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  1. Teen afraid to leave house after being portrayed as Boston terrorist (0 replies)
  2. Impeach Obama threat (1 replies)
  3. April 24 coming up for Californians (0 replies)
  4. FL college instructor fired after handing out voter pledge cards w/image of Obama (4 replies)
  5. 4 UK men jailed for toy-car terror plot (9 replies)
  6. Maybe half barge into the USA (0 replies)
  7. Brittney Griner coming out is no big deal, and that's a big deal (9 replies)
  8. Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World (27 replies)
  9. "Ching Chong Lee" is worth a cool $$$ million! (1 replies)
  10. Mississippi entertainer charged in ricin scare (17 replies)
  11. Our National Anthem at Boston Bruins game (6 replies)
  12. 7 Gun Control Facts That Are Actually Myths (4 replies)
  13. Misspelled "HONORED" in this lying propaganda.. IT'S NOT SPELLED "B-E-T-R-A-Y-E-D" (3 replies)
  14. Persons of Interest in Boston.. Pics released (0 replies)
  15. We should Ban Pressure Cookers; and Marathon Bombing Discussion (48 replies)
  16. What the Boston Marathon terrorists really don't get... (15 replies)
  17. Explosion At TX Fertilizer Plant (6 replies)
  18. Wife of ex-judge confesses in Texas DA slayings (2 replies)
  19. 'Let’s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' (21 replies)
  20. Letter to Obama containing suspicious substance intercepted by Secret Service (0 replies)
  21. Actor blames Boston attack on gun culture: ’2nd amendment must go’ (9 replies)
  22. Egyptian Cleric: Boston Bombing Was Meant to Deliver a Message (1 replies)
  23. "Help"judicial style: More charges, increased bond (0 replies)
  24. The Banality of Bias (2 replies)
  25. Professor Arrested for Profane Rant at Pro-Life Students (1 replies)
  26. Al Qaeda published bomb instructions (type used at Boston) (5 replies)
  27. Main media wants no part of this Kermit story (0 replies)
  28. Obama recycles same lying talking points about Boston attack as he did Benghazi !! (2 replies)
  29. UN begs for help to secure muslim radicals win in Syria! (3 replies)
  30. Nation's biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare (2 replies)
  31. This shows how ignorant some are about the 2nd amendment (2 replies)
  32. How we deal with armed robbers Down Under (28 replies)
  33. Bud and Lou on Private and Public Sector Unions (0 replies)
  34. Columnist disliked Margaret Thatcher... (13 replies)
  35. Jordan extremist praises Boston bombing (63 replies)
  36. 101 years ago today (1 replies)
  37. Multiple casualties reported after two explosions at Boston Marathon (85 replies)
  38. Michigan judge holds self in contemp.. after his smartphone disrupts hearing (2 replies)
  39. Chavez mini-me squeaks by amidst fraud allegations (0 replies)
  40. Florida Police Officer Fired for Bringing Trayvon Martin Targets to Shooting Practice (2 replies)
  41. Dear Gun Mfrs – Come to Maine (3 replies)
  42. Saw this today (11 replies)
  43. What Justin Bieber wrote in the Guestbook at Anne Frank House (0 replies)
  44. Who thinks this teacher was treated properly? (5 replies)
  45. Kerry says U.S. ready to 'reach out' to North Korea (5 replies)
  46. Fun games for North Korea (15 replies)
  47. Gold tumbles ... what does it mean? (23 replies)
  48. If you lose your job in a low benefit state (5 replies)
  49. Sprawling New NSA Data Center Has Critics Asking: Whose Data? (2 replies)
  50. RIP Jonathan Winters (2 replies)
  51. Illegal Will Not Stand Trial For Second Degree Murder (0 replies)
  52. and again the schools are crossing a line (2 replies)
  53. Professor Tells Students Republicans are Stupid and Racist (7 replies)
  54. What is the difference in this government vs communist government? (3 replies)
  55. Sometimes, rouge cops get what they deserve. (6 replies)
  56. Yeah, that NYC soda ban would probably backfire (9 replies)
  57. Tailfins, please translate this news story (10 replies)
  58. Alison Redford of Alberta on Keystone (0 replies)
  59. Huh? They're Only 'Fetuses' (1 replies)
  60. Teenager commits suicide after photograph of her 'being gang-raped' goes viral (49 replies)
  61. Gun bill clears Senate hurdle as filibuster falls short (2 replies)
  62. I hope this guy can stay out of incarceration (8 replies)
  63. Milton On Thatcher (0 replies)
  64. Example story for Robert - Manchester police investigate string of BB gun shootings (0 replies)
  65. Firefighters Held Hostage Outside of Atlanta (0 replies)
  66. School: Americans Don’t Have Right to Bear Arms (42 replies)
  67. Most on D.C. welfare don’t look for work (1 replies)
  68. What a NUT (3 replies)
  69. Homeless burrow holes to prevent police harrassment turns out to be temporary fix (3 replies)
  70. Insulting the emir in Kuwait might cost you $1 million (1 replies)
  71. Sequester - therefore no White House tours... (3 replies)
  72. Why Thatcher Wouldn’t Succeed in Our ‘Lean In’ Culture (3 replies)
  73. Make a porno to look back on? WTF? (1 replies)
  74. Law Enforcement Officials Overwhelmingly Against More Gun Control (3 replies)
  75. Abortion Worker - Babies Sounded Like A Little Alien (58 replies)
  76. Is Michael Jordan rich (0 replies)
  77. The Racists Are Out to Get Beyonce and Jay-Z (7 replies)
  78. Arkansas Senate passes unemployment drug testing bill (10 replies)
  79. Dad Locked Out of Daughter’s Swim Practice to Accommodate Muslim Sensibilities (79 replies)
  80. Army Reserve training material: Evangelicals, Catholics are extremist groups (79 replies)
  81. Falkland Islanders mourn Thatcher as their liberator (2 replies)
  82. RIP Margaret Thatcher (77 replies)
  83. (Whew) that's ONE way to cut lazy fed employees - Diplomat killed (3 replies)
  84. No wonder India cannot move forward (0 replies)
  85. 15 Year Old Girl Leaves Anti-Gun Politicians Speechless (4 replies)
  86. Obama backs down after China warns.. (4 replies)
  87. Fracking is GOOD, not bad (2 replies)
  88. Won't let me date your 13 yr old daughter? Bang, you're dead (36 replies)
  89. Rising number of divorces blamed on wives' drinking (8 replies)
  90. Do you feel lucky today? (0 replies)
  91. It was predicted the Feds would take the guns / close gun stores (12 replies)
  92. Judge orders morning-after pill available without prescription (99 replies)
  93. Bullseye from 1,000 yards (1 replies)
  94. Why US Cities Are Failing, but Austin Might Not. (5 replies)
  95. The Korean thing, explained in pictures (2 replies)
  96. Topics (1 replies)
  97. HOA and rights of owners (4 replies)
  98. Most of us use gasoline (3 replies)
  99. Spokane Grandmother Of 10 Holds Burglar At Gunpoint At Her Home (0 replies)
  100. Road Rage (8 replies)
  101. Man - or woman? (2 replies)
  102. Obama administration pushes banks to make loans to people with low credit scores (11 replies)
  103. North Korea approves merciless nuke attack on USA (3 replies)
  104. Help me save my TARDIS from my HOA!!! (107 replies)
  105. Jesus Portrait Taken Down In Ohio Middle School (38 replies)
  106. Today is Autism Awareness Day (15 replies)
  107. Does "gay" mean act like opposite sex? (35 replies)
  108. 5 of 10 Top Economies in the World Drop the $ (4 replies)
  109. Saudi Arabia Declares Destruction of All Churches in Region (13 replies)
  110. UN goes for the guns (9 replies)
  111. Six arrested in bribery probe of New York mayoral race (6 replies)
  112. Ga. city council votes to require GUN OWNERSHIP. (5 replies)
  113. Time to ban Wal-Mart? (18 replies)
  114. Jim Carrey slams Fox as "Media Colostomy Bag" (7 replies)
  115. Frig, now this will get the Democrats chattering class shooting their mouth off (2 replies)
  116. AIG and the economy by the real expert (2 replies)
  117. Love this one (6 replies)
  118. The Myth of Global Warming Coninues (0 replies)
  119. Bank of Cyprus big savers to lose up to 60 percent (0 replies)
  120. What a way to go out (6 replies)
  121. The Unification starts , just as I said it would under obama's agenda. (0 replies)
  122. Today on BBC (25 replies)
  123. Choosing The Wrong Target (1 replies)
  124. Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion (8 replies)
  125. This link was on the front page of a very popular browser (128 replies)
  126. Gay marriage and it's affects on Churches (26 replies)
  127. Supreme Court appears likely to strike down DOMA (30 replies)
  128. Christie calls for investigation of NJ agency's response to boy-with-gun photo (0 replies)
  129. Talking about school vouchers (17 replies)
  130. Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians (9 replies)
  131. Democrats join push to dump Obamacare tax (2 replies)
  132. Skipping an Abortionist's 'House of Horrors' (0 replies)
  133. School Bans the Word ‘Easter’ (13 replies)
  134. And you wonder why they are fighting? (64 replies)
  135. Gay marriage -- the constitutional debate (24 replies)
  136. Money; Inflation and debt (16 replies)
  137. High Court Wades Into Race Debate (2 replies)
  138. Street gangs vs. Islamic terrorists (36 replies)
  139. The Dream of a World Without Oil (28 replies)
  140. Teacher To Be Fired For Abortion Views (12 replies)
  141. Obama Spoke in the Shadow of a Huge Yasser Arafat Banner (5 replies)
  142. Joe Weider, titan of body building died at 93!!! (4 replies)
  143. Health care gone terribly wrong (0 replies)
  144. This girl is sure a stalwart. Such a story (1 replies)
  145. Had anyone noticed when Obama turned his back to Iraq? (2 replies)
  146. Are these FAIR sentences? (12 replies)
  147. Twinkie the Kid - a real spring story (2 replies)
  148. Think Our Immigration Policy is Nuts? (5 replies)
  149. Wide range of potential outcomes on gay marriage (82 replies)
  150. IRS Star Trek Video (0 replies)
  151. local news all done locally? (0 replies)
  152. Obama Compared the Palestinians to Canada? (20 replies)
  153. Copper wire thefts (16 replies)
  154. Obama campaign arm retweets Yoko Ono photo of Lennon's bloody glasses (2 replies)
  155. A Woman's Scron (0 replies)
  156. James Holmes, Muslim Now Really? (22 replies)
  157. Denied Saudi request , murdered soon afterward. (1 replies)
  158. Crooked judge (2 replies)
  159. Idiot idiots (10 replies)
  160. Idiot military (8 replies)
  161. More bad cops (3 replies)
  162. Police Brutality - cops hold down a already-restrained guy, while one beats him (4 replies)
  163. Idiot Civilians (11 replies)
  164. News from the Education Front (6 replies)
  165. California: How about a retroactive tax grab, plus interest? (0 replies)
  166. Teacher's Union Lost 70,000 Members Last Year (6 replies)
  167. The Cheney liars are up to their old tricks (2 replies)
  168. Let's talk about a REAL hero (7 replies)
  169. Bay of Dead Pigs (2 replies)
  170. Homophobic Expressions Are Now Reason For Prosecution In Mexico (2 replies)
  171. Pakistan girl shot in the head attends school. (1 replies)
  172. Changing times allow Brazilian women to assert themselves (0 replies)
  173. New Commercial Features Illegal Aliens Asking For ‘Affordable Healthcare’ (4 replies)
  174. Cheney marks 10 years pretending there was a reason to invade Iraq (22 replies)
  175. Pew Study: MSNBC is a Left-Wing Opinion-Mill, Fox News Far More Balanced in Reportage (18 replies)
  176. Obama Finally Goes to Israel (12 replies)
  177. Mass. politician teams up with unions for TSA to be stricter with passengers (3 replies)
  178. Idiot Cops (71 replies)
  179. Two teens found guilty in Steubenville rape case (18 replies)
  180. Electric Cars Are Not Very Green (93 replies)
  181. Cyprus bank deposits are no longer secure. Watch the Euro run on banks. (5 replies)
  182. 9-year-old charged in McDonald's armed robbery also arrested in carjacking (9 replies)
  183. The Insurer (and gov't? ) Knows You Just Stocked Up on Ice Cream and Beer (0 replies)
  184. The US Choosing Not To Lead (1 replies)
  185. FBI phone snooping tactic ruled unconstitutional (3 replies)
  186. Michael Moore is a sick $#@%! (10 replies)
  187. US deploying new missiles near NK (10 replies)
  188. Paddle faster, I hear banjos (37 replies)
  189. Woman on death row in Arizona may go free (2 replies)
  190. Egypt warns giving women some rights could destroy society (3 replies)
  191. Property Tax Rates by State. Find Out Where You Rank. (7 replies)
  192. Sequester for Portugal, or North Korea? (4 replies)
  193. Moonshiner Steven Ray Tickle arrested (8 replies)
  194. Venezuela waited too long to embalm Chavez? (5 replies)
  195. Don't take pictures of Joe Biden! (7 replies)
  196. Manhattan mother jumps eight stories to her death with her infant son strapped to her (9 replies)
  197. Illinois scientists find rare coin in Kenya (3 replies)
  198. They've Chosen A Pope (37 replies)
  199. Joe Lozito (0 replies)
  200. 50. Cal can shoot down planes! (40 replies)
  201. Major hacking published (2 replies)
  202. Should she have gotten a ticket? (53 replies)
  203. You consoled a woman with a hug?! (7 replies)
  204. This is Obama and his buddy's Chicago! (2 replies)
  205. Germany/Obama trying to kick out christian family. (2 replies)
  206. Korean War Is On, Again (13 replies)
  207. Judge Throws Out 'Soda Law' In NYC (16 replies)
  208. Prime Witness In Trayvon Martin Case Lied (6 replies)
  209. Lawmakers eye new taxes on guns, ammo in latest wave of legislation (0 replies)
  210. Feel Good Story of the day!! Love this; Positive energy abounds (1 replies)
  211. About #%&* Time! (2 replies)
  212. U.S. Gun Makers Refusing Sales To Gov't In 'Firearms Equality Movement' Triples (1 replies)
  213. Protesters burn Christian homes in Pakistan (6 replies)
  214. George Will Sums Up The School Insanity (9 replies)
  215. Jobs coming to life? (4 replies)
  216. First Pop Tarts, now Cupcakes! (7 replies)
  217. Sean Penn went to the Chavez funeral in Venezuela (6 replies)
  218. Lena Dunham is a pig (19 replies)
  219. 'Hugo Chavez’s Body To Be Permanently Displayed' (10 replies)
  220. Cook Co. to begin posting photos of unclaimed bodies online (8 replies)
  221. Man in Court for Laughing Too Loud (4 replies)
  222. Florida bill would require anger management courses for bullet buyers (3 replies)
  223. Jafar Silent on Cyprus Question (15 replies)
  224. N Korea threatens US with nuclear attack (21 replies)
  225. TSA relaxes rules (1 replies)
  226. Why didn't Dubya protect our citizens better? (35 replies)
  227. 10 years in Iraq: too much money for too few results (4 replies)
  228. Cost of out-of-wedlock births (18 replies)
  229. Syria warplanes bombs city. (4 replies)
  230. Perhaps a pal of Taft????? (117 replies)
  231. El Dictador Esta Muerto! (15 replies)
  232. Dang outsourcing... (19 replies)
  233. Detroit Area School - on Lockdown because officials are boobs. (6 replies)
  234. 20% paycut (9 replies)
  235. Guns DO kill people... (16 replies)
  236. Hahahahahaha (8 replies)
  237. Student Loan Debts 2nd Only To Mortgage Debt (1 replies)
  238. She followed procedure and watched someone die (75 replies)
  239. I don't want to scare you ...Obama ... but (6 replies)
  240. She got rich, had problems, sold pills and now NYC is putting her in prison (6 replies)
  241. If you eat, you need to read this (2 replies)
  242. Speaking of budget deficits (59 replies)
  243. Study: Women gain weight after less housework (0 replies)
  244. Child (7 years old!) suspended for gun! (39 replies)
  245. Little bit more about Bob Woodward's claims (0 replies)
  246. Toys get sex change (24 replies)
  247. Oh lordy (5 replies)
  248. won't notice right away.... (9 replies)
  249. Especially for women, is communism good for Latin America? (8 replies)
  250. American Student Punished for Refusing to Recite Mexican Pledge of Allegiance (16 replies)