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  1. Rice "shortage" in your area? (14 replies)
  2. Bogus bin Laden breaches Bush security (6 replies)
  3. Supreme Court upholds Photo-ID law for voters in Indiana (4 replies)
  4. Human Rights Violations, Whoops Just the UN, Move Along (8 replies)
  5. House of Submission v House of War (14 replies)
  6. You people are going to LOVE this one (17 replies)
  7. 4.7 Quake Rocks Reno As Area's Seismic Activity Continues (10 replies)
  8. World’s youngest professor can’t legally drink (6 replies)
  9. Arizona sheriff stirs furor with crackdown on illegals (2 replies)
  10. Police not guilty in groom's death (9 replies)
  11. Study: Illegal worker crackdown would cost employers $1B (10 replies)
  12. srael's UN ambassador calls Jimmy Carter 'a bigot' (4 replies)
  13. Wesely Snipes gets 3 years in prison for Tax evasion (30 replies)
  14. Bush causes global rice catastrophe (17 replies)
  15. CNN Sued for $1.3 Billion for Cafferty Remarks (3 replies)
  16. Pedophile teachers gone wild (9 replies)
  17. Latest report on Hillary's prospects (0 replies)
  18. Supreme Court broadens police power in searches... or do they? (0 replies)
  19. Mobsters without borders" are global threat: U.S (0 replies)
  20. Women in history (2 replies)
  21. It's about time (0 replies)
  22. Interesting comment on Hillary's "victory speech" yesterday (2 replies)
  23. DHS scrapping "Virtual Fence" along AZ-Mexico border (0 replies)
  24. How Democrats harm blacks (6 replies)
  25. A sure excuse for possessing kiddie porn (10 replies)
  26. ABC News: Mexican Drug Violence U.S. Constitution's Fault (22 replies)
  27. Hillary threatens AGAIN to use nukes in the Mideast (5 replies)
  28. Police: Pregnant bank teller, twin fetuses survive shooting (12 replies)
  29. Al-Zawahiri following Al-Gore's lead. (0 replies)
  30. With Gas Hitting Record Highs, Drivers Feeling Squeezed (18 replies)
  31. Why I Left Greenpeace (2 replies)
  32. Texas gangs stage machine gun battle (8 replies)
  33. Another Cave to The ROP (1 replies)
  34. Raised on welfare, the 'Why Bother?' generation that doesn't want to work (9 replies)
  35. Adjust Your Clocks, It's Sharia Time (10 replies)
  36. CNN reporter arrested for meth possession (5 replies)
  37. Recycle cops 'freaking out' residents (5 replies)
  38. Blizzard forces Canadian Earth Day celebration into single tent (1 replies)
  39. Military admitting more convicted felons (19 replies)
  40. Oil going up, gas following right behind (41 replies)
  41. Hamas leader offers truce if Israel withdraws from 1967 lands (34 replies)
  42. Hillary will use nukes to defend Saudi, UAE, Kuwait??? (16 replies)
  43. Ain't it the truth! (0 replies)
  44. DNA Samples To Be Taken From Polygamous Sect Kids This Week (14 replies)
  45. Chelsea Clinton groped by lesbian (6 replies)
  46. "McCain would be better than Bush" (0 replies)
  47. Protesting the truth (1 replies)
  48. Oldest known person turns 115 on Sunday (0 replies)
  49. student killed by cop in bat attack (6 replies)
  50. Soft Jihad in US and UK (1 replies)
  51. NYT Whines About No Global Warming Debate Questions (2 replies)
  52. Maher 'Apologizes' to Pope by Suggesting He Should Be In Jail (29 replies)
  53. Yesterday's Quake Reminds Me (5 replies)
  54. Another: "The FBI Has Ruled Out Terrorism" (4 replies)
  55. Carter meets Hamas Chief (12 replies)
  56. The Pope's Visit (29 replies)
  57. Obama Joined Wright's Church As a Political Maneuver? (8 replies)
  58. Polygamist sect victim of hoax? (16 replies)
  59. Oklahoma sheriff charged with using inmates as sex slaves (25 replies)
  60. Marines outraged over TIME's new cover picture (64 replies)
  61. Praying passenger thrown off plane (before takeoff) (6 replies)
  62. The Democrats and gun control (10 replies)
  63. If You Thought Al Gore Was A Joke..... (31 replies)
  64. Every Child is Special (17 replies)
  65. Abortion as art (I am not making this up) (8 replies)
  66. Expulsion From 'Expelled' (13 replies)
  67. Feds to collect DNA from every person they arrest (7 replies)
  68. Maine Uni. Puts U.S. Flags on Floor as 'Art' (21 replies)
  69. One year ago today.............. (11 replies)
  70. Supreme Court upholds use of lethal injections (11 replies)
  71. Will Hillary's proposed Sectretary of Poverty solve the problems of the poor? (2 replies)
  72. Executing drunk drivers (34 replies)
  73. Legislating the mobile food business (4 replies)
  74. Delta / Northwest (6 replies)
  75. CST An Hour and 5 Minutes Left to File and Something to Read (0 replies)
  76. Group Finds 6 Million Pounds of Trash on World's Beaches (9 replies)
  77. Jimmy Carter kisses Hamas terrorist, calls Arafat "peace fighter" (10 replies)
  78. Pedophile to be put to death (46 replies)
  79. 96 years ago today........ (5 replies)
  80. Keith Olbermann As Katie Couric's Replacement at CBS? (16 replies)
  81. Respect plants, say ethicists (2 replies)
  82. Liberal gun demands getting weirder and weirder (3 replies)
  83. Malthus Rides Again --- food shortages and high prices acute worldwide (12 replies)
  84. Guns? The Most Mysterious Right (24 replies)
  85. Cultural Marxism (6 replies)
  86. Newark councilman arrested in Louisiana traffic stop (4 replies)
  87. Freedom Loving Canadians Need To Be Heard (1 replies)
  88. Pope, The Terrorists, and Ground Zero (12 replies)
  89. Couples could win right to select deaf baby (11 replies)
  90. Olympics Leadership Threatens To Toss Athletes Who Protest (6 replies)
  91. Pres Bush may attend services for Matt Maupin... (0 replies)
  92. Alicia Keys (5 replies)
  93. Some People Should Not Reproduce (3 replies)
  94. Nutter defiantly signs five gun laws (24 replies)
  95. Obama pushes bill to rein in lavish CEO pay (21 replies)
  96. Not nice, not nice, baby (0 replies)
  97. Barry Nolan pleads: Give Bill the boot! (3 replies)
  98. FBI arrests suspect in slaying of Marine (0 replies)
  99. Nationalized Health Care? Seems Many Think Not (3 replies)
  100. "Law tears husband and wife apart" - or does it? (1 replies)
  101. Randi Rhodes signing off (14 replies)
  102. Carter Meeting With Terrorists (16 replies)
  103. Calif Supreme Ct rejects San Fran handgun ban, says it violates STATE law (3 replies)
  104. Vento To City: Reform Or I'll Sue (1 replies)
  105. New Mexico “Human Rights” Commission: Christian photographer “guilty” of “discriminat (5 replies)
  106. War? Wars? (0 replies)
  107. Will Rush's "Operation Chaos" Turn Into "Operation Resurrection"? (7 replies)
  108. 13-yr-old schoolgirl beaten for anti-illegal-immigration sign (14 replies)
  109. Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense (1 replies)
  110. Interesing trends found in govt data on incomes, poverty (0 replies)
  111. Children Told they are Dogs during Mosque Visit (9 replies)
  112. Don't call tree climbing boys "monkeys" (10 replies)
  113. Suburban Obama delegate quits over 'divisive' remark (5 replies)
  114. Shock at polar bear's carp kill (6 replies)
  115. Clintonista Suicide Bombers (22 replies)
  116. Unions Want To Organize Illegals In CA (142 replies)
  117. Petraeus confirms role as Bush lackey (30 replies)
  118. McCain-Rice? Not Likely Anytime Soon. Here's why. (7 replies)
  119. Iran Begins Installing 6,000 Centrifuges (0 replies)
  120. Limbaugh’s Following Extends to Ads (214 replies)
  121. Israeli History- From the ancient israelies - 1948 - today & everything in between (0 replies)
  122. History Of Genocide (47 replies)
  123. Smoking bans, lead to higher drunk-driving accidents, fatalities (0 replies)
  124. Dems Out To Attack Gen Petraeus (8 replies)
  125. Detroit girl, 3, shoots self in head (124 replies)
  126. Job Winners And Losers In Hard Times (11 replies)
  127. Internet scams fool more men than women (20 replies)
  128. The End of the End of History (1 replies)
  129. Daily Kos Attacking Charlton Heston on His Passing (13 replies)
  130. California's Problems Continue: California Prisons Rocked by Problems (7 replies)
  131. Coming Soon: Superfast Internet (4 replies)
  132. Microsoft Gives Yahoo Deadline On Offer (8 replies)
  133. Film Legend Charlton Heston Dead At 84 (11 replies)
  134. Conflict escalates at polygamist retreat (34 replies)
  135. The Poor Are Different (22 replies)
  136. Boring lawsuit (8 replies)
  137. State Department and Identity Theft: Geez (1 replies)
  138. Assessing Future Insurance Risks (0 replies)
  139. Congress and the War: Profiteering (0 replies)
  140. *SANCTUARY CITY*... Hell, San Fransisco Takes It To A New Level (11 replies)
  141. Be Thankful for Big Oil (3 replies)
  142. The Black National Anthem?!! (7 replies)
  143. Absolut Vodka "gives away" CA, AZ, NM etc. to Mexico (17 replies)
  144. Pilotless drones to battle pot growers (10 replies)
  145. Hillary's biggest mistake (1 replies)
  146. McCain Tells It Like It Is (21 replies)
  147. Wisconsin standoff ends with surrender (3 replies)
  148. States may free inmates to save millions (19 replies)
  149. Court OKs student Strip Search for Ibuprofen (17 replies)
  150. Baby Born to 14 yo in Middle School Bathroom Dies in Flush Attempt (22 replies)
  151. Teacher leaves gun & ammo in school cabinet accessible by 3rd graders (2 replies)
  152. Dem leaders smearing Gen. Petraeus again before his Apr.8 report (23 replies)
  153. Why no D.U.I list? (2 replies)
  154. Dems vow political crossover crackdown (4 replies)
  155. At last the perfect news story: MAN BITES DOG!!! (1 replies)
  156. Caption Contest (8 replies)
  157. Democrats propose a solution to economic problems (27 replies)
  158. Informed nation thrives in intellectual climate (9 replies)
  159. Review of Barack Obama's latest book "Dreams from my Father" (72 replies)
  160. Senators Husband Admits Paying For Sex (26 replies)
  161. Homeland Security waives enviro laws, to finish border fence (2 replies)
  162. Turner: Global Warming Will Cause Mass Cannibalism, Insurgents Are Patriots (11 replies)
  163. YouTube Warned to Remove Koran Film (6 replies)
  164. Furia chavista contra Reuters por esta foto(picture of Hugo) (2 replies)
  165. Hillary's deceit rampant even in her Watergate years in the 1970s (7 replies)
  166. Rev. Wright admonished in House of Representatives (4 replies)
  167. Pork increases in 2008 (11 replies)
  168. Puppet Show From Hamas TV Shows Child Stabbing Bush (2 replies)
  169. Anti-Catholic Bias In Media/US (2 replies)
  170. Pizza Delivery Guy Packing... (1 replies)
  171. Computer glitch erases Ind. students' grades (0 replies)
  172. The 'Recession' Is A Media Myth (37 replies)
  173. Gas Tax to Fight Global Warming? (1 replies)
  174. Olbermann Flops in Primetime (6 replies)
  175. Weren't we just discussing computer hacking the other day. (0 replies)
  176. so 391 points today......... (4 replies)
  177. British policy advisor says Gore is in 'panic' mode (18 replies)
  178. Waycross Plot.....to attack a teacher.... (6 replies)
  179. Worst of Credit Crisis Over? (2 replies)
  180. Breaking: Hillary concedes Dem nomination, endorses Obama (5 replies)
  181. US backs Ukranian Bid to NATO (0 replies)
  182. Independent Truckers Strike? (17 replies)
  183. Daylight Savings Time changes to be rolled back (24 replies)
  184. Over 30 Illegals Arrested Working As Security Guards (5 replies)
  185. Michael Yon Has a Book Coming (2 replies)
  186. Obama is the change that America has tried to hide (1 replies)
  187. U.S. soldier missing for four years found in Iraq (0 replies)
  188. Recently freed sex offender to be charged in womans murder (2 replies)
  189. NATO practically loses the chances of its further expansion (0 replies)
  190. Stang students are homeless for the night (10 replies)
  191. Search Resumes for Peterson's Wife (1 replies)
  192. Entire Detroit US Attnys Office Recused From Iraqi Spy Case (0 replies)
  193. Increase In US Oil By 10X (89 replies)
  194. Guests for the Sunday TV news shows (2 replies)
  195. Queen cancels diamond wedding party in wake of economic gloom (8 replies)
  196. How Sick Is That? Environmental Movement Has Lost Its Way (1 replies)
  197. FINALLY!: Locals Crack Down On Illegal Immigration (42 replies)
  198. Wal Mart To The Rescue (0 replies)
  199. I've Been An Anomoly (3 replies)
  200. Obama and Courage (0 replies)
  201. Hollywood and the War and Profit (0 replies)
  202. Shooting of gay student sparks outcry (19 replies)
  203. Islam: Al-Qaeda-linked sites post photo of Dutch MP behind anti-Koran film (4 replies)
  204. Nassau bill may shoot down neon-colored guns (3 replies)
  205. Ultimate Fights Expand to Include Kids (38 replies)
  206. Woman Says TSA Forced Piercings Removal (16 replies)
  207. California Lowers Auto Emissions Rule (1 replies)
  208. Some and They Mean It (1 replies)
  209. Another Stab At (2 replies)
  210. The Disgrace of Liberalism (37 replies)
  211. Fingerprint Scans Replace Clocking In (52 replies)
  212. When seconds count, the police are minutes away (Part Deux) (4 replies)
  213. Hillary: Swiftboated! (44 replies)
  214. Picture of Hillary "dodging sniper fire": Innocent mistake or chronic liar? (1 replies)
  215. Supervisor proposes lights-out for downtown (28 replies)
  216. Appeasing the Islamists (0 replies)
  217. corporate bail outs.......... (0 replies)
  218. Protestors, vandals increasing attacks on US military recruiting offices (0 replies)
  219. The Obama Crash and Burn (1 replies)
  220. Maine bans sale of novelty lighters (61 replies)
  221. Chinese Olympics, Yes or No? (23 replies)
  222. When To Ignore (12 replies)
  223. Obama's success (0 replies)
  224. Excellent news: Clinton and Obama likely to go on publicly tearing each other down (1 replies)
  225. Rushing’s shortcomings again apparent (2 replies)
  226. Police limit searches for guns (15 replies)
  227. Home invasion victim shoots back, kills armed invaders (9 replies)
  228. Sex offender ordered by judge to post signs on his house, car (2 replies)
  229. karma takes out a muslim..... (0 replies)
  230. Seeking a kinder word for failure (36 replies)
  231. Super Delegate to be Charged (6 replies)
  232. Iraq war protesters disrupt Chicago Mass (0 replies)
  233. Official: 4000 US dead in this 'Unpopular' War! (40 replies)
  234. To regulate...Or not... (2 replies)
  235. berzerkley to boycot volvo (0 replies)
  236. Vermont inmates call food foul, sue over it (11 replies)
  237. Its official...Global Warming is over (23 replies)
  238. CA: Overcrowded Prisons - bring back the old and dangerous (0 replies)
  239. Do the Fauklands Need Teachers? (5 replies)
  240. Torture death shocks Ill. town (0 replies)
  241. BLT - Marxism by another name (2 replies)
  242. Green future could mean more welfare (1 replies)
  243. 'West must pay for India's clean technology' (1 replies)
  244. Happy Birthday, Mohammed! (1 replies)
  245. "When life or death is a matter of seconds, the police are only minutes away." (11 replies)
  246. Koreans unhappy with rat head snack (4 replies)
  247. protesters..... (23 replies)
  248. "Speak English" signs ruled OK at Philly shop (5 replies)
  249. SC troopers used cars to ram on foot suspects (27 replies)
  250. Prison for NY man in racial shooting (6 replies)