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  1. `......US aerospace command moving comms gear back to Cold War bunker` (3 replies)
  2. Third-Grade Teacher Has Students Write ‘Get Well’ Cards To Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal (6 replies)
  3. Senators seek probe of claims US workers fired, forced to train foreign replacements (0 replies)
  4. Resonanle force. (7 replies)
  5. Ayatollah Khamenei Accuses WH of 'Lying' (18 replies)
  6. `YOUR OPEN BORDER:......Iraqi Caught Crossing US-Mexico Border` (1 replies)
  7. `.........Gabby Giffords pushes gun control as a way to fight terrorism` (5 replies)
  8. `Boston Bomber Guilty on all 30 Charges.... (3 replies)
  9. Angelou Stamp Quote Isn't Hers (1 replies)
  10. More embarrassment for the Obama admin over Bowe Bergdahl (1 replies)
  11. `Citizens have become prohibited persons for less than what Hillary allegedly did ..` (2 replies)
  12. `State Department, White House Lose Power in Washington Outages... (0 replies)
  13. `.....Californians to be heavily fined for long showers... (103 replies)
  14. `Large Hadron Collider restarts after two-year rebuild.........` (0 replies)
  15. `.............Ohio poll worker convicted of voter fraud` (18 replies)
  16. Obama gets buzzed again at White House (1 replies)
  17. Payback (34 replies)
  18. Gun-Toting Good Samaritan Thwarts Carjacking (4 replies)
  19. `........Police officer helps woman finish 10K` (2 replies)
  20. `Applicants for State Jobs No Longer Need to Provide Criminal History` (2 replies)
  21. `......White House reporters set to demand press freedom from Obama` (0 replies)
  22. St Patricks Day mob (3 replies)
  23. Gay Wedding Cake at a Muslim Bakery (3 replies)
  24. Kansas to allow residents to carry concealed guns without permit (1 replies)
  25. Judge orders California to pay for inmate's sex change (4 replies)
  26. Indiana - freedom act and other stuff... (16 replies)
  27. Alabama death row inmate to be freed after nearly 30 years (1 replies)
  28. Indiana Black Democrat Representative Accuses Colleague’s 18-Month-Old of Being Racis (15 replies)
  29. Who'da Thunk it? Congressman Johnson was right??? (0 replies)
  30. John Kerry, Just One More Day... (3 replies)
  31. `.....Teen who received controversial heart transplant dies in chase with police` (17 replies)
  32. New Use For 'Michelle' Lunch Program (2 replies)
  33. `..............If guns are outlawed...` (12 replies)
  34. France Giving Administration Difficulties On Iran (0 replies)
  35. `....American-Israeli Rabbi compares Obama to Haman` (6 replies)
  36. Man beaten by strangers for not being outraged over death of Michael Brown (31 replies)
  37. `Why Is Russia Building Massive Underground Bomb Shelters?` (0 replies)
  38. `............Global Warming to Cause...Prostitution` (10 replies)
  39. It's the End for Amand Knox (3 replies)
  40. CONGRATULATIONS Barack! (1 replies)
  41. DEA agents attended cartel-funded ‘sex parties’ (0 replies)
  42. You Know What’s Pretty Racist? Standards. (16 replies)
  43. `....The BBC Flew a Drone Over Auschwitz — And the Result Is Haunting` (18 replies)
  44. A Moment of Honesty... (1 replies)
  45. Report: Hillary Clinton's brother received political favors (0 replies)
  46. "...Yes we can" (3 replies)
  47. `....Stunning! Obama Admin. Declassifies Document on Israel’s Nuclear Power` (5 replies)
  48. `......Pilot in German Airbus crash was locked out of cockpit: (0 replies)
  49. `White House head florist is gone and no one knows why..................` (6 replies)
  50. ....Nebraska senator compares police to ISIS...suggests he’d shoot a cop` (4 replies)
  51. Municipal Violations (7 replies)
  52. Don't like cops? (20 replies)
  53. Zimmerman blames Obama for racial tensions after Trayvon Martin shooting (7 replies)
  54. Fear of Hillary (3 replies)
  55. 'Islam…Is Not a Religion of Peace': Ex-Muslim Calls for Major Reform of the Faith Rea (1 replies)
  56. `I do not consent to.....SMASH!` (8 replies)
  57. `..........Another "Angel" Shot` (31 replies)
  58. South Korean Riot Police (2 replies)
  59. `.....UC Berkeley students want to rename building to honor cop killer` (4 replies)
  60. `.....The top violator of women's rights is...wait for it............................ (1 replies)
  61. Her money is her money, his money is our money (11 replies)
  62. .......The best places to retire in 2015 (1 replies)
  63. .......23 Dreamers from Obama amnesty snared in criminal dragnet (0 replies)
  64. Limbaugh: Netanyahu victory reminds us not to get sucked in by the media (13 replies)
  65. `......Darren Wilson attends trivia night, thanks crowd for support` (0 replies)
  66. `MO Lt Gov. "There's more racism in the Justice Dept than in St. Louis area.... (0 replies)
  67. Harper outclasses Obama again (2 replies)
  68. Obama admin sets censorship record (0 replies)
  69. Racist Economist (4 replies)
  70. Black Panthers Call For Killing of Police During SXSW Armed March (2 replies)
  71. UK needs a revolution - Thought police strike again (8 replies)
  72. Oil Continues Drop After Hitting Six-Year Low (17 replies)
  73. Rumble in Salt Lake: Romney to take on Holyfield in charity boxing event, report says (5 replies)
  74. Obama, first lady fly to Los Angeles on same day but take separate flights (3 replies)
  75. Idaho boy pens heartbreaking birthday invitation to father jailed in Iran (1 replies)
  76. Above the Law (7 replies)
  77. Putin Reappears (1 replies)
  78. Spies (15 replies)
  79. Not a Hate Crime (21 replies)
  80. .....Arrest in shooting of police officers in Ferguson (9 replies)
  81. `The surging dollar is a signal that a colossal financial event is just around....` (121 replies)
  82. ``......California has about one year of water left. Will you ration now?`` (2 replies)
  83. `.....Obama’s comparison of civil rights and gay marriage struggles a ‘disgrace..` (1 replies)
  84. 2 officers shot at protest outside Ferguson police station (17 replies)
  85. `An angel was watching out for this child....................` (5 replies)
  86. .....More university insanity; ban the American flag... (7 replies)
  87. 7 Marines, 4 soldiers missing after Army helicopter crash in Florida (1 replies)
  88. ISIS allegedly uses young child as executioner (1 replies)
  89. Will expelled OK students sue their way back in? (5 replies)
  90. `WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMIN. :File treason charges against the 47 U.S. Sen.` (16 replies)
  91. Harsh Truths (2 replies)
  92. 55 photos of iconic (28 replies)
  93. Curt Shilling reacts: (0 replies)
  94. Oklahoma University shuts down racist fraternity (9 replies)
  95. President and Mrs. Bush cropped From (10 replies)
  96. Schools Systemic Discrimination Against Boys? (2 replies)
  97. High School Principal Excludes White Students From ‘Black Lives Matter’ Event (12 replies)
  98. `And so it begins...........` (3 replies)
  99. `Vice President Biden Enters Betty Ford Center, Sources Reveal` (19 replies)
  100. Obama Did Not Know (8 replies)
  101. `Baltimore school police not allowed to be armed while in school buildings` (2 replies)
  102. `...........................‘We Know the March Is Not Over Yet’ (1 replies)
  103. > Obama Says Clinton's Private Email Account Was News to Him < (16 replies)
  104. `.......A False Hope of a Reformed Islam` (1 replies)
  105. Black People Taste Better? (34 replies)
  106. Thrice the Fun! (13 replies)
  107. `.....Farrakhan Tells Black Soldiers To Desert For The Day Of Judgment For Whites` (15 replies)
  108. `.....Boston high school dean ran drug ring, tried to kill teen` (2 replies)
  109. `...........Obama Claims It’s Easier To Buy Guns Than Books And Vegetables*** (10 replies)
  110. `Obama: Denying Illegals Same Rights as Citizens Violates ‘Spirit’ of Selma.........` (1 replies)
  111. `........Obama shrugs off chief executive responsibility` (2 replies)
  112. Current events in Ferguson (4 replies)
  113. Muslim woman tells the truth about islam......... (1 replies)
  114. `.....Saudi Columnist Declares Obama ‘One of the Worst American Presidents’` (10 replies)
  115. `......Artist Creates Controversial Painting of President Obama Playing Golf.......` (1 replies)
  116. Boston bombing trial (0 replies)
  117. DOJ report on Furgeson Police actions and e-mails show (13 replies)
  118. `......DOJ shut down search for Lerner emails` (3 replies)
  119. Ben Carson - Gets it right. Living a gay lifestyle is choice (23 replies)
  120. *......................Palestinians confiscate Israeli goods in boycott campaign...` (2 replies)
  121. Bill Clinton’s official portrait includes shadow of Monica Lewinsky’s infamous blue d (2 replies)
  122. "People don't like Jews" (2 replies)
  123. `....Obama "Very Interested" In Raising Taxes Through Executive Action` (4 replies)
  124. Obama Threatened to Shoot Down Israeli Iran Strike (5 replies)
  125. `BLACK CAUCUS DEMOCRATS Plan to Sabotage Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress......` (68 replies)
  126. `Free Mind Blog Creator Hacked to Death in Bangladesh.........` (1 replies)
  127. `..Vandalism in AZ Shuts Down Internet, Cellphones, Telephones Across State` (24 replies)
  128. In which Arab country do Jews get over 10% of the legislative seats? (1 replies)
  129. Pelosi shows just how ignorant she is again. (8 replies)
  130. `.....Obama Praises Holder In Teary-Eyed Send-Off Capped By Aretha Franklin Serenade` (3 replies)
  131. ‘.....The Islam-ist death-cult has declared war on the world’ (3 replies)
  132. Russian Opposition Leader Killed: 4 Bullets To Back (3 replies)
  133. Al Sharpton Excused From Responsibility Again (7 replies)
  134. Mr. Spock is dead (18 replies)
  135. Netanyahus Visit Destructive? (3 replies)
  136. When this Police Officer Finds Out a Man is Carrying Concealed, His Reaction is Total (0 replies)
  137. Obama to Ban Bullets By Executive Action (1 replies)
  138. 'Jihadi John' named ... (6 replies)
  139. Train Wreck (1 replies)
  140. David Corn Interview (2 replies)
  141. Routh found guilty in American Sniper murder case (4 replies)
  142. Farrakhan: Giuliani grew up a ‘privileged cracker devil’ (6 replies)
  143. FRANCE joins the ISIS Fight (4 replies)
  144. 12 Year Old Schools Obama! Mr. Obama Do You Love America? (0 replies)
  145. `....Individualism isn't dead. There's hope for America after all.......` (6 replies)
  146. `........Obama had better hurry up and find them jobs....` (2 replies)
  147. Obama: Americans Are Inviting Jihad By Criticizing Islam (9 replies)
  148. Protect Yourself - safety Tips (4 replies)
  149. When Seconds Count.... (2 replies)
  150. `American Thinker - Obama and the muslim gang sign...........` (0 replies)
  151. Is it better to have loved and lost? (3 replies)
  152. Bill Would Let Legal Gun Owners Carry Weapons Around Country (6 replies)
  153. Hillary’s Real Character Revealed by Secret Service Agents (9 replies)
  154. `...the horrifying reality of France’s growing anti-Semitism is on full display... (2 replies)
  155. `Out of the mouth of State Dept. talking heads--job creation to fight ISIS.....` (17 replies)
  156. `Interesting article from Stratfor on the coming population decline and.............` (13 replies)
  157. `.....Muslim man stabbed two others over religious beliefs in MI` bus stop` (0 replies)
  158. ISIS Burns Alive 45 (9 replies)
  159. Did You See? (1 replies)
  160. Reshoring May Bring Millions Of Jobs Back To U.S. (0 replies)
  161. As Public Sours, ObamaCare Faces An Uncertain Future (3 replies)
  162. `.....Iran's Khamenei sends letter to Obama` (1 replies)
  163. `One Killed Two Police Injured in second Copenhagen shooting..........` (8 replies)
  164. FLASHBACK: Check Out Reagan’s Response to Terrorism Compared to Obama’s (3 replies)
  165. Obama denounces 'outrageous murders' of three U.S. Muslims (17 replies)
  166. `.......Communists: See Your Future` (1 replies)
  167. ``Obama amnesty creates loophole for illegal immigrants to vote in elections`` (2 replies)
  168. And they want $15 an hour... (1 replies)
  169. The drunk socialist scum, Ginsberg nods off to fellow traitor's lies, bamboy's SOTU (12 replies)
  170. The Feds Are Spying on Gun Show Attendees – Here’s How They’re Getting Away with It (4 replies)
  171. *..............300 Marines surrounded? (2 replies)
  172. Butt Buddy? WTF? (12 replies)
  173. To My Mind, This is True Leadership for the Black Community... (4 replies)
  174. Yemen in chaos: Portrait of an Obama 'success' story (4 replies)
  175. *** Wellston MO Councilwoman Janet Dixon. Know what a horrible person she is*** (10 replies)
  176. Japanese Airline Chief Exec .... (0 replies)
  177. Malcolm X's Daughter and the N word (1 replies)
  178. `Holder: Inability to Pass Gun Control My 'Single Failure'...` (5 replies)
  179. Three Admirals censured in Navy bribery scandal (1 replies)
  180. ...Why Did Hillary Survive Tall Tales ? (12 replies)
  181. `Colorado Republicans Move to Stop Welfare Funds Going to Purchase Pot.......` (0 replies)
  182. `..............ISIS Kills Female US Aid Worker.....` (16 replies)
  183. About Russia (1 replies)
  184. `.....Bloomberg Suggests Banning Young Minority Males from Gun Ownership` (11 replies)
  185. Connecticut begs super-rich residents not to leave (10 replies)
  186. Unsafe Cars (1 replies)
  187. Vigilance (12 replies)
  188. Dissatisfied illegals can now have Border Patrol agents punished (1 replies)
  189. I Know I've Said Plenty About Foodstamps Over The Years (0 replies)
  190. `Teenager charged for shooting in mall near Pittsburgh...........` (0 replies)
  191. The Muslim Brotherhood Comes to the White House (2 replies)
  192. ``EPA`` proposes restrictions for new wood stoves.....................` (4 replies)
  193. Obama's Comparison of ISIS Militants to Medieval Christian Crusaders (4 replies)
  194. `Rev. Graham to Obama: Unlike Christ, Mohammed ‘Killed Many Innocent People.....` (0 replies)
  195. Clumsy African dictator can't buy a break (0 replies)
  196. Shooting in Bourne Mass (0 replies)
  197. This is why CA University system is scary (1 replies)
  198. Krauthammer Nails The Obama Problem (1 replies)
  199. `...........People Jailed for Owing Less Taxes Than Al Sharpton` (7 replies)
  200. `iranian commander: The 'Americans are begging us for a deal' ` (2 replies)
  201. ``Obama Prayer Breakfast People Committed Terrible Deeds In Name of Christ``.... (12 replies)
  202. The UAE (6 replies)
  203. Grand Juries (1 replies)
  204. `......BOOM! Benjamin Netanyahu Just Exposed Obama on Live TV [VIDEO]` (4 replies)
  205. `Well now`............NBC News' Brian Williams admits he wasn't on aircraft in Iraq`` (61 replies)
  206. Liberal thinking......Can't make this story up...................... (17 replies)
  207. ISIS has totally screwed up this time (2 replies)
  208. More black babies killed by abortion in New York City than were born (10 replies)
  209. Final Doom (0 replies)
  210. Border Patrol agents say gun sharing puts lives at risk (0 replies)
  211. How America can destroy the ISIS terrorists (0 replies)
  212. `Attorney General: Final Report On IRS Probe To Come Out Soon................` (0 replies)
  213. `Jordanian Pilot reportedly burned alive by ISIS...................................` (19 replies)
  214. `Seattle: Muslims demand teacher be fired for showing Muhammad cartoons` (2 replies)
  215. "HE’S GOT A GUN!” Florida Man Tackles Concealed Carrier, Is Arrested for Battery (26 replies)
  216. Was Chris Kyle’s killer a converted Muslim? (0 replies)
  217. This Guy Defines "Work Ethic" (0 replies)
  218. A liberal watches "American Sniper" (4 replies)
  219. Obama Quietly Adds 5.46 Million Foreigners To Economy (0 replies)
  220. `...............minimum wage: poetic justice...` (14 replies)
  221. Go Sable! (1 replies)
  222. Why Tom Brady's fourth Super Bowl title may mean the most to him (0 replies)
  223. `7 Facts About America’s Disability Check Explosion........` (1 replies)
  224. Bobbi Kristina found unresponsive in tub (7 replies)
  225. Choose To Vaccinate (172 replies)
  226. `Israeli Officials: Obama has Given Iran 80% of What they Want in Nuke Negot` (1 replies)
  227. Maybe I Won't Hang Up On The Next Telemarketer (0 replies)
  228. `Israelis make up their minds, spit at Obama........` (0 replies)
  229. Serious questions about Saudi Arabia (2 replies)
  230. John Kerry fined $50 for failing to shovel snow outside home (1 replies)
  231. Chris Kyle Was Trying to Warn Us about Obama Before He Died, This Video Captured His (3 replies)
  232. `How do you say 'kiss my ***' in Somali?` (25 replies)
  233. Peter King reacts to US stance on prisoner exchanges (5 replies)
  234. `Get outta here you low-life scum!!` (4 replies)
  235. Immigration Limits (2 replies)
  236. Muslim Heritage My A**... (0 replies)
  237. `We will cut off your head in the White House...ISIS threatens to behead Obama` (11 replies)
  238. Muslim woman says police made her remove Islamic scarf (3 replies)
  239. TED NUGENT: What Nugent Just Called Obama Will Cause Libs To Throw A Hissy Fit (14 replies)
  240. Enforcing Required Immunizations (1 replies)
  241. College football players convicted of sexual assault (0 replies)
  242. Memories of a concentration camp (6 replies)
  243. Retiree Benefits (0 replies)
  244. Anchor Gives Obama The Finger and looses her job (2 replies)
  245. `GLOBAL WARMING ALERT: ......Blizzard to dump over 2 feet of snow on NYC` (12 replies)
  246. Muslim Woman Sues Police For Forcing Her To Remove Hijab (7 replies)
  247. Krauthammer on Israel/Iran and Obama (1 replies)
  248. Obama On Russia, SOTU (0 replies)
  249. `Food stamp benefits cut off for thousands...............` (4 replies)
  250. Wow! NYT Does A Non-Snarkey Article On Megyn Kelly-FOX (0 replies)