: Russia is not going to groundlessly accuse other countries of cyberattacks (0 replies)
  171. Kaliningrad has offered Lithuania a brick for the erection of a fence on the border (0 replies)
  172. "In Russia, in the 68th year of life died suddenly, U.S. Ambassador John Tefft." (0 replies)
  173. Iceland is ready to contribute to organization of meeting between Putin and Trump (1 replies)
  174. Twitter Deletes Donald Trump’s Twitter Account: “We Will Not Tolerate Racism & Hate” (6 replies)
  175. CNN is like watching an Obama infomercial (2 replies)
  176. S-400 air defense missile regiment to assume combat duty in Crimea (4 replies)
  177. Kremlin says Russia has no plans to get back to G8 (0 replies)
  178. Russia moves to decriminalise wife beating ... (2 replies)
  179. US Congress broadcast interrupted by Russian channel RT.- Putin? LOL (2 replies)
  180. Americans are against their Constitution they are proud of-The World is getting mad. (1 replies)
  181. Lavrov to meet with Secretary General of PLO executive committee (6 replies)
  182. Moscow declines to comment on Tillerson’s statements before his official endorsement (1 replies)
  183. Biden awarded presidential Medal of Freedom - I have no words... (6 replies)
  184. Lawmaker claims Obama in his farewell speech tried to excuse himself for failures (0 replies)
  185. Moscow will react to new US administration's steps not declarations (4 replies)
  186. Marine Le Pen LEADS in poll for first round of French presidential voting-Russians? (3 replies)
  187. Why thieves shouldn't rob gun stores (1 replies)
  188. Why I want to live in Russia (8 replies)
  189. Left Wing Vegan Denied Swiss Passport Because She’s ‘Too Annoying’ (25 replies)
  190. Back To Black: At $50 Oil, Russia Could Soon Be Deficit-Free (3 replies)
  191. The Duel: should the UK stop pretending Trump’s US can be its best friend? (0 replies)
  192. America: the failed state (22 replies)
  193. Morocco bans the burka (0 replies)
  194. U.S. Small-Business Optimism Index Surges by Most Since 1980 (0 replies)
  195. Trump: Churchill bust back in oval office (26 replies)
  196. Illegal Immigration and Kate's Law. (0 replies)
  197. NH pol suggests Russian booze ban in response to Putin LOL!!! (3 replies)
  198. Dylan Roof Gets Death Sentence (8 replies)
  199. US misjudged appeal of Western democracy for Middle East – CIA’s Brennan (0 replies)
  200. Legal scholars claim new evidence shows Ethel Rosenberg was innocent (0 replies)
  201. ‘Insider leaks, not Russian hacking’: CIA & MI5 veterans discuss ODNI report on RT (1 replies)
  202. Diplomats: Iran to get natural uranium batch (3 replies)
  203. How to create 1 million new jobs (5 replies)
  204. Leaked John Kerry audio: White House wanted ISIS to rise in Syria (24 replies)
  205. Meryl Streep Tears Into Trump in Golden Globes Speech (75 replies)
  206. Muslim hospital staff escape a basic health rule (5 replies)
  207. American Egg Board in a flap over vegan mayo (0 replies)
  208. You Might Want To Follow His Blog or FB (6 replies)
  209. California Kooks just paid for a tranny! LOL (0 replies)
  210. 95,102,000 Americans not working, up 18% under Obama (44 replies)
  211. CNN’s Don Lemon on Chicago Torture Video: ‘I Don’t Think It Was Evil’ (76 replies)
  212. Greta going to MSNBC. (8 replies)
  213. From the files of: If the races were reversed, "people" would HUGELY RIOT (3 replies)
  214. Germany's migrants given new immunity rights .... (2 replies)
  215. President Obama will say goodbye to the nation on January 10th (9 replies)
  216. Megyn Kelly leaving Fox for NBC. (3 replies)
  217. What idiotic journalism - Mexico’s populist Amlo capitalises on economic woes (0 replies)
  218. Senator McCain says U.S. 'must stand up to Vladimir Putin' [Reuters] By Margarita Ant (46 replies)
  219. Torchlight procession in honor of Bandera, 1 Jan 2016 (1 replies)
  220. M*A*S*H* Icon Passes (0 replies)
  221. White women are drinking themselves to death (5 replies)
  222. Many thanks to clown Obama (2 replies)
  223. Russian influence (0 replies)
  224. US expels Russian diplomats over cyber attack allegations (38 replies)
  225. Battle Mechs : Coming Soon (1 replies)
  226. House Intel Committee - Snowden Report highlights (17 replies)
  227. A Russian New Year’s Celebration (7 replies)
  228. Debbie Reynolds Just Died (4 replies)
  229. Now North Korea? Russia, Syria, Iran, Palestinians, UN... (9 replies)
  230. American media continue to lie (17 replies)
  231. Foreign Ministry: US had to admit failure of attempts to isolate Russia (8 replies)
  232. Turkey has evidence of US-led coalition support to Islamic State – president (3 replies)
  233. Moscow court recognizes 2014 events in Ukraine as state coup (2 replies)
  234. This is Ignorant: (4 replies)
  235. Putin gives start to gas supplies to Crimea from continental Russia (16 replies)
  236. Fights Shut Down Several Malls Across The Country (4 replies)
  237. 2017 promises US-China tensions, resurgent Russia, and trade turbulence (0 replies)
  238. What does it mean? (31 replies)
  239. Sad News this Christmas: George Michael dead at 53 (15 replies)
  240. Body of one victim in Tu-154 crash found 6 km from Sochi coast - Defense Ministry (12 replies)
  241. Hmmm, Local Coverage Of 'Church Hit List' (6 replies)
  242. Stalin's grandson found dead at 80 (1 replies)
  243. Carrie Fisher in critical condition after heart attack on airplane (11 replies)
  244. "Ring of Steel" around London (21 replies)
  245. Majority of Americans Prefer 'Merry Christmas' to 'Happy Holidays' (18 replies)
  246. Obama, Trump, Israel & Egypt (13 replies)
  247. Berlin Terrorist Killed In Italy (3 replies)
  248. Press conference jo President Putin (7 replies)
  249. The Syrian government announced the complete withdrawal of militants from Aleppo (0 replies)
  250. Savchenko was expelled from PACE. Europe is silent as the Belarusian partisans. (0 replies)