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  1. Obama got started on titties - says black pastor (5 replies)
  2. Global warming missing the warming.... (3 replies)
  3. And the Global-Warming hits just keep on coming..... (7 replies)
  4. Stocks surge: biggest in five years (24 replies)
  5. Can NY find a non-cheating governor? (6 replies)
  6. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in DC Gun Ban case today (61 replies)
  7. 18 yo Man Charged With Raping 5-Month-Old (6 replies)
  8. NYC businessman claims lap dance injury (2 replies)
  9. You think the radical Muslims are bad... (8 replies)
  10. Big money investors losing faith (4 replies)
  11. *Man Who Takes Helm From Spitzer Admits To Banging Some Broad* (0 replies)
  12. Two long time money guys say we are in big trouble (50 replies)
  13. *Charlie Manson Will He Ever Do Humanity A Favor And Just Die?* (7 replies)
  14. A Bad Day On Wall Street? For Who? (21 replies)
  15. Tomorrow Is Going To Be A Bad Day On Wall Street (68 replies)
  16. Needs time to rebuild the party - get oot of town (3 replies)
  17. Kosovo Serbs seize UN courthouse (3 replies)
  18. Who is Responsible for Fatherless Black Families? (15 replies)
  19. Reconquista Mexican Consulate Claims US belongs to Mexico! (8 replies)
  20. Obama's judgemetn under fire for longtime membership in Trinity Church (42 replies)
  21. criticize islam, and you may end up in court (24 replies)
  22. Should the US continue to support Musharraf? (7 replies)
  23. Is Spizters wife at fault? (41 replies)
  24. breaking news (1 replies)
  25. wow what was this guy thinking! (3 replies)
  26. What if they gave an election and nobody came? (2 replies)
  27. Eat Meat? (30 replies)
  28. Sell Your Soul for Power? (0 replies)
  29. Dutch parliament bans sex with animals (4 replies)
  30. Israel A Terrorist state? (32 replies)
  31. Rockwall County District Attorney Ray Sumrow used server for personal items (0 replies)
  32. Iraqi surplus, U.S. deficit (5 replies)
  33. The 2,603rd CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996 (1 replies)
  34. 800 dogs seized from Ariz. home (1 replies)
  35. Astronauts Check Shuttle for Damage (5 replies)
  36. Economy faces recession, probably in Q1 (22 replies)
  37. Imitation - the sincerest form of flattery? (0 replies)
  38. Fairness Doctrine (3 replies)
  39. Guy Tries Homelessness Out (0 replies)
  40. Woman fined for coloring her poodle pink (2 replies)
  41. There is no "Cycle of Violence" in the Middle East (0 replies)
  42. The Roaming Gnome? (4 replies)
  43. Lisa Marie Presley Sues Over 'Fat' Story By TARIQ PANJA (0 replies)
  44. They are not insurgents, they are islamo-nazi's (0 replies)
  45. Lets call them what they are: islamo-nazi's (16 replies)
  46. intellectual dishonesty (0 replies)
  47. School officials punish boy for wearing T-shirt with picture of gun (24 replies)
  48. Democrats Involved In Prostitution - NY Governor's scandal (54 replies)
  49. Enviro-whackos angry at ballplayer for hunting feral pigs, coyotes from copter (22 replies)
  50. Jerusalem seminary shooting was stopped by armed private citizen student (3 replies)
  51. "No one mourns Israeli massacres" (74 replies)
  52. Senate report studies pre-war Bush lies (32 replies)
  53. Activist seeks to close "Redneck Shop" (10 replies)
  54. Studies: Iraq costs US $12B per month (6 replies)
  55. Iran joins call for nuclear disarmament (8 replies)
  56. Auburn slaying suspect an Iraq War vet (11 replies)
  57. Political image obscures the war on emissions (SF Mayor makes global warming worse) (0 replies)
  58. Israel, Apartheid And Human Rights Violations (8 replies)
  59. Md. police officers ignore speed cameras (6 replies)
  60. Whaling protester says Japanese shot him in high-seas clash (9 replies)
  61. NAAM: Museum for whites only (0 replies)
  62. America Recognizes Country With Heavy A.Q. Ties. (0 replies)
  63. Israel, what you need to know. (9 replies)
  64. Judge tells 17yo he cant join the marines (3 replies)
  65. Should the US/Israel strike Iran before its too late? (36 replies)
  66. SoCal air regulators pass new restrictions on home fireplaces (4 replies)
  67. Heavy snow forecast for Ohio, Ky. (28 replies)
  68. Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale (2 replies)
  69. why the u.n. means nothing to me (4 replies)
  70. Venezuela attacks Colombia (8 replies)
  71. Report: Anti-War Judge Rejects Foster Teen's Bid to Join Marines (42 replies)
  72. Will the Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley be bombed next? (4 replies)
  73. Contaminated blood-thinner that killed 19 in US came from China (1 replies)
  74. Interesting Letter I Received From My Congressman Dean Heller... (4 replies)
  75. Real cell phone competition will mean better service! (1 replies)
  76. CA rejects right to homeschool (46 replies)
  77. PGA golfer faces charges in hawk killing (2 replies)
  78. San Francisco’s Green Building Nightmare (0 replies)
  79. Gunman kills 8 at Jerusalem seminary (1 replies)
  80. Nets ignore new Calif Supreme Ct case on same-sex "marriage" (17 replies)
  81. Finally, a student gunman gets it right (12 replies)
  82. Hillary's hysterical snarling: Obama "imitating Ken Starr"??? (5 replies)
  83. NYC Police probe military recruiting station explosion (8 replies)
  84. Bomber-resistant bus tested in Jerusalem (1 replies)
  85. Wanted:George Walker Bush & Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney (30 replies)
  86. Now BARACK Obama says we can't be proud of our country? (8 replies)
  87. DC lawyers file last brief in gun ban case (5 replies)
  88. Appeals court weighs teen's Web speech (31 replies)
  89. City may ban little baggies (8 replies)
  90. Colombian Attack Sparks War of Words (16 replies)
  91. *Al Gore Get Your Ass Suing Pants Pressed* (3 replies)
  92. Brett Favre retires (1 replies)
  93. FREE THE READINGTON 29! (These kids have brass ones) (8 replies)
  94. If the govt had banned these weapons this wouldn't have happened (7 replies)
  95. Oil exploration sought in new Calif national monument (1 replies)
  96. 2 soldiers slain in Wash. state (1 replies)
  97. Liberal terrorists hit Seattle (7 replies)
  98. US strikes Somali town, targets al-Qaida (2 replies)
  99. Ahmadinejad demands that Americans withdraw from Iraq (10 replies)
  100. the right to arm bears with arms (2 replies)
  101. Israelis target civilians in attacks (12 replies)
  102. The right to arm bears (7 replies)
  103. Iraqi Interpreters Should Get An Expedited Greencard (4 replies)
  104. Filed under "There's a sucker born every minute" (0 replies)
  105. Fuck Hezbollah (1 replies)
  106. Israel (6 replies)
  107. Appeals court refuses to block Ariz. employer sanctions (2 replies)
  108. Record-high ratio of Americans in prison (64 replies)
  109. Non muslims are murdered, raped, and their churchs burned down all over the world (2 replies)
  110. what you dont know about lebanon (16 replies)
  111. Mickey Jackson the Pedophile is Really Having Some Hard Times... (7 replies)
  112. were supposed to make peace with them? (4 replies)
  113. The right (?) to bear arms (186 replies)
  114. now thats what i call a piece process (0 replies)
  115. In the words of borat: NICE (0 replies)
  116. what you dont know about israel (1 replies)
  117. India Growing Source of U.S. Illegal Aliens (2 replies)
  118. Are mass shoootings increasing? Or only the reporting of them? (27 replies)
  119. Visionaries take on life, evil, and the universe at TED conference (1 replies)
  120. Italian Ban On Public Privates-Scratching (3 replies)
  121. 8 Wounded in Los Angeles Street Shooting (8 replies)
  122. Cultural sensitivity putting rights at risk, warns Cameron (2 replies)
  123. Cuba's new and improved tyrant (1 replies)
  124. Berkeley businesses take hit from Marine protests (3 replies)
  125. RIP William F. Buckley (15 replies)
  126. Caption Contest! (16 replies)
  127. Guns Save Lives (29 replies)
  128. Immigrants (4 replies)
  129. Pet sterilization becomes law in LA (24 replies)
  130. 911 Pay Per Call (11 replies)
  131. Artist hit for refusal on beliefs (37 replies)
  132. Charges to be filed after couple put children in trunk of car (0 replies)
  133. Immigrants less likely to land in prison (2 replies)
  134. Teens accused of torturing disabled woman (12 replies)
  135. Aussie Oscar winner Eva Orner slams US as 'war criminals' (41 replies)
  136. what is so hard to solve about pakistan's tribal area (32 replies)
  137. These fat cats have it good (0 replies)
  138. School teaches students how to grow pot (24 replies)
  139. The Coming ICE AGE? (38 replies)
  140. Trouble Brewing With Palestinians? Who'd Of Guessed? (1 replies)
  141. Protestors Unable to Shut Down Pro-White Conference in Virginia (41 replies)
  142. Calif. prison strip searches reviewed after viewing on live video (14 replies)
  143. Iraqi to return home, as a U.S. soldier (1 replies)
  144. Another Carpentersville resident's identity stolen -- this one 7 years old (1 replies)
  145. will the darfur genocide ever end? (5 replies)
  146. Will Russia And China ever see the light on iran? (16 replies)
  147. Bill Would Outlaw Nooses in Public (12 replies)
  148. ABC 20/20 segment (1 replies)
  149. Iran Could Have Enough Uranium for a Bomb by Year's End (15 replies)
  150. CNN covers Limbaugh beat. (0 replies)
  151. Pentagon and Obama duel over soldier's story (1 replies)
  152. Child abuse by the government (6 replies)
  153. Global Warming Update: Record Setting Cold Slams North Dakota (71 replies)
  154. Illegal Alien kills school kids (7 replies)
  155. DC Handgun-ban backers oblivious to reality (0 replies)
  156. "Supporting the troops"? by Thomas Sowell (14 replies)
  157. *Not That: Life In Prison For The Murder Of Five Women!* (0 replies)
  158. cuban medical system failing because of the us (16 replies)
  159. us embassy overrun in belgrade (18 replies)
  160. Eminent psychiatrist: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder (48 replies)
  161. God punishes No. Nevada for its evil ways! (2 replies)
  162. Austin suburb considers shooting ban (9 replies)
  163. Missle defense system test worked (4 replies)
  164. Move America Forward's New Ad Against The Berkeley City Council (0 replies)
  165. Lunar Eclipse (10 replies)
  166. Garbarino says officer assaulted her while camera was off (24 replies)
  167. A little history about palistine (6 replies)
  168. Is the US abusing states by changing the meaning of the 2nd amendment in court? (3 replies)
  169. Officers agree the Military is in trouble (43 replies)
  170. Iraq war vet accused of baby rape (15 replies)
  171. Pakistan election winners to create new government (0 replies)
  172. The Prevailing Problem Mentality (43 replies)
  173. OC police battle white supremacist gangs (5 replies)
  174. Bush has done more for Africa... (12 replies)
  175. Kissinger On War, US, and Europe (1 replies)
  176. How Many Nukes Does Pakistan Have? (4 replies)
  177. Senate Ethics Comm blasts Larry Craig (1 replies)
  178. Michelle Obama: "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country" (72 replies)
  179. Apparent clue to JFK death likely a fake, DA's office says (0 replies)
  180. We Recognized Kosovo Today (0 replies)
  181. Summary of results of Dem primaries so far (0 replies)
  182. An Iraqi Jail Run By Iraqis (0 replies)
  183. African scam e-mails! (4 replies)
  184. creepy.... (73 replies)
  185. China: Rich `culprits' on Climate Change (0 replies)
  186. Why we need to fund youth programs (18 replies)
  187. The wonderful German film industry (1 replies)
  188. Bottled water 'is immoral' (11 replies)
  189. Street racing = mass tragedy (7 replies)
  190. Wow! A Law School That Gets It Right! (13 replies)
  191. Putin's Torture Colonies (6 replies)
  192. *CarpetBaggers: NY SLIMES/HEARST CORP. Bastardize The INTERNET* (4 replies)
  193. *Study Psychology At Your Own Peril: It Can Freak You Out Totally.* (7 replies)
  194. Looks Like They Found Brianna Denison Today (31 replies)
  195. *New York Slimes/Times: Tanking, Hehehehe,.....* (28 replies)
  196. Monica Conyers Supports Gun Rights (0 replies)
  197. Texas pipeline explosion (1 replies)
  198. Snow sends hundreds to shelter -- in a casino (0 replies)
  199. Bus driver abandons parolees in Texas (3 replies)
  200. Economic oulook has worsened (5 replies)
  201. Lawyers propose legal clinic for gay, transgender clients (18 replies)
  202. Hate crime Charge to be filed in SoCal school shooting (2 replies)
  203. Metal found in Valentine's Day lollipops (4 replies)
  204. NIU Shootings and Having A Student There (1 replies)
  205. One woman's response to Berkeley's proposal for "reasonable accomodation" of cultures (0 replies)
  206. Strange coincidences at separate Obama events (7 replies)
  207. Hezbollah vows revenge for slain leader (52 replies)
  208. Aggravating relationships between Russia and Ukraine (2 replies)
  209. Mom exonerated after 13 years in prison for killing daughter (17 replies)
  210. Texas ban on sex toy sales is overturned (37 replies)
  211. Another Hit Aimed At First Amendment Speech (2 replies)
  212. Hillary: Fox News is more fair to her than MSNBC (5 replies)
  213. Hatred Is Winning Out (3 replies)
  214. Cindy Sheehan in Egypt for Islamists (8 replies)
  215. Daily Kos Features Picture of Justice Scalia in Nazi Uniform (188 replies)
  216. Another shooting. (5 replies)
  217. Those who can, do. (2 replies)
  218. Too Damn Many Things, Too Many Don't Want To Consider (0 replies)
  219. Feds charge 3 with firebombing mosque (9 replies)
  220. Mexican President Felipe Calderon arrives in Chicago (0 replies)
  221. FISA In the Midst of Primaries! (0 replies)
  222. Mayor Compares Threat of Global Warming to Terrorism (1 replies)
  223. College Kids Demanding Second Amendment Rights (41 replies)
  224. Is Bush cutting his own throat? (122 replies)
  225. Live Pictures And Updates From THe Berkley Rally! (25 replies)
  226. Muslims torch "only" 372 cars in France on New Years Eve (9 replies)
  227. Deputy dumps quadriplegic man out of wheelchair (2 replies)
  228. Navy intercepts Russian bombers (21 replies)
  229. Environmentalist Against Environmentalist (14 replies)
  230. If This Is Your Custom...Here's Ours (0 replies)
  231. More Global Warming proof (14 replies)
  232. Mexican president decries anti-immigrant perceptions in US, says migrants help econom (5 replies)
  233. McCain and Hillary are in a good fix!!!!!!!!! (19 replies)
  234. corn Ethanol is a bad solution (21 replies)
  235. Hillary promises: No more Bill Clinton scandals once she's President (5 replies)
  236. Fallout From Kelo To Benefit Columbia University? (0 replies)
  237. Interesting Results Comparing The Top and Bottom Economically (2 replies)
  238. U.S. official spied for China (0 replies)
  239. Police set to search for guns at homes (11 replies)
  240. Miami Police Shoot Protester, then laugh about it. (16 replies)
  241. Are you unhappy with the state our country is in? (12 replies)
  242. *Great Actor Roy Scheider Dies, CWN Loved His Movies* (4 replies)
  243. *CWN Watching The Grammy's: FOO Fighters Suck: Waste Of Large Orchestra.* (4 replies)
  244. Scrap The Background Check, Just Issue The Greencards (3 replies)
  245. Putin Sabre Rattling (1 replies)
  246. Mayor kicks Marines out of Toledo (4 replies)
  247. Archbishop of Canterbury Steps In It (12 replies)
  248. Courts Supporting Municipalities In Illegal Immigration (1 replies)
  249. Show your support (0 replies)
  250. California Police to Help Homeless Find a Way Home (1 replies)