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  1. McDonald's May Drop Health Plan (22 replies)
  2. Only in America, a lesson our elected should follow (4 replies)
  3. Poll - MSNBC Trusted by 12% (36 replies)
  4. Loss of super-majority weakens Chavez's grip on Venezuela (2 replies)
  5. Obama argues assassination program is "state secret" (38 replies)
  6. Obama and Hillary to Spend $50 Million On Stoves?????? (0 replies)
  7. Government To Sell Part Of GM To China? (0 replies)
  8. Union Thugs Try To Strongarm Chase Bank (3 replies)
  9. "This is the issue of this election......" (1 replies)
  10. Ahmadinejad Gives Standard Dem Speech At UN (4 replies)
  11. Colbert tells Congress farm work 'really hard' (12 replies)
  12. Can you spot the gay soldier in this pic? (6 replies)
  13. Republican State rep's rally put on Terror list. (1 replies)
  14. Chrysler Workers Busted Drinking On The Job (54 replies)
  15. Not News: Our Media Is Failing Us (0 replies)
  16. Illegal car crash (2 replies)
  17. Why do they hate the troops? (14 replies)
  18. I can't believe I live in an America where..... (0 replies)
  19. Ex-city manager among 8 arrested in Calif (0 replies)
  20. Insurers to drop child-only plans (27 replies)
  21. IMO,this guys owes no apologies!!! (6 replies)
  22. Home Depot founder on Obama economic policy (2 replies)
  23. Environmental tyranny (0 replies)
  24. Our best, our troops are protecting millions of Muslims (4 replies)
  25. How do we prepare for a limited government? (15 replies)
  26. Against the Stream - Interview with Gideon Levy (2 replies)
  27. The Punishment of Gaza by Gideon Levy (0 replies)
  28. Is the iRAQ WAR over now? (5 replies)
  29. FOX News Corp & Friends vs Mediamatters (36 replies)
  30. Harry Reid arrives at clean energy summit. . . in a fleet of giant SUVs (3 replies)
  31. Stimulus Dollars Hard At Work (42 replies)
  32. Noir! What have You Done?! (11 replies)
  33. $30 billion+ Saudi arms deal. (5 replies)
  34. 1.5 Million Britons haven't had job... (13 replies)
  35. Obama seeks his inner Bill Clinton and feels voters' pain (0 replies)
  36. Wish me luck ^_^ (7 replies)
  37. Political mainstreaming of the GOP lunatic fringe... (20 replies)
  38. Barack Obama: 'no' to solar panels on the White House roof (1 replies)
  39. Santa Monica Outlaws Smoking On Balconies (0 replies)
  40. Hope and Change Update: US poverty on track to post record gain (1 replies)
  41. Ground Zero Speeches (2 replies)
  42. Sebelius to Insurers: Shut Up Or Else!!!!! (2 replies)
  43. Media tries to tie Limbaugh to Terry Jones (3 replies)
  44. 9/11/10 - Where is Pres Obama? (25 replies)
  45. How the media works. (3 replies)
  46. burn baby burn (14 replies)
  47. Liberals plot to ‘Turn off Fox News’ in public places (25 replies)
  48. US is #4 in competitive economies (6 replies)
  49. Want drivers to stop caring about kids running out? (6 replies)
  50. Obamacare Will Hit Individuals and Small Business Hard (12 replies)
  51. The Liberal voter Base: ..."the Dollar Menu is a hoax, a fraud!" (72 replies)
  52. How much is too much, if any? (27 replies)
  53. Is Israel Really America's Friend? (32 replies)
  54. Real solutions..... (25 replies)
  55. Education: Beginnings Towards A Fix (1 replies)
  56. Education: In Pursuit of Cultural Hegemony (1 replies)
  57. Education: Indoctrination (1 replies)
  58. Education: What's The Matter With Texas? (1 replies)
  59. Education: Bubble and Other Problems (1 replies)
  60. NAACP launches coalition watchdog site to ‘monitor’ Tea Party ‘racists’ (52 replies)
  61. More Taser trouble: (7 replies)
  62. New Oil Rig Explosion In Gulf (9 replies)
  63. Israel's Illegal Annexation of East Jerusalem - by Stephen Lendman (10 replies)
  64. FEW thoughts on Obama (8 replies)
  65. Two Rallies.....Two Objectives (18 replies)
  66. America, stop sucking up to Israel - by Gideon Levy (43 replies)
  67. Gideon Levy (5 replies)
  68. another Crazy Judge ? (2 replies)
  69. NOPD Officers gave orders for summary executions (2 replies)
  70. Restoring Honor Rally (68 replies)
  71. Brooks: The Causes of Obama Economic Failure (6 replies)
  72. Economy (12 replies)
  73. Human Rights Audit - Proves our President is a piece of....work? (3 replies)
  74. /shrugs and hands Rider a new thread... (31 replies)
  75. Bedbug infestation is now epidemic in the U.S. (14 replies)
  76. A 578 million dollar school....really? (5 replies)
  77. Beat Whitey Night (1 replies)
  78. NOPD uses classic Nazi stormtrooper excuse - "We were ordered to do it!" (21 replies)
  79. Ron Paul...The voice of reason? (10 replies)
  80. More and more blacks are deciding to settle in the South (0 replies)
  81. Bristol Palin coming to Louisville for teenage mothers (2 replies)
  82. study: Teens who take driver's ed crash more (49 replies)
  83. Hamas use of Civilians as shields (23 replies)
  84. Shareholders weigh in on Target and Best Buy’s political giving (4 replies)
  85. Fla. city denies permit for 9/11 Quran burning (65 replies)
  86. Roger Clemens Indicted....ridiculous! (10 replies)
  87. Civilian Contractors to Take U.S. Lead as Military Leaves Iraq (1 replies)
  88. Iraq War vet kills pregnant wife, daughter, self (0 replies)
  89. Wow Another Vacation (2 replies)
  90. Creation Museum Creates Discomfort For Some Visitors (4 replies)
  91. Totally "Unexpected" Most Unemployment Applications November (4 replies)
  92. I feel special NOT (0 replies)
  93. Bush greets troops at DFW (1 replies)
  94. WikiLeaks: Pentagon ready to discuss Afghan files (0 replies)
  95. After 6 years, no charges brought against Delay (2 replies)
  96. Rightists and Israel (4 replies)
  97. HUD offers interest-free $50K loans to unemployed homeowners (8 replies)
  98. Marine Corps could shrink in size (6 replies)
  99. A little game: Can anyone.... (0 replies)
  100. All I Want for Christmas Is a Layoff (2 replies)
  101. Maxine Walters Blames Pres Bush For Her Ethics Problems (2 replies)
  102. Bush make surprise visit to troops (0 replies)
  103. The man with info about Iraq WMD's "suddenly dies".. (0 replies)
  104. Dr. Laura Schlessinger apologizes for saying N-word on the air (8 replies)
  105. Levi Johnston running for Wasilla mayor - on reality TV (25 replies)
  106. Atlanta yesterday (16 replies)
  107. Unemployment Apps Highest Since February (12 replies)
  108. Who’s Your Cable Company? Comcast Spends $1.2 Milln on US Muslim “Digital” Jihad (1 replies)
  109. Current events?? (3 replies)
  110. Lawmakers have little control over health care costs (2 replies)
  111. I want your Money (8 replies)
  112. Summer of Recovery Continues - Job Openings Fall For Second Straight Month (0 replies)
  113. Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough (0 replies)
  114. Canada: Man convicted of reckless driving because of the INTERNET (16 replies)
  115. Video: Obama refuses letter on border security from Rick Perry (1 replies)
  116. Google & Verizon Make pack to take over internet (0 replies)
  117. Gotta Love Gregg Gutfield (9 replies)
  118. Former Alaska Senator believed to be aboard crashed plane (1 replies)
  119. Illinois Is Broke! (2 replies)
  120. Death penalty would have saved this couples lives (0 replies)
  121. NOPD kicks man's teeth in for sport (0 replies)
  122. Time to admit Obamanomics has failed (23 replies)
  123. the War in Iraq is Over ... right? (0 replies)
  124. Jim !!!! (0 replies)
  125. Defiant Brit struts through Dubai mall in a bikini (28 replies)
  126. HT This Is For You (0 replies)
  127. Are christians, christianity, evil? (19 replies)
  128. Obama Choppers Six Miles For Economy Comments (8 replies)
  129. Spain Clears Beach, Michelle Lounges (3 replies)
  130. Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs $120 license to operate (4 replies)
  131. Fannie And Freddie Are Still At It (2 replies)
  132. On the Mosque... (11 replies)
  133. View when planes land at lubbock , tx airport (3 replies)
  134. More On Stimulus Summer: Let The Good Times Roll (0 replies)
  135. More 'Unexpected' News: Unemployment Up To 3 Month High (1 replies)
  136. Much More Hinky Stuff At DOJ (1 replies)
  137. Billionaires To Give Away Half Their Fortune (2 replies)
  138. California gay marriage ban overturned (212 replies)
  139. Petreaus' Answering A Lefty Loon On The Greening of Afghanistan (0 replies)
  140. California Gay Marriage Law - did you realize this? (2 replies)
  141. $1 Million Contract Put out on Sheriff Joe Arpaio (16 replies)
  142. Judge lets Virginia healthcare challenge proceed (0 replies)
  143. Fox News to move to front-row White House briefing room seat (17 replies)
  144. Chicago Cop's Lament Circulating Throughout The Web (5 replies)
  145. On Jounolist (85 replies)
  146. Jo from Florida (3 replies)
  147. Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed (4 replies)
  148. Two Lines I Never Thought I'd Read In TIME (16 replies)
  149. Guif Shores Oil Spill Update (6 replies)
  150. An Electric car I'd LOVE to own! (15 replies)
  151. Poor 'Red State' Whites Discriminated At Elite Universities (0 replies)
  152. Road Warrior-level collapse imminent (2 replies)
  153. And People Thought Patriot Act Curtailed Rights (16 replies)
  154. Ahmadinejad Slams Paul the Psychic Octopus (2 replies)
  155. Anyone Want To Buy A Chevy Volt? (21 replies)
  156. About Race, History, and Fairness (1 replies)
  157. Must Read of Day, Gingrich: No Mosque at Ground Zero (6 replies)
  158. Unintended Consequences of Sherrod Incident? (7 replies)
  159. Barney Frank creates a big stink over a senior citizen discount (2 replies)
  160. Code Pink Declares War on Air Conditioning (22 replies)
  161. major security leak uncovered (28 replies)
  162. Arizona Legal Defense Fund: Keep AZ Safe (1 replies)
  163. Another example of how Fox News can distort a story (8 replies)
  164. Hey folks - Help keep this board around - Newspaper New Plan: Copyright Suits (7 replies)
  165. For Krisy (1 replies)
  166. AZ court hearing SB 1070 legal challenges today (34 replies)
  167. Should Breitbart apologize to Sherrod? (25 replies)
  168. Copyright on the Internet (3 replies)
  169. An Ohio mailman has saved 3 lives in 20 years. (1 replies)
  170. Quick reply (3 replies)
  171. Urgent! The U.S. needs your help! (38 replies)
  172. MD an PA Will Offer Abortions Paid For Under Obamacare (3 replies)
  173. Former Employer Wants Me To Testify For Them (0 replies)
  174. Have We Entered A "Rules Changed" Era? (3 replies)
  175. Ship Buried in 18th Century Unearthed at WTC Site (2 replies)
  176. The damn hole is plugged... (19 replies)
  177. Unconstitutional! (1 replies)
  178. Baruch Goldstein (1 replies)
  179. Obituary Slaps Harry Reid (4 replies)
  180. 10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased (2 replies)
  181. No words are needed for this ! ! ! (30 replies)
  182. Bristol Palin and Levi Announce Engagement (10 replies)
  183. "Four our own good" the gov't has extorted THOUSANDS from us; now we dont get it back (7 replies)
  184. Court rules FCC crackdown on broadcaster on air curse words is unconstitutional (2 replies)
  185. Another Town Hall Meeting gone bad...Those poor democrats. (10 replies)
  186. Yankees Owner Steinbrenner dead (2 replies)
  187. Sweat In Your House To Save The Planet (15 replies)
  188. As United States Collapses, Media Worships LeBron James (11 replies)
  189. Mullets Banned in Iran (4 replies)
  190. Mel Gibson, "racist" ??? (28 replies)
  191. The writings of an African activist. (6 replies)
  192. Shoebox Bomb Detonates At Home of Oil Executive (5 replies)
  193. Drill Here, Drill Now is benefitting a small community (1 replies)
  194. Rasmussen: Investor confidence hits 2010 low (1 replies)
  195. Liberal Do Gooder - Who Cares If The Gulf's Economy Needs Drilling? (5 replies)
  196. White SF officer gets lesser sentence in death of black train rider (4 replies)
  197. Fed judge rules gay marriage ban unconstitutional (15 replies)
  198. New financial reform bill increases discrimination against white males (1 replies)
  199. All The World's Indeed A Stage: The Obama-Netanyahu Meeting (0 replies)
  200. Chicago Gun Laws Can't Protect Chicago Police (8 replies)
  201. Kipling.... (0 replies)
  202. Woman who stored corpses in her house just couldn't deal with death (5 replies)
  203. Former Employer Wants Me To Testify For Them (0 replies)
  204. NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World (22 replies)
  205. 1 Person Killed, 23 People Wounded (3 replies)
  206. No mosque at Ground Zero (6 replies)
  207. Teachers’ Union Shuns Obama Aides at Convention (6 replies)
  208. Fireworks? Really? (5 replies)
  209. A fitting Car Commercial for the 4th :) (4 replies)
  210. Whistle blower to testify on oil spill worst fear:BP deliberately sinks oil (6 replies)
  211. Kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard to receive $20 million payout. (0 replies)
  212. Ya know... (12 replies)
  213. Al Gore sex investigation to be re-opened, say Portland police (8 replies)
  214. US denies secret talks with Hamas (3 replies)
  215. UNEMPLOYMENT a VISUAL (3 replies)
  216. No Pledge of Allegiance (8 replies)
  217. Employees fired after missing work to protest immigration law (6 replies)
  218. whoa!! Holy crap! Did our president (gasp) MAKE A DECISION? Oil Help enroute (6 replies)
  219. we are in trouble.... (9 replies)
  220. Just stop,....look,...and listen (19 replies)
  221. Do we need more Kitchen Knife control Laws? (0 replies)
  222. Not Going To Replace Those Lost Jobs-Get Over It! (5 replies)
  223. Obama's race-rant Rev. rages on (16 replies)
  224. Breaking - Robert Byrd Died (8 replies)
  225. How Many Graduates Does It Take to Be No. 1? (4 replies)
  226. Abortion hotline in Pakistan faces violent opposition (0 replies)
  227. Biden-ism #704 (4 replies)
  228. Thousands protest summit in Canada; vandals smash windows, torch police cars (5 replies)
  229. WaPo's David Weigel Quits/Fired Over Emails (14 replies)
  230. Blackwater/Xe Commits Treason, Gets Paid Big Bucks for It (4 replies)
  231. Why ? (40 replies)
  232. Lawmakers Reach Deal on Sweeping Financial Overhaul Bill (1 replies)
  233. Bin Laden hunter says he'll 'absolutely' try again (0 replies)
  234. Israel to expel Hamas politicians from Jerusalem (18 replies)
  235. Schwarzenegger bans welfare cards at casinos (13 replies)
  236. Police: Calif couple tried to sell baby at Walmart (8 replies)
  237. Did Sgt Schultz's Construction Company Get Stimulus Money? (2 replies)
  238. Naked Man Arrested At Library With Stolen Cheese (5 replies)
  239. Edith Shain dies at 91. [Yes, you do know her] (4 replies)
  240. Handling of 'abduction' case involving teen has been absurd (1 replies)
  241. Wow.... just wow... (2 replies)
  242. New gun law takes effect in Indiana July 1 (3 replies)
  243. Another Example Of How Unions Are Bankrupting America (6 replies)
  244. Utah Supreme Court rules in favor of e-signatures (0 replies)
  245. Stupid is, as Stupid does (61 replies)
  246. Country of Mexico Suing State of Arizona... (19 replies)
  247. Better Measurements For Teachers? (0 replies)
  248. Road Built By Stimulus Money Named "Barack Obama Parkway" (15 replies)
  249. More borrowers exit Obama mortgage help plan (0 replies)
  250. Dem Underground Shuts Down Criticism Of Obama (29 replies)