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  1. Outstanding site about guns world wide GET the FACTS (14 replies)
  2. Beating a dead horse (3 replies)
  3. Obama meddling in UK politics (25 replies)
  4. 1 student shot at high school in Taft, Calif. (13 replies)
  5. Wyoming Lawmakers Propose ‘Gun Protection’ Legislation (113 replies)
  6. Welfare mom with 15 kids wants someone to pay for them (5 replies)
  7. The coming population implosion (6 replies)
  8. Walmart limiting ammunition sales... again. (2 replies)
  9. Who else has been appalled by this case? (4 replies)
  10. I Will Try Red Robin Again, In The Near Future (9 replies)
  11. Man behind ‘Deport Piers Morgan’ petition has meltdown on Morgan’s show (28 replies)
  12. City votes to "solve" problem that does not exist (142 replies)
  13. Is Global Warming a Myth? (40 replies)
  14. Scooter Scam? (11 replies)
  15. ASPCA Settles With Ringling Bros: $9.3 M (3 replies)
  16. Guess this lady understands gun control (5 replies)
  17. Self-Esteem, Self-Cofidence, Self-Respect (1 replies)
  18. A Calendar Appealing To 'Big Bang Theory' Fans (3 replies)
  19. Advice: Leave The Duty-Free Liquor In Luggage (2 replies)
  20. "Formal Fridays?" (7 replies)
  21. Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran? (5 replies)
  22. Holy crappo (7 replies)
  23. Connecticut town collecting violent video games to destroy (23 replies)
  24. Marine Writes Letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (2 replies)
  25. Great News: Those Lightbulbs That Are Government Approved? (0 replies)
  26. What is an "assault weapon"? (43 replies)
  27. A Top Environmentalist Apologizes For Past (0 replies)
  28. Anonymous Threatens to Expose Rapists in Steubenville Rape Cover-Up (110 replies)
  29. This is what happens in socialist society!!! (12 replies)
  30. A Remarkable Story Of One Little Girl (1 replies)
  31. Be very careful in donating sperm (63 replies)
  32. Someone's getting fired over this... (2 replies)
  33. Thomas Sowell's thoughts (2 replies)
  34. Cop fired for allegedly falsifying dozens of DUI arrests (5 replies)
  35. Denny's Manager: Customer saw gun - you must leave the restaurant (to COPS) (27 replies)
  36. Off to my sons school (25 replies)
  37. Common Core Standards include Executive Orders? (1 replies)
  38. Al Gore Sells His Cable TV Channel to Al-Jazeera (42 replies)
  39. For those who like flying (1 replies)
  40. Ice and Being Stupid (6 replies)
  41. Fiscal responsibility vs. Sandy aid (28 replies)
  42. It's a F#^!-ing parking space, for God sakes! (28 replies)
  43. John Boehner Reportedly Drops F-Bomb at White House (24 replies)
  44. Muslim Brotherhood Official Says Israel Will Be Wiped Out Within 10 Years (16 replies)
  45. Michael Moore’s New Year’s Resolution: "Stop Saying, 'I Support the Troops.' I Don't" (25 replies)
  46. Higher Education: An Obituary? (16 replies)
  47. Disarm All Americans - Feinstein's and China's goal (1 replies)
  48. "Great white" is gobbled by an EVEN BIGGER shark as it's hauled into fisherman's boat (14 replies)
  49. Bronx woman scams off of Newtown tragedy (2 replies)
  50. Looks Like Other Teachers Are Responding Proactively (3 replies)
  51. First, we kill all the lawyers... (0 replies)
  52. Well Gabby... preview of what's to come for anyone over 60 iin your family... (34 replies)
  53. Latin Americans rank as happiest people on planet (21 replies)
  54. In Obama's native Kenya hospital imprisons new mothers with no money (3 replies)
  55. Retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf dies at 78 (0 replies)
  56. Duplicate post (1 replies)
  57. Two men killed by shoving onto tracks (15 replies)
  58. Looks like Gen. Schwartzkopf is going to room temperature state (74 replies)
  59. Let's Jump Off the Fiscal Cliff! (36 replies)
  60. George H.W. Bush in "guarded condition" (3 replies)
  61. Fathers disappear from households across America (106 replies)
  62. Halloween decorations carry haunting message of forced labor (10 replies)
  63. A 'dad' is tenth most popular Christmas list request for children (1 replies)
  64. NY newspaper publishes gun owners names and addresses! (27 replies)
  65. Australia and guns (18 replies)
  66. He should NEVER have run (30 replies)
  67. Human Rights Watch says Gaza militants violated laws of war (44 replies)
  68. He hosts wounded warriors at his ranch (9 replies)
  69. Should We Really Support This Man? (4 replies)
  70. One important warning sign of our nation's future..... (15 replies)
  71. Debunking Some Popular Media Myths on Guns (3 replies)
  72. Jon Hammar is being released today (4 replies)
  73. NRA wants armed security at schools (112 replies)
  74. Apples and Oranges (5 replies)
  75. NYT Offers Excuses For Islamic Killer of Jewish Children (2 replies)
  76. December 21, 2012 (7 replies)
  77. TIME'S Person of the Year (8 replies)
  78. Police to stop anybody and everybody for just walking even.. (37 replies)
  79. Gen X and Y Buying Into American Dream? (19 replies)
  80. Adam Lanza: the medicalisation of evil (1 replies)
  81. New favorite hobby! (5 replies)
  82. Hello Goiters: No Salt On The Table (16 replies)
  83. Holy donald duck (3 replies)
  84. Why I have serious doubts about living in the South (6 replies)
  85. Darrell Scott's Columbine Testimony (0 replies)
  86. American pastor imprisoned without notice of charges while visiting family in Iran (11 replies)
  87. How to help those in Connecticut (1 replies)
  88. Mass school bombing in 1927 (10 replies)
  89. TX school bans confederate flag as offensive (0 replies)
  90. Gay Marine Proposes at White House (4 replies)
  91. New, boy friendly Easy Bake oven!! (68 replies)
  92. Beware the baby bust generation (4 replies)
  93. Let's have that conversation on Guns, okay? (27 replies)
  94. Caring For The Least of My Brothers (3 replies)
  95. Sen. Daniel Inouye passed away (11 replies)
  96. Plano TX Cop Gives Ticket and $100 (0 replies)
  97. O'yes, this is about grabbing our guns.. (22 replies)
  98. Only females killed in Newtown? (11 replies)
  99. Morgan Freeman's take on the shootings (7 replies)
  100. Newtown shooter's mom was a gun nut (25 replies)
  101. Tomorrow Will Be A Weird Day At School (4 replies)
  102. Let's see what the gun nuts are up to today... (12 replies)
  103. A Bit Of Poetry On The Little Shooting Victims (0 replies)
  104. Gun control testimony (3 replies)
  105. "I Am Adam Lanza's Mother" (8 replies)
  106. List of CT victims (0 replies)
  107. Don updated me about Afghanistan (2 replies)
  108. Teaching kids about death (15 replies)
  109. Putting two and two together about Taylor Swift (44 replies)
  110. I hope I speak for all of us, today our hearts are broken (11 replies)
  111. ANOTHER school massacre (178 replies)
  112. Cutting Bonuses, Not Laying Off Workers (17 replies)
  113. Rice out! (7 replies)
  114. Google Catching Hell (0 replies)
  115. minority tipping point (16 replies)
  116. Marine in Mexican jail over antique gun (2 replies)
  117. Jerry Brown, Josh Brent and the Cowboys (2 replies)
  118. Lee has choice words for Tarantino (1 replies)
  119. Antivirus out of jail (1 replies)
  120. Ravi Shankar dead at 92 (1 replies)
  121. Obama says U.S. recognises Syrian opposition coalition!!! (14 replies)
  122. Oregon Mall Shooting (3 replies)
  123. Afghanistan: Girl Beheaded Police Repond (4 replies)
  124. Asian Tigers maul Obama (41 replies)
  125. Rare valuable Nazi rifle found in CT (26 replies)
  126. Why, that's not terrorism at all (10 replies)
  127. 12 12 12 concert (1 replies)
  128. Detroit 8th graders (12 replies)
  129. *NSFW* Syrian rebels are out of control (0 replies)
  130. US sending 20 more F-16s to Egypt, despite turmoil in Cairo (6 replies)
  131. Tennis player racist? (9 replies)
  132. The Graying Parents Of Babies (0 replies)
  133. How Cool To Be Egypt, Under Obama (1 replies)
  134. Rocky Mountain "high" (1 replies)
  135. And that my friends is what happens when you think it's ok to steal from someone... (4 replies)
  136. Save Drakes Bay Oyster company (0 replies)
  137. Judge finds NC ‘Choose Life’ plates unconstitutional (15 replies)
  138. Another Obamacare Horror Story From the UK (1 replies)
  139. Philippines (1 replies)
  140. Fmed astronomer dies, Sir Patrick Moore (1 replies)
  141. Battle over inflatable Santa Claus and Another Episode of the War on Christmas (6 replies)
  142. How did the Mayans know US going over cliff? (18 replies)
  143. Newsweek Lays Off Dozens, Just in Time for Christmas (0 replies)
  144. The nurse in the UK who was duped, is now dead (11 replies)
  145. Hamas leader vows never to recognize Israel (46 replies)
  146. Oh, he will win his election. (1 replies)
  147. Homosexual marriage -- Breaking news (3 replies)
  148. Zimmerman Suing (7 replies)
  149. Homosexuals don't go to jail for this (34 replies)
  150. The best places to be born in 2013 (7 replies)
  151. Two Anti-Morsi Protesters Beaten to Death by Brotherhood (3 replies)
  152. Lawsuit threat cancels Christmas concert (1 replies)
  153. Church Calls Off ‘Charlie Brown’ Christmas Show Amid Controversy (17 replies)
  154. School Volunteer Threatened to ‘Smuggle in a Gun and Kill’ Gov. Nikki Haley (3 replies)
  155. Syria loads chemical weapons into bombs for use!!! (19 replies)
  156. Britain's Immigration Collapse, what they want here in USA. (1 replies)
  157. The "Arts" In Schools (13 replies)
  158. First grader forced to remove 'God' from poem (41 replies)
  159. Too pooped to shop? Now shop while you poop... 16% of us do (3 replies)
  160. Cop defends free Speech in Airport, thank God (1 replies)
  161. Arrested 4 firing warning shots near gang of 20+ (8 replies)
  162. Jihad for Julia (6 replies)
  163. Sign of the times ---- Pa. man robbed of his chicken-salad sandwich (9 replies)
  164. Sounds Like anthor Liberal Fix, And The Goverment Will Love It (33 replies)
  165. A gun control halftime Rant (9 replies)
  166. "Freedom or we die" (4 replies)
  167. Cops to Congress: We need logs of Americans' text messages (2 replies)
  168. Bank robbery suspect boasts on YouTube before arrest (2 replies)
  169. This Man Knows How To Put On A Light Show (6 replies)
  170. Tune In To Watch Football - Get a Lecture on Gun Control (13 replies)
  171. Whitehouse Boy Blunder warns Syria not to use those imaginary(wmds) chemical weapons! (8 replies)
  172. Benghazi seems to not be in the news much anymore... neither does Fast & Furious... (3 replies)
  173. Egypt's Courts On Strike (1 replies)
  174. Muslim Brotherhood 'paying gangs to go out and rape women and beat men (10 replies)
  175. Woe is Petraeus (8 replies)
  176. For Bob (1 replies)
  177. Angry New Yorkers say Obama pledge to cut red tape ignored by FEMA (10 replies)
  178. Get This, A Shine Story With An Illustration of Anti-Obamacare (13 replies)
  179. Celebrate? West Point's Chapel Has First (102 replies)
  180. Is College Worth It? (34 replies)
  181. Egyptians warns USA a Morsi ruled Egypt no friend to US. (83 replies)
  182. Fast Food workers demand higher wages (127 replies)
  183. Chinese AIDS Patients Fight Hospital Rejections (0 replies)
  184. Sick & Disabled Babies Are Put on ‘Death Pathways' (7 replies)
  185. Congrats Gabby! Study: CA Worst-Governed State in America (4 replies)
  186. Charlie Brown Violates U.S. Constitution? (8 replies)
  187. Up and Over The Cliff (2 replies)
  188. Gun sales see record Black Friday... (1 replies)
  189. A Very Good NYPD Cop (17 replies)
  190. well Folks...They Caved.... (49 replies)
  191. The Governing Class and the Decline of America (4 replies)
  192. When Teaching Crosses With Economy (0 replies)
  193. PM: The 11 Most Important Guns (28 replies)
  194. Higher Education Under Change? (1 replies)
  195. Still hunting for her (1 replies)
  196. Crime Stats: ppl more likely to be killed by hands and feet than by 'Assualt Rifle' (1 replies)
  197. Backyard Chickens? (16 replies)
  198. Signs of global warming (3 replies)
  199. Notice where austerity tax increases hit (3 replies)
  200. Star Calls Show ‘Filth,’ Begs People to Stop Watching (25 replies)
  201. Lindsey Stone loses her job (1 replies)
  202. Mexican Beauty Winner Traveling With Cartel Dead (2 replies)
  203. Men becoming children (2 replies)
  204. War on men (40 replies)
  205. Drudge Report (7 replies)
  206. Sexism In Education (0 replies)
  207. 'Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama' (1 replies)
  208. PRAVDA Calls Obama Supporters "Illiterate & Ignorant" (29 replies)
  209. UN Trying Once Again To Control Internet (18 replies)
  210. Choose Your Partners Carefully (5 replies)
  211. Hoping the Kids and Grandkids Will Bail Us Out of Debt? (8 replies)
  212. Food Stamp , free, free, free at last!!!! (0 replies)
  213. A Physician’s New Reality: Patients Ask Me to Break the Law (1 replies)
  214. Children removed from UK couple because of thier political stand on leaving the EU (0 replies)
  215. Since we have a few Daily Mail readers on the forum... (6 replies)
  216. The Red Cross (3 replies)
  217. NYC storm victims homes looted for Thanksgiving (1 replies)
  218. Turkey admits to skirting Iran sanctions (4 replies)
  219. Larry Hagman dead at 81 (12 replies)
  220. 13 Year Old Creates App To Give More TIme For Sheltering (0 replies)
  221. WTF? Charles County family finds dead baby in attic (0 replies)
  222. Small Business Saturday (3 replies)
  223. Destroyed roller coaster could be Jersey Shore tourist attraction (2 replies)
  224. Black Friday craziness! (3 replies)
  225. Violence in Egypt as Morsi gives himself unlimited power! (11 replies)
  226. Another example of an armed society causing a polite society (1 replies)
  227. I was basically (25 replies)
  228. Omg seriously !!! (4 replies)
  229. Cameras Inside Mannequins Spying on Shoppers (0 replies)
  230. Obama refuses to give back Baghram prison (0 replies)
  231. Judge denies bid for Nativity displays in Santa Monica (2 replies)
  232. Flying Camera From Animal Rights Group Shot Down at Pigeon Shoot (15 replies)
  233. USA and Mexico to sign water deal, money transfer scheme.. (6 replies)
  234. MSNBC Host Wishes You A Liberal Thanksgiving (14 replies)
  235. Moody’s Revokes France’s Prized ‘AAA’ Credit Rating (0 replies)
  236. Number of vacant job positions at a four-year high (8 replies)
  237. CSPAN features Robert Greifeld on how to fix this mess (1 replies)
  238. Gifts and tax consequences (0 replies)
  239. Union Thugs VS Wal Mart On Black Friday (0 replies)
  240. Hamas Barbarity Again Against 'Its Own' People (27 replies)
  241. 56% of Britons Would Vote To Quit EU (11 replies)
  242. Gunstore owner bans obama voters from buying weapons in his store. (32 replies)
  243. Why acts of Charity was the free market principles in action (11 replies)
  244. The simple reason why the Middle East is always in turmoil (14 replies)
  245. Hostess to close, lay off 18,500 after 'crippling' union fight (34 replies)
  246. REPORT: HUFFPO publishes Kremlin propaganda... (0 replies)
  247. No more Twinkies (5 replies)
  248. Gaza Man Caught Faking Injuries to Create Anti-Israel Media Bias (15 replies)
  249. U.S. needs to STAY OUT of any Israel vs. Hamas conflict (31 replies)
  250. Can Free Enterprise Overcome Obamacare? (13 replies)