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  1. US Is in Even Worse Shape Financially Than Greece (5 replies)
  2. Where Is The Warming? (0 replies)
  3. Obama's Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting - What the F*** was Thata? (8 replies)
  4. Pentagon lost $6.6 BILLION in Iraq aid (13 replies)
  5. Imagine the outrage if the genders were reversed (0 replies)
  6. Wow! I Hate To Be In Agreement With Hillary (1 replies)
  7. Okay, so that 17 year old girl tweeted by Weiner (15 replies)
  8. “Card Check” Used To Unionize Unsuspecting Mass. Teachers (2 replies)
  9. State of TN strikes another blow against the 1st Amendment (82 replies)
  10. PA Marine Barred From Wearing Uniform at HS Graduation (54 replies)
  11. American AQ spokesman urges followers to buy guns, start shooting (5 replies)
  12. Japan: Nuke fuel has melted through base of plant (6 replies)
  13. Exxon Finds Major Oil Discovery In Gulf (7 replies)
  14. WI Union Thugs Disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony (0 replies)
  15. You can't make this sh*t up... (3 replies)
  16. FannieGate: Gamechanger (0 replies)
  17. School stops playing National Anthem- too warlike. (10 replies)
  18. Why My Next Car Will NOT Be GM Built (11 replies)
  19. FACEBOOK turns on Facail rego for all your pics...Automatically (3 replies)
  20. How defunding Planned Parenthood promotes more abortions (147 replies)
  21. Caption Contest! (8 replies)
  22. Geico Gecko vs Progressive's Flo? (19 replies)
  23. The Green Killer - Wind Turbines (4 replies)
  24. Egyptian General Admits 'Virginity Checks' Conducted on Protesters (1 replies)
  25. Iowa has its own new orleans (11 replies)
  26. D-Day: Crisis On Omaha (0 replies)
  27. Egypt Rushes Toward Sharia and War (16 replies)
  28. Obama demolished Palestinian chances for statehood (20 replies)
  29. Netanyahu's speech to Congress shows America will buy anything (42 replies)
  30. Homeowner forecloses on Bank of America (5 replies)
  31. Anti Smoking Nuts Hit Iowa (88 replies)
  32. Insane ... Federal Judge Prohibits Prayer at Texas Graduation Ceremony (17 replies)
  33. $2 Million Dollars For This? (8 replies)
  34. Moody's Warns of Watch List For US If Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised (10 replies)
  35. Cyber 9-11 (3 replies)
  36. The Recovery That Isn't (31 replies)
  37. ROTC programs booming at universities (3 replies)
  38. Sad - gay guy is new prom "queen" (25 replies)
  39. I cant use a cell phone while driving, but cops can 'text'? (4 replies)
  40. Hospitals hunt substitutes as drug shortages rise (0 replies)
  41. Black Bike Week in Myrtle Beach (0 replies)
  42. Miracle dog buried alive in Malta survives (0 replies)
  43. Fined $100/branch for improperly pruned trees!???!!!! (16 replies)
  44. Obama/NATO rejects Lybian cease fire offer? (1 replies)
  45. Holiday Cookout Will Cost You 29% More (17 replies)
  46. Atheists VS American Legion (179 replies)
  47. Filing Agreement With (1 replies)
  48. Why you should love $5 gas (4 replies)
  49. Polar Ice Rapture Misses Its Deadline (12 replies)
  50. Before and after view of Joplin tornado (3 replies)
  51. No One May Lecture Obama (1 replies)
  52. High School 1957 VS. 2010‏ (1 replies)
  53. Walker Signs Voter ID Bill (166 replies)
  54. High energy takes a bite out of economic growth (2 replies)
  55. Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingram "Right Wing Slut" (50 replies)
  56. English Only Sign Triples Diners Business (2 replies)
  57. Presidential limo felled by speed bump (5 replies)
  58. TSA invited to School prom for security (1 replies)
  59. Handicapped Parking Abuse Costing CA Millions (26 replies)
  60. Islands in the stream (5 replies)
  61. History Lesson on Social Security (5 replies)
  62. Majority of Americans no longer hate gay people!!! (58 replies)
  63. It's Sunday (in Australia) and the world is still here (2 replies)
  64. Nanny State Update - Ronald McDonald Has Got To Go (47 replies)
  65. Agreeing With Relevart (11 replies)
  66. WI Supreme Court Recount Finished and Prosser Wins Again (0 replies)
  67. Top 10 Most Obnoxious Hollywood Liberals (27 replies)
  68. The World Ends Today????? (0 replies)
  69. Our Future With Obamacare? (11 replies)
  70. RIP Macho Man, Randy Savage (2 replies)
  71. Another sign that the world is coming to an end (0 replies)
  72. Wisconsin Protests Price Tag Tops $8 Million (48 replies)
  73. Your Tax Dollars At Work - Lotto Winner On Food Stamps??? (32 replies)
  74. Marine Survives 2 Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him (3 replies)
  75. Zombie Apocalypse (18 replies)
  76. Public Apology to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (2 replies)
  77. Stimulus? Net Loss of 500k Jobs (0 replies)
  78. David Mamet, Conservative? The Times They Are A'Changing! (10 replies)
  79. Why shooting Usama in the head is A-OK (1 replies)
  80. It's official - the Army Corps of Engineers will open Morganza Spillway (41 replies)
  81. McCain: Harsh interrogation didn't produce Osama info (6 replies)
  82. Infant searched at KC airport (3 replies)
  83. Bill Gates Speaks to High School Students (6 replies)
  84. Fitted or flat? (2 replies)
  85. Don't Like Your Weather? Come To Chicago, It Changes and Changes (2 replies)
  86. A contributing reason for high unemployment (1 replies)
  87. Illinois Scrambles as Sears Looks for an Exit (6 replies)
  88. The Obama Spending Spree Continues (0 replies)
  89. Gas prices could drop by 50 cents this summer (26 replies)
  90. Historic Mississippi River flooding - Morganza spillway to open for 1st time since 73 (21 replies)
  91. Local Government Regulates How Much Partiotism One Can Show (0 replies)
  92. More From the Enviro Wackos (18 replies)
  93. Buying This? (1 replies)
  94. Thank God For All Those Burger Flipper Jobs (136 replies)
  95. Jobless Claims Hit 8 Month High (3 replies)
  96. Tornade Outbreak Caused by Global Warming And Global Cooling (15 replies)
  97. Gas Pain (0 replies)
  98. Hard-Left Radio Host - When Will Seals Take Out Pres Bush? (13 replies)
  99. The Students with Bush on 9/11: The Interrupted Reading (2 replies)
  100. The Religon of Peace Speaks Out On the Death of OBL (5 replies)
  101. Bin Laden’s war against the U.S. economy (14 replies)
  102. Reaction from Arab world? (32 replies)
  103. Obama bin laden killed by american forces (37 replies)
  104. Obama trumps the Donald at White House Correspondance Dinner. (3 replies)
  105. Who Makes The Most Money Off the Sale OF A Gallon Of Gas? (9 replies)
  106. Gov Daniels Defunds Planned Parenthod in IN (35 replies)
  107. Brian Williams - Are Tornadoes Caused By Something We Have Done? (5 replies)
  108. White House Threatens To Cut Off Newspaper For Protest Report (1 replies)
  109. Hey, We Got Our Own Unexpected Results Of The Economy! (30 replies)
  110. MA House Votes To Restrict Unions (1 replies)
  111. Lefist Crap Now In Comic Books As Superman Renounces US Citizenship (23 replies)
  112. 911 1st responders might be terrorst (1 replies)
  113. Unexpectedly! Sigh (4 replies)
  114. Drug kingpin points finger at DEA, FBI, CIA, ICE & Homeland Security (14 replies)
  115. Chilling look at 9-11 mastermind (0 replies)
  116. Americans Addressing the Deficit (2 replies)
  117. Union Official Teachs How To College Course In Violent Union Tactics (2 replies)
  118. Poll: CA Workers Should Share Burdens (0 replies)
  119. Washington State to Penalize Electric Car Owners (29 replies)
  120. High court rejects quick review of health care law (0 replies)
  121. The Blame Game (1 replies)
  122. Time for a Cease-Fire in the War on Oil (0 replies)
  123. Equal responsibility for teen pregnancy (2 replies)
  124. This Is Just Wrong: Freedom of Speech (6 replies)
  125. Who else believes this is wrong? (6 replies)
  126. Seems A Worthwhile Message To Be Heard (1 replies)
  127. Big Brother has your smart phone data (24 replies)
  128. WAR for Oil: Brits haggle BP's cut memos revel (1 replies)
  129. Start Local (1 replies)
  130. 12 yr old holds up store; 6 yr old brings gun to school (6 replies)
  131. China's new Aircraft Carier, (9 replies)
  132. Sports star fined for saying "faggot" (19 replies)
  133. Another Mom kills her kids (1 replies)
  134. Japan's Nuclear Problem Rating Equivalent to Chernobyl (12 replies)
  135. Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home (5 replies)
  136. Not 2 Be Missed | Presidential dream: long walk in the park (1 replies)
  137. Israel hails success of new rocket interceptor (0 replies)
  138. The GOP did just fine (126 replies)
  139. Ahmadinejad: ‘A Mideast Without Israel and America Now Possible’ (0 replies)
  140. Rising Oil Prices Beginning To Hurt The Economy! Shockers! (122 replies)
  141. Time's up: Obama and GOP scramble to halt shutdown (12 replies)
  142. Demographer: US has 4M adults who identify as gay (0 replies)
  143. DOJ Decision To Try Terror Suspects in Military Commissions (2 replies)
  144. Obama Is Not Serious About Oil and US Policy (9 replies)
  145. Girl Pistol-Whips Mother to force her to buy her a car (11 replies)
  146. Michael Moore attacks host of the Colbert Report (16 replies)
  147. Wal-Mart Asks Supreme Court To Deny Class-Action Suit By Female Workers (4 replies)
  148. 22 airlines Caught in Collusion Price Fixing (17 replies)
  149. NY Stock Exchange Bought Buy German Stock Exchange.... (37 replies)
  150. Bush I breifer Ejected From Clinton meeting 4 freedom (11 replies)
  151. "Gadhafi vows 'long war' after US allies strike" (56 replies)
  152. Where is all the Japan talk???? (13 replies)
  153. "Barack Obama The Weakest President in history" (41 replies)
  154. Why Obama's Numbers Are Falling (52 replies)
  155. The Lybian dilemma: a Russian's perspective (0 replies)
  156. Hacker Bust BOA, Expose mortgage fruad... (0 replies)
  157. A Washington state woman used a kitchen knife to cut off her prematurely babys head (3 replies)
  158. 8.4 Earthquake hits Japan (32 replies)
  159. Is Saudi Arabia the next to fall ??? (5 replies)
  160. Gang rape of 11-year-old Texas girl is on cell phone video, say police (8 replies)
  161. HC law deceitfully prefunded by $105 BILLION !!! (2 replies)
  162. Wisconsin and Compromise (11 replies)
  163. Polls were the "in thing"... (1 replies)
  164. Criminals Support Gun Control (2 replies)
  165. Waiting for Superman (1 replies)
  166. Undercover tape- NPR calls everyone else racist. (44 replies)
  167. Glenn Becks ratings slump. (15 replies)
  168. Just One of the Egregious Reasons The UN Sucks (1 replies)
  169. Now The Military Tribunals Resume, At Gitmo (20 replies)
  170. The world as a village. (1 replies)
  171. Some Agreement: Multi-Culturalism Fails (3 replies)
  172. Writing Is On The Wall (13 replies)
  173. Sister: Mom who killed child in AN OVEN was "...a great parent" (2 replies)
  174. Education at its finest (3 replies)
  175. Unemployment Comp Claim Democrat Style (1 replies)
  176. Great News- Unemployment is Only 8.9% (2 replies)
  177. D.C. Radio Host Gets Booted for Knocking Radical Islam (9 replies)
  178. The Fleebagging Anthem (0 replies)
  179. Has anyone seen any media..... (1 replies)
  180. SEIU Thungs Disrupt OH Senator's Dinner and Accost Restaurant Workers (7 replies)
  181. Government e-mails reveal plot to stall budget repair bill (0 replies)
  182. Obama Flies In Personal Trainer Once a Week (0 replies)
  183. Peaceniks, where are you? (31 replies)
  184. Congress may remove funding for global warming research (21 replies)
  185. Iran Air Flight 655 Vs Pan Am Flight 103 (0 replies)
  186. Bradley Manning Charged With 22 More Counts (45 replies)
  187. Free speech now restricted to approved threads (4 replies)
  188. Fox News Lies About "Violent Wisconsin Protests" (51 replies)
  189. Public Employees Paid More Than Private Workers in 41 States (67 replies)
  190. Keith Olbermann Launches Fok News Channel (17 replies)
  191. Dem WI State Rep to Female GOP Colleague "You are f'ing dead" (40 replies)
  192. Walker gives 24-hour deadline to fleebaggers (46 replies)
  193. Rationing Begins: ObamaCare vs. Breast Cancer Patients (34 replies)
  194. Couldn't Make This Stuff Up (6 replies)
  195. Fleebagger Dems Inspire New Tourism Ad (5 replies)
  196. Publlic Employee Unions May Be On The Way Out (34 replies)
  197. In Heavy Snow, Massive Crowd Rallies in Madison (32 replies)
  198. Sounds like a DP member wants to shoot Obama (25 replies)
  199. more corrupt bank news (220 replies)
  200. narco sub hides 7 tons of coke (1 replies)
  201. PA Judge Convicted in 'Kids for Cash' Scheme (4 replies)
  202. CAIR Confronts Allen West (6 replies)
  203. breaking: four Americans killed by pirates (10 replies)
  204. Two pictures for the people of lybia (12 replies)
  205. Talk about no privacy (5 replies)
  206. Wisconsin Democrat Legislative Minority V People of Wisconsin (55 replies)
  207. US State Dept Stirs up revolutions via net BUT calls for Tweet Recs of WIKIleaks (0 replies)
  208. Obama to Impose New Fees on Energy Companies Who Can’t Drill Anyway (0 replies)
  209. ABC News Correspondent Beaten (0 replies)
  210. Patriot Act ... (2 replies)
  211. REPORT: General Petraeus To Quit (0 replies)
  212. CBS News Reporter Sexually Assaulted in Cairo (22 replies)
  213. Managed Health Care UK Report (2 replies)
  214. 400-Pound Woman Shoplifts, Gets Caught in Motorized Vehicle, Tasered (12 replies)
  215. MSNBC Ratings Tanking (12 replies)
  216. Afghan Poppies into Diesel Fuel... cool (0 replies)
  217. Ron Paul On Egypt and Wins Cpac straw poll!! YEAH! (11 replies)
  218. Save the Planet and Do NOT Give Your Loved One Flowers (18 replies)
  219. Documentary Reveals British Mosques Beat Muslim Children…and Worse (19 replies)
  220. Muslim Brotherhood Dark side Light side? (7 replies)
  221. Jackson Lee Denounces Pepsi Super Bowl Ad as "Demeaning" (23 replies)
  222. GOP Congresscritter going topless to find mistress (4 replies)
  223. Interesting (28 replies)
  224. Latest on the Philly Baby-killer (aka Abortion doctor) (30 replies)
  225. And the lib beat goes on (7 replies)
  226. Coming Soon - The Obamacare Comic Book (6 replies)
  227. Muslim CEO Found Guilty of Beheading Wife in Honor Killing (44 replies)
  228. Is Multiculturism Dead?? (0 replies)
  229. Report: Keith Olbermann To Join Current TV (28 replies)
  230. Another missle launch off the coast of Texas? (17 replies)
  231. Blame global warming for Acne. True. (1 replies)
  232. AOL buying Huff post (4 replies)
  233. Marines Headed to Egypt???? (4 replies)
  234. If Valarie Jarrett Was A GOP Female Would This Be Embarrassing Or Proof of Stupidity? (21 replies)
  235. Hannity Calls Muslim Cleric a Sick Miserable, Evil, SOB (12 replies)
  236. Loony Left Calls Chick-Fil-A Anti Gay (11 replies)
  237. "Green" Cars Screwing Things Up In Dallas (7 replies)
  238. Super Bowl Panhandler Problem Fixed With $500 Fine (16 replies)
  239. Bush's Swiss Visit Off After Complaints On Torture (27 replies)
  240. Valerie Jarrett Mistakes General For Waiter (16 replies)
  241. GOP Congressional Hopefuls Denounce Threats, Violence–Updated (8 replies)
  242. Shell: No Beaufort Sea drilling in Arctic for 2011 (10 replies)
  243. Philly Abortion Doctor Gosnell May Face Death (33 replies)
  244. To follow events in the Middle East, go to the original source (0 replies)
  245. ABC Sets Up Sting Operation to Find Racism in AZ Immigration Law (22 replies)
  246. Al Gore claims global warming caused this week's historic blizzard (22 replies)
  247. McCain blasts Lukashenko as 'brutal tyrant' (0 replies)
  248. Muslims seek change in their Hollywood story (7 replies)
  249. Mexico Supplies Electricity To Wintry Texas (20 replies)
  250. Test your News IQ (4 replies)