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  1. Evangelist sentenced to 175 years for sex crimes (7 replies)
  2. High school swimmers mysteriously sick after statewide meet (0 replies)
  3. Carrie Prejean, the ultimate hypocrite (50 replies)
  4. Repo Men Shot; 1 Dead, 1 Wounded - Metro Atlanta (16 replies)
  5. Lou Dobbs resigns at CNN (3 replies)
  6. 3rd Coldest October On Record (0 replies)
  7. Hope & Change Has Been Realized (1 replies)
  8. WTF is wrong w/ some people? (4 replies)
  9. Thank you!!! (19 replies)
  10. ABC: FBI knew Hasan tried to contact Al-Qaeda (6 replies)
  11. DC Sniper To Die Tonight (12 replies)
  12. So Much For PTSD Being Contagious (7 replies)
  13. Shame on Obama (0 replies)
  14. El Salvador floods, mudslides kill 124, 60 missing (0 replies)
  15. Obama's 'Reactions' From One Euro (6 replies)
  16. GW and Laura Visit The Wounded At Ft. Hood (12 replies)
  17. This Administration Is Getting Tough! (2 replies)
  18. What? Chicago Has Anomalies With Jobs Saved or Created? (1 replies)
  19. A "Been There" Take On The Fort Hood Shootings (1 replies)
  20. The future of countries, TED talk (7 replies)
  21. *Shootings In Texas Military Base* (32 replies)
  22. CIA agents guilty of Italy kidnap (0 replies)
  23. "I'm not a racist, but..." (108 replies)
  24. USAF member gunned down by drug lords (4 replies)
  25. Rent clothes to cut carbon emissions, says green watchdog (2 replies)
  26. EDITORIAL: Jesus, no, but yes to Allah (1 replies)
  27. stunning: 70% unfit to serve (14 replies)
  28. Why Obama is failing (65 replies)
  29. Whos smiling now? (3 replies)
  30. *Indoor Brothels To Be Closed in RI.* (12 replies)
  31. 'V' aims at Obamamania (0 replies)
  32. Big screen bio of Mohammed planned (2 replies)
  33. Boeing Heads South - Unions And Dems "Shocked" (3 replies)
  34. CIT Files Its Bankruptcy Plan (0 replies)
  35. *Yeah, Protect Our Jailed Enemies Before* (0 replies)
  36. 1st Amendment Threats From The Self-Proclaimed Defenders (12 replies)
  37. Co$ at it again (4 replies)
  38. New Holiday (2 replies)
  39. Nanny of the Month (5 replies)
  40. Video - NY Democrats sitting through the Pledge of Allegiance (9 replies)
  41. Second 787 assembly line goes to South Carolina (2 replies)
  42. Listen Up everyone! (5 replies)
  43. The Latest Hot Mormon Muffins Calender Sparks Controversy (2 replies)
  44. Chicago to Pay for Informing on Tax Cheats (3 replies)
  45. Rich Are Fleeing New York (0 replies)
  46. EVERY American needs to watch this.. (0 replies)
  47. *Church of Scientology Sued For Fraud* (5 replies)
  48. Chit happens if ya SLEEP on the job (18 replies)
  49. Ron Paul Questions Why Obama Daughters Haven’t Taken Swine Flu Vaccine (13 replies)
  50. CNN Falls To Last Place In Primetime Demo - Fights To Catch MSNBC (8 replies)
  51. A Few Examples Of 'Debate' Among Equals (0 replies)
  52. Why Doesn't Obama Follow The Chinese? (1 replies)
  53. Your Dog Contributes To Global Warming (31 replies)
  54. *Biggest Balls In America* (4 replies)
  55. Gas Near $3/gal is good for the economy? (33 replies)
  56. Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years (0 replies)
  57. *Biggest Balls In Asia* (0 replies)
  58. Two more Idiots? (53 replies)
  59. Global warming: Is it for real? (15 replies)
  60. Michael Moore can dish it out. But can he take it? (0 replies)
  61. 2 Million Minutes A Documentary Film on Global Education (0 replies)
  62. Man pleads guilty to DWI in motorized La-Z-Boy (2 replies)
  63. Why are ConReps weak on national security? (17 replies)
  64. Emmett's Quick Response Saves Two Lives (12 replies)
  65. After Stimulus: 49 of 50 States Have Fewer Jobs! (11 replies)
  66. Obama Justice Dept Tells Blacks they Are Not Smart Enough To Vote Without Help (7 replies)
  67. 2 Years Of Unemployment Benefits????? (42 replies)
  68. Obama Finally Does Something (2 replies)
  69. Delta flight lands on taxiway instead of runway (13 replies)
  70. May be time to get off the fence... (16 replies)
  71. Sadly, its true... (0 replies)
  72. Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Says Teach Respect for Homosexuality in Kindergarten (0 replies)
  73. Baucus Bill Now Online (0 replies)
  74. *Brown Needs To Lay Off The Booze* (31 replies)
  75. CNN asks psychiatrist: Why do people listen to Rush Limbaugh? (3 replies)
  76. More Utahns asking for help with costs of burials or funerals (0 replies)
  77. Smart companies try to keep women happy in the workplace (5 replies)
  78. You just have to love this!!! (1 replies)
  79. WARNING! Goodbye U.S Sovereignty... Hello One World Government ! (4 replies)
  80. Juan Williams Takes On the Race Baiters (0 replies)
  81. White House boasts: We 'control' news media (24 replies)
  82. Why Is Olbermann Allowed To Announce NFL Games? (5 replies)
  83. Northeast fall snowstorm breaks records in NY, Pa (20 replies)
  84. Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon Hoax (2 replies)
  85. Real Estate: Eviction after property tax auction (6 replies)
  86. Electronic cigarettes: In need of FDA regulation? (7 replies)
  87. Bosses Day: Who are America’s Top 5 leaders? (0 replies)
  88. Rush Responds (1 replies)
  89. Justice Kennedy's Quote On Judicial Review (0 replies)
  90. Obama's Foreign Policy Worse Than Domestic (33 replies)
  91. "Balloon boy"'s parents believe we came from Aliens (1 replies)
  92. A tea party greets Obama in San Francisco (2 replies)
  93. Serve.gov or Serf.dom? (6 replies)
  94. You won't hear it from Democrats (1 replies)
  95. Obamas congress.... (0 replies)
  96. LIVE: 6-yr-old boy floats away in balloon, Ft. Collins CO (6 replies)
  97. 10k Dow, Lowest In 12 Years (4 replies)
  98. PigBoy...I mean Rush...snubbed by NFL, whines incessantly (63 replies)
  99. Dems Trust Fox News More then NY Times (1 replies)
  100. 'Captain' Lou Albano dead at 76 (3 replies)
  101. mm must be so proud.... (2 replies)
  102. Hey Maineman! (8 replies)
  103. mm's new tune.... (6 replies)
  104. *L Ron Hubbards Clan, Spying On World Govenments* (24 replies)
  105. *Muslim Spies!!!!!* (4 replies)
  106. NAACP raises questions about mayoral succession (3 replies)
  107. Chris Matthews Talks About Killing Rush Limbaugh (1 replies)
  108. Only in the Obamanation.... (10 replies)
  109. *Obama Too Quick To Apologize* (2 replies)
  110. *Ins. Ready To Raise Rates: Blame Govs Involvement* (10 replies)
  111. Massachusetts To Start Healthcare Rationing (0 replies)
  112. Rupert Murdoch interested in buying NBC? (19 replies)
  113. Daughter saves mother, 80, left by doctors to starve (2 replies)
  114. Confronting Al With Inconvenient Facts (13 replies)
  115. Obama fails to win Nobel prize in economics (0 replies)
  116. should the boy scouts of america (16 replies)
  117. Tonight (7 replies)
  118. Liberal free speach in action (0 replies)
  119. Now Libs Have Their Own Obama Flag (36 replies)
  120. *Real Reason Why Insurance Companies SUCK!!!* (0 replies)
  121. Big bird and Michelle (2 replies)
  122. Obama Derangement Syndrome (33 replies)
  123. Post Reporter Says Liberal Media Should Admit Liberal Slant (2 replies)
  124. Vote Obama For Heisman (0 replies)
  125. This just in: Obama recieves other awards (4 replies)
  126. San Diego Padres win the 2010 World Series!!! (1 replies)
  127. The Man Who Got Screwed Out Of the Nobel Prize (227 replies)
  128. Celebrating The Audacity of Global Hope (1 replies)
  129. Concrete facts on why Obama won Nobel Prize (2 replies)
  130. School Bullies (1 replies)
  131. Obama Wins Nobel Prize? FOR WHAT? (203 replies)
  132. Acorn wont get grant they shouldnt have gotten (0 replies)
  133. *Will Rangel Go? Hell No! He Won't Go!* (1 replies)
  134. Mystery 'Police' Force Has Small Montana City on Edge (4 replies)
  135. Health Insurance = Health Care (12 replies)
  136. NASA Moon bombing violates space law (7 replies)
  137. *Hey, You Want Some Nuclear Bomb Fuel?* (4 replies)
  138. what i wish would happen to a certain no talent pop star (15 replies)
  139. In Michigan, A Yellow Light For Green Jobs (2 replies)
  140. Obamacare Debate MSNBC Style (0 replies)
  141. Trans-Texas Corridor...DEAD!!! (7 replies)
  142. Government Run Healthcare Numbers Show Massive Failure (55 replies)
  143. FTC To Monitor 'Blogs' (2 replies)
  144. Worth Watching (0 replies)
  145. ACORN, Again (3 replies)
  146. Obama needs time to decide (0 replies)
  147. The Dr Will See You (When The Money Is Available) (44 replies)
  148. Jobless benefits expire as health debate rages (5 replies)
  149. *Iran: No Gas~Yes Nukes?* (0 replies)
  150. Michael Moore's "Capitalism" Box Office Bomb (6 replies)
  151. vertical horizon is back with a new album (2 replies)
  152. Sgt Schultz - Obama's Olympic Failure Is Republicans Fault (66 replies)
  153. *Manson Member Dies* (12 replies)
  154. sympathy or disgust? (2 replies)
  155. Biggest Controversies of Michael Moore's Movies (5 replies)
  156. School Answering Machine (2 replies)
  157. Chicago loses the 2016 Olympics in first round of voting (8 replies)
  158. 2016 Olympics (13 replies)
  159. Saturn folds (0 replies)
  160. Jack Webb Schools Barack Obama (0 replies)
  161. Elizabeth Smart relives kidnapping ordeal at Mitchell hearing (5 replies)
  162. I don't know who writes this clown's jokes... (11 replies)
  163. Before Lucy came Ardi, new earliest hominid found (1 replies)
  164. Notorious Philly gun shop closed (10 replies)
  165. Utah Company Fined for Using Child Labor (0 replies)
  166. He needs to know.... (5 replies)
  167. where were the secret service when GW was in office (3 replies)
  168. SD schools halt release of student records to military (34 replies)
  169. Blind lawyer loses his case against credit card company for prostitution charges (0 replies)
  170. Bette Midler Warns Glenn Beck Could Set Off a Rwanda-Like Civil War in U.S. (19 replies)
  171. On Video - People Praying To Obama (1 replies)
  172. *DFW Airport Stopping Each Taxi Driver.* (71 replies)
  173. Who'd Have Thought? (4 replies)
  174. NOW liberals lose interest... (5 replies)
  175. In need of a liberal preacher political hack... (21 replies)
  176. The Losers In Iran's Latest Nuclear Gambit (1 replies)
  177. American Police Force (0 replies)
  178. NY Times Hires "Opinion Media" Editor (20 replies)
  179. Fox-Chicago ordered not to run story of those not wanting Olympics (18 replies)
  180. Social Security Will Be Running Huge Deficits in 2010 (1 replies)
  181. Fascists quietly at work (7 replies)
  182. Analysis: Wrestling with how to talk about race (1 replies)
  183. Poland okays forcible castration for pedophiles (21 replies)
  184. More right-wing rage: Rush runs over Al Gore cutout — twice (0 replies)
  185. Right-wing terrorism on the rise (4 replies)
  186. US troops in action (3 replies)
  187. Cultivating (buying) new voters (0 replies)
  188. USA, Land of the Free...? (1 replies)
  189. SNL Finally parodies Glenn Beck (4 replies)
  190. Watch The First Amendment Die On You Tube (5 replies)
  191. Iran Has ANOTHER Nuclear Facility (6 replies)
  192. The luckiest girl alive? (7 replies)
  193. On Leno's Show, Limbaugh Runs Car Over Al Gore – Then Backs Up and Does It Again (5 replies)
  194. Obama's Policies Would Redistribute Nearly $1 Trillion in Wealth Every Year (1 replies)
  195. Children sing songs of Obama’s glory (29 replies)
  196. ACORN Filed Lawsuit Against Breitbart & VideoMakers (5 replies)
  197. 59% Say Americans Angrier Now Than Under Bush (2 replies)
  198. Hold power at all costs.... (54 replies)
  199. The "gas guzzler" surcharge (23 replies)
  200. Palin slams Obama's spending in debut speech in Asia (0 replies)
  201. *Tough Break: Thats Not Covered* (2 replies)
  202. do you really want this guy as your friend? (3 replies)
  203. Americans are like "teenage kids" on energy (5 replies)
  204. IRS Files $548,000 Tax Lien against ACORN (4 replies)
  205. where is Obama (29 replies)
  206. The President, the Comedian and the Journalists (0 replies)
  207. More On Cash For Clunkers (7 replies)
  208. *Average Election Has 55 Million* (1 replies)
  209. The laws of UCC explained (0 replies)
  210. UN Hosting World's Leading Criminals in NY (4 replies)
  211. Here's your sign: Senate votes to keep spending millions on stimulus signs (0 replies)
  212. Obama: Family Will Stand In Line Like Everybody Else (21 replies)
  213. President Obama Snubs Whining, "Fox" (9 replies)
  214. *Presidents Wife Is Right!* (10 replies)
  215. taxpayers get the respect they deserve... (1 replies)
  216. For our Attorneys on the Board (16 replies)
  217. 87% of Employers to Reduce Benefits if Obamcare Increases Costs (4 replies)
  218. *Good News For Those Whom Have Ins.* (88 replies)
  219. Happy 222 Years! (1 replies)
  220. Now The House Votes To Defund ACORN (8 replies)
  221. 5th video: ACORN can help bring underage prostitutes across Mex border from Tijuana (3 replies)
  222. EXCLUSIVE: W.H. collects Web users' data without notice (3 replies)
  223. Oh dear...Another setback for the Birthers. (27 replies)
  224. Show of respect (10 replies)
  225. ACORN halts all advising of housing seekers (2 replies)
  226. Crime doesn't pay! (0 replies)
  227. Rush Who? (0 replies)
  228. Charlie Gibson Doesn't Know About the ACORN Videos? (9 replies)
  229. All ACORN offices in Maryland are illegal? (0 replies)
  230. Woman Finds Stiff Replacement for Boyfriend in Iraq (0 replies)
  231. 4th ACORN Tape - Employee admits to killing her husband (20 replies)
  232. New York D.A. announces investigation of ACORN (6 replies)
  233. US Senate votes 83-7 to cut off ACORN funding (9 replies)
  234. U.S. Census Bureau kicks ACORN out of 2010 census participation (2 replies)
  235. 9/12 march A pictorial (3 replies)
  236. Eight years later: Where's Osama? (11 replies)
  237. Estimated up to 2 million patriot's in Washington.. (331 replies)
  238. Tea Party Express in Washington (0 replies)
  239. Dims admit... (0 replies)
  240. Obama Skips Ground Zero, Sends Biden Instead (75 replies)
  241. Google lack of acknowledgement... (4 replies)
  242. We will Never Forget! (37 replies)
  243. *USA Will Keep Looking For Islamic Terrorists* (0 replies)
  244. Unusually Cold Weather In Chicago = Global Warming (52 replies)
  245. On Eve of 9/11, AP Focuses on the Victims – Muslims (18 replies)
  246. Republicans to Obama: Here Are Our Health Plans - Political News - FOXNews.com (0 replies)
  247. Goodwill Is More Than A Name (1 replies)
  248. ACORN sets up illegal brothel (24 replies)
  249. Obamacare Forces Healthcare Workers To Unionize (9 replies)
  250. Sarah Palin: Response to the President's Health Care Speech (3 replies)