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  1. Mayor kicks Marines out of Toledo (5 replies)
  2. Hillary Responds to "Pimp"-gate (2 replies)
  3. Hey JUAN MCAMNESTY... Take a GOOD LOOK at Your Arizona Border With Mexico... (39 replies)
  4. Are the rebate checks rebates? Or just loans from the govt? (43 replies)
  5. Open the borders, Import disease... (7 replies)
  6. Five shot to death at City Council meeting (16 replies)
  7. GOP Legislator Apologizes For "Slut" Remark (30 replies)
  8. Sweep cripples Gambino crime family (6 replies)
  9. I could not help myself. It is my nature. (4 replies)
  10. OUCH!! - Photos: WARNING - IMAGES ARE VERY GRAPHIC but work safe.. (3 replies)
  11. Mortgage Applications Rise (43 replies)
  12. One of the most touching Idol Auditions Ever... (5 replies)
  13. New Europe, Old Russia (0 replies)
  14. What's Up With All These Cable 'Cuts'? (0 replies)
  15. Something Everyone Should Have (0 replies)
  16. McCain and Hillary have GREAT returns!!!!!!! (10 replies)
  17. Willie Nelson doubts 9-11 story! (7 replies)
  18. Bushies to allow more "guest workers" (9 replies)
  19. Bushies admit waterboarding torture (69 replies)
  20. male officers strip search female victim (38 replies)
  21. If you want to see Democrats turn purple (26 replies)
  22. US Not The Only Victim Of Chinese Import Food Problems (0 replies)
  23. Wiki Refuses To Knuckle Under Regarding Images of Muhammed (0 replies)
  24. Why Trade Agreements Help (0 replies)
  25. America is foolish, you evils (24 replies)
  26. Are You Ready To Rumble? (5 replies)
  27. The new Bush budget (5 replies)
  28. British losing grip on Reality (5 replies)
  29. Kill trees by cutting off the branches? (18 replies)
  30. Nagin practices his own type of racism (1 replies)
  31. Pale, I Thought You Were Air Force? (0 replies)
  32. Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits (2 replies)
  33. Not Enough Black Models? (6 replies)
  34. Lynch: US 'surge' tipped scales in Iraq (0 replies)
  35. Convict accused of raping boy in library (3 replies)
  36. New bill would make it illegal for restaurants to serve the obese (18 replies)
  37. U.S. Senator Wants to Revoke Funding From City of Berkeley, Calif. (20 replies)
  38. FOX Denies Entrance to Veterans Demanding an Apology from O’Reilly — WITH VIDEO (16 replies)
  39. Handicapped Suicide Bombers (10 replies)
  40. Terrorist us Handicapped women for suicide bombing (2 replies)
  41. This is sick! (4 replies)
  42. Gaza Becoming More Of An Arab Problem Than Isreali One (0 replies)
  43. America is Evil, you fools (7 replies)
  44. Ya gotta wonder... (4 replies)
  45. Sending a message(Brattleboro Vt. on aressting President Bush).. (7 replies)
  46. Karl Rove to join Fox News as commentator? (4 replies)
  47. Montel Loses Show over Defeding the Troops? (2 replies)
  48. Berkeley city council: Marines not welcome in town (1 replies)
  49. Oakland Airport - "No wrong doing" In mishandling of Soldiers (3 replies)
  50. Interesting idea (0 replies)
  51. The Hurricane is Innocent (10 replies)
  52. Black Looters Celebrate MLK Day (10 replies)
  53. California plant accused of torturing unfit cows (13 replies)
  54. Illegal Aliens To Get Tax Rebates‏ (8 replies)
  55. Under 1% of US young adults have HIV: report (4 replies)
  56. 75 years ago today.......... (0 replies)
  57. Democratic Governor's son sells 'Don't Drop the Soap' (3 replies)
  58. Fascinating: Who's Paying The Lawyers For Gitmo? (5 replies)
  59. About Israel and Palestinians (15 replies)
  60. Woman Dials 911 On Herself For Drunk Driving. (1 replies)
  61. File this one under, "Woops!" (5 replies)
  62. This Is Disturbing-Memory Holes In DOD (4 replies)
  63. Ruling Near on Abu-Jamal jury (6 replies)
  64. Layoffs Are Coming, And In Big Numbers, Surveyors Say (1 replies)
  65. TSA tester slips mock bomb past airport security (10 replies)
  66. New home sales drop by record amount (5 replies)
  67. Finally, Something From Bush (18 replies)
  68. A $1 A Gallon Gas? (23 replies)
  69. The US Economy is Fine (Really) (28 replies)
  70. Iran producing uranium enrichment gas (18 replies)
  71. NYT Whines " Arizona Law Takes a Toll on Nonresident Students " (6 replies)
  72. The 13 Steps of Liberals Anonymous (7 replies)
  73. The many lies of the Bushies (0 replies)
  74. Harper failing to lead Afghan mission (0 replies)
  75. Initiative Targets Military Recruitment (1 replies)
  76. Keith Olbermann Now Writes For Daily Kos (4 replies)
  77. US state wants to tax TVs, video games to fight fat, fund education (3 replies)
  78. Obama Wins! Clinton Billed As Rascist! (7 replies)
  79. Run, Illegal, Run (16 replies)
  80. Nude Buttocks May Cost ABC $1.4 Million (15 replies)
  81. stop u.n. bias against israel (21 replies)
  82. Hey, when did gambling become "gaming"? (6 replies)
  83. Ain't it the truth! (0 replies)
  84. Environmental whackos get the government they deserve (3 replies)
  85. 2 Ga. schools to pay students to study (15 replies)
  86. Huckleberry Hound Wins Hands Down!!!!!!!! (0 replies)
  87. Families push staffing rules for nursing homes (0 replies)
  88. Democrats knowingly making false statements (136 replies)
  89. The Hussein admin knowingly made false statements leading up to the war (8 replies)
  90. Green Beret court-martialled for using weapon... of too small caliber (1 replies)
  91. "Potemkin power outages" on the Gaza Strip (0 replies)
  92. Ah, the advantages of "organic" foods (5 replies)
  93. What costs more than the Iraq War? (5 replies)
  94. Video captures jailhouse abuse (3 replies)
  95. One Man Caused Global Market Crash? (4 replies)
  96. Ill. Ex-Cop Was Ready for Dating Game (3 replies)
  97. Three Little Pigs 'too offensive' (0 replies)
  98. Happy Birthday, Vast Right Wing Conspiracy! (1 replies)
  99. A challenge (1 replies)
  100. US deficit estimated at $250 billion (0 replies)
  101. Loaded gun slips through airport security (1 replies)
  102. Gaza Palestinians invade Egypt (67 replies)
  103. The Bush admin knowingly made false statements leading up to the war (225 replies)
  104. Subprime bailout (1 replies)
  105. Another Woman Goes Missing, This Time In Reno (8 replies)
  106. Police Chief's Wife and Ex-Prosecutor Faces Underage Sex Charges (0 replies)
  107. Monster Wont Get Death Penalty If Found In Mexico (4 replies)
  108. Video..Iraqi Mp..Iraqis should be grateful to the US for liberating Iraq (0 replies)
  109. Dems, White House debate who should get tax rebates (8 replies)
  110. US recaptures 'competition crown' (1 replies)
  111. Asian markets rebound after Fed cut (4 replies)
  112. Heath Ledger Found Dead in NYC (9 replies)
  113. 34 years ago today............. (29 replies)
  114. Trying to understand the economy (12 replies)
  115. big bill and his golden parachute (9 replies)
  116. John Edwards is da MAN!!!!!!!!!! (20 replies)
  117. The economy is in trouble (7 replies)
  118. Border Patrol agent run down, killed by illegal aliens: Fruit of Ramos/Compean trial? (0 replies)
  119. Blacks Film Selves Hitting Whites (9 replies)
  120. Iran Warns Netherlands Not to Air Controversial 'Anti-Muslim' Film (1 replies)
  121. Bill has a "dream" (12 replies)
  122. The dow is going to tank tomorrow (131 replies)
  123. Chavez to farmers: Sell within Venezuela or it's 'treason' (14 replies)
  124. John McCain appears to have won South Carolina!!!!!! (28 replies)
  125. 'We want to offer sharia law to Britain' (0 replies)
  126. Why Does Johnny Come Marching Homeless? (31 replies)
  127. Spain arrests 14 terror suspects (0 replies)
  128. Violence Spikes in Mexico (5 replies)
  129. Chertoff: New border rules will mean longer lines at first (6 replies)
  130. hjmick's wife for President! (8 replies)
  131. The Thought Police are out again.... (8 replies)
  132. *Contest - $25* Who should I vote for, and why? (8 replies)
  133. *Bobby Fischer Is Dead: Long Live De Legend* (6 replies)
  134. Global Warming Protesters Snowed On (37 replies)
  135. Canada puts US on 'torture list' (84 replies)
  136. Knots -- outlawed (0 replies)
  137. High School Students must apply for college! (48 replies)
  138. "Texans" refuse to allow border fence to be built (15 replies)
  139. 2 police officers died yesterday!! (6 replies)
  140. Ministers ditch the phrase 'war on terror' (1 replies)
  141. Bush to Be Impeached by US Republicans Upon Return (14 replies)
  142. Ex-Congressman Charged With Raising Terrorism Funds (16 replies)
  143. WOW! Mexico Agrees With Me (7 replies)
  144. GAO questions the numbers in the Iraq report (25 replies)
  145. Green "Disparate Impact" (0 replies)
  146. Va. considers ban on fake genitalia displays (25 replies)
  147. ER waits dangerously long in U.S.: study (17 replies)
  148. Who says the Democrat-controlled Congress hasn't accomplished anything? (6 replies)
  149. Transit panel urges gas tax increase (4 replies)
  150. Wisconsin Legislature to Hold Hearing on Assisted Suicide Bill Next Week Email this (10 replies)
  151. Barack Obama's Race Problem: White Liberals (1 replies)
  152. Mark Steyn is not alone.. (6 replies)
  153. Government crackdown on knife crime in cities (4 replies)
  154. Beware of... Plague? (0 replies)
  155. Jewish Parents Unhappy With Italian Boyfriend (2 replies)
  156. Gwen Kopechne, RIP (3 replies)
  157. See this? Man Dies After Trying to Slide Down Escalator Rail in L.A. Mall (17 replies)
  158. Pinko Feminist assails "Pink" (i.e. white) men (23 replies)
  159. 75% say America is on the wrong track: its a record (12 replies)
  160. I have solved the death penalty problem (8 replies)
  161. Idiots leading our schools - Another Group of Administrators without common sense (5 replies)
  162. Poll: Fox Most Trusted News for Americans (19 replies)
  163. Latino Group fined for laundering funds to Democrat candidates. (21 replies)
  164. Beck's bad hospital visit fuels crusade (0 replies)
  165. Saudi Arabia wants American War Equipment (6 replies)
  166. The Race for the American Mind (2 replies)
  167. Chavez: Take FARC off terror list (0 replies)
  168. Simpson back in Las Vegas jail (4 replies)
  169. Memo: Don't use obscene check to pay parking ticket (4 replies)
  170. ADL To Supreme Court: States Should Regulate Firearms (8 replies)
  171. Chris Matthews a target for Clinton fans (10 replies)
  172. Organs to be taken without consent (18 replies)
  173. Mom Leaves Children At Fire Station For Bad Behavior (0 replies)
  174. Musharraf Threatens the US and Protects Bin Laden (0 replies)
  175. Media Covered-Up Hillary Henchman’s DUI (2 replies)
  176. A question for those who support getting rid of illegals... (34 replies)
  177. Hillary's $70 Billion Economic Stimulus Plan (2 replies)
  178. NYT: Ban Homeschooling? (2 replies)
  179. Study shows insurance Cos cheat their customers (157 replies)
  180. New Hampshire is doing a recount of the vote (202 replies)
  181. Day-labor protests rile Open Borders Lobby (2 replies)
  182. Should the federal government enact Real ID licenses? (26 replies)
  183. CAIR Representative On Stoning of Women (0 replies)
  184. Peace groups protest armed color guard for MLK vigil (0 replies)
  185. Real ID licenses (43 replies)
  186. Big Brother to control thermostats in homes? (10 replies)
  187. Brit Twins: Unknowingly Separated a birth - Fall in love, Marry (6 replies)
  188. Hillary Dies, Jan. 10, 2008 (4 replies)
  189. Dead men don't cash checks (6 replies)
  190. Interesting take on the DC Gun Ban case (10 replies)
  191. 'Mean mom' sells son's car after misdeed (3 replies)
  192. Economic problems: Dave Walker (0 replies)
  193. SF Gun Ban (17 replies)
  194. Police chief canned for stealing firefighters' beer (3 replies)
  195. Pregnant Marine missing from North Carolina base (99 replies)
  196. Marshals serving eviction notice find 4 bodies (0 replies)
  197. Katrina victim sues for 3 Quadrillion dollars (3 replies)
  198. Paramedic Didn't Check Wreck Victim's Pulse (4 replies)
  199. Our nations economic problem (40 replies)
  200. Boy scout saves Maldives President (0 replies)
  201. Cop: Suspect says God made him kill, cook girlfriend (8 replies)
  202. Firearms retailer libeled by Credit Card company (2 replies)
  203. Mexico Rebukes U.S. Candidates On Migrant Issues (7 replies)
  204. Boy, 12, could be charged as adult in killing (8 replies)
  205. ABC News: Hillary cries during campaign stop (?? bizarre if true....) (120 replies)
  206. Boy, 12, charged in baby's beating death (4 replies)
  207. *Satire Alert* Scott Ott On CIA and NYT Overt Operations (0 replies)
  208. Liberal Talk Host Cheers Irwin's Death, Supports Tiger Mauling (16 replies)
  209. Extremism flourished as UK lost Christianity (1 replies)
  210. People From Nevada: You All OK? (2 replies)
  211. From the "All about me" Files... (3 replies)
  212. Afghan heroes home for Christmas forced to change out of uniforms on freezing runway (8 replies)
  213. Mexico can kiss my Red, White, and Blue ass (33 replies)
  214. The Enemy Within (8 replies)
  215. Beck from the Dead (19 replies)
  216. Cops: Intoxicated Spears Hands Over Kids (41 replies)
  217. Philly police faulted for shootings (5 replies)
  218. The United States Is Hated Or Feared (18 replies)
  219. Damn those worthless black folks! (20 replies)
  220. UN Passes Resolution Protecting Islam/Muslims From Criticism (27 replies)
  221. Iowa Does Proud For America!!!!!! (33 replies)
  222. In 2008, a 100 percent chance of unfounded alarm (1 replies)
  223. Free trade and Federalism (7 replies)
  224. Damn Bush, The Euros Are Fighting About US (4 replies)
  225. Global warming hitting SouthEast HARD (36 replies)
  226. A Preview of the United States? (18 replies)
  227. Do You Think The Pakistani Government Was Behind Bhutto's Assassination? (7 replies)
  228. New year, new unions for gay couples (15 replies)
  229. Bad Trouble Starting In Kenya... Should We Invade? (19 replies)
  230. Cali schools target illegals (30 replies)
  231. So Much Economic Good News Amid So Little Cheer (13 replies)
  232. New York City's carriage horses may disappear (20 replies)
  233. Hoist By Their Own Petard (20 replies)
  234. A massive waste of tax dollars (8 replies)
  235. Bipartisan Congressional NYE Party! (0 replies)
  236. LA gang F13 accused of targeting blacks (9 replies)
  237. *Bhutto Legacy Steps Up To Plate* (2 replies)
  238. Patreaus: Telegraph's Person of the Year (5 replies)
  239. Bin Laden's new screed raps Israel, Iraq 'traitors' (3 replies)
  240. Michael Savage lawsuit links CAIR to 9/11 plot (5 replies)
  241. Abortion Supporter Knocks 69 Yr. Old Pro-Lifer Unconscious (26 replies)
  242. Global Warming Will Save America from the Right (1 replies)
  243. Sanctuary City Advocates Hamper US Law Enforcement (2 replies)
  244. US Citizens held captive - President FAILS to act. Call your congressmen. (6 replies)
  245. The Media, two congressmen and two dead women (57 replies)
  246. Texan Of The Year: The illegal immigrant (8 replies)
  247. Mom uses fake Iraq death to win Hannah Montana tickets (3 replies)
  248. Topless Woman Lured Perverts in Police Sting (41 replies)
  249. girl, boyfriend kill her parents, brother/sisinlaw, kids (9 replies)
  250. Ministers tell nurseries to allow boys toy guns (0 replies)