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  1. Anybody seen this? (30 replies)
  2. Ex-Russian PM & intel chief Primakov dies at 85 (0 replies)
  3. Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide (180 replies)
  4. Gunmen kill 27 in attack on Tunisian resort (2 replies)
  5. We should just kill the black people (6 replies)
  6. Al Sharpton to protest Brooklyn street named for Confederate army leader (2 replies)
  7. Terrorism Beheading In France (32 replies)
  8. One of These Days (5 replies)
  9. The 30,000-pound bomb that could be used against Iran's nuclear facilities 'boggles (65 replies)
  10. Black Activists in Detroit Blame Democrats for Violence (1 replies)
  11. Black Panther Ex-Chairman: ‘Complete’ Charleston’s Slave Rebellion’s Plan to Kill All (2 replies)
  12. Confederate Frenzy: NY Film Critic Calls for Banning of ‘Gone With the Wind’ (5 replies)
  13. United States to nominate Ukrainian President Poroshenko for a Nobel Peace Prize (2 replies)
  14. A black viewpoint on the Confederacy (59 replies)
  15. CNN Can't Decide Whether It's Gun hunting or Flag hunting (2 replies)
  16. Alabama Gov. Bentley takes down state flag (2 replies)
  17. Well and at what here Putin, as the debts must be paid back in time& (1 replies)
  18. Not So Fast (2 replies)
  19. Freddie Gray's Death Ruled An Accident (51 replies)
  20. Brazilian town celebrates Confederate heritage (0 replies)
  21. If its good enough for U.S. citizens, it's good enough for allied heads of state. (53 replies)
  22. The Racism, The Manifesto and The Flags The Media Ignored…. (11 replies)
  23. President Is “Angry,” Wants “Shift” in Attitude Toward Guns (44 replies)
  24. Obama Celebrates Ramadan In The East Room of The White House... (24 replies)
  25. Exxon-Mobil stops production near pipeline spill (1 replies)
  26. Police: 2-year-old girl left in car, dad charged with murder (2 replies)
  27. Westboro Baptist Church (2 replies)
  28. Drummond!!!!!!! (17 replies)
  29. California Stinkin' (7 replies)
  30. Statement from Sons of Confederate Veterans (39 replies)
  31. Japan's Itochu Returns Stake To Samson Resources (0 replies)
  32. Humor or not? Putin plot? Russia spreads 'Free Texas' mantra. (2 replies)
  33. Charleston comes together to mourn shooting victims (2 replies)
  34. Obama Says “We are not Cured” of Racism; Uses “N” Word (32 replies)
  35. Marines looking to deploy on foreign ships because the U.S. doesn’t have enough (0 replies)
  36. Haley calls for removal of Confederate flag (116 replies)
  37. The Awakening (3 replies)
  38. Ten-Dolla Holla (4 replies)
  39. American Sunnis (0 replies)
  40. Ten shot, one killed, at Detroit block party (0 replies)
  41. China's audacious territory grab! (0 replies)
  42. New Orleans police officer killed while transporting suspect (5 replies)
  43. Church killings reignite debate on South Carolina flying Confederate battle flag (40 replies)
  44. The 'Roof Manifesto' Why? (9 replies)
  45. The President of Estonia compared Ukraine with burglar-blackmailer (1 replies)
  46. Moscow is seething. A great rally against Putin. (32 replies)
  47. Widow Receives Nasty Note Over Her “Relentlessly Gay” Rainbow Yard Lights (38 replies)
  48. Black activists fear ‘race war’ amid Charleston shooting (11 replies)
  49. Wittnesses turn a blind eye. (1 replies)
  50. The damage of the EU was estimated at 100 billion euros. (0 replies)
  51. South Carolina Shooting: 9 Dead (168 replies)
  52. The Last Rebels: 25 Things We Did as Kids That Would Get Someone Arrested Today (1 replies)
  53. It ceases to be a languid evening. Rada dismisses SBU chief Nalyvaichenko (0 replies)
  54. The USA start DEMANDING!? (17 replies)
  55. Dvorkovich: Russia will extend food embargo, if the EU will leave punishment (0 replies)
  56. Nabiullina: Russia's economy is resistant to sanctions (25 replies)
  57. Blacks and Pools (1 replies)
  58. Russia's St. Petersburg Forum Opens to New Economic Reality. (1 replies)
  59. How UK Gov't Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring (3 replies)
  60. Balu: What is a day in your life like? (2 replies)
  61. Virginia officer resigns (0 replies)
  62. Shark Attack (1 replies)
  63. Teachers To 7th Graders: There’s No Such Thing A Boy Or Girl (59 replies)
  64. US Marines join British ships to counter threat from Putin. (0 replies)
  65. Army 2015 forum. Kubinka (Moscow Region) (109 replies)
  66. Rachel Dolezal, white woman turned black (87 replies)
  67. Child Abuse — Molestation (44 replies)
  68. Governor Abbott Signs Legislation To Establish State Bullion Depository. (2 replies)
  69. Lower than a snake's belly (5 replies)
  70. Border Security (27 replies)
  71. Magna Carta (0 replies)
  72. The alternative for Moscow could be the G20 and BRICS. (0 replies)
  73. Russia punished Latvia for 200 million euros. (0 replies)
  74. Moscow banned the transit of American birds. (0 replies)
  75. Panel rejects full funding for shuttle replacement program (4 replies)
  76. How to do well in a "politically correct" environment (11 replies)
  77. Democrats Want to Ban Guns that Aren’t “Smart” (22 replies)
  78. Hitler Ice Cream, is it a problem? (5 replies)
  79. Woman helped 2 men escape from prison (8 replies)
  80. 4 family members accused of beating pregnant teen to kill baby (4 replies)
  81. Gutfeld: Why it's a good time for crime (0 replies)
  82. Trans-Racial? the new "Self-identify" area. NCAA Leader 'outted' as white (6 replies)
  83. Black teacher who tweeted ‘dumb duck a** crackers’ should kill themselves suspended ( (3 replies)
  84. Michelle Obama Tells Graduates to Change 'The Myths About Folks Like Us' (24 replies)
  85. REVENGE: Obama Cuts Off Aid to School That Rejected Michelle’s School Lunches (20 replies)
  86. Maine: The Second Amendment is Your Gun Permit! (1 replies)
  87. Catholic Sinn Féin promises ‘vigorous’ campaign for same-sex marriage (5 replies)
  88. How Long? (13 replies)
  89. France's Rich and Young Flee Welfare State... (1 replies)
  90. McKinney Texas (127 replies)
  91. News Mediterranean angle (0 replies)
  92. Release delayed for US man held 43 years in solitary confinement (2 replies)
  93. Held at Rikers Island for 3 Years Without Trial, Commits Suicide (0 replies)
  94. Queers Fargo (16 replies)
  95. 'The Way They Treat Our People Is Like Animals'... (4 replies)
  96. Russian opposition activist Navalny pelted with rotten eggs in Siberia (0 replies)
  97. Russia to send new humanitarian aid convoy to east Ukraine (22 replies)
  98. Organizing Formula E race around Kremlin walls was challenging — FIA official (0 replies)
  99. Bill abolishing registry of foreign agent NGOs submmited to Russian parliament (0 replies)
  100. SWAT team destroys man's home to capture shoplifter (8 replies)
  101. Burial of Boston terror suspect delayed after funeral home refuses to take body of 'e (21 replies)
  102. Patrick Stewart defends UK bakery's decision to refuse 'support gay marriage' (10 replies)
  103. Racially Offensive? Or someone Looking to be Offended? (16 replies)
  104. Tariq Aziz, ex-Saddam Hussein aide, dies after heart attack (4 replies)
  105. School official presses charges for cheering at graduation (37 replies)
  106. Mom yells during custody trial that she killed 2 of her kids (1 replies)
  107. The Commissioner: for the EU is unacceptable nonstop to Finance Ukraine (13 replies)
  108. `.........World's Oldest Cat, Tiffany Two, Dies at Age 27` (0 replies)
  109. School HW Extra Credit Assignment? (6 replies)
  110. ESPN To Give ‘Courage’ Award to Olympian Formerly Known as Bruce Jenner (9 replies)
  111. Baltimore State's Attorney seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy (1 replies)
  112. NAACP refuses to help aspiring cop convicted for legal gun (0 replies)
  113. Russia not an immediate threat to NATO states, Stoltenberg says (0 replies)
  114. U.S. Air Force Kicks Off Contest to Replace Russian Rocket Engines. (0 replies)
  115. Labor judge to Kansas union: Stop threatening 'bodily harm' against critics (0 replies)
  116. Man Decides World's Busiest Airport Is A Good Place To Openly Carry A Loaded AR-15 (34 replies)
  117. This Seems A Good Idea (0 replies)
  118. California Senate OKs Health Care for Illegal Immigrants (3 replies)
  119. Russian investigators reveal identity of key witness in MH17 crash. (2 replies)
  120. Sergey Lavrov's interview to Bloomberg TV (0 replies)
  121. What's behind the violent crime spike across the country? (70 replies)
  122. Marijuana church given tax-exempt status (9 replies)
  123. Ukraine through the eyes of American (1 replies)
  124. Unions seek exemption from LA minimum wage law they helped pass (2 replies)
  125. Gov Haley and workers VS union goons (1 replies)
  126. This is HUGE! (2 replies)
  127. Obama says he’s made U.S. once again ‘the most respected country on earth’ (Video) (12 replies)
  128. Militant Black Muslim Leader Calls for “War” Against Police and Whites (10 replies)
  129. After 5-Year-Old With Disability Was Bullied, These Bikers Had Her Back (3 replies)
  130. New York Dem Trying to Require Gun Owners to Purchase Liability Insurance (69 replies)
  131. Support a Lizzy/Bernie Ticket in 2016 (28 replies)
  132. If you want to be world class, you had better get used to Muslims, Chinese & Indians (1 replies)
  133. Live anthrax shipped accidentally to S Korea and US labs (1 replies)
  134. Why The Kremlin Has To Lie (1 replies)
  135. Putin opponent near death in suspected poisoning (25 replies)
  136. Texas lawmakers clear bill allowing open carry of handguns (0 replies)
  137. Ukraine (5 replies)
  138. Poland & Lithuania Request US Bases (4 replies)
  139. Armed Bikers to Hold Mohammed Contest Outside Cartoon Gunmen’s Mosque (29 replies)
  140. Man w gun stops car jacker... (0 replies)
  141. Obama administration lays out controversial plans to protect sage grouse (6 replies)
  142. 'Sales are next to nothing': Merchants worry crime crisis could cast pall over Baltim (4 replies)
  143. US surveillance reportedly shows Chinese artillery on artificial islands (0 replies)
  144. Baltimore riots will cost city at least $20 million - and all the estimates aren't in (3 replies)
  145. Should chimpanzees have the same legal rights as humans? (7 replies)
  146. Baltimore mayor apologizes to rioters for using T-word (0 replies)
  147. Baltimore prosecutor Mosby on cops: 'Thugs' (1 replies)
  148. The Queer Obsession (6 replies)
  149. Fox and Friends Rips H.S. Principal For Referencing 'Police Killing Young Black Men' (4 replies)
  150. WACO / Freedom of Association is an American Right, not a privilege (19 replies)
  151. Sharpton's daughter climbs mountain on $5M 'sprained' ankle (2 replies)
  152. What Happens When a Baltimore Suspect is Handcuffed Then Notices a News Camera? Watch (9 replies)
  153. TEXAS Senate Passes Anti-Sharia Bill (68 replies)
  154. ` Chernobyl pictures I've ever seen` (0 replies)
  155. `......New Orleans Housing Authority Officer shot and killed` (1 replies)
  156. Josh Duggar (0 replies)
  157. The Beautiful Mind (1 replies)
  158. `......WA cop protesters show up at officers' home` (4 replies)
  159. `.....Obama Wants Police Officers to Have 'Softer` Looking' Uniforms` (51 replies)
  160. `.......Where's the coverage of heroes who stop mass killings?` (1 replies)
  161. ISIS: Michelle Obama Is Worth $40 (0 replies)
  162. Ireland vote for Marriage equality. (101 replies)
  163. Happy Ending (4 replies)
  164. `The new reality in Baltimore......` (10 replies)
  165. 'You woke up stupid this morning?' (2 replies)
  166. Omaha police officer killed in shootout just hours before going on maternity leave (1 replies)
  167. A law so good you could eat it. (14 replies)
  168. How to defend yourself. (27 replies)
  169. Feds go after motorcycle gang members – by claiming rights to their logo (0 replies)
  170. Hundreds protest Wash. police wounding of 2 unarmed suspects (4 replies)
  171. *** Real People...Real Love of America.......` (1 replies)
  172. XXX > Suspect in slaying of wealthy family hunted in New York.......... (14 replies)
  173. "Diversity" now key to getting air traffic controller job.......................` (2 replies)
  174. `Obama Pushing Banks Into Riskiest Borrower Pool Yet: 45 Million 'Unscorable` (1 replies)
  175. Obama's White House (0 replies)
  176. `.....Permanent Michael Brown memorial planned at shooting site` (13 replies)
  177. Today's Rand Paul filabuster against the Patriot Act (3 replies)
  178. former ATF on infiltrating the Hells Angels (1 replies)
  179. Debt Collector (2 replies)
  180. Illegal? (18 replies)
  181. One Video Shows Just How Much ‘Passionate’ Hillary Supporters Know About Her Actual P (7 replies)
  182. `Professor defiant after school condemns racially charged remarks.....` (6 replies)
  183. Texas biker clash leaves 9 dead: ‘Police shoot at white thugs and no one gets mad, se (68 replies)
  184. VIDEO: Black Man Tells Whites, “You’ll All Be Dead by the End of the Year”… Where’s t (8 replies)
  185. Racist Boston University professor (0 replies)
  186. Social Laissez-Faire (21 replies)
  187. `Janitor attacked by gang members for wearing the color blue ` (1 replies)
  188. A heartwarming and upbeat story (for a change)..... (2 replies)
  189. `Race Activist and Ferguson Organizer Issues Chilling 3 Word Command to Blacks....` (4 replies)
  190. `.....Be careful what you boast about.` (22 replies)
  191. Show me the $$$ > `Al Sharpton’s daughter sues city for $5M after spraining ankle` (7 replies)
  192. Old Glory to keep on trucking after school reverses ban (4 replies)
  193. Son of fallen Colorado deputy gets father's patrol car (2 replies)
  194. Amtrak crash reignites Capitol Hill debate over infrastructure spending, burden of se (9 replies)
  195. ‘This was NOT a RELIGIOUS CRIME!’ – U.S. Attorney defends ISLAM after Tzarnaev senten (10 replies)
  196. ZoNation SCHOOLS our race-baiting First Lady for spewing her race-baiting propaganda (5 replies)
  197. Amtrak Train Possibly Hit Before Wreck (5 replies)
  198. Wednesday Cable Ratings: MSNBC Hits Lowest Demo Ratings Day in 10 Years..... (2 replies)
  199. American nuns, Chinese booze and religious persecution (0 replies)
  200. `UK jails two Libyan soldiers who raped man on night out` (3 replies)
  201. Boston Bomber gets death sentence (13 replies)
  202. *WARNING GRAPHIC > How every armed robbery should end (45 replies)
  203. Sheriff: 'I'm glad suspect shot by deputy is white' (2 replies)
  204. NYPD ... shoot hammer-wielding suspect in Midtown (4 replies)
  205. `Iranian boats fire warning shots at commercial ship: US (2 replies)
  206. Florida city bans beach drinking during spring break (43 replies)
  207. Black Professor Barely Reprimanded for Horribly Racist Tweets (8 replies)
  208. `......Hawaii Obamacare Exchange Crashes and Burns...` (0 replies)
  209. `Iranian Official: Attacking Ship Bound for Yemen Will 'Ignite Flames of War` (0 replies)
  210. Iran to Saudis: You cannot inspect the military-escorted ship we're sending to Yemen (1 replies)
  211. `.....North Korea executes defense chief with an anti-aircraft gun` (2 replies)
  212. Death toll in Philly Amtrak crash reaches six, federal investigators on scene (1 replies)
  213. School sports team's shed stirs controversy (0 replies)
  214. DA declines to press charges against Wisc. officer, cites victim's use of controlled (0 replies)
  215. Maryland man left for dead by group of teens (3 replies)
  216. Black Privilege (8 replies)
  217. ......Harriet Tubman On $20 bill? (4 replies)
  218. *Asteroid a MILE wide to hurtle "past" Earth in 48 HOURS ............... (1 replies)
  219. `....America's Collapsing Alliances` (1 replies)
  220. ........St. Jaquise - another "good boy" (3 replies)
  221. Michelle Obama Tells Black Grads That White People Make Life Tough (11 replies)
  222. Baltimore state's attorney tainting Freddie Gray jury pool? (5 replies)
  223. <<< Falsely accused >>> (2 replies)
  224. `.....Along with Saudi king, most Gulf rulers to skip US summit` (1 replies)
  225. Police hunt for Michigan state senator after shooting at his home (6 replies)
  226. Outrage over 'white privilege' courses for teachers (2 replies)
  227. Family forced to sit in vomit on United flight (0 replies)
  228. `Mother's Day: Surprise Phone Calls From President Obama Leaves Moms Speechless` (4 replies)
  229. Half Dressed Principal Caught with Student Getting High (1 replies)
  230. Michelle Obama Addresses Tuskegee University Graduates (4 replies)
  231. *** Two Hattisburg, MS police officers shot and killed *** (10 replies)
  232. `Even the New Black Panther Party is annoyed with Alan Colmes` (6 replies)
  233. So....NASA Has an Actual Sky-net Program... (2 replies)
  234. Good For Norway! (4 replies)
  235. Hispanic barbecue owners to host ‘White Appreciation Day’ at Colorado eatery (2 replies)
  236. Malik Shabazz: ‘Occupier’ Police in Baltimore ‘Might Need to Get Hurt’ (9 replies)
  237. Obama Loves Criminals: Sends 3 Officials to Freddie Gray Funeral, 0 to NYPD Funeral (5 replies)
  238. `FBI sent out Bulletin about muslim Gunman before Texas attack....` (0 replies)
  239. `......Americans Not In Labor Force Hits New Record High: 93,194,000` (4 replies)
  240. `Ex-Gitmo detainee who killed U.S. soldier wins bail in Canada... (25 replies)
  241. Savage: Obama may arm U.S. gangs for race war (23 replies)
  242. Yoohoo, Drummond! (4 replies)
  243. `...Polk State Professor - Deny your faith or FAIL!` (1 replies)
  244. `Baltimore protester: I just want to be treated like a regular citizen` (1 replies)
  245. #MyLifeMatters: Fed up Baltimore Cops Launch Campaign; The Reaction Is STUNNING! (3 replies)
  246. St. Louis mom reunited w daughter after 49 years "dead" (4 replies)
  247. Baltimore mayor calls for federal investigation into police (0 replies)
  248. No charges for Oregon teacher accused of branding students with Tesla coil (1 replies)
  249. NYC in talks to keep Times Square billboards after federal law called for lights out (1 replies)
  250. Michelle Obama plays race card: Museums are for white people (0 replies)