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  1. What the toughest gun regulations get you (4 replies)
  2. Canadian truckers striking in support of American (0 replies)
  3. Mayor torpedoes plans to fly China's flag (0 replies)
  4. Saudi Cleric: Muslim Men May Have Sex With Up to 19,604 Women in Paradise Read more a (8 replies)
  5. Professor: Crazed shooters should target these kids (5 replies)
  6. Boy Facing Expulsion For Turning In Hunting Knife At School Football Game (11 replies)
  7. Muslim Man Rapes 8 Year Old Bride Until She Dies (1 replies)
  8. Hey ultra conservatives! Pope Francis wants you to chill out (28 replies)
  9. DHS Detains Oathkeepers Heading To Gun Rally (0 replies)
  10. Report: Armed Emergency Response Team Ordered to Stand Down at Navy Yard as Shooting (3 replies)
  11. Truckers organizing to shut down America, DC for 3 days (111 replies)
  12. The typical American family makes less than it did in 1989 (0 replies)
  13. It’s Finally Here: GOP’s Plan To Replace ObamaCare (0 replies)
  14. Congressman inches toward impeachment (4 replies)
  15. A new type of terrorizing in the UK (1 replies)
  16. This is a 'dreamer'.... (9 replies)
  17. Booted Colorado Senator embarrasses herself again (4 replies)
  18. Navy shooter complained of 'white racism' (7 replies)
  19. Students Try & Fail To Explain Why Obama Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize (0 replies)
  20. Students Take Field Trip to Mosque, Receive Koran (10 replies)
  21. This is beginning to piss me off. (14 replies)
  22. 'We have the bad guys in the halls of power' (2 replies)
  23. U.S. Navy was warned that Washington shooter 'heard voices' (25 replies)
  24. Obama firing off more executive orders (7 replies)
  25. Hillary Clinton to be Honored as “Children’s Advocate” (1 replies)
  26. Costa Concordia off the sea bottom (6 replies)
  27. AR-15: Anti-Gun Narrative Blows Up In Face of CNN, Daily News (13 replies)
  28. With Navy Yard Mass Killing Unfolding, Obama Warns of ‘Extreme Wing’ Republicans (1 replies)
  29. Al-Qaida leader called for 'lone wolf' attack (6 replies)
  30. Obama Arms Muslim Terrorists With Machine Guns But Wants U.S. Taxpayers Disarmed (1 replies)
  31. Obamas to Host Third Command Concert Since Sequester (0 replies)
  32. Obamacare Mandates Doctors to Question and Record People's Sex Lives (0 replies)
  33. Nearly 3,000 Illegal Immigrant Sex Offenders Released Under Court Order (6 replies)
  34. Florida Man To Be Disciplined For Facebook Post About Islam? (5 replies)
  35. Most massive and expensive ship salvage underway. (0 replies)
  36. An example of why 'Americans' are considered ignorant.... (28 replies)
  37. Shooting at Navy Yard in DC... (37 replies)
  38. DC Mayor Vetos Wal Mart Bill (2 replies)
  39. Barack Obama, the 98-pound weakling (2 replies)
  40. Obama: Because We Backed Down on Syria Doesn’t Mean We Won’t Strike Iran (4 replies)
  41. Armed EPA raid in Alaska sheds light on 70 fed agencies with armed divisions Read mo (6 replies)
  42. Global warming cleverly hides itself with 1 million sq miles more arctic ice (19 replies)
  43. White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize (6 replies)
  44. CFPB's data-mining on consumer credit cards challenged in heated House hearing (0 replies)
  45. Father Faces Prison For Protecting Daughter (23 replies)
  46. Woman Vandalizes 9/11 Memorial; Uses Her Heritage As An Excuse (6 replies)
  47. Al-Qaida Chief Zawahiri Calls for Attacks Inside the US (11 replies)
  48. 9/11 Truther Protest ‘Million Muslim March’ Draws a Couple Dozen (0 replies)
  49. Liberal Chick Gets Students to Sign Letter to Send Care Packages to Al-Qaeda (9 replies)
  50. Sept. 11, 2013: A Muslim poem but no Pledge of Allegiance at Boston-area high school (32 replies)
  51. PETA Crashes Biker Gathering… Not to be missed… (20 replies)
  52. Michelle Malkin Schools Juan Williams on American Exceptionalis (12 replies)
  53. Bowhunting National Guard Soldier Is Competing For Miss America Crown (5 replies)
  54. RENOWNED ATHEIST IS COOL WITH PEDOPHILIA: Dawkins says, “It causes no lasting harm” R (52 replies)
  55. Obama be lyin’: Ap fact check shatters obama syria speech (5 replies)
  56. Putin Makes Obama Pay a High Price for Syria Escape (0 replies)
  57. Jeb Bush Honors Hillary Clinton with Liberty Medal (1 replies)
  58. Russian Paper: “Once Drug Addict Obama Cannot Fight Against Vladimir Putin” (3 replies)
  59. New Rifle Mimics Machine Gun's Rapid Fire -- and It's Legal (9 replies)
  60. A Plea for Caution From Russia (3 replies)
  61. Obama talks through Pentagon ‘moment of silence’ at 9/11 commemoration (Video) (1 replies)
  62. George W. Bush – 9/11 Bullhorn Speech at Ground Zero (51 replies)
  63. State Department Still Refusing to Allow Oversight Committee Interviews of Benghazi W (0 replies)
  64. '2 Million Bikers' Rally Converges on DC for 9/11 Parade (2 replies)
  65. Hillary Clinton heckled on Benghazi during award ceremony (0 replies)
  66. Man in the Red Bandana (0 replies)
  67. Teen Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low (4 replies)
  68. Blue-collar laborers rebel at AFL-CIO’s embrace of progressives (0 replies)
  69. Holder takes aim at Texas in challenge to voting rights case (5 replies)
  70. NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel (4 replies)
  71. Another sign the US is going down hill (3 replies)
  72. An old one, but perhaps not enough seen... (2 replies)
  73. Obama pledges to seek Benghazi suspects on 1st anniversary of attack (1 replies)
  74. 9/11 in the land of the free.... (26 replies)
  75. Obama Gives Shout-Out to Murderous Muslim Brotherhood and Supporter (0 replies)
  76. 9/11 anniversary to be marked with somber tributes (1 replies)
  77. 13 Democrats Charged With Embezzling $16 Million In Federal Grants For AIDS Charities (4 replies)
  78. Criminal prosecution urged on Benghazi (9 replies)
  79. SeaWorld to Cut Hours to Avoid Obamacare Mandate (1 replies)
  80. Iran threatens widespread retaliation against U.S. and allies (1 replies)
  81. Excelsior - A 9/11 Tribute (7 replies)
  82. Million Muslim March, more likely to be Hundred or so Muslim March (11 replies)
  83. Asteroid to be Named After Trayvon Martin? (6 replies)
  84. Turkey’s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in U.S. (0 replies)
  85. Democrat Morse losing recall (5 replies)
  86. It's That Time Again Folks! (15 replies)
  87. Union square beating victim dies... (3 replies)
  88. Newlywed wife charged with second-degree murder in death of husband in Montana (4 replies)
  89. Syria backs chemical weapons plan, bombs Damascus (13 replies)
  90. MUSLIM ‘CHILD BRIDE’ DIES: Yemeni 8yr. old Dies of Internal Injuries After Sex with ‘ (108 replies)
  91. Has Congress Approved that Tramp Stamp? (8 replies)
  92. From Russia With Love- A Letter From Putin to All Americans (1 replies)
  93. The Assad Interview (0 replies)
  94. Zimmerman just can not stay out of trouble! (11 replies)
  95. Putin Saving The Day? (14 replies)
  96. Who Will Buy Our Debt If War With Syria Causes China, Russia & The Rest Of The World (4 replies)
  97. Bill Ayers turns against Obama on Syria (8 replies)
  98. WH Chief of Staff: U.S. Has No Military Allies for Syria Strike (1 replies)
  99. CNN: Obama Using Gruesome Video of Alleged Chemical Attack To Push Action In Syria Re (1 replies)
  100. Obama offers Assad secret deal (0 replies)
  101. Iowa grants permits for blind residents to carry guns in public (3 replies)
  102. Almost half of US Births paid for by Medicade (1 replies)
  103. Anyone paying attention to race relations lately? (9 replies)
  104. The New Justification For War: "Commonsense" (4 replies)
  105. Little Rock school district will now make teachers wear underwear (2 replies)
  106. Piers Morgan and assault rifles (6 replies)
  107. The United Nations Plays the Race Card… Demands Answers on Zimmerman/Martin Case (4 replies)
  108. Washington Has Denied a permit for a Non Stop ride for the Bikers on 9/11 (46 replies)
  109. Conservative leader Tony Abbott has celebrated a landslide victory in Australia (17 replies)
  110. Are wages REALLY this crappy in the UK? (0 replies)
  111. SHOCK! Democrats Blame Bush For Syria (3 replies)
  112. Georgia charter schools to bring AR-15 rifles on campus (0 replies)
  113. Obama to address nation Tuesday on need for Syria military strike (4 replies)
  114. On Those Employment Stats (7 replies)
  115. Possible Strikebacks if our military hits Syria! (3 replies)
  116. Funny hypenated last name contest (2 replies)
  117. Australian gov't faces carbon tax backlash at poll (3 replies)
  118. Rape and killing of one of Obama’s daughters should the United States attack Syria (5 replies)
  119. Today’s Scores From The Arctic – Russian Coastguard 1 Greenpeace 0 (0 replies)
  120. Obama cancels LA trip as ‘no’ votes on Syria resolution pile up (3 replies)
  121. Iran threatens brutal attacks on Americans, Obama family if US hits Syria (14 replies)
  122. REBELS MY A**: Graphic Video of Obama’s ‘Helpless’ Syrian ‘Rebels’ Executing Syrian S (0 replies)
  123. Egypt eyes Obama's brother for terror list (0 replies)
  124. Told You So Moment: Al-Qaeda Promises To Slaughter Christians After Obama Topples Ass (3 replies)
  125. Russian warships cross Bosphorus, en route to Syria (14 replies)
  126. Iraq vet tells robber: ‘you need to get out of here before I blow your head off!' (1 replies)
  127. The LIAR and CHEIF is at it again; Unbelievable. (4 replies)
  128. Obama tapes recording for US Muslim Brotherhood group “my administration is proud to (11 replies)
  129. So now the idiot is in Sweden. (1 replies)
  130. California high court to decide if illegal immigrant can practice law (5 replies)
  131. Hillary Clinton To Receive Liberty Medal One Day Before Benghazi Anniversary (4 replies)
  132. Ted Cruz: U.S. not 'Al Qaeda’s air force’ (0 replies)
  133. 'Obama's Presidential Library' is an outhouse (0 replies)
  134. Chicago Police: If You Carry a Gun, We're Trained to Shoot You (2 replies)
  135. Obama: The Muslims’ Best Friend (0 replies)
  136. Bill Maher: Conservatives Don’t Like Obama On Syria Because He’s Black (20 replies)
  137. CNN Caught Faking War Footage AGAIN, This Time in Syria (0 replies)
  138. Outhouse sign says "Obama's Presidential Library" (2 replies)
  139. Senate committee approves Syria war resolution (6 replies)
  140. Florida attorneys seek 'stand your ground' defense in triple shooting (1 replies)
  141. Under Obamacare, Hospitals and Courts Overrule Parental Authority (2 replies)
  142. CAN OF WHOOP ASS: Allen West to Obama, ‘Don’t Lecture Us About Obligation After Bengh (2 replies)
  143. Senators craft Syria compromise (3 replies)
  144. Somebody, PLEASE Muzzle Obama Before He Gets Us All Nuked (3 replies)
  145. Gun Control Rally Quickly Turns into Pro-Gun Rally (1 replies)
  146. Black mob murders man in surprising place (0 replies)
  147. Bombshell: Britain Sold Chemicals to Syria to Produce Sarin Gas (0 replies)
  148. Avoiding "delicate feelings": the latest big thing (14 replies)
  149. Breakthrough: Cops identify race of suspects (0 replies)
  150. Obama Refers To U.S. Armed Forces As ‘My Military’ (11 replies)
  151. Syria: Suddenly Democrats Are Pro-War (0 replies)
  152. Biden: We'll Target Congressmen Who Oppose Gun Control Efforts (0 replies)
  153. Rangel: Bring back the draft before launching air strikes in Syria (3 replies)
  154. A New Yorker’s view of gun control (5 replies)
  155. Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack (20 replies)
  156. SEAL Team 6 families' suspicions of gov't grow (0 replies)
  157. Israeli Official Calls Barack Obama Coward (0 replies)
  158. The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes (1 replies)
  159. "Imminent threat" (29 replies)
  160. Syrian military using humans as shields (3 replies)
  161. Shhh! Teen mob that raped 2 women ... was black (2 replies)
  162. Exclusive: Obama Refused to Send Gas Masks to Syrian Opposition for Over a Year (21 replies)
  163. Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners ‘Is the Right Thing to Do’ (1 replies)
  164. Benghazi Jihadists Directly Connected to Obama Supported Syrian Rebels (6 replies)
  165. Men With Rifles Charged in ‘Open Carry’ Demonstration at Starbucks…But It’s Not Illeg (1 replies)
  166. Obama Supporters: Jobs, Free College, Internet & Cars Are ‘Constitutional Rights’ (6 replies)
  167. Video from Egypt shows Muslim mob attacking Christian church, taking down cross (2 replies)
  168. Obama asks Congress to green-light war with Syria (7 replies)
  169. Texas Father Beats Daughter’s Child Molester To Death. (1 replies)
  170. 54 Year Old Gets 30 Days for Rape of 14 Year Old Girl (4 replies)
  171. Islam Is Coming For Us All (53 replies)
  172. Texas Dad beats his daughter’s child molester to death… He won’t be charged! (11 replies)
  173. Christian Sentenced to Death by Hanging for Drinking Water Reserved for Muslims (6 replies)
  174. Bill Clinton: It’s Harder to Vote than Purchase Assault Weapons (11 replies)
  175. Mississippi and the 2nd amendment... good together! (0 replies)
  176. Syrian Rebels U.S. About to Help Connected to Benghazi Terrorists (0 replies)
  177. Kim Jong-un's ex-girlfriend reportedly executed by firing squad (9 replies)
  178. Obama tells Mayors He’ll Use Executive Action To Push Gun Control (7 replies)
  179. Obama Announces 2 More Executive Orders to Go After Guns (4 replies)
  180. A Texas teen is being praised (1 replies)
  181. Britain sets out the case – under international law – for bypassing the UN Security C (24 replies)
  182. Why Shouldn’t The False Accuser Owe Zimmerman Defense Expenses? (0 replies)
  183. Call Obama A War Criminal Already! (10 replies)
  184. Mascot for Brazilian cancer awareness group has made new friends with kids..... (9 replies)
  185. Woman brutally beaten by group of teens in North Side says attack was ‘racially motiv (6 replies)
  186. Mcdonald's Employees strike for $15/hr and Unions (24 replies)
  187. MLK Anniversary Speaker Compares Supreme Court Justices to KKK (25 replies)
  188. America Assists al-Qaeda in Removing Bashar al-Assad (0 replies)
  189. 4 Teens Enter Closed Store And Leave With Merchandise (16 replies)
  190. Woman who gouged out eyes of Chinese boy sought (0 replies)
  191. Four African-American Men With Hammer Brutally Attack White Man At Home Depot (0 replies)
  192. PAGING MR. SHARPTON: Black Teen Rapes and Robs 93yr. Old Woman, I Say ‘Death Penalty’ (2 replies)
  193. Russia: US Syria Intervention Will Lead to 'Catastrophic Consequences' (3 replies)
  194. Iran: 'Thousands of missiles' to rain on Israel (16 replies)
  195. Scary: Remote texters can be held liable... (15 replies)
  196. Hasan: It's In The Jury's Hands Now (6 replies)
  197. Syria, clean up your own mess Mr President (6 replies)
  198. The 'Obama Boyz' Gang (2 replies)
  199. Smith and Wesson trumps faulty stun gun (2 replies)
  200. Black Male Felon Arrested In Unprovoked Attack On Elderly White Male, Said Shouldn’t (4 replies)
  201. California Rounding Up Legally Purchased Guns (0 replies)
  202. Amish Girl and Freedom Dying of Cancer (13 replies)
  203. The Race to Blur Obama’s Red Line (11 replies)
  204. Christian Photographers Under Fire For Refusing To Shoot A Gay Wedding (39 replies)
  205. What Do You Consider A Police State? Read the rest of this Liberty Alliance article (9 replies)
  206. Black mob-in-training bullies white girl, 3 (0 replies)
  207. Shocking Legal Battle: Convicted Rapist Wants Visitation Rights With Child (0 replies)
  208. Hell yes. Hope this is true!!!! (17 replies)
  209. About that violent gang, the 'Obama Boyz' (0 replies)
  210. Will This Pizza Man Get Fired For Defending Himself On The Job? (8 replies)
  211. Intended Knockout Game victim shoots back (11 replies)
  212. SCREW THEM: Spokane Cops Blame WWII Vet’s Death on ‘Fighting Back’, Says No ‘Racism’ (7 replies)
  213. Syrian Rebels to Christians: Flee or Die (12 replies)
  214. Obama says his father served in World War II (1 replies)
  215. Rodeo clown wants to shake Obama's hand (3 replies)
  216. Obama’s Secret Deal with Mexico: Spend Tax Dollars to Help Illegal Immigrants in the (3 replies)
  217. NY fed. appeals court: Use of 5th Amend. right to counsel can’t be proof of guilt (0 replies)
  218. Just when you thought you'd heard it all... (2 replies)
  219. Where is the damn proof?? (55 replies)
  220. More murder whtitey by blackie! (1 replies)
  221. Rhode Island Lost $1 Billion in Personal Income from 2000 to 2010 (0 replies)
  222. Holder: I Wouldn’t Be AG Without 1963 Marchers (0 replies)
  223. Ark. Gun Activists to Carry Weapons Through Streets to Defy Ban on Open Carry (6 replies)
  224. Rally with Obama stokes talk of another Biden presidential run (0 replies)
  225. Pat Buchanan: ‘Whites Are the Only Group That You Can Discriminate Against Legally in (0 replies)
  226. Dear Black Thugs: You’re Making It Hard For White Devils to Believe You’re Innocent C (0 replies)
  227. Woman Who Stopped Potential School Shooter Should be Fired! (11 replies)
  228. Impeachment group crashing 9/11 Muslim march (37 replies)
  229. Black mob on rampage fractures cop's skull (0 replies)
  230. Syrian rebels's false flag attack. (22 replies)
  231. NSA officers sometimes spy on love interests (1 replies)
  232. Bathroom Wars: Transgenders Get Flushed (0 replies)
  233. MLK III Says Trayvon Murdered Because of Skin Color (2 replies)
  234. Two Million Bikers Plan Their Own 9/11 March to Washington D.C. (20 replies)
  235. US Prepares for Possible Cruise Missile Attack on Syria (4 replies)
  236. Feds drop demand for baptism permits (0 replies)
  237. Al Gore: Global Warming Deniers Are Like "Homophobes," Racists, Alcoholics, and Smoke (1 replies)
  238. Black Unemployment Blamed On Slavery (6 replies)
  239. Oklahoma suspects 'on same track' as Trayvon (0 replies)
  240. Al Sharpton On Chris Lane Killing: ‘Nothing To Protest,’ Wasn’t ‘Racial’ & ‘System Wo (0 replies)
  241. Why Is It Not Racist When A White WWII Vet is Beaten to Death by Two Black Men? (0 replies)
  242. IRS now targets American Legion (1 replies)
  243. US arrests man 'with uranium for Iran in shoes'!!!!! (1 replies)
  244. France cannot take any more taxes, government admits (1 replies)
  245. Centers For Disease Control Give Gun Supporters Positive News (1 replies)
  246. Those With “Nothing To Hide” Should Still Fear Gov Spying (1 replies)
  247. 17 Years After Gun Bans in Australia …Police Say Gun Crime is Out of Control - (26 replies)
  248. Racist? No–Just Acknowledging the Black Race Toward Guns & Violence (1 replies)
  249. MSNBC Host Looks Ridiculous As She Dons Tampon Earrings On-Air To Defend Abortion Rig (0 replies)
  250. 11-Year-Old Girl Flees Yemen To Avoid Forced Marriage: ‘I’d Rather Kill Myself’ (1 replies)