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  1. Washington Post endorses Obama for president (6 replies)
  2. Experts question benefit of school time-out rooms (12 replies)
  3. Expectation of privacy on the internet (27 replies)
  4. OBAMA/BIDEN -- hmmm sure looks like... (1 replies)
  5. Best response to the Joe The Plumber license frenzy (7 replies)
  6. A few things that annoy me (0 replies)
  7. House Democrats contemplate abolishing 401(k) tax breaks (4 replies)
  8. US stares at a $1 trillion deficit. How bad is that? (6 replies)
  9. "Redistribution" of wealth - a very misleading term (33 replies)
  10. Why aren't thousands of Republicans being fraudulently registered to vote? (2 replies)
  11. Class Action, Small Claims or Individual Lawsuits (6 replies)
  12. Was Obama's ultimate agenda revealed yesterday? (8 replies)
  13. Get the ball rolling... (1 replies)
  14. Joe: Obama's 'tap dance almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr.' (2 replies)
  15. See who agrees with Obama's "Spread the wealth around" agenda, part 2 (20 replies)
  16. ACORN People's Platform (4 replies)
  17. Great start to my day! (30 replies)
  18. The end of capitalism! (6 replies)
  19. See who agrees with Obama's "Spread the wealth around" agenda (17 replies)
  20. Deadly shooting of robber by pharmacist justified (4 replies)
  21. Bernanke Speaks, Market Plunges (3 replies)
  22. NY Post publishes Obama's socialist plans, then mistakes him for "Robin Hood"??? (3 replies)
  23. Study Of Satellite Imagery Casts Doubt On Surge's Success In Baghdad (21 replies)
  24. PA soccer mom gets her concealed weapons permit back (5 replies)
  25. Buckeye Institute Files State Rico Action Against ACORN (13 replies)
  26. Racine schools hand out textbooks with 15 page Obama love fest.. (16 replies)
  27. Futures Are Looking Up Again (1 replies)
  28. US Will Remain A Superpower (31 replies)
  29. Beatles' Ringo Starr tells fans to stop writing to him (1 replies)
  30. FDR's economic fairness initiative resonates today (0 replies)
  31. karma is a bitch............tim mahoney (0 replies)
  32. Palin Mistakes Fans For Protesters At Va. Rally (20 replies)
  33. Americans' BullShit Detectors Off Charts With Palin (14 replies)
  34. Obama Ahead 11%, Dow Up 937 (46 replies)
  35. Toyota! (1 replies)
  36. Levi Johnston, boy genius (11 replies)
  37. Obama tells small businessman he intends to spread socialism (21 replies)
  38. Market Dive - Fear of Obama Win? (22 replies)
  39. The Markets Are Looking Up-Way Up (4 replies)
  40. More indisputable proof.... (3 replies)
  41. Interesting Article About A Black Icon. (17 replies)
  42. Art? (1 replies)
  43. School takes 1st-graders to see lesbian teacher wed (26 replies)
  44. The Macs Must Go (0 replies)
  45. New Special Report on "Saving Our Economy" (7 replies)
  46. Hyperinflation? (18 replies)
  47. Brazilian Secret Police Head Guilty Of Torture (1 replies)
  48. Breaking: McCain Shushes Booing Crowd As He Praises Obama (11 replies)
  49. Breaking: Sarah Palin Guilty Of Betraying Public Trust (75 replies)
  50. On Everything (12 replies)
  51. Cambodians saw house in divorce settlement (0 replies)
  52. Weather Underground Prosecutor Hits Linking Ayers To Obama (25 replies)
  53. Former Governor (R) Backs Away From McCain (20 replies)
  54. US and N Korea appear to make deal (0 replies)
  55. Asian Markets in Freefall (7 replies)
  56. Fired Official Asked Palin About Her Car Seat Use With Son Trig (32 replies)
  57. Preacher defending Bristol Palin. (1 replies)
  58. Re-enlist ?? damn right (4 replies)
  59. Pentagon sees reconciliation with Taliban, not Qaeda (2 replies)
  60. Dow below 9000 (24 replies)
  61. ACORN hounds pizza worker to register 10-15 times to vote (0 replies)
  62. Olbermann Watch, "persecuting" Keith since 2004 (6 replies)
  63. 105% of eligible Indianapolis residents registered to vote (6 replies)
  64. Did ACORN Take Obama's 'Get In Their Face' Rallying Cry Literally? (0 replies)
  65. Chicago's Cook County Sheriff Won't Evict In Foreclosures (30 replies)
  66. NEWSFLASH January 15, 2010. (5 replies)
  67. Orchestrated rate cut (7 replies)
  68. Son of Democrat lawmaker indicted in hacking of Sarah Palin's email (12 replies)
  69. It's Clear, GE (MSNBC) Is Gaming The Gig (6 replies)
  70. an economic war (1 replies)
  71. Sweden Announces Income Tax Cuts to Boost Jobs (1 replies)
  72. Starbucks Water Waste Leaves Environmentalists Boiling (1 replies)
  73. Who are victims in American (U.S.) society? (16 replies)
  74. Timeline on the mortgage crash (3 replies)
  75. now thats bitter (0 replies)
  76. I hope the 72 virgins are male (5 replies)
  77. Russia's Jerusalem land claim worries Israelis (4 replies)
  78. Bailout bill & unplanned pregnancy/abortion (0 replies)
  79. Fed. Keeps Doing 'Something' (0 replies)
  80. Is Germany Reverting or Moving Forward? (0 replies)
  81. The missing SNL bailout skit — and the Soros connection (4 replies)
  82. Hamas lawmakers: Abbas term ends in January (0 replies)
  83. It's the economy, stupid (11 replies)
  84. CEO rips off co and bailout (1 replies)
  85. In a weak climate, U.S. dollar has surprising muscle (1 replies)
  86. Poll on Congress: 59% - Kick them all out !!! (3 replies)
  87. Fairgoers Catch, Save Toddler Dropped By Mom Dangling From Carnival Ride (0 replies)
  88. 15 Foot Muriels of Obama (0 replies)
  89. Dow Is Below 10,000 (25 replies)
  90. Is The US 2008 Like UK 1945? (1 replies)
  91. Suddenly Alinsky Is A 'Hot' Topic (1 replies)
  92. Not Looking Good For the Markets Today (2 replies)
  93. Bruce Springsteen Is A No-talent Dick! (12 replies)
  94. Are Any Thinking People Surprised By This? (3 replies)
  95. Venezuelan President Chavez Announces Plan To Swap Old Cars For Free Natural Gas Mode (7 replies)
  96. Mich GOP County Chair Calls McCain Move "Complete Crock of crap" (22 replies)
  97. Obama Has IRISH Kin In Southern Ohio (4 replies)
  98. Europeans Claim To Bail Out Banks-US Fault (2 replies)
  99. Government will spy on every call and e-mail (0 replies)
  100. Major problem with Sarah Palin (15 replies)
  101. Burning Down the House: What caused our Economic Crisis? (1 replies)
  102. Broke Bank Mountain? (3 replies)
  103. End Of Nations (0 replies)
  104. Mexican police find 9 bodies dumped in Tijuana (0 replies)
  105. Ziegiest: Addendum (6 replies)
  106. DNC steps in to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate (36 replies)
  107. OJ Guilty On All Charges (7 replies)
  108. Woman, 90, Shoots Self Before Eviction (0 replies)
  109. Are there gasoline shortages in Atlanta, GA? Why? (1 replies)
  110. Mainstream Media investigates who caused financial crisis (0 replies)
  111. Biden - Palin Debate Thread (93 replies)
  112. Explanation of "Mark to Market" accounting? (0 replies)
  113. DISH Network Offers the Obama Channel (34 replies)
  114. Senate passes $700B 'sweetened' rescue package (50 replies)
  115. You dont like the bail out? Watch this.. (0 replies)
  116. A Typical Obamasama Supporter (2 replies)
  117. Stick Figures Explain the Financial Crisis (0 replies)
  118. The TRUTH About The Bailout... THIS IS BS (1 replies)
  119. America Loses Its Dominant Economic Role (0 replies)
  120. Emergency Economic Stabilization Act? (0 replies)
  121. Campaign Tries To Explain Palin's Putin Comment (8 replies)
  122. WTF Senate to vote on bail out bill even though house did not pass it??? (4 replies)
  123. See how your polition voted on the Bail out. (4 replies)
  124. Collapse? (5 replies)
  125. Calling our Libertarians... (7 replies)
  126. What, exactly, will happen if there's no bailout? (14 replies)
  127. It's those darn poor people again....CRA (109 replies)
  128. bankruptcy is the answer (3 replies)
  129. McCain: Palin The Next Clinton Or Reagan (7 replies)
  130. Vicory for freedom, Defeat for Socailism! (11 replies)
  131. Ok the corparte wellfare bill gets shutdown, yet fed injects 630 billion (13 replies)
  132. If Last Week Was '29, Is This '33? (1 replies)
  133. So Who's To Blame For the Meltdown? (11 replies)
  134. Protecting the children?? Are we really? (0 replies)
  135. what is the best country, (overall) in the world (0 replies)
  136. What Is Your Favorite Country In The World (7 replies)
  137. House votes bailout down (142 replies)
  138. Indiana Father Kills Sex Offender Who Broke Into Home (18 replies)
  139. NY Times article on how the mortgage crisis started and why (2 replies)
  140. Economic Data Confirms Slowdown Began Under Clinton (0 replies)
  141. Somali Pirates Take Iranian Ship and Die, What Killed Them? (16 replies)
  142. McCain Retracts Palin's Pakistan Comments (5 replies)
  143. Side-By-Side Comparisons of the Three Bailouts (0 replies)
  144. Bailout: For Better or Worse They Claim It's Done (8 replies)
  145. Financial crisis solved? (3 replies)
  146. former Marine sue's Murtha (1 replies)
  147. Is The Economic Crisis Real? Is the House of Cards Falling? (2 replies)
  148. Paul Newman Died (5 replies)
  149. Obama - McCain Debate Thread (189 replies)
  150. Thomas Jefferson has a plan to bail us out, check what he says... (3 replies)
  151. What Caused Our Economic Crisis? (0 replies)
  152. The Bailout, Win/Win? (3 replies)
  153. Palin: 'Only Flag in My Office' Is Israeli (10 replies)
  154. Helping To Create Panic? (0 replies)
  155. Begala Calls Bush A "High-Functioning Moron" (40 replies)
  156. JPMorgan Chase Buys Washington Mutual (0 replies)
  157. This is becoming a common theme (18 replies)
  158. Dems Bailout Proposal Redirects ‘Paulson’s Profits’ To Left-Wing Groups (1 replies)
  159. Telling: WaMu's 9/24 Press Release (2 replies)
  160. Sarah Palin Lover Revealed! (23 replies)
  161. Let's Play "WALLSTREET BAILOUT" (1 replies)
  162. Did we say $700b... actually it's more like $1.2 trillion (2 replies)
  163. Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending (6 replies)
  164. Gas Shortage? (5 replies)
  165. Exonerated Marine To Sue Murtha (3 replies)
  166. Parents 'turn-in' their kids when they want to stop being parents, in Nebraska (1 replies)
  167. Anyone heard about this BAILOUT? (5 replies)
  168. PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk (7 replies)
  169. Man sues Md. doctor, says butt stapled shut (8 replies)
  170. OK: Bush warns 'entire economy is in danger' (1 replies)
  171. Prayers asked for drug dealing Christian cheerleader (6 replies)
  172. Harry Reid then: "McCain's support is key". Now: "Don't need McCain" (2 replies)
  173. Was the Train Crash in California on purpose? (3 replies)
  174. A new law of nature (2 replies)
  175. Man Passes Gas, Charged with Battery on Officer (2 replies)
  176. Palin Look-Alike TV Anchor Gets Hate Mail (7 replies)
  177. North Korea building A-bombs again (9 replies)
  178. Firm "Mints" Obama Presidential Coin (11 replies)
  179. Indian Govt Backs Workers Who Killed Boss (0 replies)
  180. Depression? Recession? Some Things Take Time (1 replies)
  181. Human rights laws and benefits making Britons lazy, claims Boris Johnson adviser (2 replies)
  182. Ahmadinejad: we've had it (5 replies)
  183. Crony Capitalism and The Impending Meltdown (0 replies)
  184. Sarkozy Urges Credit-Crisis Summit as World Leaders Blame U.S. (0 replies)
  185. Democrats Reject $700 Billion Blank Check (36 replies)
  186. EPA won't limit rocket fuel in U.S. drinking water (0 replies)
  187. Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools (9 replies)
  188. Homeland Security Detects Terrorist Threats by Reading Your Mind (0 replies)
  189. 5th Grader Suspended For Anti-Obama Shirt (18 replies)
  190. Obama and Ayers pushed radicalism on schools (3 replies)
  191. Cash for trash... (26 replies)
  192. Bill .... the nice guy (4 replies)
  193. The Worst Speaker, But Perhaps The Best Politician: Pelosi (0 replies)
  194. So how's your IRA/401K etc going? (33 replies)
  195. Club For Growth On Bailout: No (0 replies)
  196. Could you live 10 years without taking debt? (18 replies)
  197. Oil soars, stocks plunge 9/22 (11 replies)
  198. The speech Palin would have given, at anti-Ahmadinejad rally in NYC (3 replies)
  199. why no investigations? (4 replies)
  200. How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis: Kevin Hassett (10 replies)
  201. Bloggers sniff out anti-Palin astroturf campaign– and the cover up begins (1 replies)
  202. Andy Martin calls Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times a bigot for using bigotry to (0 replies)
  203. Initiative Takes aim at Red light camera Profits (5 replies)
  204. Palin isn't going away (0 replies)
  205. The 'Drilling Bill' Bans Drilling (4 replies)
  206. Senile 'have a duty to die' (1 replies)
  207. Good News/Bad News: 'We All Have The Red Dot" (0 replies)
  208. FBI releases 2007 crime statistics (1 replies)
  209. If we had some global warming... (1 replies)
  210. Real author of Barack book: Why it matters (7 replies)
  211. Bomb Destroys Marriott in Pakistan (22 replies)
  212. Obama's campaign finance chair to hold reception for Ahmadinejad (3 replies)
  213. The Left's Crooked Umpires (2 replies)
  214. Breaking News!!! John McCain is a wanker (3 replies)
  215. More number crunching (0 replies)
  216. Burglar Eats from Refrigerator, Makes Mess in Bathroom, Falls Asleep in kids bed (4 replies)
  217. The Bi-Partisan Origins of the Financial Crisis (0 replies)
  218. US Constitution is DEAD, Long Live Hugo Chavez (3 replies)
  219. Woman gets life for sex with 5 year old (1 replies)
  220. America Moves Quickly to Democratic-Socialist State (11 replies)
  221. CNBC Analysts: Wall Street Bailouts Mean 'Socialism,' 'Communists' (1 replies)
  222. Beauty and brains CAN go together (3 replies)
  223. John McCain, Asleep at The Switch (7 replies)
  224. A Call For Hearings Into Senator Barack Obama's Violation Of The Logan Act (18 replies)
  225. Very good summary and explanation of the current economic mess - a must read (3 replies)
  226. Promoting genocide for whites? Noel Ignatiev and the culture of Western suicide (0 replies)
  227. Democrat state congressman's son suspected in Palin email hacking (7 replies)
  228. You can run... (0 replies)
  229. Very Different Economic Times in Red vs. Blue States (36 replies)
  230. 35W Bridge now open! (3 replies)
  231. More parental failure ??? (13 replies)
  232. Pig with Lipstick responds! (2 replies)
  233. if there were no deductions from your paycheck.... (31 replies)
  234. OH MY...video..must see..McCain Sings Streisand! (5 replies)
  235. the US economy in the furture Obama years..... (0 replies)
  236. From the files of "Don't Taze Me Bro"... (1 replies)
  237. Sarah Palin and the Sham of Feminism (0 replies)
  238. The day America was born again.. (1 replies)
  239. The root of the Palin phenomenon (8 replies)
  240. A Day Late and 4 Photos Short (26 replies)
  241. ISLAMIC law has been officially adopted in Britain (11 replies)
  242. War with Pakistan Coming Up? (3 replies)
  243. Shootings: are they real to you/do they affect you? (14 replies)
  244. The Sky Is Falling --- Wall Street Meltdown (57 replies)
  245. US Faces The F-16s It Supplied Pakistan (23 replies)
  246. Dem: Palin "Cliff-Noted" Her ABC Interview (14 replies)
  247. A poem for Hugo (0 replies)
  248. The baby...I wanna know about the baby (1 replies)
  249. The End of A Quagmire (0 replies)
  250. Hmm, Weak Dollar For Iraq? (0 replies)