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  1. Is Drilling equivalent to Welfare? (21 replies)
  2. Stronger emissions plan urged (6 replies)
  3. Philadelphia man arrested over anti-police video (4 replies)
  4. Biofuels Become Aviation's Big Focus (0 replies)
  5. More lawsuits to follow USSC's Heller ruling (with some good specifics) (0 replies)
  6. 15 mins after USSC Heller ruling, group sues to overturn Chicago gun ban (9 replies)
  7. And This Guy's a Judge? (0 replies)
  8. PBS Show To Argue Allies As Bad As Nazis (38 replies)
  9. Obama Campaign Staff Laying Off Workers (22 replies)
  10. Heller Struck Down (118 replies)
  11. Boston firm set to defend Gitmo suspects (9 replies)
  12. Gun decision tomorrow (35 replies)
  13. A Lesson Hard Learned (0 replies)
  14. Another victory for gun nuts (7 replies)
  15. Supreme Court rejects Death penalty for raping children (59 replies)
  16. Mass Dem Promises to 'Rip Apart' 6-Year-Old Victims on the Witness Stand (34 replies)
  17. Crazy Joe on the warpath again (3 replies)
  18. New York Times Outs CIA Operative (32 replies)
  19. How Can People Be This Stupid... (3 replies)
  20. Free parking for electric cars axed - for being too successful (1 replies)
  21. Cease-Fire Declared Broken (14 replies)
  22. Road Rage (36 replies)
  23. "Barbie brat bullies" causing concern (6 replies)
  24. Toddlers to be taught about human rights (5 replies)
  25. Enviro Wacko - Put Oil Co Chiefs On Trial (3 replies)
  26. Mexico is fucked up (4 replies)
  27. drill here. drill now. pay less (29 replies)
  28. You think I am liberal... (13 replies)
  29. Hagel Considered as Possible Obama Veep!!!!!! (13 replies)
  30. Reports: Teen girls made pact to get pregnant (16 replies)
  31. Paying income tax is Voluntary ???? (8 replies)
  32. Irena Sendler vs. Al Gore (6 replies)
  33. Canadian Craziness Continues (6 replies)
  34. Oregon Principal Bans Pledge of Allegiance to Avoid Offending Muslims. (6 replies)
  35. Apparently gays like mayonaise (6 replies)
  36. Another Lib Who Did Not Pay His Taxes (6 replies)
  37. Mississippi bursts it's banks (11 replies)
  38. Hawaiian rebellion (10 replies)
  39. really? I guess im a mexican then (7 replies)
  40. Iraq ready to pump oil (22 replies)
  41. U.S. helicopter engines stolen en route to Pakistan port (1 replies)
  42. democrats = communists ??? (37 replies)
  43. Many Homeowners in Flooded Midwest Lack Insurance (21 replies)
  44. Not enough space to describe what's wrong with this picture (25 replies)
  45. Bush: lift ban on off shore drilling (69 replies)
  46. Conservatives must act (14 replies)
  47. maybe we can just talk to them, or give them a hug? (2 replies)
  48. remember elian? (9 replies)
  49. Only In Romania (15 replies)
  50. the cost of illegal health care........... (3 replies)
  51. National Press Club event (0 replies)
  52. gwb "Sorry" For Civilian Deaths In Iraq......NOT!!!!! (19 replies)
  53. whats in your backyard ??? (2 replies)
  54. Obama puppet:Harmless toy or racist? (1 replies)
  55. Con-di rice is an idiot (32 replies)
  56. Saudis to Ramp Up Oil Production (12 replies)
  57. Times when the media deserves praise (0 replies)
  58. Be Careful What You Wish For... (4 replies)
  59. UK: The English want their guns back...too little, too late. (8 replies)
  60. Tim Russert, dead at 58 (17 replies)
  61. The end is near.... (9 replies)
  62. School Defends Drunken Driving Hoax (13 replies)
  63. 21 years ago today (8 replies)
  64. Cedar Rapids: A city underwater (0 replies)
  65. Supreme Court rules Gitmo "detainees" have rights in US civilian courts (74 replies)
  66. So what about this guy (10 replies)
  67. In Canada, the right to freedom of expression is not absolute (12 replies)
  68. Blood for Oil-Two Dead In Europe Over Oil (1 replies)
  69. video-England Gun Ban Update (3 replies)
  70. UN hands N Korea millions (27 replies)
  71. Nev. rancher awarded $4.2M for 'taken' water right (3 replies)
  72. re: College vs. Non - income expectations (11 replies)
  73. A step-by-step guide to the gravity-defying Donald Trump combover (0 replies)
  74. Why is Kucinich again pushing for impeachment? (22 replies)
  75. Canada Withdrawing From the West via Special Commission (6 replies)
  76. 1 of 4 New Yorkers has Genital Herpes (6 replies)
  77. College Is Not For Everyone (76 replies)
  78. Police to use bowel-moving weapon at Dem convention in Denver? (28 replies)
  79. Senate Republicans block winfall profits tax on oil companies (10 replies)
  80. US madrassah... (1 replies)
  81. Canadian govt to pastor: Criticizing homosexuality now banned (7 replies)
  82. UK Church Awakening? (8 replies)
  83. Groups say they will sue over polar bears, drilling (3 replies)
  84. do you know or care about these global issues (9 replies)
  85. If illegal immigration upsets you... (8 replies)
  86. Saudi's mull oil prices (4 replies)
  87. The violent wake of "gun control" (23 replies)
  88. Antarctica base gets 16,500 condoms before darkness (11 replies)
  89. "Fetish porn" on trial in L.A. (5 replies)
  90. and you thought you had a bad weekend (0 replies)
  91. About the Media (2 replies)
  92. Naming hairycaines ????lol (3 replies)
  93. Report: Maryland Textbooks on Christian Teachings Dumbed Down (8 replies)
  94. 6 Ways You're Wasting Gas (2 replies)
  95. Republicans Stealing from Republicans (14 replies)
  96. Pakistan to ask EU to amend laws on freedom of expression (1 replies)
  97. Gas prices jumped $.15 today (19 replies)
  98. Drop 'middle-class' academic subjects says schools adviser (11 replies)
  99. Minneapolis Motorists Restricted to Idling for 3 Minutes (9 replies)
  100. And you thought American parents were bad? (7 replies)
  101. 1st Step At US Getting Out of UN? (5 replies)
  102. Cuba offering free sex-change operations (0 replies)
  103. Typo on diplomas embarrasses Ohio principal (0 replies)
  104. State seizes thousands of stimulus checks (5 replies)
  105. What countries do you love and which countries do you hate, which are indifferent? (13 replies)
  106. Christina Aguilera loves America (17 replies)
  107. Do Muslims pray too much? (22 replies)
  108. Kenyan group vows to defend Obama from smears (2 replies)
  109. Readers slam McClellan book (6 replies)
  110. Police plan vehicle checkpoints in DC neighborhood (8 replies)
  111. Life without parole (25 replies)
  112. Stocks rise following jobs report, retailer data (0 replies)
  113. The airlines just keep screwing us (6 replies)
  114. U.N. official to visit Prince William to study illegal-immigration policy (0 replies)
  115. McClellan book selling briskly (5 replies)
  116. HS student tries to have rival killed (2 replies)
  117. Obama was selected, not elected (45 replies)
  118. What Hillary's "concession" speech really meant (0 replies)
  119. Fuck You Turkey & Iran (0 replies)
  120. Hillary supporters flood Obama-endorser's office with hate calls (0 replies)
  121. Democrats: The party of defeat (17 replies)
  122. Basing Airfare On Passenger's Weight (32 replies)
  123. Feds get 'disgusting' over 'Obamanation' (10 replies)
  124. WOW: Former Screen Siren Bardot Convicted In Race Case (2 replies)
  125. First Greek gay marriages spark judicial battle (28 replies)
  126. Detroit's slimeball mayor insults us all (11 replies)
  127. "Surge" proves GOP stupidity (21 replies)
  128. Almost 100,000 Massachusetts Residents Fined For Failure To Get Health Insurance (51 replies)
  129. Ahmadinejad Calls U.S. 'Satanic,' Israel 'About to Die' (10 replies)
  130. Just wonderful (0 replies)
  131. Carbon Belch Day! (5 replies)
  132. Cheney stupidity on display -- again (20 replies)
  133. Families Separated By Raid On Sect Are Reunited (5 replies)
  134. Why Psychoblues Gets Busched (6 replies)
  135. Our government is helping terrorists! (3 replies)
  136. "Pennsylvania Hicks and Hillbillies" (3 replies)
  137. Have/will you teach your kid a second language? (20 replies)
  138. More illegal alien smugglers busted! (9 replies)
  139. Christians face arrest for preaching gospel (27 replies)
  140. Home From Iraq, Wary Marine Fatally Wounded (2 replies)
  141. Why does socialism usually fail? (37 replies)
  142. Soros Publisher 'Shaped' McClellan's Hit Job (16 replies)
  143. Celebrating 'Open Tent' Day -- Kids Dress Like Arabs (159 replies)
  144. Probe Of Crude Oil Trading Disclosed (9 replies)
  145. How About Good Old Ford Motors (2 replies)
  146. Madrassa teacher beats boy to death (18 replies)
  147. Ford plant in Brazil (8 replies)
  148. Boy whose parents made Lorenzo's oil dies at 30 (0 replies)
  149. College or the military? (28 replies)
  150. The right of the People... shall not be infringed (25 replies)
  151. Rare uncontacted tribe photographed in Amazon (19 replies)
  152. Moving Toward Energy Rationing (17 replies)
  153. Tourism Boycott Urged (1 replies)
  154. Blast from the past? (3 replies)
  155. Actor Harvey Korman Dies (2 replies)
  156. Polygamist children ordered back home. (12 replies)
  157. Kitchen knives most common stabbing weapon as police reveal haul of 200 weapons seize (2 replies)
  158. 6.1 earthquake hits Iceland (4 replies)
  159. So much for DOMA --- states recognizing homosexual marriages (11 replies)
  160. May Ratings: FNC Stays On Top (32 replies)
  161. McClellan's book proves.... (33 replies)
  162. Firefighter delays response to get burger (0 replies)
  163. An IMPORTANT Petition I Believe We ALL Should Sign... (30 replies)
  164. Another republican failure - oil prices (20 replies)
  165. The bullet counters (2 replies)
  166. Red Cross warns of food riots over soaring prices (2 replies)
  167. War in Iraq making us "less safe"? Ummm, no. (3 replies)
  168. Carter really is a loose cannon (27 replies)
  169. CNN Creates Sunday Show for Liberal Journalist Fareed Zakaria (0 replies)
  170. US uses bullets ill-suited for new ways of war (21 replies)
  171. FoxNews Pundit Desires Assination (11 replies)
  172. Castro call Obama speech "Formula For Hunger" (2 replies)
  173. Which Presidential Candidate Said This? (28 replies)
  174. So... a small storm hits my area... (3 replies)
  175. Liberal Media "Celebrates" Memorial Day (0 replies)
  176. The DP map of North America (3 replies)
  177. How to lower gas prices (25 replies)
  178. Catholic group plan sanctuary for illegals (4 replies)
  179. Memorial day 08 (14 replies)
  180. 'Trouble at the border? I had no idea!' (10 replies)
  181. Veterans' Burials Nonstop At National Cemeteries (3 replies)
  182. Energy Fears Looming, New Survivalists Prepare (1 replies)
  183. Filipino Marines Battle muslim Militants (14 replies)
  184. South Africa Wages Intensified War On AIDS (0 replies)
  185. Group wants Wi-Fi banned from public buildings (0 replies)
  186. CBS Makes Fun of McCain's War Injury (55 replies)
  187. Indiana Jones makes Communists see Red (2 replies)
  188. Harwood: Michelle Obama Better Campaign Asset Than 'Exotic' Cindy McCain (2 replies)
  189. Feminist's daughter rebels to be a housewife (8 replies)
  190. Mexican homicides jump 47 pct.; 1,378 die in '08 (4 replies)
  191. Memorial Day (7 replies)
  192. Tell congress to drill now. (25 replies)
  193. Maxi Waters. (11 replies)
  194. Texas seizure of polygamist-sect kids thrown out (6 replies)
  195. do you deserve your salary...... (11 replies)
  196. California Gay Marriage Opponents Seek 5-Month Delay (20 replies)
  197. $4 per gallon gas is cheap! (12 replies)
  198. Ain't it the truth! (3 replies)
  199. Forget free gasoline. Car buyers want free guns (1 replies)
  200. Lynching in South Africa (0 replies)
  201. Muslim irate over transgender driving instructor (1 replies)
  202. Solving disputes with your neighbor (38 replies)
  203. The Democratic Platform... (6 replies)
  204. As relevent now as it was 40 years ago (16 replies)
  205. AP IMPACT: Leaky New Orleans Levee Alarms Experts (15 replies)
  206. Hispanics Sue Over English-Only Rule at Catholic School (4 replies)
  207. States case against polygamists weakening (3 replies)
  208. taxes....and services (0 replies)
  209. Obama Wins Oregon, Passes the Delegate thingy (12 replies)
  210. Global Oil Supply and Demand 2.0 - We're Not Alone (0 replies)
  211. If only more Americans felt this way... (14 replies)
  212. Privacy ??? (6 replies)
  213. Ted Kennedy Has Malignant Brain Tumor (39 replies)
  214. Court ruling: Money discriminates against the blind (1 replies)
  215. Spain to run America's 1st superhighway? (17 replies)
  216. Oil Hypocrites on Capitol Hill (5 replies)
  217. Let's Drill. There's oil in them thar hills. (32 replies)
  218. Texas Sect Parents Complain Of Vague Custody Plans (2 replies)
  219. American/Israeli Policy has made the world more unsafe! (24 replies)
  220. Olbermann-O'Reilly Feud Heats Up (13 replies)
  221. erm thoughts please (8 replies)
  222. OIC to declare a "memorial day" for massacres against Muslims (4 replies)
  223. This Is Dhimmitude (1 replies)
  224. Osama assails Arab leaders (4 replies)
  225. The new liberal America (28 replies)
  226. Mexican drug lords: Join us or die (4 replies)
  227. ‘The Axis of Idiots’ (31 replies)
  228. Prince Charles: Eighteen months to stop climate change disaster (2 replies)
  229. Immigration Raid Jars a Small Town (11 replies)
  230. U.N. racism investigator to visit U.S. from Monday (7 replies)
  231. breaking: Kennedy rushed to hospital (38 replies)
  232. Iraq and ANWR..... (42 replies)
  233. Feel Sorry For Me (2 replies)
  234. Advantage of socialism: You don't have to worry about neighbor, govt will do it (15 replies)
  235. a choice.... (4 replies)
  236. Excellent analysis of PRCalif Supremes' same-sex "marriage" decision: Slippery-slope (14 replies)
  237. Capital Gains Realities (4 replies)
  238. Overweight Michael Moore is causing Polar Bears to die!! (5 replies)
  239. sf at it again............ (1 replies)
  240. Indictment in MySpace bullying/suicide case (7 replies)
  241. gay marriage?!....legal in california... (158 replies)
  242. Liberal anti-chain-store laws hurt consumers (8 replies)
  243. Univ chancellor apologizes for "anguish" over honorary degree for conservative (0 replies)
  244. Why No Call For A 'Windfall Profits' Tax On Farmers? (9 replies)
  245. Keith To Bush, "Shut The Hell Up" (65 replies)
  246. Chicago overturns ban on foie gras in restaurants (9 replies)
  247. Forget Something? (1 replies)
  248. Gay Marriage Ruling Due Tomorrow In Cali (16 replies)
  249. 'Jane Doe Rape Kits' Going Nationwide (25 replies)
  250. Giant sinkhole swallowing southeast Texas (10 replies)