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  1. Will Obamacare Be Used To Punish Gun Owners? (0 replies)
  2. Taxpayers Foot the Hefty Bill for Obama’s Talk-Show Tour (4 replies)
  3. Obama Promises Additional $195 Million in Syrian Aid (Bringing the Total Over $1 Bill (0 replies)
  4. Al-Qaida Gloats Over Middle East Embassy Closures (27 replies)
  5. Obama The Dictator (0 replies)
  6. Officially The NYPD Has NO Duty to Protect and Serve (2 replies)
  7. The Latest Beltway Investigations (0 replies)
  8. Report: 3D-Printed Rifle Successfully Fires 14 Rounds (0 replies)
  9. Fort Hood Shooter Still Receives a Military Paycheck (7 replies)
  10. Alec Baldwin to Host Weekly Show on MSNBC (9 replies)
  11. Russian man turns tables on bank (7 replies)
  12. ABC, CBS and NBC Overlook Obama's Gaffe-tastic Performance on Leno (15 replies)
  13. BREAKING: Marine Vet Allowed to Keep His Guns and Home (0 replies)
  14. CT Senator: 2nd Amendment Not Guaranteed (4 replies)
  15. To the Director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, policies like yours killed my Aunt - (1 replies)
  16. Anniversary Of Massacre Of Navy SEALs Ignored By President Obama (0 replies)
  17. Sorry Ladies, I will never buy you a drink again! (17 replies)
  18. Community turns against seven teachers and a board member who showed support for a p (3 replies)
  19. “Most Muslims Are Peaceful” (great Video) (123 replies)
  20. Gun Myths Gone In Five Minutes: ABC News 20/20 (2 replies)
  21. In a world where freedom of choice reigns, in liberal states like New York and Washin (1 replies)
  22. Obama Releases 5 Terrorists Yet Leaves America’s POW Hostage Behind (1 replies)
  23. Professor keeps job after shocking secret unearthed (45 replies)
  24. Mystery lights: 'There's more! They keep coming!' (0 replies)
  25. Immigration reform would boost value of homes, Obama tells Phoenix crowd (6 replies)
  26. Detroit PS Teacher Accountant Guilty of Money Laundering and Fraud (0 replies)
  27. Germany: Muslims break into couple's home and beat pregnant woman, killing her unborn (14 replies)
  28. The pampered, good life of Fort Hood shooter (3 replies)
  29. Rep. Gohmert: Embassy Closures Make US Look 'Like a Bunch of Cowards' (2 replies)
  30. “We Have Plenty Of Money If We Just Loot More People” (10 replies)
  31. Obama Refuses to Talk to America About Terror Threat (0 replies)
  32. Florianopolis, SC and Newark, NJ - World's Frendliest and Unfrientliest Cities (9 replies)
  33. Calif. Returns Husband’s Guns That Were Confiscated After Wife’s Voluntary Mental Hea (1 replies)
  34. George W. Bush undergoes procedure for stent after blockage discovered (0 replies)
  35. Japan unveils largest warship since World War II (16 replies)
  36. Would you eat it? (21 replies)
  37. Eyeing China, Philippines gains U.S. ship in military upgrade (4 replies)
  38. AdTech Ad Gun Sales Soar In Virginia – And Crime Plummets (0 replies)
  39. Communication Intercepted Between Terror Leaders, Obama Withdraws Special Forces From (11 replies)
  40. Obama Promises Muslim Brotherhood Jihadists Jobs In Egyptian Government (1 replies)
  41. Charlie Rangel: 'Tea Party is a Bunch of White Crackers' (2 replies)
  42. SIGN WHAT? Petition Releasing All Illegal Aliens from Prison, No Matter What Crime Co (1 replies)
  43. Is this not national news? (0 replies)
  44. Who has watched Abby Martin (0 replies)
  45. Mayor Bloomberg: New York Gun Crimes are Virginia’s Fault (1 replies)
  46. Kass: Was police killing of 95-year-old necessary? (9 replies)
  47. Obama Partying While Advisors Meet on Terror Threat (1 replies)
  48. Virginia gun crime drops, as state’s firearms sales soar (0 replies)
  49. DeMint: Al-Qaeda Bigger Threat Than Pre-9/11 Because Obama Is Weak (0 replies)
  50. I am a hunter and will not hesitate to shoot:' Man arrested for trying to break into (1 replies)
  51. GRAPHIC: Outrage erupts over cops killing dogs (8 replies)
  52. Australia Found Oil that rivals/tops the Middle East Supply (79 replies)
  53. Court to feds: Explain Marine's Facebook-postings arrest (2 replies)
  54. Feds plan to give Egypt armed-to-the-teeth ships (7 replies)
  55. Arkansas Uses Little-Known Law To Arm Teachers With Guns (13 replies)
  56. Warning: Organizing for Action’s (OFA) ‘Action August’ and ‘Gun Control’ Day Are Comi (1 replies)
  57. Fort Hood and the rarity of military executions (14 replies)
  58. Bikers Come Together to Give 11-Year-Old With Brain Cancer Best Birthday Ever (0 replies)
  59. Vicious Bus Attack (11 replies)
  60. Obama Is Bailing Out Detroit With Tax Dollars Via Obamacare (0 replies)
  61. You Want Answers On Benghazi? Here’s the Truth (0 replies)
  62. White House Approves Deal: Congress And Staff Exempt From Obamacare (0 replies)
  63. CIA Agents Who Were In Benghazi Warned By CIA: Keep Silent – “You Jeopardize Your Fam (10 replies)
  64. Tennessee Welcomes Obama With Hundreds of Protesters (0 replies)
  65. Pentagon Has Awarded Contracts To Al-Qaeda In Afghanistan (14 replies)
  66. Journalist Fired For Anti-Obama Column (15 replies)
  67. Muslims Get Preferential Treatment (16 replies)
  68. Chicago Official Offers Statement that Police are Gunning Down Black Children (0 replies)
  69. Time to tell everyone you know about Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” #BarackObama # (0 replies)
  70. Chicago Gun Confiscation Underway (1 replies)
  71. US to temporarily shut down embassies around the world Sunday amid security concerns (36 replies)
  72. Piers Morgan Clashes With Pro-Gun Advocate Who Raised $12k To Buy Zimmerman A Gun (4 replies)
  73. Should Jesse Jackson Pay in Court for calling Florida a Racist Apartheid State? (9 replies)
  74. Report: CIA using polygraph tests to ensure Benghazi operations stay secret (0 replies)
  75. Gurudwara vandalised in US; "terrorist" scrawled (2 replies)
  76. Sharia Courts In The UK – Is The US Next? (28 replies)
  77. Hillary Rodham Clinton To Receive The American Patriot Award For “Defending Our Natio (3 replies)
  78. Obama – Divider-in-Chief – Says Race Relations May Worsen if He Doesn’t Get What He W (3 replies)
  79. FLASHBACK: Obama Accused Of Sexual Harassment While at Harvard Law Review (Multiple (2 replies)
  80. Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown (4 replies)
  81. State law could kill 'Made in USA' label (0 replies)
  82. The silence is deafening! (11 replies)
  83. Ooh-rah!!!!!!!!! (62 replies)
  84. Why the Teamsters can go fuck themselves..... (1 replies)
  85. 600 Lashes for Raif Badawi: Saudi Arabia’s Latest Savagery (1 replies)
  86. Terrifying! Obama Regime Unveils Behavior Modification Program to ‘Nudge’ Americans (1 replies)
  87. The Washington Cover-up Machine At Work (1 replies)
  88. Obama Would Prefer Kale Over Hot Dogs At Ballparks (5 replies)
  89. Rand Paul Slams Chris Christie: ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme All This Federal Money!’ (0 replies)
  90. Police: Waffle House customer shoots would-be robber (5 replies)
  91. Chris Matthews Compares GOP to Whites Defending Apartheid (0 replies)
  92. White House calls Benghazi 'phony' scandal, as lawmakers seek answers on probe (0 replies)
  93. The Pope, The Gay Lobby & How The Media Got It Wrong (2 replies)
  94. The 2nd Amendment: A Free Pass to Arrest (6 replies)
  95. Take cover: Rock star unloads all barrels on 'phony president' (0 replies)
  96. ‘Kids, don’t forget to make your gender choice’ (9 replies)
  97. Big Brother is Watching. (16 replies)
  98. Newspaper spanks Obama: 'Shove it, Mr. President' (3 replies)
  99. Liberals Freaking Out Because Food Stamp Recipients To See $20 Reduction… (1 replies)
  100. Whom does Michelle O blame for bad economy? (0 replies)
  101. Levin attacks Obama, Boehner and Christie for stance on White House scandals (0 replies)
  102. Now Betty Crocker gets on 'gay'-marriage train (0 replies)
  103. Chicago's Debt Triples, City Slapped With Credit Downgrades (0 replies)
  104. Arkansas Teachers Head Back to School This Fall Armed with Concealed Handguns (0 replies)
  105. Florida, Georgia say insurance rates to spike under Obamacare (0 replies)
  106. Dems 'likely to nominate this REPUBLICAN for president' (8 replies)
  107. All Those Phoney Scandals (0 replies)
  108. Appeals court rules against NYC soda ban (2 replies)
  109. The Third Jihad and Sharia in America (0 replies)
  110. Verdict due Tuesday in Bradley Manning case (0 replies)
  111. The Third Jihad and Sharia in America (3 replies)
  112. Award-winning director of Fugees music video is jailed for 90 years for fathering six (0 replies)
  113. Boycott Florida? Consider the Ramifications (1 replies)
  114. White House Still Closed as Obama Gets Ready for Swanky Martha's Vineyard Vacation (4 replies)
  115. Obama rebuked for Keystone claims (2 replies)
  116. Saudi prince defects from royal family (0 replies)
  117. Saudis consider oil shale and fracking a danger to their kingdom (2 replies)
  118. Obamas to stay at $7.6MILLION Martha's Vineyard mansion with 75 rooms booked for staf (7 replies)
  119. Benghazi Survivor David Ubben With Shredded Leg Waited For 20 Hours For Help After Fi (0 replies)
  120. CAIR Director: Muslims Are Above The Law (112 replies)
  121. Don’t Think The Government Will Never Come After Your Guns Read more: http://conserv (0 replies)
  122. People Sign Petition for “Mandatory Euthanasia” for Senior Citizens Under ObamaCare (13 replies)
  123. Why Woonsocket is a hole (0 replies)
  124. Why American Racism Is Impossible To Defeat (3 replies)
  126. The mechanics of blue state housing shortages (2 replies)
  127. Good news if the brotherhood is destroyed in the new Egyptian struggle!! (31 replies)
  128. U.S. Treasury secretary emphasizes no federal bailout for bankrupt Detroit (5 replies)
  129. Obama Ignores Congress – Sends $500 Million Of Taxpayer Money To Hamas (1 replies)
  130. Palin Blasts 'Cowardly' Obama for Calling Admin's Scandals 'Phony' (3 replies)
  131. No Weekend Food Delivery for Florida Capitol Demonstrators (2 replies)
  132. Alessandro33 Just Might Be Spam (3 replies)
  133. 4 in 5 in US face near-poverty, no work (2 replies)
  134. Michelle to Hispanics: Your Race Tends to Be Fat (91 replies)
  135. former Gov of IN Wanted Howard Zinn Banned in Schools (4 replies)
  136. Anti-Hillary Clinton group releases chilling first video (2 replies)
  137. Trayvon’s mom to Urban League: ‘Please use my tragedy (5 replies)
  138. Obama gives aid to America's sworn terrorist enemies! (2 replies)
  139. Choke another one up for the Gun Grabbers (1 replies)
  140. Militant Atheist Demand A Christian Military Chaplian Be Punished For Doing His Job (46 replies)
  141. UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRAT: Illegal Alien Knocked 93yr. old Woman’s Teeth Out, While Rapin (5 replies)
  142. CHUNKY RINO: Gov Chris Christie – ‘Rand Paul is Dangerous’ (39 replies)
  143. Mayor Bloomberg Wants You To Take The Stairs (3 replies)
  144. Students Sign Petition to Legalize 4th Trimester Abortion (3 replies)
  145. Detroit’s City Council spends time weighing in on Zimmerman case, puts Motor City is (5 replies)
  146. Chris Matthews: When will the dumbass ever shut up? (2 replies)
  147. Obama syas Ho Chi Minh was inspired by Founding Fathers (5 replies)
  148. Hackers Reveal Nasty New Car Attacks (1 replies)
  149. For Every Job Created by Obama, 2 Americans Enroll in Food Stamps, How do you Spin Th (10 replies)
  150. Fail: Colorado Gun Buyback Canceled Because Of New Gun Control Laws (0 replies)
  151. ‘My son is dead. How could that be phony?’ (1 replies)
  152. True Patriots wil enjoy this (28 replies)
  153. Pelosi: We Must Uphold Our Oath To The Constitution By Passing Gun Control (2 replies)
  154. Black Caucus Member: Trayvon Martin Trial Proves Blacks’ Lives Worth Less Than Whites (2 replies)
  155. House Democrat proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen (3 replies)
  156. Can we get this man back? (0 replies)
  157. probably should be in humor but........ (3 replies)
  158. want 2 Defund blanket NSA phone tapes? call congress NOW (2 replies)
  159. Remember When Obama Said Detroit Was Coming Back? (2 replies)
  160. Question about "racist" (116 replies)
  161. DIVIDER IN CHIEF: Obama Picks Scab From America’s Racial Wound (0 replies)
  162. Mooch To Take Up Anti-Gun Crusade (2 replies)
  163. Gun control hows now been named gun safety (2 replies)
  164. OBAMA’S SON: 20 Disgusting Tweets from Trayvon (4 replies)
  165. Obama Supporters Petition to Grant Him Immunity for All Crimes He Commits in Office (3 replies)
  166. Preparing for U.S. intervention. Media prepping for obama. (1 replies)
  167. George Zimmerman - now a "hero" (8 replies)
  168. Congrats to Prince William and Kate!! (9 replies)
  169. George Zimmerman helps rescue people from overturned truck (2 replies)
  170. The Zimmerman verdict protests are Astro-turf and sparsely attended (2 replies)
  171. We're not sacrificing enough! (3 replies)
  172. France veil row sparks Trappes unrest . (20 replies)
  173. Lesbian Couple Gives Son Hormone Blockers, Says The Child Is Transgender (18 replies)
  174. Beware of Fake Wi-Fi (4 replies)
  175. The Zimmerman Trial Was Ultimately About Going After Guns & Self-Defense Laws (1 replies)
  176. The Real Reason Behind The Trayvon Martin Protests (4 replies)
  177. Sharia In Action: Norwegian Woman Raped By Islamist Gets 16 Months In Jail For Illici (7 replies)
  178. So You Think You Know The Truth About George Zimmerman? (0 replies)
  179. BOMBSHELL… Barry Soetoro is Registered to Vote in Washington D.C. and Barack Obama St (4 replies)
  180. How to Prepare for the Pending Race Riots (2 replies)
  181. The Old Lady of News... (10 replies)
  182. Making Obama proud (5 replies)
  183. Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Z (5 replies)
  184. Columnist says Zimmerman trial exposed ‘the tragedy of black education’ in the United (4 replies)
  185. Drones have rights , citizens dont. (14 replies)
  186. Obama jumps into Zimmerman trial again (9 replies)
  187. White baby in GA shot to death -- black arrested (0 replies)
  188. U-M OKs in-state tuition for immigrant students (0 replies)
  189. New law 'allows Obama to take over all media' (4 replies)
  190. Detroit files for largest municipal bankruptcy in US history (5 replies)
  191. Cincinnati poll worker sentenced to 5 years for voter fraud in presidential elections (9 replies)
  192. States battle surging seas -- despite uncertainty among climate scientists (1 replies)
  193. Key witness in ‘Whitey’ Bulger trial found dead on the side of a road outside Boston (3 replies)
  194. Rock legend slams Rolling Stone cover (22 replies)
  195. Jimmy Carter: Zimmerman jury right (3 replies)
  196. Houston Harley Rider Deals W/ The New Black Panthers (16 replies)
  197. DOJ Probe On Zimmerman: A President-Sanctioned Lynch Mob (2 replies)
  198. Jesse Jackson: Get The UN Involved in the Zimmerman Case (4 replies)
  199. Americans Own Nearly Half of the Privately Owned Guns on Earth (3 replies)
  200. Civil rights attorney defends Zimmerman verdict (11 replies)
  201. Honoring Trayvon With Beatings, Muggings, Burglary and Arson (0 replies)
  202. University Prof Says God Is a White Racist (8 replies)
  203. Able-bodied woman wants surgery to make her paraplegic (17 replies)
  204. Detroit photographer arrested while recording an arrest (1 replies)
  205. RACE BAITERS: Allen West-’Where was NAACP and media when two black teenagers shot a w (8 replies)
  206. DOJ wants your tips on Trayvon civil rights (10 replies)
  207. Florida stand your ground defense and blacks (2 replies)
  208. Black Racism Killed Tryvon (0 replies)
  209. Pastor: Why Blacks Blame Zimmerman. Why Trayvon Martin got skittles? (4 replies)
  210. Lets hope like hell this is true!!!! (0 replies)
  211. Robert Zimmerman, George's Brother (1 replies)
  212. WHITE DEVIL: George Zimmerman’s Great Grandfather Was Black (3 replies)
  213. It wasn't just Skittles Trayvon was carrying (3 replies)
  214. Pennsylvania court hears arguments over controversial voter ID law (5 replies)
  215. UK, the take over is nearing completetion. (153 replies)
  216. We have our excuse!!! (1 replies)
  217. Eric Holder: Going After Zimmerman is an “Opportunity” (0 replies)
  218. “this is for trayvon” – three black men attack white man in mississippi, claim justic (4 replies)
  219. In 513 Days Between Trayvon Shooting and Zimmerman Verdict, 11,106 Blacks Murdered by (0 replies)
  220. Obama’s Black Lie to Black Graduates (2 replies)
  221. Obama DOJ Faces Block By FBI In Possible Zimmerman Charges (3 replies)
  222. Howard Dean: Hillary Will Face Primary Challenge (0 replies)
  223. Zimmerman Juror to Tell All (7 replies)
  224. Bullet 'health' fears dry up ammo supplies (3 replies)
  225. Georgia Baby Dead: 13-Month-Old Antonio Shot By Young Boy In Front Of Mother, Sherry (0 replies)
  226. Dershowitz to Newsmax: 'Prosecutorial Tyrant' Violated Zimmerman's Rights (0 replies)
  227. WOW: Nancy Grace Says, “F**king Coon” on Live TV (10 replies)
  228. Zimmerman to Press on With NBC Defamation Case (4 replies)
  229. George Zimmerman to Get His Gun Back (5 replies)
  230. Here We Go: Alabama to Implement “Race-Based Standards” in Public Schools (13 replies)
  231. Barack Obama: Honor Trayvon Martin With More Gun Control (3 replies)
  232. Child Holds Vile Abortion Sign: “Jesus Isn’t A Dick, Keep Him Out Of My Vagina” (4 replies)
  233. MSNBC Airs Photo of Dead Trayvon Martin? (6 replies)
  234. Protesters of Zimmerman acquittal march in Calif. (0 replies)
  235. Breaking News Zimmerman is found not guilty--ABC Live Report (20 replies)
  236. Zimmerman found not guilty (75 replies)
  237. CNN Labels Zimmerman 'White Hispanic' (20 replies)
  238. Black Panther: ‘Praise Be To God’ If George Zimmerman Is Killed In Prison Read more (1 replies)
  239. Newspaper Attacking Law Abiding Citizens - Again (0 replies)
  240. President Obama returning to Martha’s Vineyard for August vacation (1 replies)
  241. Given we have the 2nd Amendment (50 replies)
  242. Look who's barbequing media over Paula Deen (7 replies)
  243. 'An innocent man might go to prison' (11 replies)
  244. What is the most important instrument in an airplane (23 replies)
  245. There is no Obamacare delay... (1 replies)
  246. Janet napolitano to resign as head of homeland security (2 replies)
  247. Spy vs. Spy: Feds now want reports from retailers (6 replies)
  248. Polls Indicate That Pro-Abortion People are Killing Themselves Off (8 replies)
  249. Race violence alarms, before Zimmerman verdict (12 replies)
  250. Jury can consider manslaughter charge in Zimmerman trial (30 replies)