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  1. This is Outrageous! Marine Vet Fired for Lowering the American Flag on Memorial Day (28 replies)
  2. Muslims mark start of Ramadan, many under cloud of war (0 replies)
  3. Firefighters Told To Remove American Flags From Their Trucks (12 replies)
  4. OPEC is 'finished' as cartel hands control of oil to markets (0 replies)
  5. Feds Secretly Releasing Violent Criminal Aliens En Masse (2 replies)
  6. When Italians immigrated to the USA (0 replies)
  7. the new American Flag?? (29 replies)
  8. Teacher having sex with 8th grade boy (75 replies)
  9. Victim's father attacks serial killer in court (17 replies)
  10. Bus full of pansies (23 replies)
  11. The world's longest tunnel opens in Switzerland (1 replies)
  12. How long before North Korea can nuke a U.S. city? (6 replies)
  13. New petition asks President Obama to create national holiday for mixed-race families (4 replies)
  14. Freakin' bleedin hearts sicken me (21 replies)
  15. VIDEO: Americans Have No Idea What Memorial Day Is (14 replies)
  16. Cincinnati gorilla killed after boy falls into zoo enclosure (27 replies)
  17. Vandals Deface Vietnam War Memorial (7 replies)
  18. Things Don't Go Well for a Carjacker's Attempt to Steal a Combat Vet's Motorcycle (1 replies)
  19. Socialism is Awesome (5 replies)
  20. Oberlin students want to abolish midterms and any grades below C (10 replies)
  21. Memorial Day crosses removed from public property (6 replies)
  22. Man Who Wants To Use Women's Bathroom Complains In New York Times (6 replies)
  23. Transgender Illegal Immigrants - seriously? (14 replies)
  24. Islamic state group leader urges attacks in europe and us (1 replies)
  25. Illegal Immigrants Receive 1/3 More Welfare than Legal Borns (1 replies)
  26. Bill Cosby WILL STAND trial on sex assault charges (40 replies)
  27. The Real Agenda Behind Black Lives Matter (20 replies)
  28. Terrorists in Baltimore prepare ahead of verdict (4 replies)
  29. Portland Public schools admit their religious bias in text books - #ClimateCult (0 replies)
  30. Russia urges joint strikes on Syria rebels but U.S. reacts coolly (1 replies)
  31. Thanks Obama, H Clinton, and Kerry (6 replies)
  32. Armed Man Shot by SS Outside of the White House. (6 replies)
  33. Bathrooms, Declare State of Emergency (11 replies)
  34. Fallacy..Black Lives Matters (1 replies)
  35. Chinese jets intercept U.S. military plane over South China Sea: Pentagon (4 replies)
  36. Where were you? 18 May 1980. St helens. (24 replies)
  37. Obama Raises Minimum Wage for Overtime Workers (19 replies)
  38. NYC to Fine Businesses That Don’t Use Correct Gender Pronouns (5 replies)
  39. Driverless Trucks (0 replies)
  40. Coast Guard Suspends Search (13 replies)
  41. Found A British Journal I Like (1 replies)
  42. SOUTH CHINA SEA WATCH: US angers China as UN ruling looms (15 replies)
  43. Congress Is OK With Unrestrained War Powers For Donald Trump (17 replies)
  44. Race To The Bottom (12 replies)
  45. Texas Republicans to Vote on Seceding From U.S (1 replies)
  46. Thus it Begins (14 replies)
  47. Caitlyn Jenner Experienced ‘Sex Change Regret,’ Might De-Transition (23 replies)
  48. Bozo off to Hiroshima (100 replies)
  49. 'Crazed' German knife attacker kills one, wounds three (0 replies)
  50. Mexico Won’t Take Cuban Migrants, Tells Panama to Dump Them on U.S. Border (4 replies)
  51. Stabbing in Germany (1 replies)
  52. We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News (11 replies)
  53. Man deported 4 times found again in Delaware (4 replies)
  54. Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431 (1 replies)
  55. Fort McMurray - global warming - you kidding me? (2 replies)
  56. Man Leapt In Front Of Bullet To Protect His Girlfriend And Her Son (13 replies)
  57. 'Brexit' could trigger World War Three, warns David Cameron (8 replies)
  58. Man threatens Trump, wife and kids (5 replies)
  59. Two Dollar Bill (12 replies)
  60. TIME and Trump (0 replies)
  61. Social Security Admin Moves to Block Mentally Ill From Buying Guns (0 replies)
  62. US Military: West Point Investigates Photo of Black Female Cadets Raising Fists (40 replies)
  63. Buy High Sell Low (0 replies)
  64. London could get first Muslim mayor in UK local elections (2 replies)
  65. Don't Go to Chick-Fil-A, Mayor De Blasio Tells New Yorkers (47 replies)
  66. Federal Judge May Order Clinton to Testify (0 replies)
  67. Unruly Students (10 replies)
  68. Cannot say the "N" word (28 replies)
  69. Beyonce "sorry" (13 replies)
  70. I might be moved to armed resistence - Judge orders Kid removed from mother (8 replies)
  71. Gender Ideology Harms Children (3 replies)
  72. Colorado woman gets 100 years for cutting baby from womb (6 replies)
  73. Erasing our heritage (15 replies)
  74. A Winning Venture? (10 replies)
  75. Jews/Holocaust (24 replies)
  76. Principal concerned about Marines shirt (2 replies)
  77. When "migrants" get assertive - true story (4 replies)
  78. Coast Guard Berates ‘Bubble Man’ After Second Ridiculous Rescue At Sea (21 replies)
  79. When a black dem demi-god makes war and jumps in--its suddenly ok.. (10 replies)
  80. Saudi Aramco set to be valued at more than $2 trillion (0 replies)
  81. Gold Clause (33 replies)
  82. Obama calls on China to increase pressure on N.Korea (0 replies)
  83. irs woes (10 replies)
  84. Tens of thousands of opponents of a proposed transatlantic trade deal poured onto (1 replies)
  85. One Cool Cop (3 replies)
  86. Remember When Obama Felt Netanyahu (22 replies)
  87. Which potty? German perspective (0 replies)
  88. Terror victims win Supreme Court judgment against Iran (5 replies)
  89. Sending More U.S. Troops to Iraq. (17 replies)
  90. Delightful! Boston Marathon Bombing Victim! (2 replies)
  91. new $20 bill face lift (112 replies)
  92. Heavy Equipment Brawl (15 replies)
  93. 70 Horses Saved In Houston Floods (5 replies)
  94. Fidel Castro gives rare speech saying he will soon die (13 replies)
  95. SCOTUS...Immigration Case (4 replies)
  96. Capitol plot suspect appears competent, using birth name (6 replies)
  97. Students: Put Away The Laptop (0 replies)
  98. 'Moral Monday' leader removed from American Airlines fligh (8 replies)
  99. Whatever happened to all of the Ron Paul supporters? (4 replies)
  100. Impeachment vote count starts now (1 replies)
  101. Wow! Hailstorm! (6 replies)
  102. Impeachment Sunday For Brazil's Hillary Clinton (0 replies)
  103. TV, Abortion, and the Contradictions of Liberalism (0 replies)
  104. Number of Children Illegally Crossing Border Up 1,200 Percent (9 replies)
  105. Michael Moore and NC (13 replies)
  106. Billions of cicadas will descend upon the northeast (11 replies)
  107. So, you think you're have a bad day? (4 replies)
  108. Pension Cuts (2 replies)
  109. Confederate emblem 'anti-American,' judge in flag case say (0 replies)
  110. Greek Week events altered after members painted “Build the Wall” (4 replies)
  111. It was only a matter of time...... (5 replies)
  112. Germany says examining Turkish request to prosecute satirist (1 replies)
  113. More on Former Speaker Dennis Hastert pedo-crimes (75 replies)
  114. Active Shooting At Lackland AFB, San Antonio (10 replies)
  115. Ben Shapiro is on fire. Smackdown (of Black racists) in Seattle (1 replies)
  116. The Top One Percent Do Not Pay Their Fair Share... (1 replies)
  117. Disgusting Rapper NSFW (7 replies)
  118. Parents complain after teacher hands out 'privilege' survey (1 replies)
  119. Mississippi enacts law that allows denying services to gays (65 replies)
  120. Previously Deported Illegal Kills Firefighter, Two Children (6 replies)
  121. Good News Story (1 replies)
  122. A Very Bad Guy Is Dead (12 replies)
  123. Panama Papers (6 replies)
  124. It started with a single, encrypted message to the Suddeutsche Zeitung, (41 replies)
  125. Bison Attacks in Yellowstone (18 replies)
  126. Hope On Free Speech: Censorship! (3 replies)
  127. Let too many in and this happens (1 replies)
  128. Armed clash over black mosque triggers anger in South Dallas (0 replies)
  129. Meet Brazil's Hillary Clinton : Dilma Rousseff (0 replies)
  130. Detroit: Union STRONG!! :) (0 replies)
  131. Feminists want to claim empowerment - but they are so weak they demand legistlation (2 replies)
  132. This Judge's Declaration (18 replies)
  133. Seattle (!) area Radio host to School Kids: Your feelings do not matter (1 replies)
  134. The Salman Doctrine: the Saudi Reply to Obama's Weakness (8 replies)
  135. Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare (1 replies)
  136. Chicago! (100 replies)
  137. Little Sisters Of The Poor-Catching A Break? (1 replies)
  138. Geesh! (6 replies)
  139. Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South Africa (1 replies)
  140. Symptom of depravity of the minds of men - Parents teaching their kids to be idiots (0 replies)
  142. Obama’s next gift to Iran means breaking another promise to America (0 replies)
  143. Veterans, feeling depressed? (7 replies)
  144. DNA Database (1 replies)
  145. 'Happy Easter' message earns a death sentence ... (2 replies)
  146. Why haven't we invaded North Korea yet? (26 replies)
  147. Navy tugboat lost for a century found off California coast (0 replies)
  148. About The 'No Go' Areas That 'Don't Exist' (9 replies)
  149. Outsourcing (1 replies)
  150. Students Offered Trauma Counselling After Trump 2016 Messages Are Seen In Safe Space (24 replies)
  151. Remarks by President Obama and President Raul Castro of Cuba in Joint Press Conferenc (0 replies)
  152. Literal Islam Is The Problem (16 replies)
  153. North Korean Troops in Syria (14 replies)
  154. Castro wants GITMO back (17 replies)
  155. Rob Ford dead (1 replies)
  156. The U.S. Government Finally Admitted ISIS Is Committing Genocide. (8 replies)
  157. Facebook founder , Mark Zuckerberg held a rare meeting with China's propaganda chief. (3 replies)
  158. At what point are these anti-Trump protesters committing false imprisonment? (1 replies)
  159. Kurds Turning To Russia (1 replies)
  160. Jared Fogle Beaten and Bloodied in Prison Yard (14 replies)
  161. Protests grip host nation of 2016 Olympics (0 replies)
  162. Kerry: Yes, Genocide (4 replies)
  163. School Raid (1 replies)
  164. College Students Want Judge Judy & Can't Name a Single Supreme Court Justice (2 replies)
  165. The "RECOVERY" (28 replies)
  166. DJ fined for playing song while police there (13 replies)
  167. Identical Twins Share Everything, Including a Boyfriend and a Bed (0 replies)
  168. Aircraft to fly 6X speed of sound... (8 replies)
  169. Bernie Sanders Scares Donald Trump... (5 replies)
  170. Putin's forces begin withdrawing from Syria (3 replies)
  171. College students demand safe spaces from border patrol agents (0 replies)
  172. 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases (0 replies)
  173. Sarah Palin's hunny in intensive care (1 replies)
  174. Blue Lives Matter (7 replies)
  175. In Germany 10X The Number Expected-Anti-Immigration March (7 replies)
  176. Again. UN Peacekeepers Are Sexual Menace (8 replies)
  177. Talk About Violence... (9 replies)
  178. Popular Culture and Boys (10 replies)
  179. I Want This Guy On My Team (17 replies)
  180. Iran Revolutionary Guards Conduct Ballistic Missile Test (1 replies)
  181. Watch what the maggot is doing while we watch the election debates (4 replies)
  182. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declined an offer to meet President (1 replies)
  183. ***Judge Jeanine: Mitt Romney awoke a sleeping giant....... (6 replies)
  184. Erin Gets Awarded $55M (3 replies)
  185. 61,000,000 (17 replies)
  186. The computer legend who invented email has died..... (3 replies)
  187. Nancy Reagan dies at age 94 (33 replies)
  188. Hasan Gets Death Penalty (23 replies)
  189. While We Go Through Political Circuses (14 replies)
  190. Chick-fil-A resurrects family dinner with cell phone challenge (4 replies)
  191. Illegals Rushing to Get into U.S. Before Trump Wall (3 replies)
  192. *Islamic Woman Parades Child's Severed Head................................. (28 replies)
  193. RUSSIA: Muslim Woman Beheads Child Shouts Allah Akbar While Holding Head (0 replies)
  194. Climate Pause? Huh? (5 replies)
  195. The Unemployed (1 replies)
  196. Dicaprio wins best actor award (7 replies)
  197. Your Constituency (1 replies)
  198. Police Investigating "Execution-Style" Murder of 3 Muslims in Indiana (16 replies)
  199. From One Son of a bitch to Another.... (9 replies)
  200. Outraged Cop Complains After Seeing This Painting At His Daughter’s School (0 replies)
  201. Identity Theft (2 replies)
  202. Thoughts On Fathers (2 replies)
  203. Al sharpton promises to leave america if donald trump wins the presidency (40 replies)
  204. Here we go again, another bakery (12 replies)
  205. Rats (1 replies)
  206. America Tipping (4 replies)
  207. Rubio, Cruz, Clinton Appear In Same Ad (1 replies)
  208. Apple Vs. DOJ (14 replies)
  209. Fast and Furious Court Victory for Judicial Watch (11 replies)
  210. Free Tampons on Campus.... (11 replies)
  211. Stripped (1 replies)
  212. Spitting on Others is Nasty (1 replies)
  213. Helicopter Crash at Pearl Harbor (0 replies)
  214. Manny Pacquiao on homosexuals (5 replies)
  215. Here's your chance to see all the bewbis you want - of course Seattle is in the story (6 replies)
  216. Meanwhile China Continues (6 replies)
  217. Jury Duty (22 replies)
  218. Race in perspective (0 replies)
  219. Look at Bozo's Brilliant choices to replace Scalia! (0 replies)
  220. Who do you think will replace Scalia? (50 replies)
  221. Northeast Big Chill - Incoming! (22 replies)
  222. While We Go Through Political Machinations (4 replies)
  223. Falling Interest Rates (2 replies)
  224. What Can Happen in 1/2 Second (3 replies)
  225. School Funding (0 replies)
  226. Gun Industry (11 replies)
  227. Vestiges Of Segregation (10 replies)
  228. Prosecutor Misconduct (3 replies)
  229. So, yeah, love this (2 replies)
  230. Rev, I know you'll appreciate this one (2 replies)
  231. Woman Exposes State Run Radio On Islam (1 replies)
  232. `Fox News On Suicide Watch After Marco Rubio Implodes At Debate` (1 replies)
  233. Thousands of people are taking part in protests against Islam and immigration in sev (0 replies)
  234. Texas newspaper plans to publish names, addresses of police officers (9 replies)
  235. Global outrage over North Korea rocket launch (4 replies)
  236. Trump Nominated for Nobel Prize (2 replies)
  237. We want the Truth - (0 replies)
  238. Dumb Criminals! (1 replies)
  239. How to end the "Refugee" problem (12 replies)
  240. 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming (123 replies)
  241. Dutch National Police Train Raptors to Take Down Drones (0 replies)
  242. An Unholy Alliance (5 replies)
  243. Rev would be proud! (5 replies)
  244. Favorite list - country watch (17 replies)
  245. The Vicious Snake (9 replies)
  246. About That Mosque President Obama Will Be Visiting... (6 replies)
  247. Syrian Army: Female Troops Prepare To Fight Jihad Filth (0 replies)
  248. Masked Swedish Gang Calls for Violence Against Immigrants (16 replies)
  249. Barbie (41 replies)
  250. Child Discipline (17 replies)