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  1. NEA teachers dance to 'N'-word, sex lyrics (4 replies)
  2. Democrats Want To Build A Park On The Moon (12 replies)
  3. GRAPHIC VIDEO: Black Violence v. White Skyrockets; Media Dead Silent (0 replies)
  4. Post Office violated man's rights by banning gun from parking lot, judge rules (12 replies)
  5. Libyan official ties Morsi to Benghazi attack (0 replies)
  6. Gun Geo Marker app tries to locate homes, businesses of gun owners (0 replies)
  7. Docs: Justice Department facilitated anti-Zimmerman protests (3 replies)
  8. What if Holder decides to file Federal charges if Zimmerman is acquited? (8 replies)
  9. A hole in the portrait or the Great Lies of "Great Armenia" (32 replies)
  10. National Guard Begins Training to Disarm U.S. Citizens (22 replies)
  11. Teenagers poured gasoline on boy walking home from school and set him on fire: cops (3 replies)
  12. The NBPP says they wont be burning there communties but rather whiteys communities (15 replies)
  13. Alan Dershowitz: I Would Find Zimmerman 'Not Guilty' Read Latest Breaking News from (9 replies)
  14. Privacy Fears Regarding Background Checks (0 replies)
  15. Martin's gunshot wound indicated that he was likely on top of Zimmerman!!! (9 replies)
  16. It's a good time NOT to be a Federal worker! (1 replies)
  17. No Ammo!!!! (24 replies)
  18. Brooklyn man proves Mythbusters wrong... (14 replies)
  19. Bush: Obama acted ‘to protect the country (2 replies)
  20. "Suspious" looking lil white woman Sues Stop-n-Frisk NYNY (16 replies)
  21. Lawsuit: Police seize homes, arrest owners to investigate neighbor (0 replies)
  22. 777 crash at SFO somewhat analyzed by a Jet Airplane pilot (0 replies)
  23. White House Pays for Voter ID in Kenya While Opposing Same in US (2 replies)
  24. Not one to jump into conspiracy theories...... (18 replies)
  25. Illinois towns reject call to pass assault weapons bans (1 replies)
  26. fashion police? (3 replies)
  27. 'Gay' threats of violence turn into attack (71 replies)
  28. Obama’s Executive Ordered Study Report On Gun Violence Slaps Him In The Face (46 replies)
  29. Zimmerman --- got your gun? got plenty of ammo? (0 replies)
  30. Pro-Abortion Activists Call For The Rape of Legislators’ Daughters (4 replies)
  31. Trans-Caspian gas pipeline, or Third World War (8 replies)
  32. Could Zimmerman riots push Florida to number one? (2 replies)
  33. Obama's 2013 Air Force One bill $24 million --- $6.5 million for Africa alone (0 replies)
  34. Liberal ghouls pressure Ginsburg to retire (0 replies)
  35. Sanford, FL Bracing for Rodney King Type of Riots Pending Zimmerman Verdict Read mor (6 replies)
  36. Texas abortion supporters chant 'hail satan' (3 replies)
  37. Mug shots (8 replies)
  38. Morsi adviser says 'coup' underway, fears bloodshed (14 replies)
  39. POV: Lavar burton traffic stop put hands out window (13 replies)
  40. Israel - nest of international terrorism (54 replies)
  41. Obama delays major portion of Obamacare until AFTER 2014 mid-terms... (12 replies)
  42. BART and all other public transit agencies (76 replies)
  43. Egypt's president Morsi rejects military's ultimatum on political crisis Read more: (14 replies)
  44. The peace process, moratorium and other "Jewish things" (27 replies)
  45. ESPN Compilation of Soldiers Returning Home is a Tear Jerker (1 replies)
  46. Islamic Air Force Official Tortured His Teenage Daughter To Death Over “Honor Issue” (11 replies)
  47. Obama Backed Syrian Rebels Behead Catholic Priest Before Cheering Crowd Of Islamic (9 replies)
  48. Obama To Egyptian Christians: Stop Protesting Muslim Brotherhood (4 replies)
  49. Kaboom! Now black mobs kill 4th of July (4 replies)
  50. Cops go door-to-door in trayvon town (1 replies)
  51. "Turkish game" on "Grand Chessboard" (5 replies)
  52. I hope George Zimmerman has LifeLock (1 replies)
  53. Starnes: I Got Banned From Facebook (2 replies)
  54. Another gang rape in Egypt (21 replies)
  55. EDL leaders arrested for "obstruction" (4 replies)
  56. New White House Study Finds… Guns Save Lives! (3 replies)
  57. Lil’ Wayne Is a Flag Stomping Coward (1 replies)
  58. Bloomberg: If sparklers are legal, the terrorists will win (12 replies)
  59. Turkey - Tirk direction or it a terrible word - Pan-Turkism (25 replies)
  60. Yet another great day for the states star witness in the Zimmerman Trial (4 replies)
  61. Putin: Pot calling the kettle black (1 replies)
  62. Iran: Syrian crisis prelude to coming of Mahdi (3 replies)
  63. Gay man adopts partner to avoid tax penalties (4 replies)
  64. White America are you afraid yet? (27 replies)
  65. Star of "That 70's Show" Arrested for DUI (3 replies)
  66. Conn. governor revises history, legislates Wright Brothers out of first flight (2 replies)
  67. N.C. Commissioner Has No Regrets in Seeking ‘Non-White Male’ for Public Position (3 replies)
  68. Rep. Duckworth Deplores Witness for Claiming Veterans Disability (3 replies)
  69. After abortion setback, Texas GOP set to try again (9 replies)
  70. Texas woman set to be 500th execution in state (30 replies)
  71. Stalin phenomenon (38 replies)
  72. High Court invalidates Defense of Marriage Act (33 replies)
  73. Weiner thrusts into the lead (4 replies)
  74. Screw ObamaPhones, The New Immigration Bill has ObamaCars for Youth! Read more: http (0 replies)
  75. Boycott: Will you watch nfl football if it pimps obamacare? (10 replies)
  76. Prosecution witnesses back zimmerman (28 replies)
  77. Israel, and the simple truth (48 replies)
  78. Senate passage of immigration bill on track (20 replies)
  79. Supreme Court strikes down key part of Voting Rights Act (33 replies)
  80. Finally a star with a brain what a shocker (14 replies)
  81. Obama’s 100 Million Dollar Family Vacation… (6 replies)
  82. A Iraq combat vet talks about The safe act in NY (4 replies)
  83. Irish Official Rips into Obama's hypocrisy (2 replies)
  84. Former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to jail in prostitution case (2 replies)
  85. Who watched Nik Wallenda cross the canyon? (18 replies)
  86. Transgender 6-yr-old wins civil rights case to use girls' bathroom at Colorado school (12 replies)
  87. Nixon was a saint compared to Obama (18 replies)
  88. Trouble in a Sharia paradise... (0 replies)
  89. WikiLeaks: Snowden going to Ecuador to seek asylum (9 replies)
  90. Child-rape suspect: She 'seduced' me (6 replies)
  91. IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address (12 replies)
  92. Israel, - way to noneexistence (54 replies)
  93. Bloomberg’s Group Outrageously Honors the Boston Bomber (2 replies)
  94. Principal Remains on Job after Threatening to Blow Up Staff (7 replies)
  95. U.S. charges Snowden with espionage (51 replies)
  96. FBI can't have most wanted lists? (18 replies)
  97. Warning the is very Graphic not for the weak of heart (6 replies)
  98. Wedding Gift Sparks Epic Text Battle (13 replies)
  99. Can 40% reverse socialism in Brazil? (4 replies)
  100. Will anything come of this? (1 replies)
  101. All-women jury chosen for George Zimmerman's trial (6 replies)
  102. New Iranian President Tied to 1994 Bombing (3 replies)
  103. Nebraska Boy Scout group short on bullets gets windfall (0 replies)
  104. Freedom of Speech, alive and well in the UK (60 replies)
  105. Journalist who brought down U.S. general is killed in Los Angeles car crash (13 replies)
  106. Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan (27 replies)
  107. Obama bombs in Berlin: a weak, underwhelming address from a floundering president (10 replies)
  108. You Don’t Have the Right to Remain Silent (2 replies)
  109. Syria troops fight rebels near Shiite shrine (0 replies)
  110. Liberal College Students Sign Petition to Make Spying on Fox News Legal (0 replies)
  111. Professor Orders Students to Support Gay Rights (21 replies)
  112. "Turkish game" on "Grand Chessboard" (3 replies)
  113. Will California Let Boys Use Girls Locker Rooms? (30 replies)
  114. Yet more insanity (9 replies)
  115. Treason from the US Gov't (48 replies)
  116. More news on the religion of peace and love (3 replies)
  117. Teacher at Catholic school loses job over ex-husband's actions (48 replies)
  118. The Obama Family Trip to Africa to Cost $60 to $100 Million (2 replies)
  119. Outrage as high school recites Pledge in Arabic saying 'One Nation Under Allah' Read (33 replies)
  120. CBS probe finds computer of lead Benghazi reporter was hacked (1 replies)
  121. Flood Insurance bulletin (29 replies)
  122. War: USA Military Support for Syrian 'rebels' (8 replies)
  123. Texas Gov. Perry signs 'Merry Christmas' bill into law (1 replies)
  124. Hand grenades 'rare - but they're out there' (0 replies)
  125. RACISM: New Jersey City Bans Saggy Pants and Butt Cracks On Boardwalk (22 replies)
  126. How to get out of jury duty (48 replies)
  127. Veteren checks and the IRS (1 replies)
  128. SCOTUS Genetic Patent ruling (0 replies)
  129. Plan B (0 replies)
  130. Edward Snowden: US government has been hacking Hong Kong and China for years (19 replies)
  131. Australian Liberal National Party in Sexist attack on PM (1 replies)
  132. Global Warming Plateaued Last 15 Years Despite Rapid CO2 Rise (11 replies)
  133. WashPost Runs Front Page Story On Jury Selection In George Zimmerman Murder Trial (2 replies)
  134. Friends of Syrian Jihad.. (2 replies)
  135. What the fuss is about / Boundless Informant and Prism (2 replies)
  136. Arrested 396 times (7 replies)
  137. Majority Views NSA Phone Tracking as Acceptable Anti-terror Tactic (7 replies)
  138. There’s No Other Way to Say It: Islam S**ks (65 replies)
  139. Elementary school beginning toy gun turn-in program (15 replies)
  140. Judd Gregg on Spending (0 replies)
  141. The whistleblower of the NSA recordings (52 replies)
  142. Group of ******* in Australia claim that British soldier Lee Rigby deserved to die (40 replies)
  143. New E-1 Settlement Report (1 replies)
  144. What Government copyright office says is fair use (16 replies)
  145. Germans create lithium-ion EV batteries that could last for over 25 years (1 replies)
  146. Texas shows how its done........ (4 replies)
  147. Another Example of Liberals Never Being Happy Even When They Get What They Want (78 replies)
  148. Atheists Slam High School Valedictorian For "Inflicting" Prayer Upon Graduation Audie (48 replies)
  149. Speaking Of Education What's Wrong Here? (5 replies)
  150. Brazilian ad campaign seeks to increase tourism (8 replies)
  151. Democratic senator calls for Holder to resign (3 replies)
  152. Smirk on his face towards the end.... (15 replies)
  153. Piss poor planning... (3 replies)
  154. Limbaugh Boycott Collapsing (8 replies)
  155. Obama back, stinking up the bay Area again (0 replies)
  156. As we were saying... (1 replies)
  157. Paris Jackson suicide attempt (8 replies)
  158. June 06, 1816 (11 replies)
  159. Is this going too far (26 replies)
  160. San Joaquin Valley in California (7 replies)
  161. This is freedom...............This is Water... (4 replies)
  162. Wait for it..... (11 replies)
  163. Atheists Seek Removal of War Memorial Honoring Fallen U.S. Vets (13 replies)
  164. Louisiana homeowner fatlly shot by armed intruders.... (2 replies)
  165. UN Small Arms Treaty May Be Signed Under Cover Of Darkness Read more: http://freedom (2 replies)
  166. U.S. Embassy in Cairo warns tourists away from Giza Pyramids (10 replies)
  167. Knockout game (0 replies)
  168. Kindergartener interrogated over cap gun until he pees his pants, then suspended 10 d (1 replies)
  169. A Liberal finally notices the obvious about "gender equality" (14 replies)
  170. It get's dumber and dumber (3 replies)
  171. Muslim Prayer Coming to a School Near You (267 replies)
  172. Palestinian Mass Grave uncovered in Tel Aviv (118 replies)
  173. Four Houston firefighters die fighting blaze (1 replies)
  174. Kindergartener interrogated over cap gun until he pees his pants, suspended 10 days (7 replies)
  175. Just wondering what you guys think of this TV ad (34 replies)
  176. Happening Now: Tornados in Oklahoma City Area (13 replies)
  177. New York to Los Angeles in 45 minutes? (19 replies)
  178. The sky is falling (0 replies)
  179. The comments are better than the story (1 replies)
  180. California pit bull owner charged with murder in fatal mauling (16 replies)
  181. Obama to Muslims: Tell me what you want (4 replies)
  182. Obama To Spend $700 Million In US Tax Dollars For Russian Helicopters For Afghan Air (0 replies)
  183. Illegal Aliens Already Eligible for Retirement Programs (1 replies)
  184. The Chicago Way (2 replies)
  185. Houston's unemployment rate falls below 6% (1 replies)
  186. Labor big a real heavy sleeper (7 replies)
  187. No Incentives To "The Sky Is Falling?" (0 replies)
  188. I love this....a student pointing out the obvious that most are not seeing..... (4 replies)
  189. High School Teacher Faces Discipline for Informing Students About Their Rights (7 replies)
  190. Adam Kokesh surprised no one here has posted anything about this guy yet..... (8 replies)
  191. Worker suspended for wearing poppy to honor soldier (40 replies)
  192. Australia: Mass Murderer kills 11 in Arson Attack (21 replies)
  193. Britain -Police Arrest Twitter And Facebook Users If They Make Anti-Muslim Statements (36 replies)
  194. What is a "racist look"? (12 replies)
  195. Last living man born in the 1800s (1 replies)
  196. I just cant figure out the Liberal mind set (16 replies)
  197. Pakistani Lesbians in UK Claim Asylum (11 replies)
  198. Teacher Fired for Praying During Oklahoma Tornado (17 replies)
  199. Port Authority releases photo of One WTC workers at dizzying heights (21 replies)
  200. Axelrod Blames Republicans for Washington Bridge Collapse (3 replies)
  201. Obama appoints Holder to investigate Holder (8 replies)
  202. Obama's want to be son isn't so squeaky clean (3 replies)
  203. Vegan, Vegetarian? Bottom Line The Child Starved To Death (19 replies)
  204. 3 views of having a bad day (2 replies)
  205. New York sheriffs voice opposition to strict gun law, seek to join lawsuit (1 replies)
  206. Bridge over Seattle area river collapses; cars in water (6 replies)
  207. In Stockholm: Shades Of France (8 replies)
  208. Savage Terrorist Attack in SE London (65 replies)
  209. A new low for NYC? (1 replies)
  210. No good deed goes unpunished (1 replies)
  211. Statutory Rape Laws (26 replies)
  212. How the Obama Gun Boom Pushed the Fortune of Two Brothers to $1.2 Billion (2 replies)
  213. Tsarnaev friend killed in Orlando by FBI (26 replies)
  214. Berezovsky 2.0 (6 replies)
  215. Sen. Boxer blames tornadoes on global warming (21 replies)
  216. MSNBC's Ratings Fall to Seven Year Lows - Fox News Rises (3 replies)
  217. Texas judge says lesbian couple can't cohabitate (64 replies)
  218. My dream car has been sold - Eleanor (10 replies)
  219. LAPD officer accused of lewd acts on two girls due in court (25 replies)
  220. Okla. tornado survivor finds dog buried alive under rubble (1 replies)
  221. The Umbrella Platoon (0 replies)
  222. NYPD to up presence after bias killing of gay man (1 replies)
  223. OK 37 Killed and That Toll Will Likely Rise (3 replies)
  224. I Read this Story and a Little Bit of Awesome Leaked Out... (1 replies)
  225. Huge tornado hits Oklahoma City suburb (11 replies)
  226. Obama going after Fox News (22 replies)
  227. The Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and Criminal Justice in the US (73 replies)
  228. French Households Taxed More Than 100% (4 replies)
  229. Blacks Have a Criminal Mentality (275 replies)
  230. 2nd Amendment Activist James Kaleda Ejected from Gun Control Hearing (5 replies)
  231. New Orleans shooters captured (8 replies)
  232. Idaho man charged in Uzbekistan terrorism plot (0 replies)
  233. Another police/rights video (254 replies)
  234. Middle East Employers & Slave Filipinos (5 replies)
  235. Very sad day (7 replies)
  236. Scandals.....smh = (shaking my head) (2 replies)
  237. Boston bombing suspect wrote message in boat (3 replies)
  238. Too Soon To Post In 'War On Terror" Thread? (7 replies)
  239. Obama ousts IRS chief -- who was planning to resign anyway (1 replies)
  240. Reporter claims IRS harassment after tough Obama interview (3 replies)
  241. Video attacks Abercrombie & Fitch (28 replies)
  242. al-Qaeda black flag flys over Syrian city... (23 replies)
  243. Politico: “D.C. Turns On Obama”… (1 replies)
  244. New Hampshire city sues Robin Hood, Merry Men over feeding parking meters (3 replies)
  245. Limbaugh: “I live rent-free” in President Obama’s head (5 replies)
  246. US Shale Shirfts Global Power Balance (4 replies)
  247. Immigrant custodial workers sue bosses for not instructing them in Spanish (4 replies)
  248. Obama admin.gives wind farms a pass on eagle deaths, prosecutes oil companies (5 replies)
  249. Muslim Cleric Condemns Dead SEAL Team VI Warriors (3 replies)
  250. More Scandals (2 replies)