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  1. Recent Trends in Posting - Let's push to keep on-topic (0 replies)
  2. Unionized Longshoremen Assault Police Officers (12 replies)
  3. People flood town looking for handouts for disasters relief (2 replies)
  4. Where Are The Poor Now? (0 replies)
  5. Now If The Government Would Do The Same (4 replies)
  6. Trader tells BBC Gov't will not Save markets. Get ready (8 replies)
  7. 'L-Word' star kisses girl, gets escorted off plane for kissing (5 replies)
  8. A Real Change Coming? (38 replies)
  9. 5 Dead in PKK Strike (1 replies)
  10. FBI probing reports of beatings in L.A. County jails (3 replies)
  11. Serve Time In Jail...Or In Church? (41 replies)
  12. Saudi women get right to vote, but can't drive yet (3 replies)
  13. 17 state AGs favor watershed divide (6 replies)
  14. Cops Mace Peaceful Protestor with Camera (102 replies)
  15. Greece At Forefront; Ireland, Spain, Italy... (11 replies)
  16. Google Takes Down Activist Post (4 replies)
  17. Denver: Operation Mountain Guardian (1 replies)
  18. 46% of Americans Favour Recognizing Palestine; 65% Want to Stay Out of It (17 replies)
  19. Money for Nothing: Phoenix taxpayers foot the bill for union work (2 replies)
  20. Morgan Freeman Flips Out (23 replies)
  21. School Suspends Students For Saying Homosexuality Is Wrong (32 replies)
  22. Who Loses if the US Vetoes Palestinian Statehood? (2 replies)
  23. Troy Davis (46 replies)
  24. Interesting Times Is An Understatement (1 replies)
  25. Lawrence Brewer Executed in TX (35 replies)
  26. Hispanic College Enrollment Spikes, Narrowing Gaps with Other Groups (0 replies)
  27. EU Crisis Now Over Here (1 replies)
  28. Wisconsin teachers retire in droves (10 replies)
  29. US Agents Find Rocket Launcher near Mexico Border (7 replies)
  30. Day of RAGE (9 replies)
  31. Thomas says high court needs geographic diversity......... (5 replies)
  32. A man with a gun holed up Friday in a building at a sprawling Tucson Air Force base (4 replies)
  33. World Population to Surpass 7 Billion in 2011 (54 replies)
  34. Votizen: The future of campaigning? (0 replies)
  35. The tax scam from Heaven (3 replies)
  36. Official Poverty Rate Hits 16% (1 replies)
  37. Obama’s new Snitch Central: AttackWatch (6 replies)
  38. E-Verify 'Flags' Obama's Social Security Number (2 replies)
  39. Pat Robertson says Alzheimer's makes divorce OK (3 replies)
  40. Amazing rescue: Bystanders lift burning car off injured motorcyclist in Logan, Utah (2 replies)
  41. Policeman shoots 14 year old boy dead (5 replies)
  42. "right" to paid sick days...(sigh) (8 replies)
  43. Community Colleges Enrollments Down? (10 replies)
  44. Al Gore and His 24 Hour Special on Global Warming (2 replies)
  45. $4 Mil To House 12 Homeless People (8 replies)
  46. NBC Gives Puff Profile Of Ahmadinejad (0 replies)
  47. U.S. Boots on the Ground in Libya (5 replies)
  48. Navy dress casual, **** cap under his belt (1 replies)
  49. States rethinking tax credits as job creation tool (1 replies)
  50. Binghamton Area flooding (6 replies)
  51. Israeli envoy flees after embassy in Cairo is attacked (5 replies)
  52. USA to Veto Peacful Resoluton to Conflict (125 replies)
  53. Union Thugs Having Fun (14 replies)
  54. Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever... (0 replies)
  55. Glenn Beck's Manhattan advertisement (0 replies)
  56. Official Presidenital Speech Thread (91 replies)
  57. Really? Tax dollars going for people to dine out? (107 replies)
  58. Online Gamers Slaughter "Tea Party Zombies" (16 replies)
  59. Gun nut opens fire in Carson City, Nevada (304 replies)
  60. US Post Office on the brink of default (23 replies)
  61. American college kid joins Libya rebels for 'vacation' (56 replies)
  62. Black Panthers Gear Up For Race War (35 replies)
  63. Arrests were racially motivated, say salespeople (125 replies)
  64. Government Sues Trucking Company for Taking Keys Away From Alcoholic Driver (64 replies)
  65. Breaking: 7.1 Earthquake Alaska, Tsunami Warning Issued (1 replies)
  66. Judge blocks Texas sonogram law (39 replies)
  67. Trinidad girl makes Internet threat against PM (3 replies)
  68. American Samoa sued for age discrimination (2 replies)
  69. Court grapples with medicating Tucson suspect (1 replies)
  70. Green Jobs? This Is Gonna Hurt (48 replies)
  71. If Jimnyc was A (10 replies)
  72. Steve Montenegro's support for an extremist racial-profiling bill has earned him cred (4 replies)
  73. Al Gore Bellows Again About Global Warming (2 replies)
  74. Alabama judge casts doubt on harsh new illegal immigration law (205 replies)
  75. Par for the Course (4 replies)
  76. Obnoxious Union Thug Protest at Successful Choice School (6 replies)
  77. Libs Lose Again in WI (0 replies)
  78. Awesome - Class action law suit against taxation via citation in florida (37 replies)
  79. Inheiriting Economic Crisis: Reagan and Obama (45 replies)
  80. Where Do You Think The Real Unemployment Number Is? (1 replies)
  81. Can't be charitable to folks w/o ethics (3 replies)
  82. Any Excuse to Disarm the Populace... (38 replies)
  83. Not A Surprise (22 replies)
  84. Let’s Be Honest: We’re in a Depression ... And There’s No End In Sight (17 replies)
  85. Excellent Series On US Jobs Creation and Possibilities (8 replies)
  86. Jewish Decepion and the Attempt to Justify Aggression Against the Palestinians (5 replies)
  87. Fla Teacher Fired for Views on Marriage and the State, Expressed Outside Work (65 replies)
  88. Where's the outrage: Instead of mandating "safer" vehicles, let's learn to DRIVE (46 replies)
  89. Same sex households up 60 pct; 1 in 5 have kids (143 replies)
  90. East Getting Hit With Unbelievable Storms (4 replies)
  91. Could There Be A Better Example of Media Bias Than NYT With This? (26 replies)
  92. Rolling Stone: Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes? (26 replies)
  93. De Facto Halt on Deportations (23 replies)
  94. 3 die of rare brain infection from amoeba in water (8 replies)
  95. DHS: All Terrorists Still White People. (0 replies)
  96. Another Case Proves 'Justice System' is a Racket (6 replies)
  97. Union Organizer Suspected of Shooting Non Union Employer (3 replies)
  98. Obama bus catches buzz on the Web (3 replies)
  99. Police Give Green Light to Thieving Mobs (0 replies)
  100. Better Under Apartheid? (1 replies)
  101. Cash = Terrorism (0 replies)
  102. Packs of Negroes Have New 'Game' (38 replies)
  103. UK Liberals don't want looters to lose their benefits (2 replies)
  104. Federal judge throws out Obama drilling rules (9 replies)
  105. How them gun laws working out? (11 replies)
  106. Verizon Accuses Strikers Of Sabotage (22 replies)
  107. BREAKING: Appeals Court Strikes Down Insurance Mandate (53 replies)
  108. Did You All See This Regarding Soros? (8 replies)
  109. The Great Polar Bear Fraud (2 replies)
  110. Post Office Reorganization (18 replies)
  111. Contact lost with hypersonic glider after launch (16 replies)
  112. Group Pushes To ‘Let Bert And Ernie Get Married’ On Sesame Street (106 replies)
  113. American Muslim pleads guilty to using the Internet to solicit terrorism (13 replies)
  114. Business Owner Savages Obama's Economic Leadership (0 replies)
  115. Al Gore Lets Loose At Aspen Institute Speech (2 replies)
  116. It's all Obama's fault (1 replies)
  117. Instability The Word Of The Day? (1 replies)
  118. Some Random Thoughts and Feelings (20 replies)
  119. Seal Team 6 Members Killed (9 replies)
  120. Tax Holidays Continue as State Budget Deficits Loom (12 replies)
  121. 10-Year-Old Model Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau: Fashion's New Obsession? (9 replies)
  122. MSNBC president: “We’re beginning to chip away at Fox News” (0 replies)
  123. Islam's greatest invention (47 replies)
  124. The Law of Unintended Consequences (1 replies)
  125. Agenda 21 Targets Family Farms (1 replies)
  126. Who is this asshole on FoxNews right now (8 replies)
  127. If We Don't Have Work for You, YOU DON'T WORK, DAMMIT! (1 replies)
  128. Reducing Supply (2 replies)
  129. "People of Walmart" comes to TV (8 replies)
  130. Jeffs threatens court with Biblical repercussions (6 replies)
  131. Trouble In Turkey (6 replies)
  132. NASA Report Debunks Global Warming (17 replies)
  133. What's lost by re-defining marriage (15 replies)
  134. Tele-Abortions? (9 replies)
  135. Why does it seem that any criticism of Iraeli govt policy is seen as anti Semitism? (29 replies)
  136. Capitalism Failing in China (1 replies)
  137. Gay couple asked to reverse shirt at Dollywood (431 replies)
  138. Minus one bad-guy (6 replies)
  139. Post office closures: What happens if a town has no post office? (1 replies)
  140. God particle, the Higgs boson, could be found in 2012 (1 replies)
  141. American Atheists oppose U.S. Supreme Court review of Utah highway crosses case (199 replies)
  142. This is just getting ridiculous.- yet anothe sex scandal (16 replies)
  143. Let's cut off a chick's b's and c'- that'd be hilarious! (2 replies)
  144. Oslo Shooter Not Muslim, NOT Christian, but a Darwinist (5 replies)
  145. Auto Industry: No Growth For The Coming Year (3 replies)
  146. If you wee alive in 1941.... (48 replies)
  147. American Weapons to be Used in Zeta-Led Coup? (1 replies)
  148. The Oslo Attacks... (1 replies)
  149. California becomes first state to mandate gay history in curriculum (158 replies)
  150. Still Think Obama Wrote Those Books? (3 replies)
  151. Weather Underground: Heroes? (15 replies)
  152. Herman Cain: Tear down this mosque! (3 replies)
  153. Rev Al Saves MSNBC (3 replies)
  154. Israel to attack Iran in fall ? (1 replies)
  155. Gunpoint Vaccinations (13 replies)
  156. South America Laughs At US Creditor Status (1 replies)
  157. Obama’s motorcade fined for London congestion fees (7 replies)
  158. IMF Moves Ahead as Planned (0 replies)
  159. Would YOU be under investigation? (2 replies)
  160. Who punishes America for late loan payments ? (17 replies)
  161. America is Psychotic (3 replies)
  162. Chrysler Workers Caught Again Getting Drunk on Job (0 replies)
  163. Vigilent Cops Shut Down 3 lil girls Business (2 replies)
  164. A Cat Tax? (6 replies)
  165. FBI opens investigation into News Corp (8 replies)
  166. Could your child fend off a kidnapping or rape attempt? (36 replies)
  167. Polygamist Plans Suit to Challenge Polygamy Law (14 replies)
  168. The Only Democracy in the Region... (17 replies)
  169. Protesters in Syria attack US embassy (5 replies)
  170. We need to do this too - Muslims MUST lift veil for police (16 replies)
  171. The miserable postscript for a Casey Anthony juror (4 replies)
  172. Talk about total bureaucratic BS!!! (22 replies)
  173. Continued attempts to create a Nanny State (1 replies)
  174. ICE Union: Americans Should ‘Brace Themselves’ (42 replies)
  175. Undefeated Trailer (4 replies)
  176. USA Apologizes for Calling Isra-El Terrosist State (1 replies)
  177. While grammy's Being Stripped to Make Sure There's No Bomb in Her Depends, (0 replies)
  178. ...the kind of story that destroys one's emotion - 12 y/o girl kills self... (0 replies)
  179. Mexican National Inmate on Death Row Creates International Stir (47 replies)
  180. Budget Cuts Force Coney Island To Ration Toilet Paper (3 replies)
  181. Wind-Turbine Maker That Obama Praised Files for Bankruptcy (4 replies)
  182. Reasonable Doubt - Casey Anthony - Not Guilty (73 replies)
  183. Obama's Price: $10 Tax for Union Teachers- You Pay (5 replies)
  184. Wisconsin firefighters oppose 9/11 4th of July parade float (0 replies)
  185. Should Media Matters Lose its Tax Exempt Status? (3 replies)
  186. “God” Banned at Military Funerals, Must Submit Prayers for Gov’t Approval (8 replies)
  187. Your 4th of July Feast Contributes to "Climate Change" (12 replies)
  188. SWAT Team Awarded for raiding wrong house? (24 replies)
  189. No collective bargaining = prosperous school district (3 replies)
  190. The World's 5 Worst Places For Women -- And How U.S. Policy Helped Make Them That Way (24 replies)
  191. Woman Gang-Raped by 7 Halliburton Employees "Signed Away" Her Right to Sue? (32 replies)
  192. MN Legislature/State gov't at a shut-down as of midnight... (5 replies)
  193. US to 'resume ties' with Egypt's Brotherhood (2 replies)
  194. Some Things Need To Be Made In USA (38 replies)
  195. Leftist islamic axis (18 replies)
  196. N Korea Vows Military Measures against S Korea (3 replies)
  197. Los Alamos Fire And 30,000 Barrels of Plutonium (3 replies)
  198. Flotilla Ship Attacked in Port (10 replies)
  199. Israel likes fake ‘gay activists’ — doesn’t welcome real gay immigrants (1 replies)
  200. Restaurant Turns Away Diners For Having Too Many Service Dogs (104 replies)
  201. Wildfire shuts Los Alamos lab, forces evacuations (0 replies)
  202. This is how queerdom starts (51 replies)
  203. Anything you EVER said on the net scanned by potential employers- Feds approves Biz (5 replies)
  204. "Just to be SAFE" Big Brother invades Medical cabinets (1 replies)
  205. Chavez Reported to Be in Critical Condition (2 replies)
  206. New York State passes gay marriage bill (60 replies)
  207. George Washington's warnings and U.S. policy towards Israel (18 replies)
  208. Racially Motivated Group Keeps Girl as Prison, Sells her as Sex Slave (14 replies)
  209. Democratic Leaders Call for a Fresh Round of Stimulus (5 replies)
  210. Gore: Obama has 'failed' (6 replies)
  211. Is speaking a foreign language viewed as protected speech? (20 replies)
  212. Prolife? Read this response (32 replies)
  213. Humans against Strangulation of Gaza (19 replies)
  214. Protest organizer jailed by Israeli court for year (1 replies)
  215. America's Vetoes Shielding Israel from Criticism/Accountability for its Crimes (35 replies)
  216. The Sins of Isra-El (1 replies)
  217. A Little Honesty? (3 replies)
  218. When Hackers Knocked Out the Lights (3 replies)
  219. Economic Warfare in the Digital Age? (0 replies)
  220. N. Korea Poising to Stike the Heart of America? (5 replies)
  221. 12 Things MOCKINGBIRD Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now (1 replies)
  222. More from the west's 2nd-leading Nanny Government; Lifevests for all swimmers (19 replies)
  223. ATF head to resign after approving gun smuggling ring (16 replies)
  224. 'Alternative Energy' And What the 'Environmentalists' Really Mean (1 replies)
  225. CA Losing Employers At Accelerating Rate (4 replies)
  226. Explosive Device Disarmed In Evanston (12 replies)
  227. If Not For McDonald's And TX What Would Unemployment Be? (6 replies)
  228. Major Fail! (0 replies)
  229. Foreigners Make Run on US Housing Market (3 replies)
  230. Wall Street Braces for New Layoffs as Profits Wane (1 replies)
  231. California loses 29,200 jobs in May, a blow to recovery (0 replies)
  232. NY Target workers reject move to unionize (3 replies)
  233. Toll Roads,Bridges Targeted For Major Fare Hikes (2 replies)
  234. Airport security is out of control (7 replies)
  235. Califon ‘aggressively interferes in the personal lives of its citizens’ - your state? (12 replies)
  236. Obama Recession Wipes Entire Nevada Town Off The Map (0 replies)
  237. Union Thugs VS Chris Christie Part II (5 replies)
  238. UNM football player arrested for sagging pants (9 replies)
  239. 100 years ago today (7 replies)
  240. Rioting over hockey? (4 replies)
  241. How's that Obama economy again? (95 replies)
  242. Al-Zawahri succeeds bin Laden as al-Qaida leader (23 replies)
  243. Unredeemed U.S. Savings Bonds: Questions and Answers (0 replies)
  244. Union Thugs Turn On One Of Their Own (2 replies)
  245. Is it possible to have a thread with a voting poll? (2 replies)
  246. Homeowner fights back against Bank of America (1 replies)
  247. Tracy Morgan (20 replies)
  248. Prepare thyself for the Napture! (1 replies)
  249. FEMA Denies Claims To Families Who Lost Home in Tornadoes (10 replies)
  250. Electric Cars No So Green After All (14 replies)