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  1. California atheists block out nativity scenes (21 replies)
  2. Perfect last-minute gift for the OWS Hippies (14 replies)
  3. Finland Impouns Patriot Missiles Bound For China (1 replies)
  4. Peace is not just a tactic, it has intrinsic value (32 replies)
  5. More idiocy from California schools (22 replies)
  6. Where's the war on Judaism? (7 replies)
  7. Egypt? The Next Taleban Awakening (36 replies)
  8. Thousands Gather to Support TX Nativity Scene Against Atheists’ Attacks (1 replies)
  9. This Is How D.C. Hippies Reacted to a Live Nativity Scene (16 replies)
  10. Barney Frank Letting It All Hang Out On The House Floor (0 replies)
  11. Feel Good Story, We Need More Of These! (1 replies)
  12. More Higher Ed Outlets Should Follow MIT (45 replies)
  13. A Little Good News For Saving A Buck Or More (0 replies)
  14. Where In The World? (1 replies)
  15. Breaking: Kim Jong Il Dead (16 replies)
  16. Batman Star Christian Bale Gets Roughed Up In China (0 replies)
  17. Video - What do you expect from me after 15 years ? (1 replies)
  18. Occupy Protesters Threw Bricks and Bags of Steel At Police (3 replies)
  19. Media Double Standard : Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party (0 replies)
  20. School suspends Tebowing students (32 replies)
  21. Attorney Claims Sandusky Showered with Boys to Teach ‘Basic Hygiene Habits’ (6 replies)
  22. Christopher Hitchens, 1949-2011 (10 replies)
  23. Paying Off Lay-A-Ways, The New 'GOLD COINS'? (0 replies)
  24. Half of US Is "Poor or Low Income"? Really? (3 replies)
  25. Duggar Family photo "19 and counting" *** May be offensive*** (6 replies)
  26. Hippie Mom Places 4-Year-Old Daughter on Train Tracks (6 replies)
  27. Lowe's Caves Into Anti-Muslim Pressure (35 replies)
  28. The War on Christmas 2011 (3 replies)
  29. Eric Bolling Boots Atheist Off His Show For ‘Denigrating The Name Of Jesus Christ’ (1 replies)
  30. Iran to close Strait of Hormuz? (8 replies)
  31. Grenade Attack In Belgium (14 replies)
  32. Multiple Safety Violations Found at Federally Funded Childcare Centers (3 replies)
  33. SF CA To Raise Minimum Wage To Over $10/Hr (0 replies)
  34. How do you persuade others to give you money? (4 replies)
  35. Ho, ho, ho! Senators exchange Secret Santa gifts (9 replies)
  36. MSNBC ONline Job Aps Demand Thorough Knowledge of Progressive News (0 replies)
  37. New York University to offer classes on Occupy Wall Street movement (3 replies)
  38. Heartwarming - Secret Santa picks up 3 layaway bills (2 replies)
  39. that payroll tax break (0 replies)
  40. House Votes to Ban 'Spice,' 'Bath Salts' (0 replies)
  41. School turns heating off to ‘save planet’ (26 replies)
  42. Ft. Hood Work Place Violence? Huh? (18 replies)
  43. Time Magazine USA vs the Rest of the World (7 replies)
  44. Tennessee family home burns while firefighters watch (94 replies)
  45. Adam Carolla - OWS in a nutshell (1 replies)
  46. Do Not Try To Mug A MMA Fighter (5 replies)
  47. German Hegemony? (1 replies)
  48. Man dead at Occupy campsite on North Texas campus (0 replies)
  49. Aw: Some occupiers so traumatized they may need therapy (0 replies)
  50. Feds Raid Million Dollar Home of Welfare Recipient in Washington State (0 replies)
  51. Single Mother With 15 Kids Demanding Someone ‘Pay’ & ‘Be Held Accountable’ (40 replies)
  52. Wow! Russia (11 replies)
  53. SNL Parody of Obama (7 replies)
  54. Wreaths Across America 2011 (0 replies)
  55. The Good Times Keep Rolling (1 replies)
  56. Taking obese child from mom is wrong (75 replies)
  57. Strip-Searched Grandma Says TSA Removed Her Underwear (409 replies)
  58. Occupy Wall Street Begins Hunger Strike (14 replies)
  59. The Arab Winter (17 replies)
  60. On The 'Good' Unemployment Rate (101 replies)
  61. Real Estate: Beginning and End or A Gyro? (1 replies)
  62. Holder Loses It With THE DAILY CALLER (13 replies)
  63. About Those Black Friday Sales (10 replies)
  64. Bill Would Allow Detention US Citizens Indefinitely (19 replies)
  65. Mylasian M tribunal: Bush and Blair Guilty War Crimes (8 replies)
  66. Fisherman bags "the big one" only to lose it to Big Government (6 replies)
  67. Three Face Prison Time Over $1 Million Toilet Paper Scam in Florida (0 replies)
  68. Is The Euro Going To Collapse? The EU? (25 replies)
  69. Beam of Light Shines on Fallen Soldiers Miracle Dog (4 replies)
  70. Obama.. Who listens Now...? (12 replies)
  71. Gay Porn Movie Filmed At Occupy Oakland (150 replies)
  72. Dow, S&P Log Worst Thanksgiving Week Since 1932 (0 replies)
  73. Inmate-Grown Vegetable Garden Trims $15G From Food Budget (0 replies)
  74. Earlier Deals and Longer Hours Kick Off Black Friday Early (5 replies)
  75. Russian Newscaster Fired for Flipping Obama the Bird in Live Broadcast (0 replies)
  76. Nurse Says He Was Fired Over Treating Muslim Women (4 replies)
  77. Occupy Buffalo Leader Caught in Numerous Lies About His Military Service (15 replies)
  78. Occupy protests cost taxpayers $13 million (1 replies)
  79. Cross removed at base in Afghanistan (109 replies)
  80. Iran claims arrest of 12 CIA agents (1 replies)
  81. Climategate 2.0 (0 replies)
  82. Georgia Company’s Breaking Point: We Are Not Hiring Until Obama Is Gone (1 replies)
  83. Obama's Favorite Slumlord Sentenced to Decade in Prison (8 replies)
  84. Calif. teen faces 21 years after guilty plea (4 replies)
  85. Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp (6 replies)
  86. Atheists Launch ‘Naughty, Not Nice’ Holiday Campaign to Target Discrimination (25 replies)
  87. Roll-Your-Own Cigarette Shops Under Fire for Undercutting Cigarette Tax (18 replies)
  88. Atheists Demand Marines Remove Cross Commemorating Fallen U.S. Soldiers (36 replies)
  89. ‘Occupy Black Friday’ (45 replies)
  90. Historical shift in Mississippi (4 replies)
  91. One Year After the GM How is Our $50 Billion Investment Looking? (19 replies)
  92. Occupy Wall Street Protesters Bunk in $700-a-Night NYC Hotel (6 replies)
  93. Airline Passengers Asked To Pay Extra 31K In Cash For Feul (3 replies)
  94. Googles biz plan does NOT unclude ANY privacy online (8 replies)
  95. Out of Borders' Ashes: An Indie Bookstore Battle Plan (10 replies)
  96. NY Theft Ring Recruited Waiters to Steal Information From Customers (0 replies)
  97. New Jersey Teacher faces discipline for alleged verbal abuse (43 replies)
  98. FDA revokes approval of Avastin for breast cancer (18 replies)
  99. Black Tea Party Candidate’s Sign Defaced With ‘KKK’ - Lib Media Silent (0 replies)
  100. WH Shooter May HAve Spent Time At Occupy DC (13 replies)
  101. Larry Elder Hammers Chris Matthews (0 replies)
  102. Occupy Wall Street Crowd Blind to Benefits of Capitalism (0 replies)
  103. Joe Paterno has cancer (4 replies)
  104. Lesbian Couple May Sue Christian Baker Who Refused to Make Their Wedding Cake (231 replies)
  105. After Finishing Billion Dollar Investing Spree, Buffett Bemoans ‘Income Inequality’ (33 replies)
  106. Local Residents, Workers Express Anger With OWS Protesters (0 replies)
  107. Cancer center's Santa gets boot (0 replies)
  108. OWS Plans 'Day of Action' (1 replies)
  109. McQueary Speaks Out (10 replies)
  110. Finally, police tear down tents in NYC - 70 arrested (28 replies)
  111. Israel new missiles reach New York and Tokyo (31 replies)
  112. Police Tear Down Tents at Occupy Oakland (6 replies)
  113. Glenn Beck Donates $55,000 to Women's Shelters After Losing Federal Funds (4 replies)
  114. Teen suspended over Confederate flag shirt, mom says school is wrong (43 replies)
  115. Ex-marine tosses occupy heckler from Congressman's swearing in (6 replies)
  116. Judge Who Freed Sandusky on Bail Volunteered at His Charity (12 replies)
  117. Occupy Wall Street costs local businesses $479,400 (0 replies)
  118. Justifying OWS Philly Rape? (0 replies)
  119. Berkeley Students Upset They’re in the 1%, Throw Occupy Tantrum (0 replies)
  120. It's bad year for Mediterranean politics. (12 replies)
  121. Black Thursday? (38 replies)
  122. Thanks ObamaCare: Employer Insurance Continues to Decline (0 replies)
  123. Baby Born at 11:11 A.M. on 11-11-11 to a Vet on Veterans Day (0 replies)
  124. SEIU Siphons Off Medicaid Payments From Disabled Non-Members (1 replies)
  125. *FOR SALE* Cuban real estate (2 replies)
  126. OWS Defaces 9/11 Memorial (9 replies)
  127. Tea Partier Attacked by San Diego Occupiers (3 replies)
  128. WaPo Occupy D.C. mob has created a “vibrant brand of urbanism” (2 replies)
  129. Man shot and killed “near” Occupy Oakland camp (0 replies)
  130. Tuberculosis Breaks Out At Occupy Atlanta’s Base (0 replies)
  131. 3rd World Attainment: OWS Atlanta Has TB Positive Cases (1 replies)
  132. Occupy Denver Elects a Dog as its Leader (2 replies)
  133. Could Occupy Wall Street Be Time Magazine‘s ’Person of the Year’? (8 replies)
  134. Penn State Students Riot in Wake of Paterno Firing (123 replies)
  135. Christmas Tree Tax!? (7 replies)
  136. Another Muslim headscarf issue (6 replies)
  137. I am the 1% - let's talk: In Defense (9 replies)
  138. Atheists Angry After Wis. Gov. Changes ‘Holiday’ Tree Back to ‘Christmas’ Tree (109 replies)
  139. SoCal street vendors seek relief from blood-and-urine-spattering Occupy protesters (4 replies)
  140. OWS sets up women-only tent to help cut down on rapes (17 replies)
  141. Clinic Advertises $50 Coupons for Discount Sunday Abortions (7 replies)
  142. Lice outbreak at Occupy Portland (13 replies)
  143. 'Occupy D.C.' Goons Push Elderly Woman Down the Stairs (1 replies)
  144. Obama Administration Opposes FDR’s Prayer at WWII Memorial (0 replies)
  145. So What Is REALLY Happening In Europe, Economically? (1 replies)
  146. Jimmy Hoffa and Union Bosses Propagate Class Warfare Rhetoric (3 replies)
  147. More Americans Oppose OWS Than Support it (3 replies)
  148. There are more like this woman. they can vote and breed :( (1 replies)
  149. Time Magazine to Firebombed French Paper: Sorry, But You're Islamophobic (2 replies)
  150. Resistance Movement Needed to Seize Bridges, Banks in Case OWS Fails (7 replies)
  151. How Did Occupy D.C. Protesters Respond to a Table Full of Job Applications? (46 replies)
  152. "Our blacks are so much better than their blacks" (26 replies)
  153. Its here the Occupy Wall Street coloring book! (0 replies)
  154. South Carolina sheriff tells women to carry concealed firearms and MSNBC has a cow (7 replies)
  155. Cafe Laid Off 21 Workers Because of Occupy Wall Street (26 replies)
  156. Firm Run by Former Gov. Corzine Missing $700 Million (0 replies)
  157. Wow, Sears! (6 replies)
  158. Make no apologies (5 replies)
  159. Hilarious, but also rather true (0 replies)
  160. Kim Kardashian divorcing already (29 replies)
  161. Omar Sharif (Muslim) slaps woman - Qatar (1 replies)
  162. USDA Predicts Surging Food Prices in Coming Year (0 replies)
  163. Peaceful OWS Demonstrator Threatens to Stab Fox 5 Reporter (21 replies)
  164. Abortion Clinic Workers Plead Guilty to Murder of Babies, Woman (6 replies)
  165. Michael Moore Busted In Another Lie (0 replies)
  166. Police Use Pepper Spray, Rubber Bullets On Denver Hippies Trying To Storm Capital (0 replies)
  167. f&%$ turkey (1 replies)
  168. Terrorist Released in Exchange: ‘I Would’ Bomb Israelis Again" (0 replies)
  169. Kafr Qasim Massacre - October 29, 1956. (7 replies)
  170. Excellent gun training ad... (1 replies)
  171. Global Warming To Hit Northeast This Weekend (13 replies)
  172. Nurses protest outside Emanuel's office over Occupy Chicago arrests (2 replies)
  173. Wisconsin Recall Prospects Dimming (0 replies)
  174. OWS Hippies Think Rush Limbaugh Is More Dangerous Then Al Qaeda (21 replies)
  175. Oakland Hippies Hurl Paint at Police While Chanting ‘This Is Why We Call You Pigs’ (28 replies)
  176. CBS Poll: More people approve of Obama than Congress. (10 replies)
  177. What Worries Small Businesses The Most? (2 replies)
  178. Banks say they have too much money? (10 replies)
  179. Occupy Wall Street...The Facts. (10 replies)
  180. Fears of another US credit downgrade are growing on Wall Street (2 replies)
  181. Parents Using Their Kids as Little Wall Street Occupiers (20 replies)
  182. OWS sympathizer creates 'I'm Getting Arrested' app to help protesters (0 replies)
  183. JP Cusick and Child Support (264 replies)
  184. The Great Green Energy Crack-Up (0 replies)
  185. Federal mortgage servicer reviews target 4.5 million foreclosures (2 replies)
  186. OWS has $500K In The Bank… (4 replies)
  187. Occupy Wall Street? (38 replies)
  188. Into the Holidays... (1 replies)
  189. My Favorite Journalist Is From The NYT! (4 replies)
  190. Seriously, Has Anyone NOT Noticed Food Cost Increases? (10 replies)
  191. Naomi Wolf Arrested at OWS for calmly obeying the protest permit... (17 replies)
  192. Mom Abandons Her Kids And Joins Hippies On Wall Street (181 replies)
  193. U.S. Debt Scheduled To Surpass GDP This Halloween (0 replies)
  194. Wall Street to Cut 10,000 Jobs By The End of The year (0 replies)
  195. This is just tacky (14 replies)
  196. US out of Iraq by end of year, says Obama Admin (53 replies)
  197. Rats and Drugs Mar Occupy Oakland Tent City, officials Say (9 replies)
  198. TSA begins random ROAD inspections in Tennessee... (93 replies)
  199. Woman Roughed Up, Arrested for Reciting the Constitution During TSA Inspection (104 replies)
  200. If Muammar Gaddafi wasn't nailed to the perch he'd be pushing put the daises! (15 replies)
  201. Obama delivered (1 replies)
  202. Truck Stop That Received Over $424,000 in Stimulus Funds Goes Bankrupt (2 replies)
  203. Thieves Steal Presidents Teleprompter (8 replies)
  204. Teabaggers tossed from suburban Houston hotel (27 replies)
  205. Video: Howard Stern Shows Idiocy Of #OccupyWallStreet Protesters (2 replies)
  206. Left Wing Hate – Your tax dollars at work (0 replies)
  207. Modern art was CIA ‘weapon’ (3 replies)
  208. Detroit struggles to keep lights on (10 replies)
  209. TX High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance (2 replies)
  210. U.S. Marine Demolishes NYPD, Defends OccupyWallStreet (48 replies)
  211. TX High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance (34 replies)
  212. What if the NFL Played by Teachers’ Rules? by Fran Tarkenton (2 replies)
  213. Authorities: Drug Cartels Recruiting Texas Students (0 replies)
  214. Ground Zero Mega-Mosque Developers May Be Facing Eviction (0 replies)
  215. Active Duty Gays Say Coming Out Has Been Non-Event (18 replies)
  216. 25% Mandatory Tipping in San Francisco (58 replies)
  217. $1.24 billion for solar jobs – in Mexico (0 replies)
  218. Dennis Ritchie - coinventer of the C programming language and Unix dies (0 replies)
  219. Is the US Already a Communist Nation?? (10 replies)
  220. Fat guy with man boobs kills 8 in So Cal (36 replies)
  221. Rush Limbaugh on the wall street protestors (23 replies)
  222. Muslim Beats Man With Tire Iron For Insulting Islam (11 replies)
  223. Feds charge former execs of failed bank with fraud (3 replies)
  224. Ala Hispanics organizing campaign against law (13 replies)
  225. U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted (20 replies)
  226. Occupy Boston’ Holds Rally for Accused Terrorist (0 replies)
  227. Hertz Suspends Muslim Drivers for Praying on Company Time (24 replies)
  228. Bank Protesters Arrested After Trying to Cash $673-billion Check (5 replies)
  229. This explains the dillema of American politics better than anything I have seen yet (22 replies)
  230. Judge Finds Manipulation in Recall Vote in Arizona (4 replies)
  231. Socialism, wonderful Socialism (2 replies)
  232. An update from Oklahoma (0 replies)
  233. Down With Evil Corporations!! :) (2 replies)
  234. Steve Jobs Dead (21 replies)
  235. Tired of bought and paid for politicos representing hidden interests and not you? (80 replies)
  236. Death Row Muslim Inmate Sues Over Meals Served In Prison (88 replies)
  237. Occupy Wall Street protesters post manifesto of 'demands' (23 replies)
  238. On The Brink? (0 replies)
  239. Ruling for FREEDOM: World Vision may hire only Christians (4 replies)
  240. Tea Con this past weekend (0 replies)
  241. Call for reeducation camps and beheadings (0 replies)
  242. More bad news for bank customers: Debit card fees (20 replies)
  243. I know that face, where've i seen him before?...Let the Cloud answer. (0 replies)
  244. Teen sexting in Flordia, not as illegal as it use to be... (3 replies)
  245. British Government censuring YouTube videos showing civil action. (2 replies)
  246. Bird Brained Hypocrisy (9 replies)
  247. Obama political adviser chooses strangely apt metaphor for campaign (0 replies)
  248. California pulls out of 50-state foreclosure talks (0 replies)
  249. Asylum Seeker Start (4 replies)
  250. Forbes Lays Out "Fast and Furious" (1 replies)