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  1. Sad and pathetic (1 replies)
  2. Fannie and Freddie To Become Penny Stocks (0 replies)
  3. Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer thinks he's on a mission from God to protect Israel (2 replies)
  4. Behind the scenes (0 replies)
  5. We Are Not Allowed to Critize Israel! (27 replies)
  6. FCC in move to regulate internet (5 replies)
  7. Ultra-Orthodox Jews accused of racism over education demands (6 replies)
  8. Israel's Deterrence Capacity - Dr Norman Finkelstein (17 replies)
  9. Daughter almost called FoxNews today! (29 replies)
  10. Another "rediculous liberal policy" story (39 replies)
  11. Ed Schultz's Version of Patriotism (0 replies)
  12. Alert Issued for 17 Afghan Military Members AWOL From U.S. Air Force Base (2 replies)
  13. Texas rep apologizes to BP (23 replies)
  14. Seriously??? I'm not sure how i feel about this.... (16 replies)
  15. Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard (13 replies)
  16. NJ Unions Raising Dues To Fund Ads Against Gov Chrisitie (3 replies)
  17. Ya think...... (5 replies)
  18. Head teabagger slams Bush presidency (50 replies)
  19. Obama Met With BP Execs For 20 Minutes (11 replies)
  20. Obamaprompter's OJT (6 replies)
  21. Why Sharon is a War Criminal (11 replies)
  22. Sabra and Shatila: The unforgettable, unforgivable, Israeli massacre. (14 replies)
  23. Students Led To Chant "I Am An Obama Scholar" (6 replies)
  24. WTF? 6 votes apiece? (41 replies)
  25. Pelosi's New District Office Costs $18,736 a Month (11 replies)
  26. Is Tea Party really about freedom & constition? (60 replies)
  27. Government under pressure to open US skies to unmanned drones despite safety concerns (2 replies)
  28. Passionate attachment to Israel (93 replies)
  29. Democrat Congressman Goes Nuts When Asked if He Supports the “Obama Agenda”; Attacks (12 replies)
  30. Obama signs executive order to control your lifestyle (16 replies)
  31. NAACP calls Hallmark "Black Holes" graduation card racist (10 replies)
  32. Virus alert!!! (2 replies)
  33. new Pepsi logo (40 replies)
  34. Man set to die by firing squad makes last appeal (16 replies)
  35. 5 NOPD pigs federal charges in lynching (19 replies)
  36. A Stimulus Bill For The PLO (0 replies)
  37. No Biggie (13 replies)
  38. This is so sad and people don't realize (6 replies)
  39. Video - thug attacks peaceful Tea Party protesters... (8 replies)
  40. Oil Removal - It's As Simple As Hay (4 replies)
  41. Obama has never spoken to BP CEO (41 replies)
  42. A Toddler walks into bar..... (0 replies)
  43. universities stand to gain millions from selling info to credit card companies (2 replies)
  44. FBI paid Joran VDS $25K in sting, then let him get away to murder girl in Peru (3 replies)
  45. Confirmed - Reuters is totally unreliable news source... (14 replies)
  46. 10 troops, 7 American killed on deadly Afghan day (5 replies)
  47. Researchers Say Children of Lesbian Parents Have Fewer Behavior Problems (18 replies)
  48. BP in violation of Louisiana law - owes 500 bucks for each dead animal (32 replies)
  49. Gaza blockade: Iran offers escort to next aid convoy (4 replies)
  50. Marine stuns a tea party with the fourth verse of the star spangled banner (12 replies)
  51. The Secret Powers of Time (Video) (3 replies)
  52. Texas Textbook Critics Just Can't Handle the Truth (14 replies)
  53. Presidential Proclamation--Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month (11 replies)
  54. Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals (6 replies)
  55. The Gaza Flotilla participants explain how they can con the world (1 replies)
  56. Plug the leak..your ideas? (23 replies)
  57. Rosary beads as a gang symbol? (2 replies)
  58. Obama's favorite slogan. - "The buck stops here". (1 replies)
  59. MSM Noticing Obama's Very Bad Year (1 replies)
  60. All aboard! Obama pals back violent Gaza flotilla (3 replies)
  61. Sometimes gun control doesn't work (10 replies)
  62. Oil Spills Thru The Years (7 replies)
  63. Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America (0 replies)
  64. Germany in crisis after surprise resignation of President Horst Köhler (4 replies)
  65. Al and Tipper Gore tear the sheet (5 replies)
  66. Dieting for dollars? More US employees trying it (1 replies)
  67. Fight on "humanitarian" vessel (10 replies)
  68. Owners Stop Paying Mortgages, and Stop Fretting (2 replies)
  69. Calif. College Offers Scholarship to Illegal Immigrants (7 replies)
  70. Korea incident largely unnoticed (0 replies)
  71. I just gotta say... Regarding the new Miss USA... (2 replies)
  72. A soldier’s choice: Mercy Killing (2 replies)
  73. Oath Keepers want sheriffs back as top cop (2 replies)
  74. Obama Finally Arrives to Save The Day - Caption The Photo (30 replies)
  75. Now It Starts - MI RINO Wants To License Journalists (5 replies)
  76. Sack Tapping Costs Young Boy a Testicle (19 replies)
  77. Schumer Wants to Slow Exodus of US Call Centers (5 replies)
  78. Lawsuits mount against BP as BP sues BP. (0 replies)
  79. Gary Coleman has died at 42 (2 replies)
  80. Man says police wrongly shot medical aid dog (8 replies)
  81. ATTN: Bush & Obama - LBJ knew how to be a leader in an emergency! (17 replies)
  82. Rush Limbaugh getting married again (26 replies)
  83. Silly Bandz Bracelet Craze: School Ban Over Distraction (0 replies)
  84. Dairy Worker Caught On Video Abusing Cows (14 replies)
  85. Obama Defends Response to Oil Spill Disaster in Gulf (4 replies)
  86. BP Will Owe $15,000 per dead pelican (16 replies)
  87. Feds bust child porn 'social networking site' (2 replies)
  88. Travel To Methadone Clinics Costly To Taxpayers (0 replies)
  89. Obama Judicial Nominee Says Sexual Sadists Deserve Lighter Sentences (0 replies)
  90. Henry the neighborhood rooster has gotta go, council says (1 replies)
  91. 'Glimmers of Hope' for Grads (4 replies)
  92. House budget still contains money for Christian school (2 replies)
  93. What would you do if...??? - The Scenerio Thread. (29 replies)
  94. Gov Christie Does It Again and I Love It (5 replies)
  95. Stepfather Charged With Slipping Gin In Toddler's Tea (1 replies)
  96. Man Charged With Masturbating In Store (5 replies)
  97. Troops to the Mexican border: Obama to send 1,200 (5 replies)
  98. Joe Sestak says White House offered him a job to drop out of Senate race with Spectre (2 replies)
  99. Fox News Video Omits Applause During Obama's West Point Speech (1 replies)
  100. Folks, not only the US, but the entire world is in a mess. (2 replies)
  101. Obamaprompter is now truely qualified for POTUS (12 replies)
  102. One of the most JACKED UP things I have ever seen... (2 replies)
  103. Native America Tea Party Member says (0 replies)
  104. Heavily accented teachers removed from Arizona classrooms (17 replies)
  105. Illegals Threaten To Murder Americans With Axes And Shovels (5 replies)
  106. Harrisburg PA may go Bankrupt Due To "Green" Jobs (2 replies)
  107. Now this is just messed up (138 replies)
  108. Kalamazoo Central seniors aren't the only ones asked the 'Citizen status' question (1 replies)
  109. Biden: Brussels Has Legit Claim as "Capital of the Free World" (3 replies)
  110. Professor Booed at AZ Graduation For Attacking Immigration Law (12 replies)
  111. List of BP brands to boycott (25 replies)
  112. Kagan's writings, speeches suggest mindset of an activist (0 replies)
  113. D.C. to begin using more-expensive Trojan condoms (60 replies)
  114. Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona, could she be a possible candidate for president? (4 replies)
  115. Obama's One World Order (5 replies)
  116. Obama Announces U.S. Militay Secrets to the World (0 replies)
  117. Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity (23 replies)
  118. Resident mad at census worker shot and killed (1 replies)
  119. Californicating (0 replies)
  120. UC Berkeley plan to test freshmen DNA criticized (2 replies)
  121. From the WTF Files: Rodent scurries by as Obama lauds Wall Street vote (10 replies)
  122. A young girl admits to First Lady that her mother is an 'illegal alien'. (1 replies)
  123. The White House are a bunch of racists (6 replies)
  124. Lord Monckton on Climate Change believers (1 replies)
  125. FIght over Arizona's Illegal Immigriant law escalates to the Power Grid. (15 replies)
  126. Ky. voter turnout appears short of 30% prediction, state says (0 replies)
  127. Tea party strength put to test with Rand Paul in Republican Kentucky Senate race (32 replies)
  128. Atty: Video shows police fired into Detroit home killing child (2 replies)
  129. Mom Says Bus Driver Made Fun Of Girl For Gay Parents (0 replies)
  130. Newt Gingrich calls Elena Kagan anti-military & unworthy! (15 replies)
  131. Hawaii slams door on 'birthers,' who turn to Obama Social Security number (4 replies)
  132. 2010 Miss USA crowned in Las Vegas (Immigration was a question) (32 replies)
  133. Laura Bush Comes Out Pro-Choice and Pro-Gay Marriage (12 replies)
  134. Other states have sought immigration legislation. (6 replies)
  135. Your Tax Dollars at Work: ‘Machete’ Glorifies Race War (8 replies)
  136. Arizona bans ethnic studies in schools (13 replies)
  137. Clean up the oil spill? A couple of good Ideas (3 replies)
  138. Explosion in Greece (23 replies)
  139. Pelosi lays down new travel rules for lawmakers (4 replies)
  140. U.S. (Obama Administration) Said to Allow Drilling Without Needed Permits (3 replies)
  141. DNA test kits to be sold at Walgreen's (15 replies)
  142. Obama calls for 'resolute' spending cuts in Spain (5 replies)
  143. Pa. police cite hundreds just for cursing (5 replies)
  144. Where in the Constitution does it say Miranda warnings are required? (41 replies)
  145. Calif. Student Told Drawing U.S. Flag 'Offensive' But Obama Drawing Praised (20 replies)
  146. NYT Tells Greece to Abandon Socialized Medicine? (2 replies)
  147. Does Kagen still lament the downfall of the early 1900s socialist movement? (0 replies)
  148. Employer gets jail time for harboring illegal (2 replies)
  149. Elena Kagan - separated at birth? (23 replies)
  150. California Students Sent Home for Wearing U.S. Flags on Cinco de Mayo (15 replies)
  151. Did anyone celebrate Cinco de Mayo? (39 replies)
  152. Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth (0 replies)
  153. *Will Woods Retire From Golf?* (8 replies)
  154. Tennesee flood victims failed to learn lesson from Katrina. (28 replies)
  155. Katrina crime wave never existed (56 replies)
  156. Digital copiers -- what you don't know can hurt you (3 replies)
  157. La Raza - scarier than Islam Extremists (64 replies)
  158. It's a sad day here. (7 replies)
  159. What New Orleans has that you do not (64 replies)
  160. Vietnam 35yrs later in pictures - AMAZING (29 replies)
  161. Arizona to eliminate speed cameras on highways (0 replies)
  162. Documents reveal AT&T, Verizon, others, consider dropping employer-sponsored benefits (3 replies)
  163. Survivor from the Oil Rig Explosion (0 replies)
  164. Competence eh? (0 replies)
  165. Todays Dow (4 replies)
  166. Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees (37 replies)
  167. are your 401K's in danger ??? (9 replies)
  168. Overpopulation is a Myth (3 replies)
  169. Vacation in Arizona anyone? (12 replies)
  170. Teabaggers battle racism accusations (32 replies)
  171. Unemployed Mother Of 15 Says "Someone Owes Me" (10 replies)
  172. The ENORMOUS burden that illegal hispanic migration puts on American taxpayers. (17 replies)
  173. Battle of New Orleans Part II (1 replies)
  174. The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill - Amazing Stats (0 replies)
  175. MS-NBC anchor: I’m so bummed that Shahzad wasn’t a Tea Partier (9 replies)
  176. Is Obama Moving To Topple Israel's Prime Minister? (0 replies)
  177. China Gettin' Wobbly? (2 replies)
  178. Suspect in custody in NY car bomb attack (9 replies)
  179. Liberal Media Blames Corporate Greed For Oil Spill (7 replies)
  180. Five myths about immigration (28 replies)
  181. *I'm Illegal, My Children Are Born Of Illegals* (9 replies)
  182. Bomb attempt in times square (30 replies)
  183. Oklahoma passes bill outlawing militias n gang recruiting (4 replies)
  184. How bad is it in Arizona? (5 replies)
  185. Deputy shot; illegal immigrants suspected (5 replies)
  186. Derby cruising a concern for Louisville Metro Police (1 replies)
  187. Hide the sausage? (26 replies)
  188. After this oil spill (15 replies)
  189. RFK Jr - Oil Spill in Bush's Fault (8 replies)
  190. The New Arizona Law is working (3 replies)
  191. *Downward Slide of Tiger Woods* (0 replies)
  192. Arizona scales back immigration law (10 replies)
  193. BP screws the pooch - takes Louisiana's coast (0 replies)
  194. Al Gore, Tipper Gore snap up Montecito-area villa (29 replies)
  195. Grieving Parents: Babies' Identities Stolen (1 replies)
  196. Why do people debate on this board? (30 replies)
  197. Iowa GOP candidate wants to microchip illegals (24 replies)
  198. One more guilty plea in Danziger Bridge Massacre (0 replies)
  199. Proposal to allow 18 to drink... (13 replies)
  200. Can you prove you are an American? (47 replies)
  201. DRT or Dead Right There (5 replies)
  202. UK approves 6 percent in-state tuition increase (14 replies)
  203. Pat Buchanan on Arizona Illegal Enforcement (5 replies)
  204. Does Obama consider the WHITE MALE his adversary? (22 replies)
  205. Closing businesses that hire illegals (23 replies)
  206. Education reform (89 replies)
  207. Kitty Genovese 2010 (2 replies)
  208. Purdue student's 'Boobquake' aims to prove cleric wrong (6 replies)
  209. Police: Detroit strip club employed 14-year-old (7 replies)
  210. Should some of the Danziger 7 be executed? (25 replies)
  211. The Color Quiz (0 replies)
  212. Health Overhaul Will Increase Nation's Tab (5 replies)
  213. More Oversight! (2 replies)
  214. nursing home worker is charged with assaulting an elderly woman (0 replies)
  215. Rush as a dangerous Svengali? (2 replies)
  216. Young Muslim activists look at politics post-9/11 (1 replies)
  217. Government requests directed to Google and YouTube (4 replies)
  218. Pro-choice (113 replies)
  219. Today in History, April 20 (2 replies)
  220. GM repaying loan early.... (12 replies)
  221. I Want My Vacation! It's A Human Right!!! (5 replies)
  222. Schools spying on kids through webcams (5 replies)
  223. Cap & Trade (98 replies)
  224. Are they just born that way? (24 replies)
  225. Going To Catch The News Shows This Morning (2 replies)
  226. GE: $0 U.S. Tax bill... - WTF? (2 replies)
  227. Economic indicators in these metros have gone from bad to worse, with no sign of reco (15 replies)
  228. Islamic law (9 replies)
  229. what will it take... (41 replies)
  230. 1 Dead In Suspected Student Suicide At IU Dorm (3 replies)
  231. Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia (54 replies)
  232. Spare the rod... make your child more aggressive.. (30 replies)
  233. MD shortage? 28 states may expand nurses' role (28 replies)
  234. Officer suspended after beating of UMd. student (0 replies)
  235. Wrong video of health protest spurs N-word feud (2 replies)
  236. KY Man charged with making moonshine (13 replies)
  237. Kentucky Senate Bill Would Ban Salvia (4 replies)
  238. From the files of: We have no proof, but lets make a law anyway... (36 replies)
  239. U.S. Consulate Bombing in Mexico Ignored by White House (1 replies)
  240. Ky. Program Helps Teen Parents Get On Right Track (0 replies)
  241. Spencer County judge booked into jail on DUI charge (0 replies)
  242. Indiana Amish Exempt From New Health Care Rules (89 replies)
  243. Indiana firefighters union files complaint against city of Jeffersonville, decries fi (24 replies)
  244. Update on Mississippi Lesbian Prom story (51 replies)
  245. Obama And His Oil Buddies (8 replies)
  246. Maine Commission Moves to Ban Gender Specific Bathrooms, Sports Teams in Schools (19 replies)
  247. Polish President's Plane Goes Down In Russia (4 replies)
  248. Authorities: F-16s neared commercial jet over Ohio (0 replies)
  249. At least 80 gunmen terrorize Mexican town, kill 4 (0 replies)
  250. Race war brewing in South Africa... (16 replies)