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  1. Now you can explain housing crisis (72 replies)
  2. Recent Grads May Never Recover from Recession (0 replies)
  3. Terrorist dog freed by muslim appeasing Brits.. (4 replies)
  4. Republicans Gone Wild! (2 replies)
  5. High School Hockey Teams Told to Dump National Anthem (4 replies)
  6. Gay Minor-Sex Scandal on Sesame Street Starring Kevin Clash, Voice of Elmo (20 replies)
  7. Sao Paulo gang attack causes more deaths than Sandy (5 replies)
  8. Déjà Vu (12 replies)
  9. Wonder What That "Financial Cliff" Is All About? (37 replies)
  10. Thanks to Obamacare Restaurant Workers Are Working Less/Losing Their Jobs (1 replies)
  11. Build a city then destroy it (11 replies)
  12. Democrats ... make up your minds please (0 replies)
  13. NY and Fed Are Failing In The Sandy Aftermath (9 replies)
  14. Okay, the Occupiers Get Points For This One (4 replies)
  15. Ted Nugent tells it like it is!!!!! (3 replies)
  16. Free market principles at work (57 replies)
  17. Boehner wants immigration reform program (6 replies)
  18. Obama's Katrina (2 replies)
  19. Pinning the tail on the donkey or how to make the rich look like scums (2 replies)
  20. Was Valerie Jarrett telling the truth? (3 replies)
  21. New SHOPPING MALL teaches economics (1 replies)
  22. Having trouble accepting the election results? (0 replies)
  23. If Romney won, would you be gloating now? (35 replies)
  24. Are you glad the election is over? (5 replies)
  25. Greek society in free-fall (9 replies)
  26. It's morning again in America (19 replies)
  27. She (D) admits the Media is in the tank for Obama (17 replies)
  28. Obama wins Electoral Vote, Romney wins Popular Vote? (25 replies)
  29. Watch for more job losses should Obama win (2 replies)
  30. Next Crisis for Sandy survivors: Finding a place to live (2 replies)
  31. Woman arrested for attempting to vote twice..-obviously a dem.. (29 replies)
  32. Incredible "before and after" photos of Jersey shore (9 replies)
  33. Last night on NatGeo "Seal Team Six" (3 replies)
  34. Redskins rule favors Romney (1 replies)
  35. If you think OUR elected officials are pathetic (1 replies)
  36. Queens residents arm themselves in the post-storm blackout from looters (75 replies)
  37. Job gains stall in Canada, but strong U.S. numbers boost the loonie (0 replies)
  38. Bloomberg says NO to National Guard because they carry guns (8 replies)
  39. Nyc marathon, now?? (21 replies)
  40. Amazing how many of these guys claim to be innocent (1 replies)
  41. The insanity of Gender Identity (123 replies)
  42. Obama and Biden Indicted (7 replies)
  43. Ethnic cleansing of Muslims by Buddhists underway (21 replies)
  44. Darkness Descending In Britain!!!! (79 replies)
  45. Civil Wars Are The Coming Rage (1 replies)
  46. Would Prop. 30 really drive millionaires out of California? (6 replies)
  47. Some Climate Scientists Trying to Connect Hurricane Sandy With Global Warming (15 replies)
  48. County’s Democrat Of The Year Convicted Of Felony Theft (0 replies)
  49. NY police spy on muslim college students! (12 replies)
  50. Spain Joblessness Breaches 25% (2 replies)
  51. Gore's Current TV Up For Sale (21 replies)
  52. This gives new meaning to "Sandy Hook, New Jersey" (27 replies)
  53. ok correct me if I'm wrong but..... (8 replies)
  54. East Coast braces for '$1B' storm (0 replies)
  55. Ted Turner: It's Good Soldiers Are Committing Suicide (4 replies)
  56. Colin Powell endorses Obama Again! (4 replies)
  57. Trump: $5 Million for Charity if President Gives Up More Records (43 replies)
  58. Free market at work (0 replies)
  59. Obama betrays victims of Terror Attack-Fort Hood (8 replies)
  60. Pussy Riot Band in Prison (17 replies)
  61. Morsi mouths ‘Amen’ as Egyptian preacher urges ‘Allah, destroy the Jews’ (25 replies)
  62. NJ mom charged with making terrorist threats for confronting bully (3 replies)
  63. Obama builds factory so workers can goof off (7 replies)
  64. New Manson murder probe could bring closure for families (0 replies)
  65. Senator George McGovern Has Died (6 replies)
  66. El dictador barbudo finally silenced! (3 replies)
  67. Catalonia planning to secede from Spain (1 replies)
  68. Keynes lit up (5 replies)
  69. obama calls for Reintroduction of Assault weapons ban! (65 replies)
  70. Free liam mcarty!! (29 replies)
  71. Gary McKinnon: extradition to US blocked .. (7 replies)
  72. THIS IS relevant (3 replies)
  73. Attempted murder on the High Street! (6 replies)
  74. President obama disgraces the sacrifice made by man's fallen son! (5 replies)
  75. Muslims protest google, bad news for google.. (2 replies)
  76. Felix Baumgartner freefalls 24 miles to Earth (24 replies)
  77. Aready started here, sympathy and UK muslim terrorist SPECIAL TREATMENT. (11 replies)
  78. Amanda Todd maybe her story will make a difference.... (16 replies)
  79. Texas man faces criminal charges for cooking dead bird without a license (3 replies)
  80. Any thoughts? (5 replies)
  81. School uses ID chips , BigG testing monitoring its citizens 24/7.. (5 replies)
  82. We need a new forum labeled political crooks...and here is our first contestant (2 replies)
  83. Lara Logan Gives Speech On Taliban & Al Quaeda (5 replies)
  84. Obama and UN lied about film causing Embassy attack (7 replies)
  85. State Dept Busted In Another Lie (3 replies)
  86. Lest We Forget TSA (0 replies)
  87. Sandusky Gets 30 to 60 Years (6 replies)
  88. Child malnutrition eliminated in Cuba, In U.S. nearly a quarter of children hungry (4 replies)
  89. After drone, Israel deploys missile defense unit (2 replies)
  90. Breaking--China spying using Phone gear sold to U.S. (1 replies)
  91. Americans ignore risks, go try to interfere with U.S. drone strikes! (106 replies)
  92. No more garage sales, legally??????????? (50 replies)
  93. In Germany, Turkish Muslims Hope for Muslim Majority (34 replies)
  94. Obama nearing 1 billion dollars in his bid to buy the Office . (56 replies)
  95. Foxconn denies China iPhone Plant hit by strike. (1 replies)
  96. Get your 100W incandescent bulbs while you can (24 replies)
  97. A BBC scandal in the making ? (55 replies)
  98. Cilfornia Gas Stations Shut as Oil Refiners Ration Supplies.. (5 replies)
  99. Colonial sins return to haunt world powers. (1 replies)
  100. Teacher bullys conservative student for her shirt & kicks her out of class... (116 replies)
  101. I wish to discuss PBS (66 replies)
  102. Lunch is mandatory (40 replies)
  103. Obama buys prison after being denied funds by Congress, another end run around Congre (2 replies)
  104. Israel has ally in Iran attack!! (28 replies)
  105. Gallup Jobs Creation Report (0 replies)
  106. Two Guns sell for over half a million dollars-Bonnie and Clyde. (4 replies)
  107. India on the rise, still knows how to cut costs. (0 replies)
  108. More Moham movies are coimng!! Hurrah.. (18 replies)
  109. Its started, muslims demand extradition of Islam criticisers! (1 replies)
  110. Why Would 6 Girls Beat A Mentally Challenged Woman? (31 replies)
  111. U.S. immigration to treat same-sex partners as relatives (0 replies)
  112. 1%er or 99%er? (3 replies)
  113. Did East St. Louis secede from the Union? (2 replies)
  114. Iranians fooled by The Onion (3 replies)
  115. This is the egypt that obama gave us!!!! (28 replies)
  116. U.S. officials knew Libya attack was terrorism within 24 hours sources confirm.. (3 replies)
  117. Its already started here, censoring to protectr muslims..Proof.. (10 replies)
  118. Libyan president: Anti-Islam film had 'nothing to do with' US Consulate attack (0 replies)
  119. Man Crushed by Steamroller On Orders of Chinese Officials- Warning- Graphic (4 replies)
  120. How do you defend or criticize freedom of speech? (11 replies)
  121. Madonna , vote obama he is a black muslim in the WHITEHOUSE COMMENTS.. (7 replies)
  122. China brings its first aircraft carrier into service, joining 9-nation club.. (12 replies)
  123. Abu Hamza: BBC apologises to Queen ... (44 replies)
  124. Israelis shrug at Netanyahu's urgent warnings on Iran (1 replies)
  125. Oil and Refineries (0 replies)
  126. So, some Muslims say Iran doesn't threaten Israel... (9 replies)
  127. France set to ban the words 'mother' and 'father' from official documents (0 replies)
  128. Are you kidding me!!!????!!!! (3 replies)
  129. Katie Couric's 'Eating Disorders' Mirror My Own (6 replies)
  130. Every Time It's Put To A Vote... (63 replies)
  131. Sulfuric acid thrown in face of woman in San Diego (20 replies)
  132. Georgia jeweler: Buy a diamond, get a free gun (0 replies)
  133. Always check public records before you run a sob story (0 replies)
  134. U.S. bars 20 Iranians officials from UN Assembly!! (4 replies)
  135. Afghanistan bans Pakistan newspapers (0 replies)
  136. Rush bemoans the shrinking male penis (20 replies)
  137. HERE is a typical Obama voter, but NOT an Occupier (3 replies)
  138. Here is how Islam responds (42 replies)
  139. Israel Has Gone To The UN (24 replies)
  140. Muslims fight back! (31 replies)
  141. How NOT to being about an economic recovery (2 replies)
  142. UK soldier unexpectedly gives birth in Afghanistan (2 replies)
  143. China getting ready to.... (13 replies)
  144. Chick-Fil-A , Gay marraige fight abandoned.. (7 replies)
  145. For the love of god, make it stop (13 replies)
  146. New York subways to post anti-Jihad ads!! (38 replies)
  147. France shutters embassies, schools over new Muhammad cartoon! (71 replies)
  148. BBC Rrofessor makes students sign pledge to vote obama and dem =ticket! (11 replies)
  149. Meet the Israeli "Defense" Forces (23 replies)
  150. Who are the 47 percent who pay no income tax? (24 replies)
  151. Regulations kill jobs again (21 replies)
  152. Guy pisses while obama talks crap!! (1 replies)
  153. Armada of ships amassing ... (34 replies)
  154. The importance of female heroines and role models (2 replies)
  155. The Failure That Is Obama's Foreign Policy (12 replies)
  156. Hillary and Speaking of Bizarro World (0 replies)
  157. And God looked upon the earth.... (6 replies)
  158. Words have meaning as does deliberate avoidance of certain words.. (1 replies)
  159. 'This Does Not Represent Us': Moving Photos of Pro-American Rallies in Libya (12 replies)
  160. Obama notifies Congress of troops sent to Libya, Yemen (8 replies)
  161. Why These Kids Get a Free Ride to College (2 replies)
  162. Muslim Botherhood trying to calm things down (45 replies)
  163. China, testing the waters.... (0 replies)
  164. Anti-Muslim Movie Maker a Meth Cooker (16 replies)
  165. The "anti-Muslim film" is too awful to take seriously (10 replies)
  166. Did You Hear About The Other Chicago Area Teachers Strike? (5 replies)
  167. Terrifying Is The Correct Word (4 replies)
  168. The Blaze is now on Dish! (22 replies)
  169. ‘It Makes Me Sick’: Actress in Muhammed Movie Says She Was Deceived (6 replies)
  170. Obama brags about killing Bin Laden, then warns not to provoke anger? (7 replies)
  171. This Is "Good News" In Obamaland Today (4 replies)
  172. Oopsie! Another Amerian Killed (23 replies)
  173. American Embassy and Consulate invaded (155 replies)
  174. Netanyahu admits sanctions and timelines may work. (11 replies)
  175. 9-11 2001 alqeada U.S. enemies 9-11-2012 alqeada U.S. Allies (11 replies)
  176. God bless America (19 replies)
  177. Speaking of the stone ages (5 replies)
  178. Do you agree with taxpayer funding for the 9-11 monument? (22 replies)
  179. Chicago Teachers May Strike on Monday (7 replies)
  180. This one is really going to piss off the TSA haters (10 replies)
  181. Mom, 52, chases intruder out of her house, pins him down.. (1 replies)
  182. What is wrong with America? (8 replies)
  183. Job Report Preview (11 replies)
  184. I must ask a question (11 replies)
  185. Came across this while reading the local news.... (4 replies)
  186. Judge OK's Arizonia's show me your papers pedro law.. (12 replies)
  187. Brussels listened to Jafar, Abso and I (60 replies)
  188. Fifty-Fivers are at it again (10 replies)
  189. WW2 Vet, 92 kills intruder!! Good man! (3 replies)
  190. Obama grades himself: Incomplete!! When Ignorant would fit better (9 replies)
  191. Iran could strike US bases if Israel attacks: Hezbollah (34 replies)
  192. Egypt-Israel peace agreements since 1979. (45 replies)
  193. It may have been vandalism, but it was funny (0 replies)
  194. Notorious cult leader dies (28 replies)
  195. Tom Cruise and Scientology (1 replies)
  196. Ouch! Who knew that this was possible? (27 replies)
  197. Hal Davis: An Icon RIP (1 replies)
  198. Anti-Obama billboards ignite debate from liberal woosies. (3 replies)
  199. Michigan "hillbilly" wins $337 million lottery prize (6 replies)
  200. World's richest woman: 'Drink less, work more' (6 replies)
  201. Stupid Feds end probe of sheriff Joe Arpaio, no charges (0 replies)
  202. Hilarious, more Egyptians in denial! (12 replies)
  203. Federal courts reject Texas voter ID law... (8 replies)
  204. Happy Merdeka Malaysia! (5 replies)
  205. California quakes: Now I am worried (15 replies)
  206. Yahoo News Chief Says Romneys ‘Happy to Have a Party When Black People Drown’ (13 replies)
  207. "This is how we treat animals" (0 replies)
  208. Red China tries to give Obama a boost (7 replies)
  209. Mohamed Morsi should be given the benefit of the doubt | David Hearst (15 replies)
  210. Haven't Read Hayek? (3 replies)
  211. Does Liberalism Make You Fat? (1 replies)
  212. Israeli army cleared in Rachel Corrie death (66 replies)
  213. The rule of law (2 replies)
  214. This is Bob - Bob is a Racist (4 replies)
  215. Women With Guns (9 replies)
  216. Israeli rabbi calls for prayers for Iran's destruction (26 replies)
  217. Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers (1 replies)
  218. Chicago's tough gun laws (1 replies)
  219. Liars, damn liars and Harry Reid.. (0 replies)
  220. RIP Neil Armstong (4 replies)
  221. Toby Harden's UK Daily mail comments comparing obama's 2008 run with the current one. (27 replies)
  222. The legal penalty for fornication (16 replies)
  223. Super fuel mileage! (1 replies)
  224. I am not a person, I am a man (0 replies)
  225. Deadly shooting near the Empire State Building (18 replies)
  226. Lance Armstrong to be stripped of wins. (3 replies)
  227. ch at stake for U.S. as tensions rise in troubled China Seas (0 replies)
  228. Breastfeeding Dad Raises New Questions About Motherhood (26 replies)
  229. Bill Clinton and Legitimate Rape (0 replies)
  230. A Gift Of Life (0 replies)
  231. Where are the "no war" people? (22 replies)
  232. Syria crisis: Russia warns obama (15 replies)
  233. More stupidcide bombing.. (7 replies)
  234. NYPD Probing Hate Crime After Bacon Found At Staten Island Ramadan Site (31 replies)
  235. You fart, I kill you! (2 replies)
  236. Police investigate racist rant .. (5 replies)
  237. Ohio Man Indicted in Wife's Presumed Mercy Killing (12 replies)
  238. Should one get benefits if they are "Asexual" (30 replies)
  239. Arab Spring run amok: 'Brotherhood' starts crucifixions (152 replies)
  240. Rep Nominee confuses women with ducks. (49 replies)
  241. Freedom of speech - alive and well in Russia (2 replies)
  242. Happy Eid! (1 replies)
  243. This is obama's new America, a plave where criminals can flaunt thier crimes! (1 replies)
  244. Students with gun permits get segregated dorms at University of Colorado. (12 replies)
  245. Medical marijuana supporters sue city of Los Angeles to stop ban (0 replies)
  246. Unemployment rates rose in 44 U.S. states in July (0 replies)
  247. GM Heading For Second Bankruptcy (2 replies)
  248. World leaders believe Obama will be better for economy (12 replies)
  249. Changing 'Serious' Media (2 replies)
  250. These are racists. (3 replies)