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  1. Liberal educators continue to molest our children (2 replies)
  2. *Copperfield Getting Nifonged* (15 replies)
  3. Local Muslims upset by UW campus event (4 replies)
  4. Albert Gore, Ignoble Laureate (1 replies)
  5. 'Ban sex with animals' (7 replies)
  6. A change, a blowin in the wind (3 replies)
  7. Scathing Limbaugh letter nets $2.1M (11 replies)
  8. Black Intelligence Lower than White: DNA Discoverer (13 replies)
  9. Big Brother is alive and well in the U.K. (3 replies)
  10. Cape Cod Commission denies Cape Wind application (5 replies)
  11. Lets all give a round of applause to No Border & Homeland In-security (0 replies)
  12. GD Cell Phone Companys Ripped Me Off: More Than Once!!!* (1 replies)
  13. *Now Nifong Gets His Due: Living Under Bridge Straight Ahead* (4 replies)
  14. Groups call for 'civil' immigration debate (0 replies)
  15. New Smoking Ban Passes In Chicago (12 replies)
  16. Rush's Smear Letter auction over 130k now and climbing (26 replies)
  17. City hikes Boy Scouts' rent by $199,999 over gay ban (34 replies)
  18. How Low Can the New York Times Go? (74 replies)
  19. Debate flies over 'sex play' in kindergartens (24 replies)
  20. Dead Children (81 replies)
  21. Liberty Counsel gets it wrong on "Chosen by God" line from Movie Promo (0 replies)
  22. 24% approval rating for Bush (44 replies)
  23. Bush Defends Honoring Dalai Lama (1 replies)
  24. Thousands Cheer Farrakhan in Atlanta (2 replies)
  25. the left caught lying yet again.... (39 replies)
  26. Reid's letter condemning Limbaugh fetches $50K on eBay (9 replies)
  27. Ms 13 (3 replies)
  28. Email I received.... (0 replies)
  29. News Item from Manitoba Herald, Canada (8 replies)
  30. Wire Law Hampers Search For Kidnapped GI's (54 replies)
  31. A question for general discussion... (40 replies)
  32. *Putin Thinks Arabs Respect Russians:LOL!!!!!* (4 replies)
  33. Marine killed in Korea in '50 identified (4 replies)
  34. Top meteorologist: Al Gore's Nobel Prize global warming theories "ridiculous" (43 replies)
  35. If This Would Have Been About A Black Liberal (11 replies)
  36. NY Times's Frank Rich - Americans are Good Nazi's (18 replies)
  37. The rise of mosques become catalyst for conflict across Europe.. (2 replies)
  38. Cool reception for Mr. Gore's Nobel (26 replies)
  39. *Truth Is Gore Is A Liar* (30 replies)
  40. No "Peace Prize" for Jew-hating Coulter (48 replies)
  41. The Lefts Trifecta (8 replies)
  42. The "Protect America Act"... (35 replies)
  43. NASCAR cooties? (25 replies)
  44. Pinning Down Real Patriotism (2 replies)
  45. Rush Turns The Table On Dems (35 replies)
  46. Al Bore Wins And Will Soon Hit The Road (23 replies)
  47. Mexican cops arrest cannibalism suspect (0 replies)
  48. Blackwater hold Army soldiers at gunpoint (45 replies)
  49. Cop sues parents of brain damaged kid (35 replies)
  50. San Francisco May Give ID's To Illegals (20 replies)
  51. Calif. Again Crushes Smokers Under its Heals (14 replies)
  52. Budget Deficit Drops Again - Tax Cuts Bring In More Revenue (89 replies)
  53. Clinton Judge Blocks Hiring Of Illegals (0 replies)
  54. More Coruption from Washington State - their Land-Grab Games.. (3 replies)
  55. D.C> appeals gun ban ruling to the Supreme Court (3 replies)
  56. Thank You Dianne Feinstein (1 replies)
  57. New Webzine... for Whites (25 replies)
  58. Nobel Peace Prize (25 replies)
  59. Hillary proposes another vote-buying scheme: free 401k's with $1,000 from the govt (12 replies)
  60. Bush tries to halt execution of killer (6 replies)
  61. Alexandria VA Ready To Serve Illegals (2 replies)
  62. Tree-sitters' leader launches bid to recall Berkeley mayor (0 replies)
  63. County Clerks Refuse To Issue Driver's Licences to Illegals (8 replies)
  64. Anti-gay comments could cost you seven years in jail (17 replies)
  65. How About A Little Quiz? (31 replies)
  66. Did I freaking miss something? (13 replies)
  67. I can only wonder... (28 replies)
  68. Bush wants to save killer of two teens (17 replies)
  69. Can the US collapse like the Soviets? (30 replies)
  70. Schools Should Show Gore's Political Film in Appropriate Context (1 replies)
  71. CA Libs - No Smoking In Your Own Apartment (85 replies)
  72. Bush Bragging About His Failure (62 replies)
  73. What would you choose? (1 replies)
  74. Polls (1 replies)
  75. The scum also rises... (85 replies)
  76. They are watching you (7 replies)
  77. Tony Snow on Letterman Last Night (0 replies)
  78. "Can't Blame White People" by Bill Cosby (12 replies)
  79. People of Deceit (6 replies)
  80. SF confronts anti-military image (0 replies)
  81. Fox calls Bush a "windshield cowboy" (10 replies)
  82. 110,000 Jobs Added In September (1 replies)
  83. The military blames Blackwater (0 replies)
  84. An economic history study (31 replies)
  85. News stations can legally lie all they want. (64 replies)
  86. Dems desperately fabricating "attacks": was Rush's deferment fake? (79 replies)
  87. Operation Stolen Valor (25 replies)
  88. Obama refuses to wear American flag pin (134 replies)
  89. Danny Bonaduce and Jonny Fairplay Brawl at Really Awards (3 replies)
  90. Islamic tolerance of others!!! (9 replies)
  91. Rush Makes His Case (81 replies)
  92. "Latest news stories" forum discontinued (4 replies)
  93. Secessionists meeting in Tennessee (38 replies)
  94. A real patriot who knows how to react with class (14 replies)
  95. Clear Channel CEO, Mark Mays, responds to Harry Reid (7 replies)
  96. Juan Williams, Fox News and the NPR Conundrum (5 replies)
  97. Lawmaker shows porn to students (10 replies)
  98. U.S. Vet Removes Mexico Flag flying over USA one in Reno! (46 replies)
  99. 729 days (23 replies)
  100. For a second I thought this was Pale (6 replies)
  101. Media Matters - matters to who? (1 replies)
  102. Carter goes batsh*t crazy in Darfur (45 replies)
  103. US aims to welcome 12,000 Iraqi refugees this year (3 replies)
  104. The Phony Senators Write a Letter (10 replies)
  105. Whoopi Goldberg: Pelosi Admirer Extraordinaire (1 replies)
  106. San Francisco supervisors condemn Savage (39 replies)
  107. The real truth about Blackwater (69 replies)
  108. The next great protest song (11 replies)
  109. Anti-war veterans target Limbaugh (65 replies)
  110. Restoring truth back to the people (10 replies)
  111. Giant Serpents in Chinese lake (6 replies)
  112. Folsom Street Fair Not For Children (15 replies)
  113. More Phoney Soldiers (1 replies)
  114. I like to rub it in a bit - sue me! (84 replies)
  115. Senate Dems go ballistic, misquote, attack Limbaugh on Senate floor (10 replies)
  116. Glenn's oil plan (0 replies)
  117. Tunnels under the boarder (4 replies)
  118. "Top Military leaders are a disgrace to those they lead" (45 replies)
  119. MoveOn.org's thin skin (26 replies)
  120. Grambling president orders 'hanging photo' from Jena Six protest off student newspape (1 replies)
  121. I have figured out what is going on in this country (38 replies)
  122. U.S. Embassy condemns Iraq division plan (1 replies)
  123. Slappy Thomas On The Radio (30 replies)
  124. 185,000 have sought VA treatment so far (39 replies)
  125. Bush was AWOL (78 replies)
  126. L.A. County calling for lights-out hour (3 replies)
  127. Media consolidation (4 replies)
  128. More trouble for Krongard (0 replies)
  129. Belgium fracturing (7 replies)
  130. Phony Patriots (129 replies)
  131. First Jell-O, now Santa (6 replies)
  132. haha (6 replies)
  133. Clinton: $5,000 for Every U.S. Baby (64 replies)
  134. Eleanor Was Certainly The Ugliest First Lady (5 replies)
  135. Boulder High students to protest Pledge of Allegiance (78 replies)
  136. 45 million uninsured... (5 replies)
  137. Nice (1 replies)
  138. More cases of Government Abuse - Big Brother (2 replies)
  139. This guy is just one wierd fella (47 replies)
  140. $600,000 To Fix a Problem... (3 replies)
  141. *Chelsea Has Got To Be Ugliest Daughter Of A President* (47 replies)
  142. *I'dd Rather Dan Rather STFU, But That Won't Happen* (2 replies)
  143. Speaking of Blackwater... (13 replies)
  144. How much Cash is too much to have? (11 replies)
  145. House Votes to Expand Insurance for Kids (32 replies)
  146. The rising tide of the Blackwater problem (37 replies)
  147. Democratic Party Maintains Solid Image And Reputation (31 replies)
  148. Transcript of Ahmadinejad being confronted at Columbia (5 replies)
  149. GM on strike (6 replies)
  150. Anyone else here wanna Help Kick this guy's ASS?!?!? OMG (19 replies)
  151. Investigation finds Nuclear Power Plant Guards - Sleeping (3 replies)
  152. Jena 6 show remorse...ya right (2 replies)
  153. Free Speech (4 replies)
  154. Flashback..How Columbia U Welcomed The “Minutemen” (2 replies)
  155. Another racial attack (0 replies)
  156. ask yourself this question (1 replies)
  157. Biofuels spread more "greenhouse" gasses, according to study (8 replies)
  158. why is this man being allowed to enter the US (34 replies)
  159. O.J.'s #1 Fan (2 replies)
  160. Why should Israel have to give up their Country.... (50 replies)
  161. Researchers spread liberal mythology (14 replies)
  162. Couple who wanted baby sue over having twins (6 replies)
  163. Canadaian Dollar equal to that of U.S. dollar now.. (16 replies)
  164. God answers law suit (4 replies)
  165. two students shot at Delaware State (2 replies)
  166. immigration law...done right (1 replies)
  167. Americans giving up friends, sex for Web life (12 replies)
  168. Does this make anyone else's blood boil? (11 replies)
  169. This epitimizes "White Trash"! LOL (6 replies)
  170. Those Whiney troops dont need time off (160 replies)
  171. voting agains the constitution (101 replies)
  172. New Neo-Nazi Organization (1 replies)
  173. town gears up for racial protests (32 replies)
  174. U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero (26 replies)
  175. Just for TM, who loves polls so much! (17 replies)
  176. 911 could have been prevented (62 replies)
  177. *Will OJ Simpson Dodge Another Bullet?* (6 replies)
  178. Knicks Coach: "F***... White People" (1 replies)
  179. Assistant U.S. attorney charged in child sex sting (32 replies)
  180. A Language dies every two weeks (7 replies)
  181. Darwinism and welfare (25 replies)
  182. Maybe the refused to get off the shed? Does -Cp have a sister in Texas? (1 replies)
  183. Heckler tased at a John Kerry event - LOL! (72 replies)
  184. Let him speak (17 replies)
  185. No wonder the left loves Hugo (22 replies)
  186. Bureaucracies? (16 replies)
  187. OJ in prison orange (9 replies)
  188. Universal universal joints? (3 replies)
  189. 220 years ago today (10 replies)
  190. Harvard Portrait: Howard Gardner (0 replies)
  191. Universal Health Care? (4 replies)
  192. Universal Oral Sex? (58 replies)
  193. Universal Food Stamps? (3 replies)
  194. Universal Paycheck (3 replies)
  195. Universal Life Insurance? (14 replies)
  196. Screw The Mexican Fox: Back Stabber, Let Mexico Keep Its Workers!* (0 replies)
  197. Universal Auto Insurance? (10 replies)
  198. heehee..... (7 replies)
  199. Anti-US Group Gets Tax Exempt Cash Illegally (0 replies)
  200. Greenspan states the obvious (19 replies)
  201. Colin McRae Dies (1 replies)
  202. More than 190 arrested at D.C. protest (13 replies)
  203. Supporters, Protestors Go Head to Head (0 replies)
  204. Doctors refuse to fix builder's broken ankle unless he quits smoking (55 replies)
  205. Police: Simpson cooperating in armed robbery probe (2 replies)
  206. Police: Mom Fed Daughter Applesauce Spiked With Prozac (2 replies)
  207. Mass Exodus? NYPD Losing Many Young Recruits (2 replies)
  208. Token Fraud (2 replies)
  209. Philly seeks 10,000 BLACK men to guard streets (8 replies)
  210. Vietnam Memorial defaced (113 replies)
  211. Minus the War Profitteers, What Would This War Look Like? (2 replies)
  212. Livin-in-sin Boyfriend arrested for sexually-assulting, then HANGING little girl (27 replies)
  213. Watch 20/20...Friday 9/14 (6 replies)
  214. Chicago Man Sues after Prostitution Arrest (3 replies)
  215. Angry air travelers plan 'strand-in' in Washington (0 replies)
  216. Romania and Ukraine - old conflict (19 replies)
  217. Obama offers Iraq plan (5 replies)
  218. 9/11 Zogby poll was commissioned by Iran (12 replies)
  219. Africanized Bees heading for New Orleans (26 replies)
  220. Putin dissolves the Russian government (3 replies)
  221. Germany's President is a wimp - USA talks Bombing of Iran (74 replies)
  222. Students not allows to wear USA "Flag Clothes" on 9/11 (16 replies)
  223. Putin Dissolves Russian Government (9 replies)
  224. Firearms Refresher Course: (2 replies)
  225. Details emerge in W.Va. torture case (4 replies)
  226. UNCIVIL LIBERTIES:Michael Savage’s Commentary on September 11, 2007 (24 replies)
  227. new poll finds 62% think war is mistake (34 replies)
  228. 9-11 is tired of your tears (75 replies)
  229. Lugar questions Iraq policy (1 replies)
  230. Must see video tribute to 9/11 (0 replies)
  231. Cindy Sheehan arrested at Petraeus hearing (14 replies)
  232. Nazis family values (55 replies)
  233. Sen. Lantos (D-CA) calls Gen. Patraeus a liar on Senate floor (34 replies)
  234. stay the course and brain function (215 replies)
  235. Mexican Trucks In Maine!!!!!!!! Fire The Cannons!!!!!! (7 replies)
  236. MoveOn.org Calls Petraeus a Traitor (111 replies)
  237. Laws target teen drivers' cell phone use (3 replies)
  238. The Unbearable Lightness of Fred (24 replies)
  239. G.I. Joe to Become Global Task Force in Movie (3 replies)
  240. Ga. Voter ID Law Upheld by Federal Judge (21 replies)
  241. Poor People Suck? Um, Yeah, Actually (9 replies)
  242. No jailtime for coke distribution (17 replies)
  243. Craig family values (66 replies)
  244. Convert to Christianity to have peace (16 replies)
  245. Minister says child porn was for "research" (4 replies)
  246. Police break up anti-war meeting in Washington (4 replies)
  247. Muslim ambassadors: 'Sweden needs to change its laws' (90 replies)
  248. Arrests put state Democrats on defensive.. (3 replies)
  249. Britain Tells US Winning Battles And Losing War Is Bullshit (0 replies)
  250. ManU 1959....911 poll (32 replies)